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So Can You Die in the Solo Flashpoint Missions with the God Droid?


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I saw someone ask this question and enquiring minds want to know. So I did a test on Tython. Ran the mission with HK and the droid. I made it a point to do as little as humanly possible. And yes, it is possible to die but you actually have to work for it. The first time I died, the droid glitched or its heal was simply out of range to get to me when it was needed. The second time the droid actually disappeared on me and I got whacked before I could even respond. The third death I experienced seemed to be because some silver elites decided I was their favorite target and the God droid just couldn't kill them and the boss fast enough.


All in all, I don't know what to think of the droid. I get that the game designers wanted the player base to get through this content and since the flashpoints are intended as group content they had to do something to get the players throught it. But seriously, the droid is over kill. A few self heals to myself and you can walk through the entire flashpoints. It is almost sadly. It is like being level 50 and doing normal Black Talon and having your companion do all the killing. But because they made this hard content baby level, it doesn't even feel like I am playing. I am just some observer watching a droid whack everything.


I am sure most of us ran this content before the expansion came out. I almost wish there was a button to select to either do it or not do it and just be rewarded with 60k XP instead with the understanding you won't be able to do solo mode at all. Save me an hour of bordom because in the grand scheme of things, I really didn't do much in the fight anyway. If this is intended to get our feet wet after the changes to skills, it fails miserably because I am not stressed to used the skills I had to relearn.


Or better yet, turn off the solo mode for those who wish a challenge and let them complete it in a normal group like we do it prior to the expansion. Because right now at 56, these flashpoints are all greyed out for me and I can't do this in tactical mode even if my life depended on it.


So tell me people what do you think? Do I have a point?

Edited by ForceWelder
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I'm in agreement that it's almost impossible to die with the droid. You have the option to turn it off I think. I don't mind it because it gives players a chances to experience the flashpoints and follow the story without having to group up which I like. Prior to 3.0 I had not done the new Tactical Flashpoints due to the group restrictions, I prefer to solo most things. This gave me a chance to experience the story and play through the flashpoint at least once. And you can always group up if you like and play it the "normal" way. I personally don't say any reason to take offense to the droid. It's much better than dying 100's of times to finish the SoR story line.
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can't remember if i died ...i thought the experience was awesome but what it comes down to is what difficulty do you normally enjoy personally ill pick bioware's story or normal mode every time i see no point in nightmare mode its all personal preference Edited by _NovaBlast_
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Yes, you can die during the FP's.


My droid was stunned and I was promptly booted off the platform and fell to my death. Next time thru, my droid gets booted off the same spot and doesn't fall to his death. Guessing it bugged when I hit it. *shrug*


Fell into the lava on a Mandalorian mini boss and promptly got stuck. :(


I fell in another one as well b/c I wasn't watching where I was going. Auto-run while not watching the screen is bad mkay?

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Yes to the title. The Droid can be just as stupid as the Companion AI and you don't even have the basic control. He also doesn't prioritise well at all(both mobs and his abilities). That also doesn't take into account mob AI priority, that taunts fail, and the aggro imbalance between healing and everything else.


Walked into an area and in spite of me taunting and the droid taunting everything ran by us and attacked Doc. Standing in AoE(environment or mob) in spite of low health. Ignoring overwhelming fire over attacking only the highest level mob. Immediately stealing aggro back when you do taunt. And a lot of other stupid things. He works, but his AI wasn't well though out.


Never mind the fact that I have tons of trouble out of Doc. Example he is in healer stance and decides to ignore that both my character and the droid are hurt to run across a clearing to go shoot something.

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If this is intended to get our feet wet after the changes to skills, it fails miserably because I am not stressed to used the skills I had to relearn.


The devs have already explained it.

It's not supposed to teach you your new skills (if it does, cool but it's not why they did it), it's supposed to allow people who didn't want to team up for the group flashpoints to experience the story that builds up to Revan's return.

Edited by TheNahash
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The devs have already explained it.

It's not supposed to teach you your new skills (if it does, cool but it's not why they did it), it's supposed to allow people who didn't want to team up for the group flashpoints to experience the story that builds up to Revan's return.


Yes, I would agree with you if it weren't for the fact that these flashpoints are greyed out in Group Finder. If you want to do the storyline, you have to do it solo. Because short of begging some guildies or do chat search you aren't getting into a group to do them. At least at levels 55 and 56 now.

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I'm pretty sure it was a L2P issue, but my partner and I wiped multiple times on the first champion in Blood Hunt (couldn't keep up with the adds) but in solo mode I was the beneficiary of many 15-20k heals and went through the FP in total face-roll mode.


Good or bad? I dunno, but at least I got to keep going.

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Yes, I would agree with you if it weren't for the fact that these flashpoints are greyed out in Group Finder. If you want to do the storyline, you have to do it solo. Because short of begging some guildies or do chat search you aren't getting into a group to do them. At least at levels 55 and 56 now.


Sure, but that's a different subject.

I was replying to your comment about them being too easy with the droid.

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I've done Tython, Korriban, and Manaan with the droid, on different characters. The only time the droid died was on Tython, in the temple at one corridor on the upper level. I was on a BH Merc healer doing mediocre DPS (due to my lack of familiarity with Merc DPS compared to Merc healing) and Mako as healer. I don't know what happened to the droid, beyond the obvious -- it was defeated. The droid took down enough NPCs for me to finish off the rest without dying.


The closest my characters have come to being defeated have been with that dang lightning throwing fish on Manaan, and the adds for the boss outside of the Jedi temple on Tython. Moreso because lag within the game or lag with my reactions (sometimes, both) rather than the droid. Otherwise, the droid has been a fabulous fighting buddy. My toons have taken about the same amount of damage as they get doing those FPs with at least a good group of players.


Doing solo mode, I fight on my toon, but I keep it real. I sic the droid on the big bads that I don't CC, while I take on the standards and then take on the silvers and golds along with the droid. So far I've had a lot of fun doing the solo modes.

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I died once in the first boss of Blood Hunt.


glad someone else had this problem :) my shadow had the worst luck and failed the first boss 6 times in there all due to the monkey's knockback. One time the KB stuck her inside a rock and was unable to do anything, used the stuck command and it killed me, stuck me back at start. The other 5 times it was knocking the droid into God only knows where causing it to never return. Also thought it was funny when some of my toons that ran it that the droid after the first boss would never stand back up.. spent the whole rest of the mission on it's back warping across the floor.


edit.. forgot my gunslinger died once because during boss fight the first wave of adds came out and leveled which causes the robot to leave

Edited by Droidarr
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I have never had enough confidence in my abilities to GF for these stories, and now I was able to play through all of the FPs on the heels of the God Droid. As a Marauder with Broonmark. Yay! I did not die, because I tried not to. 'Cause by the stars, I do it often enough in this game and don't like it.


Sometimes, it is just fun to feel, you know, powerful, and faceroll...


It's a one-time deal, and the challenging version are available all the time, so best of both worlds, yes?

Edited by DomiSotto
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I didn't died yet with the droid, but I cam close in Blood Hunt, when the droid and my healer treek have been already down (even though I am not entirely sure if the droid really died or just disappeared), luckily I am a tank and could pull it off to still get the boss down (and that was actually exciting, didn't expected that after the walk in the park of the forged alliance flashpoints with the droid). Edited by Drudenfusz
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The first boss in Blood Hunt was obviously not designed for solo mode. >.< Tried to take care of the adds, but the droid just stopped healing completely and so I lost my healer comp. Then killed the boss, letting the adds pile up cause that was a lost cause. Then the adds chased me around the FP for a solid five minutes while I wondered if the the droid would ever show back up to save me. Spoilers, he did not. Thanks for the repair bill Bioware.
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The only time I ever died with the droid was when he got knocked off the platform during the first FP on Rishi and I quickly went down after that. Prior to that, I was getting mass heals whenever I tried to let myself die just to test it.
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Found it really hard to kill the droid. What ended up working was pulling almost everything between the first and second boss (including the second boss) in Tython.


If you somehow manage to die in normal play with this thing I don't know what to tell you.


It's sort of comical. It's easier to fail a quest as a noob on Korriban than it is with this thing. I had at least hoped the solo flashpoints would be as stimulating as an H2 or something.

Edited by ebado
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