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Commando/Merc 3.0 pvp


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Great to see that we are in the exact same spot we were before 3.0. Worst DPS and worst healer. Why did I think anything would change after all these years of being at the bottom?


Truely, the devlopers don't want mercs to be as viable as the Jedi/sith classes. Why? It would make Star Wars a joke. "didja hear? The Jedi get stomped by OP mercs all the time. Its stupid"


They will hear NONE of that. Want more proof? We have a JETPACK strapped to us. Whats it good for again? knocking people away. Flight in a 3 second channel that is ALWAYS interupted.


No sir, we weill never be as good as the Force Users by design and intention.

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Merc/Commando healing:

Unfortunately this is a bit of a black hole right now. Initially a lot of people thought this might be the bright spot for Merc/Commando due to the ability to access Energy Rebounder/Reflexive Shield, and the supposed nerf of Operative healing. But in fact Operative healing output has increased by about 40%, Sorc healing output has increased by more than that (although it started far behind Operatives) and Merc healing has increased by 10%? 20%? It's something along those lines, although it is hard to tell as the majority of the already thin Merc/Commander healer ranks have deserted the platform to go dps or move to another healing class. What is clear is that Merc/Commando is by far and away the least preferred/least seen healer class in warzones.


Is this something we can comfirm? :eek:

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  • 1 month later...

One of my main toons is a merc, and ranked is so painful. I love the class, the play style, but some serious revision of the class is needed.


They need an ability similar to the sorc/sage's force barrier. That is a huge advantage in pvp and i think its one of the only things (save a stat/resource overhaul) that would save this class. My idea for an equivalent to the sorc/sage bubble is an ability that sees the merc hover above the heads of the enemies, out of reach, not too dissimilar to the death from above ability but without the dps. mandos could achieve the same with a cable or slip line or somthing similar. An ability like the sor/sage bubble would allow the defensive abilities to finish their CDs and make pvp far more interesting and viable for poor mercs and mandos.


I do not know why some classes are given preferential treatment (I wont say here) and get buff after buff, but please think of the forgotten classes..


I feel maras/sents are in need of a massive buff too, I have deleted 1 top level sent and 2 top level maras cause of huge problems with this classes.


In short please make ALL the classes virtually the same in terms of stats, abilities and potential output what ever that may be (heals and/or dps) and let the individual's skill determine how good they are and not because a class is more user friendly than another.

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I agree with your thread on assault.

I was going crazy with so many people up set with their mandos in pvp because I was having so much fun.

On the other hand...4x4 is hard. For whatever reason, I get focused first and it makes me feel like total crap when I die and my team loses.

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Is this something we can comfirm? :eek:

Not quite.



Operatives are best for healing dot spam. Sages are best at healing under pressure. Mercs are best at freecasting heals, but against competent opposition you don't freecast enough.


Without freecasting, the lack of good interrupt protection, longer CD on their primary channel, having a CD at all on their primary casted heal, and having the least number of instant single-target heals dooms the Merc. You get reduced to casting Kolto Missile on the move as a single-target heal, and that's just not that great—especially in PvP when people will move out of your AoE HoT.

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Queuing solo as a DPS Merc is a soul destroying experience. Very, very occasionally you will get grouped with a good tank and healer and do okay for the majority of the rest of the time you drop first and you drop quick.


To compound matters, any opposing team that has an ounce of knowledge knows exactly how to shutdown the Merc and take him out of the game before s/hes got more than a coupe of shots off.


I don't want to be OP, I just want a fair chance and a bit of fun. Its sad that we seem to be so far behind almost every other class.


That last line. About just wanting a fair chance. I'm going to quote that in my video I make spotlightning the class and it's problems.

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I personally want to know some thinghs...


Yes as Arsenal/Gunnery people we are more mobile... at the expense of the pityful defenses that we have...


But how come;


- we dont have a target switcher? Every other class and their dogs and distant relatives have it... Sorcs have shield (that absorbs first 3 attacks COMPLETELY) and a bubble... juggs have reflect... operatives and sins have stealth and dodge shields... maras have stealth and cantouchthis shield... even snipers have the cover cover cover thingy along with evasion... I can hear you say "oo PTs dun have anything... did you ever try to stunlock a PT and get pounded by 15k+ shoulder cannon?


- i get my electronet "resisted" constantly?


- i get my electro dart resisted even when the target has no resolve at all whatsoever?


The list goes on but wont repeat stuff that already been said here...


Instead i want a "hakka dance" emote... since BW is awesome at implementing trivial stuff in game instead of adressing real issues, somehow i am confident that my wish will be granted this time!




that right there IS the long and short of our problems. We have NOTHING to make the team switch off us. They can burn through our dcds like butter.

Going to quote you. Especially the bit about the dance lol

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The problem has never been damage, but survivability and time to kill, in this area we were lacking before 3.0, and are somewhat worse now.

Left alone we can melt virtually anything, but under pressure we simply cant take the beating other classes can, making them able to do more damage by lasting longer in the fray.

add to that gutting of our heals with exceptionally long cooldowns out of line wiht other classes and it almost seems a conscious effort to remove Mercs from PvP rosters.

There is literally nothing we cant do that other classes cant do as well with better untility etc...

i love the class but until they get our DCDs inline with others we will continue to be an after thought in PvP


Nicely put. You've seen me on my merc man. You know it and my guardian are the two classes I play the most. I've seen you out there.

The merc needs fixing. Maybe if presented in the right way, we can get some attention.

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Nicely put. You've seen me on my merc man. You know it and my guardian are the two classes I play the most. I've seen you out there.

The merc needs fixing. Maybe if presented in the right way, we can get some attention.


I hope so... though that hope is waning as i see them address things that are not problems and continue to ignore us.


It really would be so easy to fix us, a few simple survivability items ive listed in the past that would not give us any added damage, but would also likely take the global out of play.


ill keep running it out there as much as i can stand it, but man its gets to be a frustrating experience sometimes looking up at 2-3 sins on the other team knowing yoiure already marked regardless of the rest of the team.


In my case im sure my being a vocal advocate and a bit of an arse doesn't help that but it is what it is, lol .

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  • 3 weeks later...
I am averaging 750 k - 1.2 million damage in pvp matches now using gunnery now. I have been using gunnery since may 2013 for pvp, and the way it is now is eons better than it was before, much more mobile, and using utilities you can make some really good combinations. I will post the combinations I am using after I get back from work. =)


This is what I see too in 8 v 8. If I do less than 750k it is because either half my team is in PVE raid gear, we short a man, or short healing. In other words I am either dying a lot or being pressured to put a liberal use to the crappy off healing options we have to use. The more off healing I'm pressured to do, the less DPS I'm doing.

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What can I say, as a Gunnery mando I consistently outdps AS/IO. I mean, I don't even have to try. 700k - 1mil damage on an average happens quite often, that's not to say I actually contribute to killing people instead of spreading dots around.


Oh, and regarding Arsenal's mobility... I almost have to tell myself "f**king move!!" all the time, 'cause during, like, 80% of my rotation I don't have to stay in one place for a second.


P.S. We're talking about regstars here, amirite? Who'd play DPS Merc in solo/team arenas anyway..


I also have to keep in mind "got to move" in my head when on my mando. 75% of my rotation can be used on the move and I'm just sitting there firing it off. Part of that is due to the other 25% that requires me to stand still and part of that is the large number or roots that seem to get thrown my way in 8 v 8.


Unless I'm on the receiving end of some AOE, I don't really understand why people keep rooting me unless people just spam it as part of their skill rotation.

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  • 5 weeks later...
So from what I gather here. As a healer main, for pvp merc is not the way to go? I have a Sorc and Op, but I wanted just one toon to play as. Merc heals pve and pvp. Guess I should make a new merc and learn as I go in pvp?
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I enjoy my merc much more in reg games, than my PT. I never need to use stims on my merc and I rarely die.


Ranked, PT is much better. This might be alleviated by the new ability to ignore the first 5 hits instead of 1. That's way way better than a sorc bubble, if on a longer cd.


If merc was as good as PT in ranked, or even near it, I'd have a lot less incentive to play a PT.


It's a conundrum.

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  • 1 month later...


Merc/Commando healing:

Unfortunately this is a bit of a black hole right now. Initially a lot of people thought this might be the bright spot for Merc/Commando due to the ability to access Energy Rebounder/Reflexive Shield, and the supposed nerf of Operative healing. But in fact Operative healing output has increased by about 40%, Sorc healing output has increased by more than that (although it started far behind Operatives) and Merc healing has increased by 10%? 20%? It's something along those lines, although it is hard to tell as the majority of the already thin Merc/Commander healer ranks have deserted the platform to go dps or move to another healing class. What is clear is that Merc/Commando is by far and away the least preferred/least seen healer class in warzones.


It's been over 5 months since this post was written. Awesome job by the way... Amazing that all of what the OP wrote then is still true today. Come on Bioware Devs! Fix this class please. Make it as viable as other classes particularly in ranked. Thanks.

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