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I am against the new skill tree and have already voted with my wallet, no more money to support a game which removes option instead of growing them.


I play swtor for the RPG elements, this new system has removed a lot of this from my game, the old system allowed me to grow my character and I felt like every level I was growing stronger, this new system I only have 8 of these to choose over 60 levels. This has made leveling kind of pointless, they may as well had made the max level for characters lvl 8 that way each level at least would mean something.

Edited by twistedmonk
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No. I'm against paying for the same skills on all my 55 characters. I bought my 55-- skills once, and I don't want to pay again.


This was the only 'bad part' IMO of the implementation. Having to pay credits out for skills you already purchased.


I am hoping that, since Eric Musco commented on a thread about this specific issue, that some sort of compensation will be forthcoming for all people/globally in the game.


This though is not really a complaint about the system, but a mistake in the implementation of the system.


The system itself is fine. As has already been pointed out, the previous skill system was a problem for balancing and would become increasingly so as level caps were raised etc. This system provides a better progression system for the deveopers and like they mentioned allows for more frequent level cap increases which likely means more frequent content additions, albeit likely smaller.


If you were using a hybrid build, you do likely see some changes that negatively affect your experience but if you were using a hybrid build, you were already taking advantage of the difficulty of the system to balance.


I'm sorry you are upset, but the system isn't going away, especially when the crux of your argument is, "I don't like it!"

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The most significant pro is that the resources required to balance a skill tree are now far more controlled. With vertical advancement the game was inevitably going to hit a point where the total skill point budget was going to result in unintended and overly synergistic hybrid specs. While personally I would have preferred no level cap increase and more lateral or horizontal advancement, the community in general desired vertical.


With an increase in skill points, you get an exponential growth in the number of possible hybrids. These take time and resources to test and the ones that make it through QA have the potential to harm group based content.


With that in mind, a major system change was, as I said, inevitable. The pro here is that all pure-builds are essentially the same. The Gunnery Commando is still the Gunnery Commando. The Watchman Sentinel is still the Watchmen Sentinel. And so on...


As Bioware internal data apparently showed, the majority of players were using pure-builds anyways, so optimizing the skill system around that had some minimal impacts. Some players, such as yourself, were likely using hybrid specs and are the ones that feel most put out. Somewhat understandable, but at the end of the day the pure-builds do work better than hybrids and pure-builds have retained their identity and gained situation utility (mobility, contextual defensives, pure-PVP utility, etc).


So, the pro is that balance is more manageable which makes the players who participate in group content happy. That's good for the MMO.


Now, I can counter... what purely rational and non-emotional reason do you feel this was a mistake?


Harm group based content? then they need to remove healing companions then so players are forced to group to do anything... Heck why not get rid of all the companions if its a matter of harming group content I say just remove the companions, I don't use them anyway so it wouldn't hurt me at all so I don't see why any one else needs them either. if everyone is going to jump down on peoples throats cause they voice their dislike of a change that others do like then I would be very happy to see something like the loss of companions and would love to see all you people complaining about whiners whine your selves because lets face it you cant do anything without your precious companions

Edited by farleyzero
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Im nothing more then a troll that's fine I can go with that. but you sir are nothing more then a waste of human skin and have no original thought of your self after all it seems if you have to result to quoting a movie to respond to an original thought post


Welcome to the ignore list.


Edit: I admit I should have done this earlier instead of feeding the troll. I am sorry to everyone.

Edited by azudelphi
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Yes. I'm fine with it. Skill trees may have been more versatile in that they allowed for hybrids, but that's as far as it goes. The only exception I take to the new system is that level-ups don't feel as if you're rewarded for your accomplishment (previously signified by the excitement of having a Skill point to spend).


Are the Utility Skills worth the change? Not really. 30% reduced damage whilst stunned isn't something to write home about. Ideally all Utilities would mix up play styles a bit, add something tangible (such as Force Mobility does for a Sorc/Sage).

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And apparently lots of us do, so why is your opinion more important?

Everyones point is valid. I have 14 toons, and most went up single skill trees because they made sense, but my Sorcerer who was spread out across all three trees and very effective has become a totally useless character. Additionally, with my Juggernaut, an ability with the 40% reduction that I have had since level 25 is now a level 60 ability?


Some improvements are good (taking out the cover requirement on almost everything for a Sniper, thank you), but balanced players are out of luck.


The problems I am seeing is they did 3.0 and an expansion at the same time and phased it. Each launch has been a problem from initial launch 3 years ago, with issues with new areas and bugs and crap. I think if they launched 3.0 say in October, it would have given people a bit of time to get used to the new system before having to run up new bosses.


I think the most outraged I am about the new system is having to repay for those talents that I already leveled up to 55. Why am I repaying for something I already paid for?


I will continue to play out this expansion, because like many, I love the franchise, but not a big MMO player, and I have been on for more than 3 years (beta participant), and the skill trees are used pretty much the standard across the board with WoW, Everquest, etc. I asked around to see if anyone else had this new setup in any other MMO, the silence was deafening.


People will leave because of this change, they always do. It is just a matter if they get bored with everything else that is out there and come back. The thing Bioware needs to again watch out for is apathy on the part of players, and those of us who have been in since the beginning, and heard from the leads and the devs about all the things that we were going to do (of course all of those people were laid off a month after launch) and there are some who remember the comment about having 500 worlds in 10 years. The first trip up was the laziness of Makeb (no class stories, even the shuttle rides are lazy). that made people become disenfranchised with their characters, since people love the individual story lines meant for that class, not something everyone does. Galactic Starfighter is a joke, and strongholds are cosmetic (except for the legacy bank, that is the best thing in a year I have seen). I understand that takes voice actors and money, but with all the streamlining, and lack of actually doing much other than patching issues that have been around since day one, why not actually show that you listen to players who want more story. That has been an issue since the beginning. This is the second expansion, and I have to wait until next week to start playing, but if the Revan storyline is a single line Imp/Pub story, then I guess there really is no effort on Bioware to make this game interesting enough to overlook the issues that have cropped up.

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While I am a bit sad that I've lost a few abilities (like my purge :(), I support the discipline system. I like to research what I can online, but I'm not exactly a min-maxer, and those skill trees were confusing. And some people would tell you to follow so-and-so's spec and other people would say, no, their spec is terrible. And then you had the hybrid trees in the middle there that apparently caused a lot of trouble balance-wise because BioWare never intended them to be used that way (also, as a side note, I've only run into one person in-game who said they used a hybrid spec, and they were extremely full of themselves. Not saying that's everyone, of course, but it left a bad taste in my mouth when I think of hybrids).


I like what they've done with the disciplines. I can still choose certain utilities that I want , but I don't have to stare at my screen for ten minutes every time I level up trying to figure out if I want to add a slowing effect to ability ABC or if I would like DEF to cause internal bleeding...

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I like disciplines.


The old trees were a lot like modern elections for the fact that you're just choosing the most favorable out of a list of abysmal choices with the hopes of getting one thing you might really want later on.


I find it amazing how many people think choosing a 1% passive increase to 1 or 2 abilities is an exciting choice.

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I vote YES...i love it.


I mean, everyone tends to spec the same way depending on your AC choice and Tree choice, so why moan about it, i mean my spec is virtually the same in 3.0, as it was in pre-3.0, sure my Force Sweep/Smash is now the more better version, but its virtually the same rotation.....but thats for Guardians/Juggernauts.


I can not speak for other ACs, i am only into those two ACs.

Edited by JamieKirby
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I vote yes!


not like they are going to change it anyways with all the hours of coding they put in. So, I just moved on and continue to play.


Unfortunately, this is not an official poll, so the results will be skewed one way or another, many wont even post/vote and ignore the thread (either actually being yea/nay). Some will say (as of my post) I count 23 unique votes, with 17 yes, and 6 no, which rounds to a 74% in favor. So, people will spin this thread this way as well.


To everyone, have fun in game, and hope to see you around.

Edited by Taurax
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