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Silver MOB difficulty/ 2 Silver = Death


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Thought i would add my 2cents to this. I started playing again at the start of the 12x event , deleted all my old toons ,started from scratch and level'd a new toon in each slot (subsciber) so that by the end of the event i had a level 30/35 in each slot... not playing to speed to end game but rather to have fun..and i had a blast ..sometimes it was easy sometimes hard ..but the important thing is it was FUN. However since the patch.. constant ability lag in all the places i want to play, Alderan and Tat being the worst. And as a solo player hybrid was pretty much my mantra and these new forced builds are really sapping the fun out of the game for me and to top it all off i am finding that silver mobs are now pretty much one shotting my health to zero in every encounter even ones where i way out level them and since i tried to level gear at the same rate as the toon i have no idea what is happening.. Starting to think i made a mistake returning to the game and thinking abt unsubbing and going elsewhere.
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Well, i have noticed this also, classes that have CC abilities do not really notice the problem, while those without the CC abilities take more damage as a result.


While i am able to handle 2 silvers at the same time, though i will be close to death most times, unless i get a lag spike, then i am dead without a doubt, i do find it stupid that a strong does more damage then an elite, it just seems wrong.


The way i see it, it should be like this:


Weak - Quick to kill, does crap damage

Normal - Average to kill, does average damage

Strong - Longer to kill, does above average damage

Elite - Much Longer to kill, does superior damage

Champion - Insane time to kill, does mega, uber, superior damage.


That is how it should be..in my opinion.

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ok LAG BAD..


doing Hired Guns 2 .. died 3 times to MOBs ..


lag is terrible atm and as a JK abilities ended up at 10 second delay from push to actually seeing ability go off.


the one time I tried a MOB of 3 greys it was painful as heck and the last champion that spawns at end I couldn't even hope to touch him.. he had me dead in no time..


FOR me I think again it is all these lag spikes since my tanks are now primarily active tanking vs passively .


played my JK into the 20+ heroic stuff as it was all I felt I could do and helped people with Mando rage 4 man.. No damage to me but the DPS died a couple times because I was not able to keep argo builders up anymore than I could my defenses in the stuff closer to level appropriate ..


sure I can farm the lower end stuff but it gets boring REALLY fast for me and is still annoying

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This has been a really noticeable change since the patch. For some classes, it's not really an issue, but if you rely on your companion for tanking/damage soaking it can be big trouble.


Other than the possible increase in spike damage, I think that threat generation seems to be less reliable; even with Khem in threat-generation mode, my Lightning sorc seems to attrack a lot more grief than she used to, and I can't seem to shake that threat even if I'm not attacking. If I am getting hit by two silver enemies at once, the damage can quickly overwhelm my newly downgraded shield and healing abilities.

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There's definitely something wrong with the silvers. They hit much harder and have made this game much less enjoyable.

I hope that this thread keeps growing so that the problem gets some attention. Until then I plan playing something else, lots of new x-pacs lately.

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At the same time not many people are complaining about this either, so I doubt a majority of players have an issue with this.


Personally I recommend using a tank companion who can charge in first and take the aggro so you don't. If it's just one mob with an ability like terminate, you can pick him as your target (if there are no healer mobs) and use interrupt. Terminate is a longer cast as it is.


If there are two mobs that can do it, same thing. Let the tank charge in and take aggro and let him take the hit of one and you interrupt and kill the other first.


To be honest, I've leveled my marauder mostly using Jaesa as my companion, which was challenging but possible. The key is that you let your comp take the first hit and you use interrupts. And don't forget things like force choke that also interrupt.


Personally, I find this to be good advice. Use your NPC ally as cannon fodder so they draw aggro, if they die it is better then your character dying because the fight goes on and you still have a chance to win VS the fight ending the moment you die even if your companion is full health and can keep fighting.

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There's definitely something wrong with the silvers. They hit much harder and have made this game much less enjoyable.

I hope that this thread keeps growing so that the problem gets some attention. Until then I plan playing something else, lots of new x-pacs lately.


I agree with you 100%.

This can't go on for any longer.

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I must say that those experiencing the new "super silvers" are not imagining it.


I have now been playing since the patch hit and I see this very frequently, though inconsistently. Not every silver has become a super silver.


I have perhaps been luckier than some: I have not had what I call troubles. But I can easily see how something is very wrong.


Monday, before patch 3.0:

I go do my typical dailies.



Tuesday, after 3.0 is live:

I do significant gear upgrades on my characters and their companions with comms. Go do same dailies on a characters. The very same enemies etc.


My companion, when attacking a silver ( which i know very well from endless repetition of dailies) nows does at minimum 1.5x the damage, maybe 2x. The amount of damage this npc does/did is well known to me; after the patch it is much much stronger. I just healed my companion, but had to chain heal it.


This is simple "auto attacks", nothing channeled/activated that needs to be interrupted. Simple basic attacks...and they are indeed much stronger. Someone on the forums mentioned that they are simply firing off these basic attacks at a greatly accelerated rate. I could easily see this as being the case.


With much better gear, I am healing for a lot less ( though I do not notice big dps drops personally), and beyond doubt at least some silvers are hitting much harder with simple attacks.


Another example: Another charatcer doing some dailies where character is 4 levels above the mobs. Companion is in at level purples, as well geared as my toon. This was maybe the most dramatic I have seen, for again I had to chain heal my companion. A silver mob, 4 levels lower, was burning thriough my companion at top speed. Nothing to interrupt, just basic attacks were doing this.


Anyone who would be at same level as this mob may well be getting wrecked. Again, I know these mobs well as I do these dailies always.


Something is definitely up.


Have a new Gunslinger I snuck in just before the 12x ended. My only real "noob toon" now; I just got through 2 planets before the 12x ended. Seeing this more dramatically on the slinger. Silvers I fought monday before patch are now significantly stronger. My slinger feels the difference most of all.

Anyway, to those who are seeing this phenomenon, so am I. I see it very frequently and while it is not stopping me I can easily see people having at level blue/greens , now being in a bad spot. Not sure how others are not seeing this. It was a very clear change on the day patch hit. Simply put, the day after patch, silver enemies which I know exactly what to expect from....are doing a lot more damage.


Maybe this is intended. In any case, it is very obvious to me.


There are many other examples I came across in the days since the patch, but then this post would be even more absurdly long.

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not all classes can CC everything, two silver robots or humans can pose a problem to certain classes


Those classes that lack the over powered (IMO) 60 second CC... have different methods to mitigate damage.


Having played a number of sub-50 characters in my collection since the patch..... except in rare occasions, I don't see multiple silvers to be much more of a problem then pre-patch (unless you are simply trying to face roll the dps to out damage them). Silvers above level 25 have special attack and defense abilities... and they use them...and if you ignore them.. you do so at your own peril. Any player that allows two silvers to beat on them mindlessly while they stand there and go pew pew... deserve the results of poor tactics.


Does a player have to be more thoughtful and tactical post patch on multiple silvers? Yes, absolutely Then again... that is the way it should be. They are not meant to be xp fodder.. they are meant to be a challenge for the player. Many players of MMOs are simply lazy these days and just want to steam roll any mob without the mob fighting back.


Players are trying to play post patch with the same faceroll cavalier approach they have been lulled into as power-creep entered the game over time. This patch reset the power creep. Adjust or die. People seem to forget how hard multiple strong mobs were on the average players survival way back early after game launch.


All that said... I'm sure with the big reset from the patch... some mobs (of the thousands in game) may in fact have not been properly toned down for the removal of power creep. Personally, I've only seen one instance of this.. and it was still not that difficult to observe what was going on and to actually apply correct tactics to over come them.


Anyway.... if you see a multiple silver mob post patch that to you looks absurdly powerful.. /bug report it, and bypass it. This constant whining in the forums that it is a universal problem and the mobs are now impossible... is simply not a credible claim.

Edited by Andryah
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Personally, I find this to be good advice. Use your NPC ally as cannon fodder so they draw aggro, if they die it is better then your character dying because the fight goes on and you still have a chance to win VS the fight ending the moment you die even if your companion is full health and can keep fighting.


100% agree.

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Spamming their high-damage special abilities seems to be the main reason for the large HP loss they cause - and I can only interrupt 1 or 2 per encounter.


The appearance of the mob "spamming" is more related to the servers having broad and general latency issues right now, IMO. I did some testing on the same mobs at different times of the day (both when the server was busy and when it was lightly loaded). My observations from the testing is that server latency is messing with the players view of when/how the mobs are using special attacks. AND... frankly for that matter.. the latency is messing with the players view of when their own attacks are firing. The reason it is less apparent on gold mobs, IMO, is because most golds use pure power and pure defense more so then special attacks. Whereas, silvers are generally speaking primarily special attacks more so then pure power/defense.


I'm not saying there are not some bugged mobs in game since patch....just that so far I have found them to be fairly rare. Certainly not pervasive as some forum members declare as they choose to prosecute the patch

Edited by Andryah
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Normally I wouldn't even find this an issue....sure, silvers do seem, in some cases to be overpowered. However standard and weak enemies are MUCH less sturdy than they used to be. So for me it evens out.


What is odd is when silvers are more challenging than golds, especially when you compare two golds to two silvers. That is very weird.


However, this is only notable to me because, if I am not mistaken, Bioware intended to make 1-50 less of a "slog". They specifically mentioned they wanted to reduce the difficulty of ALL mobs 1-50. But in the case of silvers, in SOME CASES mind you (other silvers drop much easier) that is not the case, and the overall effect is about the same as before IMO.


So generally the idea that 1-50 is less of a slog was not achieved. For me this is not a big concern, but notable if that was the intent, and if Bioware does feel this is important.


If not, I digress. If so they may want to look into it...perhaps it is just some abilities that some silvers have have been tuned over the top.

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I'm not saying there are not some bugged mobs in game since patch....just that so far I have found them to be fairly rare. Certainly not pervasive as some forum members declare as they choose to prosecute the patch


I generally agree, though I am not sure I would say rare...certainly uncommon in most areas. On some planets it is more prevalent however, like Voss, Balmorra and Corellia.


Makeb seems to be unaffected so far. So do most of the dailies (Black Hole has a few strange hold outs).


I think this might be tied to some strange boost in NPC ability that only some silvers posses. Either way, if Bioware finds this important (the "reduce the slog" thing) they may want to look into it.

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I generally agree, though I am not sure I would say rare...certainly uncommon in most areas. On some planets it is more prevalent however, like Voss, Balmorra and Corellia.



Some players have ALWAYS complained about having their backsides handed to them by mobs on the planets normally associated with levels 40-50. These are players that, IMO, enjoyed face rolling through the lower levels and simply refused to adapt to higher level mobs having more special attacks and defenses.


Makeb is not normally associated with sub 50 leveling, and besides.. everyone gets a bolster on Makeb now, right? They nerfed the heck out of Makeb a while back by thining out the mobs and providing a bolster terminal. I remember one time at around level 52 recently... I forgot to reapply the bolster after having logged out and I got my keester immediately handed to me.. so I learned a lesson there ----> get your bolster when you log in, even if it means you have to port back to the nearest location to hit the bolster terminal. :)

Edited by Andryah
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Some players have ALWAYS complained about having their backsides handed to them by mobs on the planets normally associated with levels 40-50. These are players that, IMO, enjoyed face rolling through the lower levels and simply refused to adapt to higher level mobs having more special attacks and defenses.


Makeb is not normally associated with sub 50 leveling, and besides.. everyone gets a bolster on Makeb now, right? They nerfed the heck out of Makeb a while back by thining out the mobs and providing a bolster terminal. I remember one time at around level 52 recently... I forgot to reapply the bolster after having logged out and I got my keester immediately handed to me.. so I learned a lesson there ----> get your bolster when you log in, even if it means you have to port back to the nearest location to hit the bolster terminal. :)


Oh, yea, both good points. The silver mob experience on the planets I mentioned are my own. And I certainly do not feel the game was too hard to begin with....I am a grinder at heart after all.


My main issue was always with pathing and the map design. Didnt much care for the barriers to movement, especially coupled with a poorly drawn map. As far as mobs go I rolled with it. Sure, I like mowing down mobs like the next guy, but also enjoy a challenge as well.


Keeps leveling interesting. Otherwise it gets boring fast.


But, just in this case I have noticed that a few silvers on those planets are particularly powerful after the patch, even more powerful than the golds that are around them.


Just as an example...I was almost one shot by a silver on Correllia. Took me from 3/4 of a health bar to a tenth in one shot. That was a huge surprise, that had never happened prior to the patch. I can and did handle it, but it was noteworthy.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Heh. This is no different then when the game first launched. In those early days you avoided 2 slivers as a Sentinel for example. Discretion was the better part of valor, as it should be. You either figured out how to separate the two, cc one or... you move on. Personally I think this level if difficulty is needed. You have to figure it out and it is very satisfying for those that do. And there is an element of danger that keeps things fresh.


But my guess is they will bow and nerf the mobs. Make things even more vanilla....

Edited by Rafaman
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You have to figure it out and it is very satisfying for those that do. And there is an element of danger that keeps things fresh.


But my guess is they will bow and nerf the mobs. Make things even more vanilla....


Any time you bang your head against a wall, the sudden cessation feels great. In your concussed state, you might even call it satisfying. But, really, it's just endless blunt trauma, followed by the sudden endorphin rush of, "Woo hoo! I don't have to do that anymore!" before you pass out in a heap.


Personally, as an older, reflex-hampered, conservative solo player, I find excessive bugged difficulty tedious. Trying to kill the same random silver garbage over and over to meet a quest objective feels punishing. Dying and taking the huge repair penalty just adds more insult to the injury. Then you have to re-fight everything that's respawned with you, and then do more endless grinding to try to make back the credits you've lost, essentially tripling the crippling and boring pain.


After seeing what Bioware's supposed sub-50 nerf was supposed to do in two areas: the Voss healing shrine larger area, and the early Esh-Kha tomb levels, I'm convinced there's some funky coding going on. The healing shrine and prelude quests feel like the game used to prior to 3.0. The silvers feel like the pre-3.0 silvers-- sort of dangerous, but manageable, and the golds are more difficult. Unfortunately, that all falls apart when you get to the Gormak lands.


I think it's in the debuffs. The bleed, tech, and burn effects seem to have a hidden multiplier. Back on Belsavis in the Rattataki areas, an Aklay bled me for -248 on the display, but my health dropped by a quarter as I had the enemy in stasis. You really start to see it clearly when you have enough server lag ;)

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I think it's in the debuffs. The bleed, tech, and burn effects seem to have a hidden multiplier. Back on Belsavis in the Rattataki areas, an Aklay bled me for -248 on the display, but my health dropped by a quarter as I had the enemy in stasis. You really start to see it clearly when you have enough server lag ;)


Personally, I think server lag IS the core issue here. I have anecdotally tested this over the last day, killing the same silvers at different times of the day and server load conditions.


Connection latency appears to be solid to the servers, but laggy responsiveness of the servers data response with the client IS an issue right now.. and the symptoms of silver mobs being tougher is very likely their special abilities coupled with server lag preventing players from normal visual queuing and response to the threats. As long as I use my companions as damage soaks... I'm still able to play fine sub-level-50.


So until the server instabilities are resolved.. I don't see a reason to go off the deep end here.

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Some players have ALWAYS complained about having their backsides handed to them by mobs on the planets normally associated with levels 40-50. These are players that, IMO, enjoyed face rolling through the lower levels and simply refused to adapt to higher level mobs having more special attacks and defenses.




even in closed beta the common statement was the game felt to easy but there was a very vocal minority screaming bloody murder about Tatooine and Alderaan being much to hard for them to play.


And EA did dumb it down significantly for release sadly

And then players STILL whined it was to hard and mobs were to dense

So EA dumbed it down again and again for them


When I came back to game I ran a 50 HM on imp side (think it was foundry but might have been something else) solo and the flash point was so dumbed down that killing every mob along the way resulted in me being 3 mobs short for my bonus mission (yup, they removed so many mobs that it came up short on the bonus mission).


So This very easy expansion will get dumbed down


Ive ran 2 characters to 60 and 1 to 58 in expansion (Sage healer, Commando DPS, Merc DPS) and ONLY times I died was in the first flash point (solo, dang mob punted my god droid off the cliff leaving me to face like 10 mandos and the boss mob completely solo) and during the final fight as its bugged badly and needs to be fixed.


The Silvers were tough and two of them made for interesting fights

but certainly did not remotely = death in any way/shape/or form

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The Silvers were tough and two of them made for interesting fights

but certainly did not remotely = death in any way/shape/or form

Were not even talking about Silvers lvl 55-60. What planet are you on. It clearly states in the OP's post. Mobs are supposed to be easier. The only mobs that are supossed to be easier are lvl 1-50. Edited by pottymouth
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This certainly could be connected to server lag in some way.


Probably is from my testing and suffering from the death for patch day to now ..


BUT day one the game wasn't showing exhibited lag just odd damage spike all from the strong mobs..


double elites were easier but they also use charged up attacks more so they may have damage delays while the elites use mostly standard attack which aren't charged up..


until they actually get the lag under control there is nothing to be sure of ..


I really wish game companies wouldn't drop huge patches like this with expansions .. if they had done the discipline changes then a little later the expansion it would have been easier on them and us I think especial as everyone got the discipline changes even if they didn't prepay ..


meh.. what can we do but suggest? and of course be ignored most likely

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Well, perhaps Assault Commandos are ridiculously OP, because silvers melt before they really get a chance to touch me. Yes, even when they are paired together. If you're in 53 greens, you're going to get creamed in a new level bracket. If you're wearing 55 purples, I think it may be a L2P issue. I hardly ever have to regen.
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Well, perhaps Assault Commandos are ridiculously OP, because silvers melt before they really get a chance to touch me. Yes, even when they are paired together. If you're in 53 greens, you're going to get creamed in a new level bracket. If you're wearing 55 purples, I think it may be a L2P issue. I hardly ever have to regen.


again I state might be an undiagnosed lag issue.. sometimes I didn't think I was lagging at all save the fact I was taking impossibly large amounts of damage ..


Yet at other times the fights were much easier..


still think strongs seem to hit harder than elites do but again I will be more than willing to wait and see till the lag issues are corrected before rendering any real judgement:rolleyes:


I hope the lag is fixed soon been unable to play since match other than a few hours on Friday afternoon without just going farming of trivial 2/3 heroics for comms and frankly that is getting old fast

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So glad there are others here able to analyse this stuff in more depth than myself. Too much analysis makes my brain hurt.


I found myself dying to some mobs unexpectedly after the patch. I just revisited my plan of attack and adjusted accordingly. Didn't spend too much time wondering why, figuring it was just part of the patch (K.I.S.S. principle :) )


Interesting to know though that it's not just me being surprised at times, and I'm thinking lag does play a part, given some of the random spikes I have seen.

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