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Training Costs are a Thing of the Past


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Wow, the number of people whining over lost virtual-money is amazing.


Hey, guys, I was here back when speeder level 3 cost a fortune, can I have that money back? (with inflation correction of course because back then a credit was worth more than it is now)



Well then stop whining about this one and grind a few dailies to get that cash back.


Did you pay money for early access to Speeder level 3 to find that they made it free within a couple days of making it available in early access? Was Speeder level 3 buggy for you when you purchased it? Did it sometimes fail to work at all? Did it leave a bad taste in your mouth afterwards?


If so, then maybe you should ask for some compensation instead of running down those who would like it for a product they feel has unfairly taken advantage of them. If enough people feel like you do, then maybe it will get changed.


Bioware does not, of course, owe the people anything. You pays your money and you takes your chances. However, it is not unreasonable for a customer to ask for a refund or compensation on a product they feel is defective AND it is not unusual for a merchants to give them something in return. These are normal things.


Of course, so are people on the interwebs saying "I sucked it up and made a bad deal and didn't complain about it and so should you." Turns out, the people that get often ahead in life actually don't just take what is given to them. That's a fact.

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Hey folks,


Let’s talk a bit about training costs for your characters abilities. One thing has become clear from the player feedback in not only this thread, but since launch: players do not like training costs. It is a situation where every level you will see your hard earned credits go to a holographic Hutt doctor in order to make yourself a bit stronger. We have been talking about this topic internally for quite some time and when you add player feedback to the mix one thing becomes clear… We should make training costs a thing of the past.


Since launch, you have spent millions of credits training skills across your characters. As of our maintenance next week all ability training costs will be completely removed from the game, forever!


What does this mean for you? This means that starting next week, instead of spending your credits on training skills, you can now spend them on literally, anything else you want. Note that this only affects ability training, you will still need to spend credits to training schematics for Crew Skills, etc.


Thank you again for your feedback.




I approve of this change. I didn't expect anyone would get a refund. That never happens. Training is always a big drag when leveling, thinking you have some extra spending money and finding you don't even have enough to train everything. I wouldn't mind if skill prices capped out at 1k. but when they got to be 5k or more and you are still not at level cap it was a lot of creds. Thank You.

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Did you pay money for early access to Speeder level 3 to find that they made it free within a couple days of making it available in early access? Was Speeder level 3 buggy for you when you purchased it? Did it sometimes fail to work at all? Did it leave a bad taste in your mouth afterwards?


This game was different in Dec 2011 to early 2012. Way harder than it is now (credits, even orange moddable gear was luxury).

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Turns out, the people that get often ahead in life actually don't just take what is given to them.

Nor do they beg for it - they take what they need.


If so, then maybe you should ask for some compensation instead of running down those who would like it for a product they feel has unfairly taken advantage of them.

But it's not defective and your credits are worthless to Bioware anyway.

All that's changed is Bioware started giving this in-game service away for free.


Plenty of games I've paid full price for on Steam are now like $5. Many have been given away for free, Metro 2033, Dragon Age Origins. Should I be refunded the difference or even the full purchase price because they later decided to give it away?

Edited by Heal-To-Full
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Nah, someone smarter than myself could have added up the training costs, rifled through all the BW posts, analyzed the extent of WoW's insta-90 market pressure, and figured out leveling might become free or cheap somewhere close to 3.0.


... right ...


Everyone had to pay for half their 1-55 skills again. Everyone's in the same boat.


Not what any of us are talking about in this thread. Try again. (The original complaint re training costs was about this point, but not the current disagreement)


People who preordered were given the option to go past 55. Option. It only took 3 days since the xpac's release for BW to announce all training will be free from now on. The people who raced to 60 and paid the price along the way got their money's worth, just like I did out of my 2.5 mil hypercrate.


Yeah, I preordered just to sit at 55 with my finger up my ... Who are you trying to kid? and 3 days had me 4 level 60's, so 3 days leveling and doing not much else. "Money's worth" /shrug


hmm, yet again with your GTN examples that have no relevance at all in this situation.


Try again.

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Yeah, I preordered just to sit at 55 with my finger up my ... Who are you trying to kid?

So you got your money's worth. You enjoyed the new content before others did.


and 3 days had me 4 level 60's

And you play a lot. You're not quitting anytime soon. You're not going to unsub over this. You're going to QQ on the forums - and why shouldn't you, it's a time-honored tradition.

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So you got your money's worth. You enjoyed the new content before others did.



And you play a lot. You're not quitting anytime soon. You're not going to unsub over this. You're going to QQ on the forums - and why shouldn't you, it's a time-honored tradition.


I think my and your definition of "enjoy" are rather different.. leveling blows but it's gotta be done.


And not that it's any of your business what I do or how much I play, and whether I see your average, complete irrelevant and pointless forum trolling face tomorrow or not. But you're right, I won't be unsubing and I will voice my opinion on crappy customer service. As for "QQ" I have no idea what the hell that means and had to google it... try English.

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I think my and your definition of "enjoy" are rather different.. leveling blows but it's gotta be done.

Our definitions are clearly different. If leveling blows, why not just start with a ready account with multiple 55s? Well, other than it not being permitted, of course.


And you didn't just get to level, you got to enjoy level 60 content before others. You got to run The Ravagers while people who didn't preorder got to sit on their butts at level 55 for a whole week.


and whether I see your average, complete irrelevant and pointless forum trolling face tomorrow or not.

See, this is what I'm talking about. You're getting the rest of your money's worth right now, raging out on the forums. Had you not spent the credits, you wouldn't have anything to rage about.

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I know that you did this with the best of intentions Eric, but you have to realize how it looks to those of us subscribers (i.e., who already spend money regularly on the game) who bought the expansion early (in the hope of having some sort of advantage in doing so).


It now looks like those people who didn't jump on the bandwagon early in terms of getting the "Expansion" suddenly benefit from not having to spend the extra credits on re-training. It doesn't exactly strike your dedicated subscribing populace as necessarily "good faith". :(

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Hey folks,


Let’s talk a bit about training costs for your characters abilities. One thing has become clear from the player feedback in not only this thread, but since launch: players do not like training costs. It is a situation where every level you will see your hard earned credits go to a holographic Hutt doctor in order to make yourself a bit stronger. We have been talking about this topic internally for quite some time and when you add player feedback to the mix one thing becomes clear… We should make training costs a thing of the past.


Since launch, you have spent millions of credits training skills across your characters. As of our maintenance next week all ability training costs will be completely removed from the game, forever!


What does this mean for you? This means that starting next week, instead of spending your credits on training skills, you can now spend them on literally, anything else you want. Note that this only affects ability training, you will still need to spend credits to training schematics for Crew Skills, etc.


Thank you again for your feedback.




That's great. Best solution. Highly appreciated! I'm really suprised by reading that - in a good manner. Well done. It seems, finally somebody listens to players feedback. *thumbs up*

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Did you pay money for early access to Speeder level 3 to find that they made it free within a couple days of making it available in early access? Was Speeder level 3 buggy for you when you purchased it? Did it sometimes fail to work at all? Did it leave a bad taste in your mouth afterwards?


If so, then maybe you should ask for some compensation instead of running down those who would like it for a product they feel has unfairly taken advantage of them. If enough people feel like you do, then maybe it will get changed.


Bioware does not, of course, owe the people anything. You pays your money and you takes your chances. However, it is not unreasonable for a customer to ask for a refund or compensation on a product they feel is defective AND it is not unusual for a merchants to give them something in return. These are normal things.


Of course, so are people on the interwebs saying "I sucked it up and made a bad deal and didn't complain about it and so should you." Turns out, the people that get often ahead in life actually don't just take what is given to them. That's a fact.


Stop trying to make this about pre-ordering the expansion.

This has nothing to do with the bugs in the expansion


This is about training costs being free in four days.

At most, you have spent some virtual credits on this and you'll have to grind them back.

You have not spent any real money on it, so stop acting like you have.


So no, you can't have your virtual money back. Go out and run dailies for a few hours and you'll have it all back.

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Honestly, I could care less about spending a few credits on training. This, for me and most people, is a non issue. Giving me skills for free is basically making the game easier, which many players would oppose on principle. Its the new cookie cutter discipline system that i find simplified, boring, and unacceptable. Instead of just accepting hybrids as a facet of the game and working with it, you have taken it out of the game all together for the sake of easier development. Why not just make this a 1 player side-scroller and call it a day?
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I dont think anyone really expects a full refund of credits for this, but SOMETHING would be nice. Some kind of recognition that the most die hard fans of the game essentially got shafted. People questioned the excessive training costs right out the gate and were told that they were working as intended and that there were no plans to change them... Now we are looking at millions of credits down the drain.


They could easily implement something to try to offset this loss. Maybe increase credit rewards for early access players temporarily for certain dailies, or grant cartel coins, or sub time or literally anything lol. Im not going to be dramatic and say that this will cause me to unsub, but it definitely will make me think twice about what "early access" means in the future of this game. I burned through 2 thirds of my credits across all of my characters training just 2 of my 4 level 55 toons. Thats pretty brutal...


As many have said, the change is a welcome one, but for many players (like me) the loss of a fair chunk of your credits to a system that was literally only days ago labeled "working as intended" stings more than a little and takes some of the high away from how good this expansion has been so far. I mean there have definitely been some bugs, but I have thoroughly enjoyed the content as a whole thus far.

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Can you think about anyone other than yourself? BW makes changes based of what people like you were posting, things that will save credits for millions of characters, and all you can think of is to b**** and moan about your spending maybe 100k credits retraining skills?


100k really ? My training & retraining from only lvl 55 to 58 cost me over 500k yesterday morning. So people have a right to complain.

Edited by tasbybaby
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No offense, but this isn't something that could be coded in now? Oh wait, got to get the money out of the people doing paid Beta. Got it.


"get the money out of"?

What money?


it's virtual credits.

It's not like the bioware staff collects it and goes to virtual holidays on a virtual island throwing virtual parties... :rolleyes:


Why not code it now?

Because it's the weekend. They don't work on weekends.

Just like the vast majority of people (who aren't in retail).

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"get the money out of"?

What money?

it's virtual credits.

It's not like the bioware staff collects it and goes to virtual holidays on a virtual island throwing virtual parties... :rolleyes:

Why not code it now?

Because it's the weekend. They don't work on weekends.

Just like the vast majority of people (who aren't in retail).


BW employees are collecting our hard earned credits for use on their OWN toons!!!!;)

But seriously, unless you are a government employee, you work weekends in emergencies...like when your product is faulty and the customer is complaining.

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But seriously, unless you are a government employee, you work weekends in emergencies...like when your product is faulty and the customer is complaining.

Tears of the entitled with first world problems don't comprise an emergency.


Nor does an improvement to the next product render the old one faulty. Bought a 997 with options just a week before the 991's reveal? Cry a river and buy a boat.

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Tears of the entitled with first world problems don't comprise an emergency.


Neither does an improvement to the next product render the old one faulty.


What? Whatever dood. I seen your posts, fanboi. Go troll for tears somewhere else.

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I know its fake money that can be earned back by grinding dailies etc. But I have a baby and I work a full time job. to me credits represent real time that I have spent invested into this game, and I just saw hours of my life flushed away. I could have spent a million credits on something way cooler than nothing if I wanted to just blow them all at once. Edited by ErnieVega
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I know its fake money that can be earned back by grinding dailies etc. But I have a baby and I work a full time job. to me credits represent real time that I have spent invested into this game, and I just saw hours of my life flushed away. I could have spent a million credits on something way cooler than nothing if I wanted to just blow them all at once.


You've got a full time job?

Great! Buy a hypercrate for a pittence and sell it for millions of credits.


Problem solved.


(and don't tell me you don't have 5 bucks to buy a hypercrate)

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