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3.0+ PvP Individual Class Records


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I love you yuz


Thanks buddy. :p


Yuuzhan update the stuff, I want my #3 spot. 3 is my favorite number and I can't count any higher.


You are screwed then buddy. This record is no longer #3. Good luck with the counting :p


Also Yuz, you have my shadow in at #1 for overall dmg/prot in the guardian section on my older score. Thanks for doing this btw. Cheers!


Sorry about that. Fixed.


Technically the below record is easily beaten by at least two other records already present in this thread. But those records stem from achieving a large amount of self-healing through side effects of offensive abilities (usually the healing is ~20% or less of damage) . This is why I am not submitting the above screenshot as the record for the 300K heal/dmg category. I feel that the below game is a far more pure representation of the real, substantial off-healing (not just self) that can be obtained in a DPS spec (healing is ~50% of damage dealt) while still doing top-level damage, something that not enough Sages and Sorcs try to do. Which is unfortunate.


I would also like to suggest increasing the numerical requirement for the split categories (dmg/heal, dmg/prot) from 300K to at least 500k (if not 600k) as well as introducing a maximum ratio (no more than 3:1 dmg to off-category, or vice-versa...or even 2:1 if you want to make it a real challenge) due to rapid number inflation and the increased prevalence of self-healing from offensive abilities since the split categories were first introduced. Many classes can easily get 300K in the off-category without really even trying for it. Perhaps in the next iteration of the records this change can be implemented.


It is entirely up to you if you choose to withhold a personal record because you don't feel that it measures up. I will respect that decision.


As far as increasing the numerical requirement for the split categories I do agree that perhaps the requirement needs to be increased post 3.0 based on the increased stats and changes which result in vastly increased numbers. I honestly didn't think about that and I'm glad you mentioned it. However the split categories have traditionally been one of the least submitted categories so I hesitate to raise the barrier to entry at this point. That being said if the submissions are there I will raise the requirements at that point. Also I see your point on the ratio between the split but I hesitate to change the ratio since the category is a combination of two roles. I don't want to declare damage or healing as the default primary because that would favor one role over the other and if I just declared it main and off category I think that would necessitate a change to the category and how the stats are tracked. Although that may be something I look at changing in the future as the game changes. Thank you for putting some thought into it and letting me know of your suggestions. I'm always happy to get feedback and will consider implementing some changes along those lines in the future.


All records have been updated.

Edited by Babychka
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For those of you who have alt codes in your toon's names please include the toon name in your post so that we can ensure the correct toon/player is receiving credit for the record. If this information is not included we will not go searching for the correct alt code.


Also I have received multiple questions regarding what happens if print screen fails to take a screenshot of a record.

Some people have asked if they can provide witnesses that were in the warzone/arena that saw the record in lieu of a screenshot. Unfortunatley the answer is no. This practice has many pitfalls that I won't get into here since they should be fairly obvious. This is a crappy situation but I'm pretty sure that most players have had it happen at some point. In order to prevent this from happening to you i suggest getting out of the habit of using printscreen and going and getting a separate screenshot program such as Overwolf, Greenshot, or Lightshot etc...


I hope that answers any questions on the subject. Thanks and see you in PvP.

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Gametype - Warzones

Section - Overall damage

Class - Scoundrel

Rank - 2

Toon name - Likewise

Record - 1,749,583



Gametype - Warzones

Section - Biggest hit

Class - Sniper

Rank - 1

Toon name - Blackposterior

Record - 21,172



Game Type - Warzone

Section - 300K+ Healing/Damage

Class - Scoundrel

Rank - ?

Name - Likewise

Record - 792,937/629,802



Game Type - Warzone

Section - 300K+ Healing/Damage

Class - Scoundrel

Rank - ?

Name - Primõs

Record - 767,824/954,737


Edited by kvandertulip
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New protection records incoming.


Gametype: Warzones

Class: Assassin


Overall Protection: 2046803

Rank: 1


Damage Taken: 1733657





Gametype: Warzones

Class: Assassin


Highest Protection Per Single Life: 1333454

300k + Protection/Damage: 541784 Damage/2046803 Protection

Rank: 1


Damage Taken/Death Ratio 1733657/2 or 1333454/0(Took 1333454 damage before dying once.)





Damage records to add as well


Gametype: Warzones

Class: Assassin


Overall Damage: 2739022

Rank: 5


Damage Per Second: 3000.02

Rank: 4



Edited by NamikazeNaruto
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Game type: WZ

Category: Healing Per Second

Rank: 2

Class: Sorcerer

Character name: Tigolbitties

Record: 3884.43



Game type: WZ

Category: Overall Healing

Rank: 4

Class: Sorcerer

Character name: Tigolbitties

Record: 3495988

SS: http://i.imgur.com/awF7CKA.jpg


Game type: WZ

Category: Most damage taken

Rank: 2

Class: Assassin/Shadow

Character name: Shaelynne

Record: 1417087

SS: http://i.imgur.com/irKFULM.jpg


Game type: WZ

Category: 300k Prot+/300k Dmg+

Rank: 2

Class: Assassin/Shadow

Character name: Shaelynne

Record: 697934/1513510

SS: http://i.imgur.com/yLnkAHa.jpg

Edited by Tykhelituss
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I think I'm also number 1 for most screenshot guest appearances :D


I think you are definitely in the top ten but there are a number of people in competiton for the #1 spot. :p


I think you also have the record for most posts in this thread. :p


Same as above. Although I think you are closer to #1 in this category :p



That is a fact.


I used to run it. It still feels like my baby.


This is true. You had it when it was a toddler but then you abandoned it (rumor is you got addicted to crack :p) and disappeared off the face of the planet. Since then it grew up without a mother, got into heavy metal, started worshiping satan, lost its virginity, went to college at a party school, got married to a rock icon, and had the most bada** children in history. Now all of the sudden you want to waltz back into its life and take credit for what its made of itself and share in its glory (and royalties). Tsk tsk. For shame. :p


All records have been updated.

Edited by Babychka
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