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Adaptive Circuitry not dropping


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I have done over 30 Rich and Bountiful Slicing missions and not one single Adaptive Circuitry has dropped.


Is this going to be like the Thermals not dropping after 2.0 came out until they fixed it? Because I am already about fed up with trying. The same crap happened with 2.0 and I quit Slicing for 3 weeks until they fixed it.


I have a companion with 2% crit Slicing running the Rich ones as well and still no drop. :mad:

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Try to send all companions on these missions, don't just repeat one on the same companion. I got 50 or so on 3 characters, and a good part of it was brought in by companions with full affection (+5% crit on all missions) but no slicing crit bonus.
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I have logged in and out multiple times doing this. So my roll changed every time.


I finally after 50 slicings got 3 to drop. Do that math on that....I wasted ALOT of credits to get 3. I could have bought 3 on the GTN for cheaper than the 50 missions. :mad:


Bad RNG? I think it is a bit more than that.

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Try to send all companions on these missions, don't just repeat one on the same companion. I got 50 or so on 3 characters, and a good part of it was brought in by companions with full affection (+5% crit on all missions) but no slicing crit bonus.


That's the exact same thinking that many have when playing VLT's.


I have always sent out the same companions on the same missions, has made no difference.

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I wish I was tracking my missions now. Because I have gotten four crits on slicing missions resulting in 10 total purple mats. I have three characters with slicing, only one is at 500, and those purple mats came from two rich and two bountiful missions. I have also crit several times running lockbox missions (I have five discovered missions I have not used yet).
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I am not quite sure but I think subscription status might affect the RNG things... For example, I found that I usually get lots of purple stuffs during subscription while almost nothing during un-subbed.


Non-subs get totally destroyed on crafting viability. They crit less often for sure, they can send out half the companions, they cant queue items, AND they get half the chance to reverse engineer something. It's completely silly.

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I have logged in and out multiple times doing this. So my roll changed every time.


I finally after 50 slicings got 3 to drop. Do that math on that....I wasted ALOT of credits to get 3. I could have bought 3 on the GTN for cheaper than the 50 missions. :mad:


Bad RNG? I think it is a bit more than that.


How are you losing money with slicing missions now? If I run all the missions, Rich, Bountiful, Advanced, and Moderate all in one run I get a one Blue Credit Box, 1-2 Greens, and white. The Blues give 7-10k credits alone and the greens give 2.5-3.5k from what I've noticed. With all the schems you get without criticals how are you losing money? I think they finally fixed it so overall you don't lose if you run your all your guys on slicing missions even if you don't critical.

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How are you losing money with slicing missions now? If I run all the missions, Rich, Bountiful, Advanced, and Moderate all in one run I get a one Blue Credit Box, 1-2 Greens, and white. The Blues give 7-10k credits alone and the greens give 2.5-3.5k from what I've noticed. With all the schems you get without criticals how are you losing money? I think they finally fixed it so overall you don't lose if you run your all your guys on slicing missions even if you don't critical.


Not getting everything you want the first time you run a mission is the new losing.

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I have a similar problem with UT and Doonium. I've been running missions since the first day of Early Access. It's easy over 30+ Rich missions and Doonium only dropped TWICE. :eek:


OTOH I leveled UWT more slowly on two characters have only run a dozen rich missions and have crit four times.


Random =/= even.

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  • 3 weeks later...
46 Rich and Bountiful missions in a row - and not one drop. Sympathies. :(


That's bad, but focusing on one crew skill will usually yield skewed results.


Recently tracked 365 total missions with crit rate dead on. BUT in sliced parts missions I ran 36 and crit 10 times - That's ~30%

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That's bad, but focusing on one crew skill will usually yield skewed results.


Recently tracked 365 total missions with crit rate dead on. BUT in sliced parts missions I ran 36 and crit 10 times - That's ~30%


I wonder if that's the case - as a side note, it does seems strange that one would have to split tasks for a "random" situation on one skill. (The devs have not said that this must be the case to improve odds yet.) Incidentally, on the 56th mission, I finally got 3 of Adaptive Circuitry components. Now what to do with all those darned Biocell Memory Cores that I suspect are going to be depressed in price and flooding the GTN shortly (if others are in the same boat)?

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I'm having the same exact problem. In fact, that's why I came to the forums - to see if anybody is experiencing the same.


I've done about 50 rich and bountiful sliced tech part missions over the past three days - not a single adaptive circuitry. Typically, I would have about 10-20 of them by now.


I'm going to stop running them. I'm just throwing credits away. You should see my stash of memory cores.

Edited by teclado
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I'm having the same exact problem. In fact, that's why I came to the forums - to see if anybody is experiencing the same.


I've done about 50 rich and bountiful sliced tech part missions over the past three days - not a single adaptive circuitry. Typically, I would have about 10-20 of them by now.

With an 80% chance of non-crit, there's a 0.0014% chance for 50 non-crits in a row. There's a million players in the game, so it would be expected that about 14 others have equally bad luck as you. Another 14 people have gotten 23 crits out of 50 missions. My longest non-crit streak so far (in the time I've tracked mission results) is 24 missions.

I'm going to stop running them. I'm just throwing credits away. You should see my stash of memory cores.

There's an easy, if time-consuming solution for that: run lockbox missions for the mission discoveries instead. Running all four lockbox missions costs 12390 credits, and typically you get around 14000 credits back, so you won't be losing money. It might take a while to get the discoveries you want though. Any discovery is worth a decent amount of credits though, so you should be able to buy the materials you need if you don't get any slicing discoveries.

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I wonder if that's the case - as a side note, it does seems strange that one would have to split tasks for a "random" situation on one skill. (The devs have not said that this must be the case to improve odds yet.) Incidentally, on the 56th mission, I finally got 3 of Adaptive Circuitry components. Now what to do with all those darned Biocell Memory Cores that I suspect are going to be depressed in price and flooding the GTN shortly (if others are in the same boat)?


you may find that they are worth more on the GTN than to a NPC vendor....although not by much. Personally I have sold many stacks of the blue mats on the GTN, BUT I do not post them all at once: a stack at a time at most. And you may end up vendoring them anyway, but all trying costs you is a little time.


But you would also probably be surprised by how well blue augments are selling for. With purples running 100k each that's 1.4 million to deck out. OTOH blue augments only run about 20k each that's 140k to deck out. And decked out blue versus purple is a net difference of the equivalent of two purples. So, if my sales are any indication, lots of players are choosing to deck out in blues to start and then getting purples as they can afford them.


P.S. this morning on my GS (with slicing and investigation) I crit on BOTH sliced parts missions and a wealthy investigation mission, but on my SI, I failed outright two of four missions. And then on my Sage of five Dip missions I crit three of them. And on my scoundrel I crit on both sliced parts missions. I guess I am stealing all your crits :o

Edited by psandak
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Try to send all companions on these missions, don't just repeat one on the same companion. I got 50 or so on 3 characters, and a good part of it was brought in by companions with full affection (+5% crit on all missions) but no slicing crit bonus.

There may be something to that. I've been using primarily my slicing crit chance companion and at one point started getting absolutely skunked. I started running other types of missions for a bit with him (scavenging), then came back to slicing - bam, first mission gets me the shinies.


I don't buy the horrible string of luck theory. There is something else going on. It looks like you have to mix it up, else you'll start getting skunked over and over again. It's like tapping a well dry. Gotta love those undocumented features.

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There may be something to that. I've been using primarily my slicing crit chance companion and at one point started getting absolutely skunked. I started running other types of missions for a bit with him (scavenging), then came back to slicing - bam, first mission gets me the shinies.


I don't buy the horrible string of luck theory. There is something else going on. It looks like you have to mix it up, else you'll start getting skunked over and over again. It's like tapping a well dry. Gotta love those undocumented features.


I actually noticed this a LONG time ago. As a matter of fact, I noticed that when running the same mission with the same companion over and over I was more likely to fail outright. Which is why I started mixing up missions.

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Same problem since 01.01.2015, run over 200missions and only 2 crits.

Were you only running Rich / Bountiful missions? Or were you also running Moderate / Abundant missions?


Also, were you running other missions (such as gathering missions that return green mats)? Or were you exclusively running Sliced Tech Parts missions?

Edited by Khevar
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