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Silver MOB difficulty/ 2 Silver = Death


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I definitely agree with the statements that some silvers pose a much larger challenge after the update. I also agree it is not all silver mobs, but just some of them.


In leveling of my 40-50 characters, I apply the following strategy: Instead of killing the weak mobs first and focusing the silver ones later, I start with the silver one and try to burst him down asap. After that, I focus on the weaker mobs. This results in lower loss of health.


Also, I am usually overlevelled for the planetary content, and usually decently geared (definitely overgeared for the content). My companions, however, usually get only their greens from the planetary quests, which means they are geared in greens of the same level as the content. After the update, however, they started to lose too much health in each fight. Hence, I used some comms and credits to upgrade their armor so that they are overgeared for the content as well. After that, the silver mobs are a breeze. I am not sure, however, that this is intended. Should the companions really need to be overgeared in order to survive the fights they are overlevelled for already? I do not think so.

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Nope, it's definitely more than mere lag. Debuffs are broken. If I knew how to combat log, I'd do it.


Last night on Corellia, right out of the spaceport (Republic), the trash War Hounds deal two poison debuffs on contact. Health goes down at least 80% after first jumping in with my Sentinel in the first second of combat. Lag's stabilized a little on my server in "off" hours, but even without the spikes, the same thing happens. These aren't silvers-- just pure trash.


I've encountered poison hitting really hard on Makeb with my level 55 Commando. Nothing else budges her on that planet, but poison's painful.

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Silver MOB difficulty/ 2 Silver =/= Death


Fixed that for you.


It's a simple learn to play issue.


You saying that it is L2P doesn't make it so... you may be uber elite, but most people aren't, the prior system under lvl 50 wasn't broken and didn't require this change...

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Heh. This is no different then when the game first launched. In those early days you avoided 2 slivers as a Sentinel for example. Discretion was the better part of valor, as it should be. You either figured out how to separate the two, cc one or... you move on. Personally I think this level if difficulty is needed. You have to figure it out and it is very satisfying for those that do. And there is an element of danger that keeps things fresh.


But my guess is they will bow and nerf the mobs. Make things even more vanilla....


You are swimming against the general tide of gaming... Hard and Nightmare modes are made for people like you, or perhaps EVE Online is...


This game is trending towards casual gamers, has been since it went F2P, and frankly, it just got harder, not easier...


Bioware will, over the next few months, lose a lot of players if they don't address this issue and return the stats to what they were pre-patch, or at least find a middle ground.


I have a full 180 commando, over 40k health, fully augmented, everything was face roll pre-patch, including most heroics, even the Oricon one.


Now, I've died multiple times this week, sometimes on silver trash. I take more damage than before and don't kill things fast enough to make up for it. Silvers that can kill me in 3 hits?


Yea, broken... if this is working as intended, I sure won't stay. Loyal player, but this wasn't asked for and wasn't needed.

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  • 4 weeks later...
You are swimming against the general tide of gaming... Hard and Nightmare modes are made for people like you, or perhaps EVE Online is...


This game is trending towards casual gamers, has been since it went F2P, and frankly, it just got harder, not easier...


Bioware will, over the next few months, lose a lot of players if they don't address this issue and return the stats to what they were pre-patch, or at least find a middle ground.


I have a full 180 commando, over 40k health, fully augmented. Silvers that can kill me in 3 hits?


Yea, broken... if this is working as intended, I sure won't stay. Loyal player, but this wasn't asked for and wasn't needed.


I agree specifically on these points. I LOVE a challenge. Even if it seems impossible for while, but when it is consistently impossible, I'm not okay with that. Some of the silver mobs are consistently impossible for many. Far too many, in fact.


The result will invariably be that people begin to leave. Add this imbalance to the extreme lag issues and you have a recipe for destruction.

Edited by RaidenOmega
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Honestly, I am glad they upped the challenge a little. I mean it seems some people are upset because they can no longer faceroll through everything. I also always think it is funny when people start saying "if X isnt fixed so that you can just be in god mode, you will lose a bunch of subscribers....because of COURSE all casuals agree with me, and want no challenge at all"


I think people have been saying that since launch. You cant get more "casual" then swtor...

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Just as an example...I was almost one shot by a silver on Correllia. Took me from 3/4 of a health bar to a tenth in one shot. That was a huge surprise, that had never happened prior to the patch. I can and did handle it, but it was noteworthy.


One shot by one silver? You need to...


Crowd Control, Use It


Ofc, if you do that on one mob, how you going to kill it?


Anyway, you know what you problem is?


It's a simple learn to play issue.


Oh boy, is so funny to see how stupid some ppl replys can be...


There is a problem in-game, we all know it by now. Can we deal with it? Sure, in most cases we can deal with it, but that does not mean there is no problem.


The problem exists and need to be fixed.

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I'll have to pull the logs when I get home, but the other night I was hit by a single silver in SM DF on Corruptor Zero for 43,900 damage. It nearly one shot my Sage in mostly 186 comm gear (I died to the follow up attack). I can't remember ever getting hit that hard by one of those adds in SM, otherwise it would have one-shot anyone but a tank in 2.0 gear.


If I remember correctly it was a basic attack too, nothing casted (I don't think the silvers have anything but basic attacks in that fight).

Edited by MillionsKNives
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i've only ecountered this problem so far on my sentinel. No idea why but as i lvl a sage alt he blows through silvers without even needing to throw up a force lift but the sentinel if i see a silver i have a finger hovering over my oh **** buttons knowing i can get blown out.


So i don't know if this is just a class having incredibly soft defenses, the healing companions not being equal to each other or what but at the same place, same mob, same gearing (basic com upgrades in cartel gear) my sage can just aoe down anything that moves and silvers its just dot -> destroy while my sentinel regardless of spec has to blow everything to keep alive during the same encounter.


sad thing is on single targets im positive my sent has far higher dmg but not having bubble, insta heal, hot to bounce back quick makes a huge difference in the experience.

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What planets were you on? Belsavis is terrible. At least when I was there. The lag was really bad. That could be having a affect. Richi this morning was a bit of a pain with lag. There was hardly anyone on and only one map.
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What planets were you on? Belsavis is terrible. At least when I was there. The lag was really bad. That could be having a affect. Richi this morning was a bit of a pain with lag. There was hardly anyone on and only one map.


Belvasis was the turning point in difficulty for my sent but not overly hard. For me Voss and Corellian have me spending more time healing back after a fight then fighting and have had the highest amount of time with me on my back (on my sentinel). throwing out my cc mixed with docs cc helps but doesnt stop some of the 100-50 or so hits i take. and if im below 50 percent when the mobs decide to do whatever they do forget about it.


on the flip side though my sage in the same two planets just bubbles before the fight. their insane dmg takes out bubble and some health and then they are dead. end of story. so i can see where the OP is coming from if they are on a class that just isnt built for whatever these silver mobs are spiking atm. but then again it could also just be i am infinitely better on a sage then i am a sentinel as a player since before swtor i always played as a caster to begin with.

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Belvasis was the turning point in difficulty for my sent but not overly hard. For me Voss and Corellian have me spending more time healing back after a fight then fighting and have had the highest amount of time with me on my back (on my sentinel). throwing out my cc mixed with docs cc helps but doesnt stop some of the 100-50 or so hits i take. and if im below 50 percent when the mobs decide to do whatever they do forget about it.


on the flip side though my sage in the same two planets just bubbles before the fight. their insane dmg takes out bubble and some health and then they are dead. end of story. so i can see where the OP is coming from if they are on a class that just isnt built for whatever these silver mobs are spiking atm. but then again it could also just be i am infinitely better on a sage then i am a sentinel as a player since before swtor i always played as a caster to begin with.


Just curious, but do you have any defense mods on your sent? Alot of people make the mistake of going all crit, and power, and dont think to put some defense mods in to allow more dodges. Also, is your healer comp properly geared? Once you hit corellia, comps should have at least 140 gs to do their jobs properly.

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Some silver mobs are still doing more damage than gold mobs, especially on Rishi where the Tortons (small dino's) that run in pairs can put a serious dent in your health no matter how well geared you are.


And if a Sent has any defensive mods in his gear, he's doing it wrong. Big time.

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Some silver mobs are still doing more damage than gold mobs, especially on Rishi where the Tortons (small dino's) that run in pairs can put a serious dent in your health no matter how well geared you are.


And if a Sent has any defensive mods in his gear, he's doing it wrong. Big time.


have'nt silvers allways done more damage than gold? only difference is they die quickly and gold mobs are more tanky but do less damage.


still have'nt encountered any that i felt was seriously dangerous in the game so where might they be? so far i've only noticed a pretty nasty dot on yavin 4 but not sure if it came from a silver or his adds.

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Some silver mobs are still doing more damage than gold mobs, especially on Rishi where the Tortons (small dino's) that run in pairs can put a serious dent in your health no matter how well geared you are.


And if a Sent has any defensive mods in his gear, he's doing it wrong. Big time.


Actually those raptor-like dinos on Rishi have a special; an acid attack DOT that can chew off a good chunk of health if you don't interrupt it. If you get two of them stacked you can be in trouble. Stop the cast and they fall pretty easily.

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I haven't bought SoR so have not made it to Yavin or Rishi. Have looked very briefly at Oricon, but it is of no interest to my lvl 55s at the moment as I won't get level progression from 55 to 60 without SoR.


I don't do FPs or Ops, so don't know what damage instanced silvers do. However, I have noticed that silvers "in the wild" on some planets (Hoth, Belsavis as examples) are doing significantly greater BASIC ATTACK damage than prior to the 3.0 patch. No, I don't do combat logs so cannot 'prove' this to you, but I've noticed that my sorcerer now takes far more damage and dies way more often (or Khem does) than she used to. Yes, I certainly do use all shields, interrupts, and legacy Unity etc to minimise damage as a matter of normal play. So it is definitely not a "L2P issue". However, many of the attacks that are dropping my health like a rock are basic attacks, i.e. non-casted and therefore non-interruptible. It is still happening, and I have stopped playing until they come back from their holidays and look at this (and the ghastly lag issue) again as it is not enjoyable or fun.


I enjoy a challenge, but I do not enjoy persistent frustration. Currently, gameplay for me feels like wading through wet concrete.

Edited by TziganeNZ
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The times I've seen it, it hasn't been a channeled skill or a dot. Could it be (somehow) related to ability lag? Here's a couple anecdotes, in case anyone sees a common thread with something they've experienced, maybe we can recreate it.


1. Level 56 gunnery commando in 172s + mk9 purples. On Corellia, near or in the Bastion, my companion took a weak while I took a single strong (silver) level 47 droid. That's nine levels below me. Only three skills/gcds to kill it, yet I am at about 55% health. So something like 16k damage in a few seconds. Could I have been hallucinating? Possibly. Or not noticing that I was at, say, 56% health before the fight. Or maybe I ran into the one droid that was level 48, only 8 levels below me. But I don't think so. There was considerable ability lag for me that day. Other fights with silvers were uneventful. That fight, the droid didn't move right, didn't look like it was activating any skills at all, though I wouldn't say it was entirely immobile.


2. A more obvious one for me was on Rishi. Level 58 sage healer in 172s + mk9 purples. [Minor spoiler]: You go into a building and confront a sith, end up having to fight two silvers after the cutscene. You drawing your lightsaber kind of gives it away that you will fight.



It is Lord Ivress' guards, in a building in the south Revanite camp.



I'd done it on a few other toons already, so I went in at full health. Just out of the cutscene, I used Forcequake which would be 5.9s fully channeled. Part way through the channel I got the low health warning, aborted the channel with a heal. Dead. My companion hadn't even found the room yet. The fight was shockingly different from running it with other characters. After reviving and retrying, it was no problem for the sage, so I would label it UTR - unable to recreate. Which is why I have not submitted a bug report.


tl;dr: It is an intermittent bug, not merely that silvers are tuned to be difficult. So far I am unable to recreate.

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Just curious, but do you have any defense mods on your sent? Alot of people make the mistake of going all crit, and power, and dont think to put some defense mods in to allow more dodges. Also, is your healer comp properly geared? Once you hit corellia, comps should have at least 140 gs to do their jobs properly.



No defense mods just power and crit.... as everything i have read said the pure dps specs need to just stack the ever living hell out of that. (alacrity i have been hearing is decent too). you are the absolute first i have heard say a sent needs defense mods though but i will try it... what the hell... as for my companion i but them the best green gear i can every 5 levels off the gtn. my highest toon just hit 50 and my second is in the 40s so its not like i have a ton for fully equiping my companion in oranges and slotting him with mods.

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No defense mods just power and crit.... as everything i have read said the pure dps specs need to just stack the ever living hell out of that. (alacrity i have been hearing is decent too). you are the absolute first i have heard say a sent needs defense mods though but i will try it... what the hell... as for my companion i but them the best green gear i can every 5 levels off the gtn. my highest toon just hit 50 and my second is in the 40s so its not like i have a ton for fully equiping my companion in oranges and slotting him with mods.


Even if the thought of it gives me hives, gearing a bit of defense while leveling is excusable. Just don't do much group content with it, and when you get to max level make sure you ditch all of it.

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