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Inbound Bug Fixes


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• Mission Reward Gear Packs giving the wrong/incomplete gear.


what about people who have already handed in the quest or recieved the wrong gear, will they be given the right gear? I want to collect a full set of Alliance, Raider's cove and sky ridge but I was given a force lord saberstaff and offhand for my sorc healer.

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This game is so broken that it feels like we are beta testing all the time. And the lag and delay is getting worse by the day and now we are told that they will make a patch the comming week.. THIS should have been fixed the same day the patch was out..


Shame on you Bioware for beta testing on live servers.

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Par for the course. For the most part I have been enjoying the expansion, but there are a lot of issues and I feel {albeit a first world problem} cheated. I "loaned" you all twenty dollars for a month {even though 12x was useless to me personally} to have the week to see the content early {for no reason other than hopefully less people in the way}. Little did I know it was not ready for prime time. As other have said many times "how did this make it out of test in this state?"


A more than valid question. Your entire QA department should be fired. Perhaps next time you do a test you will avoid the "cliques" and "special" people and get people not interested in making guides and/or gaining insights on how to most efficiently come in first place.


To those of you affected by these bugs, good luck getting set straight. You are likely screwed {permanently}. This company is not capable of retroactive anything if you did not already know this.


Very disappointed. Sure it is just a video game {no duh}, but it is a paid service. The amount is meaningless. We pay for a service and expect it to work. You set the price...now provide a fair and balanced service for all that pay. I am sick and tired at this point of the bugs and broken features that screw players over {forcing the burden of proof on us to prove what happened}. We paid for early access, but many of us will feel like ɣ {gamma} testers.


But hey as long as everything works great by the 9th...what does it matter right?

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what about people who have already handed in the quest or recieved the wrong gear, will they be given the right gear? I want to collect a full set of Alliance, Raider's cove and sky ridge but I was given a force lord saberstaff and offhand for my sorc healer.

At least you got something, in one of my boxes that supposed to contain an earpiece and an implant I got nothing.

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Wow. Sounds like I've done well to avoid playing the content just yet, and to continue to avoid playing it until you get these glaring issues resolved.


Did these things not show up in game testing?


The only bug i have encountered so far is the enemy within quest.....nothing else has occured, i must have been lucky.

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It's astonishing to me that you're going to allow an entire week to pass by without fixing Enemy Within.


Revan is the final boss and namesake of your expansion, a fight you've been teasing for months, and he's broken. This is one of the biggest fails I can recall in this game's history.


It's hard for me to even understand how a fight so broken made it through testing. I mean someone should have noticed that the fight only works about 1 in 10 tries. If you're lucky.


In testing it wasn't broken. That's all I'm going to say.....................

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First, I have avoided most of the content, done the FP with GF. I held back on doing Oricon for after 3.0 dropped so i could get XP. I was a beat tester for Diablo 2, they did a really big beta test, BUT some big bugs did not show up until

live server. One i remember one with ACT 2 and Sorceress. a needed item would not drop to allow you to go to next act.


So I understand how some bugs could not be shown until a full active server of players. I am assuming these bugs did not show up in Test server. Even NASA makes mistakes ,They messed up one of the lenses of Hubble.

but If they released knowing of the bugs ,that is another thing,and maybe marketing had some thing to do with it ,telling them they MUST ship on a certain date.


I am concerned abut the upcoming Gree event, I hope that it is not also bugged due to interacting with the new skills and such. as it is a short time event, having it bugged would be a really bad thing.

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In testing it wasn't broken. That's all I'm going to say.....................


Two different environments.

Even if they did the testing on live servers there would most likely be bugs that only show up on PTS or in their internal testing environment.


I still remember the most hilarious patch ever:

In EVE's one of the expansions POS guns went crazy and started shooting their owners. A lot of players lost expensive ships.

Edited by Halinalle
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Two different environments.

Even if they did the testing on live servers there would most likely be bugs that only show up on PTS or in their internal testing environment.


I still remember the most hilarious patch ever:

In EVE's one of the expansions POS guns went crazy and started shooting their owners. A lot of players lost expensive ships.


Man, I wasn't around for that bug in EVE. However, I was around for the 'boot.ini' bug they had around Trinity or so. :D


(For people who don't know, EVE did an update, and, for some reason, they had named a file of theirs 'boot.ini'. That's no problem, except when the update was done, it deleted Windows' boot.ini instead, heh. So, basically, if you restarted your machine after the update, Windows wouldn't load. Good times, good times... I did however get a free month out of it though after I complained to CS with my laptop.)

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First and foremost, I would like to congratulate the dev team for what is a superb piece of work.


After reeling from Rise of the Hutt Cartel, I was at the verge of quitting the game. Such a lazy effort, and a grinding boring exercise to get to 55.


But this, I give it to you, bugs n all, hands down has 'bolstered' excuse the pun, the game.


Superb,, artwork, the planets are a joy to explore. And, despite the nay sayers .. the new combat disciplines are awesome.


Power to you, and keep it coming!


And dont hang about!

Edited by Golgulok
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Uh. No GSF fixes? It's broken. If abilities weren't working in ground PVP, you guys would be a lot more prompt with a fix. What gives?


Felt the exact same way when I read this post.


Initial thought: Finally an answer :cool:


though after reading: *sigh* ignored yet again...... :mad:


It better not be months to fix these problems, even weeks might be too long. It might be a lot to ask but do try to include GSF in your fixing so that by your actual launch date SWTOR is still a whole game, and not just a list of broken things.

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What about hte missing Strings in the German Client for Missions and many new Transportstuff? Playing with a german client means not knowing what your Crew will bring with them from a mission^^


Oh and the missing Strings for Faction Names or empty letters.


Not really gamebreaking but annoying;-)


What about the bugged Accuracy?^^


Other from that great fixes^^

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That's all well and good, but what about the severe "lag" causing ability delay, ability stuttering, or just flat out ability misfire (pushing buttons and nothing happens). It's not client side because my latency meter is fine and normal speed I'm used to. Something server side is hogging resources and making the game simply a pain in the *** to play right now.


That's called "a billion people are playing right now". It's not "lag", it's literal no-quotes lag -- not a bug. They're not going to boot people from the servers to reduce the load, nor can they magically overhaul the entire engine in a couple days, so you have to deal with it.

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I just wanted to let you all know that we are aiming to release a patch in the coming week to address some of the issues that have cropped up since Tuesday.


Tait, what about the problem with Blood Hunt? I put in a ticket on it in-game only to be told they cannot help me. I posted in the Blood Hunt bugged thread the problem. I cannot complete the mission because it either resets during the dual champions or they bug out and stay on the pillars. I'm stuck and cannot advance further. I've not bothered playing since Friday on any toon because of this bug. What is going to be done to fix this? If nothing is done I cannot finish SoR.

Edited by Ghost_Spectre
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Glad to hear a fix is coming.


However, it's not just prefab decorations that are broken; mounts and pets are broken as are several individual items not easily categorized. What needs to happen at Bioware is someone competent has to go through the decoration menu ITEM BY ITEM, to make sure that the source menus match the overall catelogue. This just requires some accuracy and that someone conscious who is paying attention gets on this job.


As for the completely broken GSF, why no fix for that?


As far as I'm concerned, this should confirm the need for (a) open beta testing and (b) employees that actually PLAY this game and test their bug-ridden code before unleashing it on paying customers.

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First and foremost, I would like to congratulate the dev team for what is a superb piece of work.


The main story boss fight is broken, the Stronghold system is broken, GSF is broken, various classes report themselves to be vastly overpowered in similar gear, every raid is currently broken in some form, the server has issues with lag.


I'm a Software Engineer and have experience in the game development industry, so understand that not everything will go according to plan. However, I would be ashamed to put my name to this as a product. The QA procedures at that studio must be non-existent and on a community stream recently they strongly implied that pre-order dates are not release dates and they are viewed internally as yet another beta period.


I enjoy the game socially and think that the story aspects are good, but from a professional standpoint some of these bugs are almost comical in how widespread they are. They have managed to break almost every facet of the game and the whispers about their poor testing procedures have yet another example.


There is a difference between congratulating people on a job well done and being a fanboy and your post is in the latter. This is not a well developed product by any stretch of the imagination.

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