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Devs fix our class Sign this Petition to get them to listen


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I have nothing to say... dude first try this class and then take voice...


How about you actually read what I wrote. I was not defending nor attack the class. Heck I said nothing about the class at all.

Read the OP's first post and tell me how many features he mentioned which needs fixing. Also tell me his arguments for the fixes.


Oh and spoiler alert, any number bigger than 0 is wrong. All he said was taht the class should be changed back to 2.10. Not a why, not a what it would fix, just revert back.


And just to repeat myself. I can give you a package with a slight dent and tell you to fix the package without mentioning the dent that actaully needs fixing.

You might miss the dent (the thing that needs fixing) and give me back the package without changing anything.

Now I am still stuck with the same dent in the package.

That dent might sound like nothing, but internal it could interupt the flow of the package.


Most of the people (haven't read every single post) give de devs a package without mentioning the dent(s) and why the dent(s) needs fixing. Now you can tell me how are the devs supposed to fix something if you don't even help them by telling what and why?

Edited by Whojoo
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i'll sign but just for the utilities part and to have back the root on throw, root on a melee attack feels so stupid. also a tweak on UR/GBTF would be much appreciated.


i'd like to say that i don't have any issues with gore being 3'' if it stays out of GCD, even if a kind of physics immunity, not even stun, just physics on ravage/MS or during gore/PS would be awesome

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How about you actually read what I wrote. I was not defending nor attack the class. Heck I said nothing about the class at all.

Read the OP's first post and tell me how many features he mentioned which needs fixing. Also tell me his arguments for the fixes.


Oh and spoiler alert, any number bigger than 0 is wrong. All he said was taht the class should be changed back to 2.10. Not a why, not a what it would fix, just revert back.


And just to repeat myself. I can give you a package with a slight dent and tell you to fix the package without mentioning the dent that actaully needs fixing.

You might miss the dent (the thing that needs fixing) and give me back the package without changing anything.

Now I am still stuck with the same dent in the package.

That dent might sound like nothing, but internal it could interupt the flow of the package.


Most of the people (haven't read every single post) give de devs a package without mentioning the dent(s) and why the dent(s) needs fixing. Now you can tell me how are the devs supposed to fix something if you don't even help them by telling what and why?


Here is the problem just like another person stated.

why arent you impressed ?

-our long ronge root gets removed and u get a melee root that has to be used twice in order to root (3 sec cast u might say)

-gore gets gcd ,combined with the skill lag and the fact that lots of people play with more than 50 ms,we prolly miss last ticks of abilities inside

-we still cant be healed in undying rage when others with similar ability can be healed

-all classes get mobility while we get nothing

-rupture is removed so that we dont have a dot to use on stealthers to break the stealth and smash needs a target so gl vs stealthers

-nothing to allow us land a ravage uninterupted like juggs do

also gore was going to be on a 6 sec cool down and someone on the pts said oh Mara are way to powerful turn it down to 3 sec also the devs said they Nerf all the ability s to make this class balanced there is no balance with this class . They took our survivability away if you go into a wz against a pt, merc, sorc or sin you will get beat down and just keep dieing.

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Just for Info, they will not make it, they dont take a **** about comm.

And all this "pro" who will show me/us that maro is still good , guys FF, if you play against any player with some skill you have no *********** chance with maro. For exp. You play against Dot/Assa , he will kick you after jump and you have no moree any chance to get in combat range...dot,kick,stun...all have become some kind of immunity , just not Maro.

I m sorry for my bad english but i have to post it here then on German comm and server the most ppl have just restart with Jugger and are happy. I have nothing against updates but 3.0 have destroy Maro , Healler dont wont to go with us in RBG and pls dont tell me to play PVE **** pve and **** this idiot who have make this changes on Maro and yes **** you BW/EA too... Never again BW/EA game!

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Just for Info, they will not make it, they dont take a **** about comm.

And all this "pro" who will show me/us that maro is still good , guys FF, if you play against any player with some skill you have no *********** chance with maro. For exp. You play against Dot/Assa , he will kick you after jump and you have no moree any chance to get in combat range...dot,kick,stun...all have become some kind of immunity , just not Maro.

I m sorry for my bad english but i have to post it here then on German comm and server the most ppl have just restart with Jugger and are happy. I have nothing against updates but 3.0 have destroy Maro , Healler dont wont to go with us in RBG and pls dont tell me to play PVE **** pve and **** this idiot who have make this changes on Maro and yes **** you BW/EA too... Never again BW/EA game!


Wow what a rant, but yeah Sents are broken.

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/signed obviously.


Although not a very informative post for the devs.


What needs to be done is making marauders less locked down. There are far too many immunities and roots and cc's in general in this game.


Either we get more mobile and less time standing still (im looking at you overload root but there are plenty more where that comes from) or we get better DCDs.


Like for instance something fun like: Everytime you get stunned, Knockbacked, rooted or mezzed you build one stack of relentless fury, at 3 stacks you get immune to any movement impairing effects for 4 seconds.


There you go. one idea from me to you bioware. free of charge..


Ofc many other things could be done that we deserve. like our ranged root, we should have that one. Camo root break should be a baseline utility if you ask me. This patch was really uncalled for and it really makes no sense what they have done.

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These things never get things anywhere but I agree Maras are garbage now. The nerf to gore killed carnage/combat and anni doesn't work for most of the new operation bosses plus melee are punished more than ranged by a LOT by mechanics. No reason to bring maras to raid anymore because bloodthirst/predation don't make up for the downtime. Take blaster for example. Unless gore is reverted back to 4.5 secs or anni is brought back to how it was pre 3.0 maras bring little to the table dps wise.


On top of all this the servers are so broken I can't reliably clip ravage to get the ravage/blast in a window without berserk for the life of me. 9/10 the last tick of ravage doesn't go off or the cast is all jacked up because of a false GCD. The reason I don't talk much about anni is because honestly the spec is boring as **** to play now.


I've stuck with my mara forever but this content cycle and the changes brought have destroyed the class. There is no way I'm going to handicap my guild by trying to bring my mara into NiM once it comes around. (during progression, I will eventually)

Edited by TrillOG-
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I shelved my Sent after the nerf in 1.0. The class was fun PVP whiners ruined the class, and you are foolish to think they will ever make them strong again.


This is what pvp always does. The best choice you have is to move on and roll whatever FotM is strongest in pvp, until the whiners get that class nerfed too

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While I mostly agree with the sentiment, giving them some idea's about what's wrong would help. Just saying the class is broken and needs to be fixed generally doesn't do anything, if it does all we'll get stuff that we didn't want or asked for.


Where is the root or stun immunity on a short (ish) CD like the other melee classes got. The duration of prediction sounds about right.


Where is the utility that reduces the CD on leap when attacked.


Where is the second CC breaker in the heroic utilitys. Just add it to the force camo heroic that purges all cleasable effect. Can be used while stunned.


Where is the HP% health back when using a CC breaker with a 30 second reduction. That's more meh, but why don't we have access to that?


When should we expect that Anni's self heals will be back to where they were, if not overbuffed like hatred's self heals? I don't even like nor play Anni and I can see this is stupid.


Why is undying rage still in the game, just get rid of it altogether and give me a HO/HtL for 10 seconds with root immunity on a 30 second CD while increasing my melee range to 30m.


I'm starting to get aggravated (with BW) and speaking more condescendingly but giving realistic ideas would be better than simply saying "broken pls fix nao".

Edited by Ridickilis
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