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Devs fix our class Sign this Petition to get them to listen


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So I was on my sentinel last night and experienced this for the very first time... Stunned death by pyro.


As I was calling inc on an incoming pyro he harpooned me + rocket punch + Carbonize Stun + shoulder cannon (4) + rail shot = dead before I can even make a move. Took about 4 seconds. Really?? This is just plain stupid. That's the kind of burst Sent/Mara's need.



sniper, powertech,assassin,sorcerer, juggernaut, operative : same fight, we can do nothing in war zone with our utilities and i m afraid of it will the same thing in future, dev hate mara ? lol poor ****

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Sure, our dps is there. No one has ever argued that. If we get to hit our target (hence the reason so many are calling for a return of, or buff to existing, utilities).


But a steady stream of stuns? That 1 stun we have? Awe/Intimidating Roar is a mezz, not a stun (so we can't use it lock down a target to execute). And THAT'S IT. We have 1 stun and 1 mezz.


now choke/stasis is a hard stun did you see?

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I play PVE primarily. I have 2 "mains" on each faction, one of which was a mara. Since 3.0, the changes that have been made gut both the epic feeling the class used to have (played carnage usually), and I agree that the utilities pale in comparison to what other melee classes have available.


Please tweek some of these changes, BW. This is one of your most popular classes, sents/maras, and they are in a very bad place after the changes.


Just making the replacement for Force Scream better would go a long way (that animation and sound is a very lackluster replacement for a key ability we've had since launch). Same goes for Blade Storm vs. the new animation.


Alongside the removal of other abilities to specific Disciples, and Deadly Throw (I still don't understand why this was changed at all, the others were at least for balance and "new" abilities), the mara/sent class is in poor shape compared to some of the other melee dps classes.


Not everything is about numbers. I don't care if one class is doing better than another, within reason. This is about the basic fabric of what Maras and Sents felt like to play, which has changed so drastically it no longer feels rewarding.

Edited by arunav
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Since 3.0 survivability for sentinel is awful. We're a melee class with no way to defend ourselves. I have been playing sentinel since launch and it is clear to me that it is broken for pvp. Why would they completely ignore this class for 3.0? If you get in a ranked it is clear that sentinel should be targeted first because they will die quickly with no way to defend themselves. Guarded by the force is a joke. If a sentinel his guarded by the force, stun them until the move is over and than finish them because they will have 50 percent less health. Do they want us to stop playing sentinel? Why ignore this class for 3.0?

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I've played sent a lot for the last year, and prev to 3.0 I could feel the power of BURST on PVE and PVE. It was amazing! I literaly could DPS-chase commandos and guardians doing lots of mob AOE damage relaying only on my single target damage, and I still could win it!


Now it's a joke. It feels like playing paper doll with no power to do some decent damage, not to mention pretect yourself. They teased us with unbeatable two-sword hardcore damage inflicting bastard and delivered crazy aunt with glowing brooms that nobody respects anymore.



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/signed, definitely...


The class is utterly useless in arenas. Every class just jumps on it, stuns it, and before you could even pop your breaker, you just get slaughtered. Even if you pop it, they'll just restun you. Even a healer can't do much about that, when the opposing team just hits you with full force. At this rate, we could just be nerfed, so we wouldn't even be able to wear armor, and have the same survivability rate.


Undying Rage needs to be brought back to it's original form, with health taken on activation. Come on, every other class has a H2F button, yet ours is just a death sentence - to us. I might just start using it the moment I enter combat, even that would make more sense...

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This class just needs new utilities and a survivability buff. We're useless in pvp and its pretty pathetic. No matter what spec i play or what i do, just i die in 4 gcd's to any class.


Great job BW... And you know, if they dont fix sentinel, i might as well just delete it since it will probably never get fixed. Guess i'll just roll FOTM sorc even though i hate playing FOTM because it makes me look like i need a crutch in pvp.

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I've had a Sentinel for a long time and play him off and on in ranked and such and I have to agree with all the roots dots and W_T_F pawn damage that is Shadow/Sin, Sentinels and Marauders need a look over.


I have to ask, why didn't they make the 25% off hand damage increase a passive and did guarded by the force really still need to take 50% of your health on cool down? Increase the dots burns to heals back to what they were when people complained about Sents/Marauders and give us W_T_F pawn melee hits, "Currently Guardians and Jugs have higher damage because they can survive the onslaught of dots, stuns and roots much better."



Edited by Tonev
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Honestly this is a l2p issue. I'm tired of seeing people whine and moan about how "squishy" maras are. Those who say this are just button mashing and don't know how to cycle their cooldowns and probably aren't even using pacify/obfuscate properly. Guarded/Undying should be used at the VERY last second and then camo to escape once its about to run out. If you're dying repeatedly then you're playing the class wrong. This isn't necessarily directed at you but more to all the people I've seen whining about mara survivability lately.


Just out of curiosity, isn't your main a Shadow or Sin?


Using the Guarded by the force and camo only works to a point, if you are fighting dumb *** people or you have a good team that know how to focus a target, yeah it's a good tactic. If not, you will get chased down by a Sin or two since they are FoTM and get your *** handed to you with 8-9k Spinning strike and assasinate "I know, I usually die to this followed by a back stab, Dots that actually do damage, CC and spinning strike.".


No matter how you slice it, in comparison to other classes in the game when it comes to PvP, Sentinels and Marauders even in skilled hands are in a bad place, right now. As far as survivabilty goes, Shadows and Sins have simiiar with the stealth dynamic to add to their survivability, even after burning through their defensive cool downs and without a "STRONG", back support "meaning a pocket healer" your going to be respawning more so than the other melee classes in the game.


I usually do about 600k-900k damage per PvP bout and have about 2-4 deaths in Watchman "pre 3.0" trying that now, good luck.

Edited by Tonev
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Marauder Bloodthirst can kind of be replaced by Sorcerer Unlimited Power = Increases Strength, Presence, Aim, Cunning, Endurance, and Willpower for you and your Operation group members within 40 meters by 10%. Lasts 10 seconds.


Marauder Predation can kind of be replaced by Jugg Emboldening Scream = Chilling Scream increases the movement speed of all allies within 8 meters, excluding yourself by 50% for 8 seconds.


Marauder Crippling Slash is kind of useless imo.


Marauder Sweeping Slash I would use if I didn't have anything else I suppose.


I never would have imagined in my wildest of dreams that a force user would cast a wave of force energy out of their closed fist knuckles = talking about the new Raging Burst.


Please give Marauder back their Pommel Strike & make it usable in PvP as a 3 sec stun xD.


Other classes can simply match Marauder dps, have more tools to work with, can stay out of harms way & live longer.


Please give me back my Smash in PvE so I can clear out mobs fast again.


Undying Rage has its use when used correctly sometimes I guess but can also just be a form of seppuku & I don't think so many resources & utilities should be based around this one move that I would hope to never have to use.


I could go on but i'm gonna go play a class that is FUN to play now. I'll come back to my Marauder the next time I feel like being at the bottom of the Leader board.

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Marauder Bloodthirst can kind of be replaced by Sorcerer Unlimited Power = Increases Strength, Presence, Aim, Cunning, Endurance, and Willpower for you and your Operation group members within 40 meters by 10%. Lasts 10 seconds.


Marauder Predation can kind of be replaced by Jugg Emboldening Scream = Chilling Scream increases the movement speed of all allies within 8 meters, excluding yourself by 50% for 8 seconds.


Marauder Crippling Slash is kind of useless imo.


Marauder Sweeping Slash I would use if I didn't have anything else I suppose.


I never would have imagined in my wildest of dreams that a force user would cast a wave of force energy out of their closed fist knuckles = talking about the new Raging Burst.


Please give Marauder back their Pommel Strike & make it usable in PvP as a 3 sec stun xD.


Other classes can simply match Marauder dps, have more tools to work with, can stay out of harms way & live longer.


Please give me back my Smash in PvE so I can clear out mobs fast again.


Undying Rage has its use when used correctly sometimes I guess but can also just be a form of seppuku & I don't think so many resources & utilities should be based around this one move that I would hope to never have to use.


I could go on but i'm gonna go play a class that is FUN to play now. I'll come back to my Marauder the next time I feel like being at the bottom of the Leader board.


Well the only reason to take an Watchman Sentinel into 16man Raid is because he debuffs the boss to get more dot/melee damage;)


Oh, Bioware we will go on taking our Sentplayers into Raids, because we like them personally. It would be nice if they were at least on par with the other classes. It feels quit frustrating when you can´t make a premade for RBG since your people like to play classes because of so stupid things as "style" and "storybackground".


Anyone arguing Sents are fine is not in his right mind.

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They (BW/EA) say Maro/Sent was to comlicate to play so they take him some skills and make him more easy to play for most ppl-***!!!!!!!

I dont need o click skill class, or are you all going to make this game only for 8 year old fanboys?

There is no reall open pvp, we wait 3 years now, balanced-whats that?

You take skills from Maro/Sent and give them Jugger with all that def skills and more dmg...well gj all the kideis have make now Jugger, so give us who love Maro/Sent our power back and dont worry we are able to hit more then 3 or 4 skills.

And one question for the Admins:

Guys you become money to make your job, it can be that you guys will not help us or hate maro/sent or this game so even then get *********** up and do your job!


Sorry for bad english but enough is enough!

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BW should implement Stoicism/Determination for Marauders/Sents. It was used with very good results in DAOC.


Marauders & Sents would have a base reduction of all CC & movement imparting effects by 25% ...you could spec into Determination for higher value up like 50%...the ability would grant us immunity from impairment for 5 seconds after the CC timer ended...snares would cause snare immunity, roots would cause root immunity...resolve would still cover stun immunity.


Reduce the CD of saber ward to 1:30...return UR & GBTF to its original form.




Edit: I want my 2% back...oh and one more thing...give us back deadly throw...

Edited by FerrixWGW
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Honestly this is a l2p issue. I'm tired of seeing people whine and moan about how "squishy" maras are. Those who say this are just button mashing and don't know how to cycle their cooldowns and probably aren't even using pacify/obfuscate properly. Guarded/Undying should be used at the VERY last second and then camo to escape once its about to run out. If you're dying repeatedly then you're playing the class wrong. This isn't necessarily directed at you but more to all the people I've seen whining about mara survivability lately.


You mean that last second while we are stunned? This is what always happen to me. It's strange but when opponents see 2 light sabers, they instantly focus you. Then you can't move anymore and/or are stunned. How often is it that I am low life trying to hit the key for UR while stunned, hoping the stun is over before I am dead. Most times I am dead before. 20% DR while stunned cloak doesn't really help and for me it's kind of an insult by the devs. We would need either UR or camo to be activated while stunned and not cloak.


Edit: another insult is the heroic utility where you get a up to 24% heal while a 3 minute CD lasts and you are hit and only every 1,5 sec. 24% every minute would be fine but every 3 minutes?! And in most times, it isn't even 24%.


The root break with predation is another one. It's a heroic utility and you have already to give up on damage because using predation over berserk, and you are not even immune?! A lot of other classes have such utility in the masterful section on a off GCD skill like countermeasures. Is that fair? Our damage output isn't that high that we have to be so gimped in the defense and utility section. Compare a hatred sin to anni marauder, both dot specs. Jugg rage against marauder fury. Every burst spec to carnage. But still, it's not that we want more damage, we want a well thought and useful class, that means compareable defense and utilities which make sense.

Edited by ishbindeinvater
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Thinking more about the issue...the focusing issue...Could change UR/GBTF to a 4-5 sec ability that turns all incoming damage to healing (or some variation like 50% abs 50%heal)...usable while stunned.


Each class has its counter for this. Stealthers have their vanish abilities, sorc can bubble heal, PTs can charge away...jugs just pop their health regan abilities...It would stay true to the frontline DPS role of marauders & sents, yet still be able to be countered...DOT classes would not be able to spam DOTs and kite us to death as easily either. Plus it would make people think s little more in PvP...something Bioware is slowly removing from this game one expansion at a time

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I usually dont post to often, more of a reader, but when I seen this post I had to. Logged into my marauder last night for about the 3rd time following 3.0 but for the 1st time doing pvp. MY GOD! it was horrible....stun, break, stun till death. This went on over and over again, if I was lucky I could sneak into the melee and throw down a couple ravages and smashes but once they noticed me ....stun, break(if I still had it, which wasn't often),,wait....fight for about 2 secs.stun, wait,stun til death. It was horrendous.....and these were reg wz's when i could kinda blend in with the group. Arena's? forget about it, i could literally see all 4 coming right after me, not even a glance to a healer on my team, straight at me and dead within 3 secs, no joke! It got to the point in arena's that i would opologize for my uselessness before the match even started, I have never done that before.


5 hrs later and my weekly done I was exhausted and literally said , "I won't play that toon for a while"...this was my 1st imp toon and the 1 I have had the longest....completely geared 99 valor Marauder, been through all the ups and downs with the class, started with the Annih, moved onto the Rage for something new and even jumped onto the smash wagon for a bit, so I know how to use the class! It has been DESTROYED!...please fix BIOWARE....


sooo yea I'll sign


signed ....Zoda (Marauder who will be shelved for the time being) :(

Edited by dallaas
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Mara/sent are almost useless now in PVP and Rank it has become not fun to play this class anymore. Sign this petition to make them fix the class or put it back to 2.10 stats how it used to be for carnage/combat and the other trees. We pay to play this game we are the customers the customers is always right if you don't fix it you will be losing money and people will be quitting the game.


This is not a troll post on my part just an observation. Do you think this would get more eyes on and attention from the PVP community if it was maybe in the PVP forums as opposed to general class discussion? Just a thought.

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