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Trying to Understand HO Buff


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We all have seen the recent buffs to PT mobility, primarily HO. I waited till i tested them and was contemplating how did the devs came up with changes to HO.


My first guess is the main class balance dev was listening to Chamillionaire song: "they see me rollin they hatin." The devs listening goes: "man I wish my PT was like that!"


My second guess is a dev was playing in a WZ in ver 2.7, and got rooted by a sorc while HO was on CD and forgot to that RS and ED is 30 meter range. Since then vowed never to be controlled by a sorc ever again!.


My third guess is the devs think PT has been significantly under-performing in PvP and PvE (lol..) thus made this change.


Thinking about it more deeply I think the first option seems the most accurate :cool:


Next time I am in a WZ I will play the song. Maybe I could understand the devs infinite wisdom.

Edited by Ottoattack
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