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All of your problems would be solved by Rerolling Sith Sorceror


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Seriously, this class is so easy mode, im level 18 destroying 50s because of the broken mechanics of this class


Stacking bubbles for huge mitigation, spamable ranged snare that does tons of damage, on demand crits, biggest passive crits in the game and best mobility of any class


*** was i think not playing this ridiculous class from the start, well i was stupid for thinking bioware knows anything about pvp!


I beg to differ. With the proper rotation my Trooper Commando can kill a sorc. They are not OP they can be killed just as easy if not easier than some classes. Is Sorc OP? No way.

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You are fighting bad assassins then.



As opposed to good forum warriors? I guess.


I am just replying to your asinine statement that:


I am not even exaggerating, if I am stuck on one they will NOT get a cast off. They will NOT run away. They won't do ANYTHING at all. They will just watch me kill them.


Which is so full of falsehood, I don't even know where to start. And whats even more retarded, you even claimed not to be exaggerating.


You are going to kill a lot of sorcs with that statement - from laughing so hard.

Edited by Ashnazg
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I heal on an Operative and a sorcerer is the 1 class i DO WANT TO RUN INTO. Do. I can heal through sorc damage and trinket the stun. That's it. Anything else save a tank is way more of a threat to finish me off. Also you guys don't know how many sorcs I find running around at 10% health because they sprinted away from a fight. It's like every few minutes.


Sorcs are awesome but not broken. Bioware welcome to the MMO Forum game. Don't listen to any of these people.

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I am playing Sorc, a lower level too and score high in all warzones in terms of damage, kills or medals.


Yet, i cant attribute that to how OP my class is, but rather to years of pvp expirience in different games.


Half of the time, playing Sorcerrer is really frustrating - i dont get why people complain about them being OP.


Sorc has always to watch for surrounding and never be on frontline, because if slowed or focused by 2 or more players theres no way for him to escape. In one on one he is pretty good, but you rarely ever get a one on one encounter in warzones.


Most of the "uber damage" comes from sitting like a turret 30m away and nuking enemies, which they deserve if they ignore you. If however they decide to care about you - you are pretty much screwed.


I can see lots of different classes that seems to kick the **** out of sorcs, have insane survivibility, higher damage abilities e.t.c. People that complain about Sorc should just try to roll one and "own in pvp" as they claim class does automatically.


The only moment where sorc REALLY shines, is when there are two of them healing each others. Thats the beast. Sorc alone, is a victim to practically every class that targets him - his choice of action in most encounters is to run away.

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As opposed to good forum warriors? I guess.


I am just replying to your asinine statement that:




Which is so full of falsehood, I don't even know where to start. And whats even more retarded, you even claimed not to be exaggerating.


You are going to kill a lot of sorcs with that statement - from laughing so hard.


I must have hit a nerve I guess.

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Sharpshooter tree allows for fast attacks and what Ive dubbed "snap shots" that feed off of other abilities. If you think our big damage dealer is only Aimed Shot, youre totally missing out. If you use the right combo and set it up properly, you can continually pump out abilities for an entire match. Its not uncommon for me to go over 200k damage in a Warzone, regardless of the "sweet spot" of cover. Huttball is a little frustrating for the cover mechanic. Learn to stun, root, line of sight and use interrupts. They're your friend. While I think lightning sucks, Im sure they hate being sniped for more than 3k per shot over and over again. Its a learning curve, one which most of us are still figuring out. However I wouldnt get too comfy with the way things are. As most long time MMO players will tell you, in the first year of a games release players typically see massive changes to character balance.


Now, for the mean portion...


Take the death and get over it. Whining and throwing a hissy fit wont fix it, will annoy everyone around you and ruin your own game experience. Dont like Sorcs "being OP"? Dont PvP. There are a million and one other things to do in this game. Dont like that answer? Unsub. Save us all the heartache and agony of yet another "this class is OP" post. Im sure you get more kills than deaths in Warzones. Well, at least I hope you do.

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I dont really have too many issues with sorc's


Ya, ok , the bubble is a little annoying... but watever... dps it down and its gg.... the knockback root is nice, but still... CC break and get in their face again...


Sorc's arn't " OP " players are...


some classes have some bugs, but IMHO i'd say the classes are pretty balanced...


flame away

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Since there is no brackets and bolster in warzones, it doesn't matter. Sorcerers shine in warzones because of their ability to be non-focused. The key to beating Sorcerers is stopping them from being able to crap on you and that's not typically ever happening in a pug warzone.


Your logic is flawed. How can you stop Sorcs from beating the crap out of you when the entire enemy team is comprised of Sorcs?

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Seriously, this class is so easy mode, im level 18 destroying 50s because of the broken mechanics of this class


Stacking bubbles for huge mitigation, spamable ranged snare that does tons of damage, on demand crits, biggest passive crits in the game and best mobility of any class


*** was i think not playing this ridiculous class from the start, well i was stupid for thinking bioware knows anything about pvp!




They were told in Beta the class was OP. Either they don't care or they are incompetent and can't fix it.

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I dont really have too many issues with sorc's


Ya, ok , the bubble is a little annoying... but watever... dps it down and its gg.... the knockback root is nice, but still... CC break and get in their face again...


Sorc's arn't " OP " players are...


some classes have some bugs, but IMHO i'd say the classes are pretty balanced...


flame away




Let me translate.


"I play sith inquisitor, I do not think it is OP"

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Seriously, this class is so easy mode, im level 18 destroying 50s because of the broken mechanics of this class


Stacking bubbles for huge mitigation, spamable ranged snare that does tons of damage, on demand crits, biggest passive crits in the game and best mobility of any class


*** was i think not playing this ridiculous class from the start, well i was stupid for thinking bioware knows anything about pvp!




The Councelor is the EXACT same class. No where do I see NERF the Jedi councelor. You know why, becasue you suck. And for some reason Lightning is OP to throwing rocks. You people are *******.


Learn to use Stim packs, Relics, and Adrenals. Until you are using all three and learn to play your class, ****.


Learn to play the game, and your class.

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The Councelor is the EXACT same class. No where do I see NERF the Jedi councelor. You know why, becasue you suck. And for some reason Lightning is OP to throwing rocks. You people are *******.


Learn to use Stim packs, Relics, and Adrenals. Until you are using all three and learn to play your class, ****.


Learn to play the game, and your class.




No it isn't. There is a reason you don't see 6 sages topping the warzone boards.

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No it isn't. There is a reason you don't see 6 sages topping the warzone boards.


Either you are a troll or are horribly misinformed. Or rather, uninformed. It absolutely baffles me that there are still people who post in these forums that don't understand that Republic and Empire classes are perfect mirrors of each other.

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LOL Jedi consulars and shadows.


I'm gonna bend you fotm rollers over and ream you so hard at 50 with my Juggernaut.


It cracks me up when I see a bagillion consulars and shadows in WZ's and they don't realize how well other classes scale in end game.

Edited by Greystonez
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True !!!



best Healing power !


superior rage Dps !


temporary Sprint + sprint !


shield !


massive CC !!


and and and ...............no class can compete with this.





Yeah, it would be really that awesomeif i had 150 skillpoints to waste on talents on my sorc.

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Bubbles have an immunity Timer.


All classes are overpowered when played in the right hands.


Some classes abilitys "Dodge" and "Aimed Shot" are bugged right now.


The "right hands" being 50% of the games population? Cause that makes sense that EVERY sith inquisitor in EVERY warzone just happens to be the "right hands."

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