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To those who think the SoR Expansion happened yesterday...


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...need to remember this isn't the launch. It's early access and as such, it's not the final launch. They knew bugs would exist. This isn't the public, full launch. This is a gift to those who subscribed and have stuck with the game. Complaining like a bunch of spoiled players will increase the likelihood of getting nothing for the next expansion.


Be patient. It's only been a day post launch. They are working on it.

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While I agree with the purpose behind this thread, this is the actual launch of the expansion. Next week isn't going to produce some updated version of it. Sure they might be able to get in some hotfixes here and there but this was never a 2-step process that they planned for. Everything we got yesterday was the full release that they planned.


As to the complaining, people have a right to voice their concerns as they see fit. Sure some are a lot more obnoxious than I'd like but that's their right. And my (and your) right to ignore it when it's over the top.

Edited by Kadin
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If OP didn't make this thread, I might have been upset. But after reading it, my opinion has changed!




.../sarcasm off


Seriously though, you couldn't even play Blizzard's expansion release for like 2 days after it launched, so this was at least smoother than that!

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...need to remember this isn't the launch. It's early access and as such, it's not the final launch. They knew bugs would exist. This isn't the public, full launch. This is a gift to those who subscribed and have stuck with the game. Complaining like a bunch of spoiled players will increase the likelihood of getting nothing for the next expansion.


Be patient. It's only been a day post launch. They are working on it.


*** are you smoking, they don't make expansions for charity or to save the panda, they do it to make money and guess what when your product is sub par you better pull your finger out of your arse and do something about it.


When you make fundamental changes and infuriate portions of your playerbase, you better take notice. The direction bioware is going now, I can only see further population drops and server merges ahead. There is simply to much unnecessary frustration caused by their model.

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Complaining like a bunch of spoiled players will increase the likelihood of getting nothing for the next expansion.


Really? Like an angry parent sending their kid off to bed without dinner, you're saying that the devs will punish us for complaining by not giving us another expansion? Or no rewards? Not sure which you mean, but seriously? It's a business. It makes them money to sell content early. They use it as a marketing tool to show how interested the subscriber base is in the product.


And how is pointing out flaws in the product we paid for being "spoiled"? Does that mean you just bend over and take any treatment any one ever deals out? That's called being a pushover. I'm not a pushover. If someone sells me something and it doesn't work, I'm going to let them know. Would you honestly prefer that no one say anything about any of the countless bugs -- some extremely infuriating -- and just let them all remain for when the full launch hits next week?

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