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Stupid Ops.


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I have had it up to here with Op classes. This game has one of the worst balanced pvps I have ever played. I've been an Arena God in WoW and Taken whole areas of Cyrodill on ESO. Operatives and Sorcers along with their mirrored classes need to get nurfed. HARD. When a whole team piling on one operative can't take him down. Something is very unbalanced and wrong and don't even get me started on the GOD bubble. Who fecking idea was that???


First off man, operatives just got a nerfed in both heals and dps. Sorcs on the other hand are admittedly a little op with lightning atm but considering lightning was a garbage pvp spec before 3.0 let them have fun with it for a week or so. They have earned it. The "GOD bubble" is the one of the only things that makes a sorc competitive in pvp; although it is annoying, it is necessary for balance purposes. Judging by your distaste for both these classes im guessing you haven't played either class. I personally have played all the classes in the game and played with all the specs. I can personally assure you playing as an operative or sorc is not as overpowered as you claim it to be.


On a less informative note, if it took your whole team to take down one operative then clearly he/she was a good player and/or your team really sucked. Lastly, the "God bubble" idea came from the devs after hearing butt hurt sorcs/sages cry about getting focused and destroyed very quickly in war zones due to light armor and lack of cooldowns. Along with hundreds of hours of combat data/logs showing the sorcs get worked over fast.

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