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So about that CLOSED beta testing????


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I will say it was splended that Death and Taxes got to be in closed beta. They knew exactly where to spawn camp on Yavin. Pro griefing.


MFW PVP server. :^) Also, any information about live that was gained was from dulfy.net have you seen the immense amount of 3.0 information and guides? They're actually quite informative. ;)

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By nature, every big expansion is buggy. No matter how much they beta test. Don't you remember the first day on Makeb? And boy have I lived through some buggy days during WoW expansions -heh- These are minor in comparison.


"In the lab, they all died." "Yes, but then you let them out...into the world. The world's a much bigger lab." - Mimic (1997)

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Yeah, I get that big releases are buggy. That's not what we're seeing here. The problems here are preventing people from playing the game. Missions are broke. GSF is broken. The expansion isn't available to people who payed for it IN ADVANCE, etc. etc. etc. Almost every response in the Dev Tracker is in regards to something preventing people from playing.


This either wasn't tested or tested in a really really poor way.

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You guys can slice this and wordsmith it all you want. Click on the Dev Tracker, click through the [bUG] section of the forums. Are bugs and regressions expected the first day of a launch like this? Sure. Of course. Did they test enough to ensure a smooth deployment (no pun intended)? Yes.


The bottom line here is that they failed to test this correctly. Inviting a few of your friends over for pizza and asking them how much they love your work isn't sufficient. This was a crap job.


You are making quite an assumption thinking those who were in beta were people who bowed before Bioware and sing they're praises. I know quite a handful of people who are some of Bioware most vocal critics that were in Beta so they are certainly not shy to here objections.


Plus if you ever been on pts hardly anyone shows up there after the first day and most of them just do ops and new war zones. Lag never gets tested private or public until it hits live. Your accusations are loosely at best with zero evidence to back it up

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Yeah, I get that big releases are buggy. That's not what we're seeing here. The problems here are preventing people from playing the game. Missions are broke. GSF is broken. The expansion isn't available to people who payed for it IN ADVANCE, etc. etc. etc. Almost every response in the Dev Tracker is in regards to something preventing people from playing.


This either wasn't tested or tested in a really really poor way.


I have played it fully through I have yet to come across a broken aspect.


And if you didn't pay attention to the cut off period for early access that is on the consumer not bioware

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And this is what I mean by "barely playable". Paying customers shouldn't have to deal with this garbage. Especially since it could have been EASILY avoided if they just ran it through a few PTS builds. I mean really.


Serverside issues can't be fixed with a few new builds. Are there clientside issues? Absolutely, but the vast majority of people have been complaining about the server lag.

Edited by nikogiant
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And this is what I mean by "barely playable". Paying customers shouldn't have to deal with this garbage. Especially since it could have been EASILY avoided if they just ran it through a few PTS builds. I mean really.


You put way too much faith into the PTS. The PTS would never get the stress that a live server would have. You would never see this kind of lag on a PTS server.


And again, you also assume that all of the bugs were unknown to the devs before launch. I don't think there's been a single update that's been on the PTS which didn't go live with bugs that were reported during testing.

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Expecting them to release an expansion or an update with ZERO issues whatsoever is a delusion. Same is true for every single developer in this planet.
expecting them to release a product that is playable and has a final boss thats not broken would not be unreasonable; in fact what else are we paying for?
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expecting them to release a product that is playable and has a final boss thats not broken would not be unreasonable; in fact what else are we paying for?


The product is playable. Also, resetting local phase seems to work after a few tries.


People are making a storm in a teacup. As expected.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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You do agree, to a degree it would seem.



Up to the point you brought up the list, I reckon.


I think you are confusing matter of fact statements as support. It is important to avoid hyperbole on both sides of the discussion.


It is a fact there are issues.


I don't think this should have be explained or defended. I am fairly sure you knew what I meant.


I think sometimes folks get so absorbed in forum PVP they see ANY comment that doesn't condemn as implicit support...which is just as silly as the OPs hyperbole.

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The product is playable.
yeah having 1-2 second ability lag is completely normal

Also, resetting local phase seems to work after a few tries.


People are making a storm in a teacup. As expected.

thanks tips...no wait myself and all the people in chat have tried this and the fight is still bugged.


this isnt a minor defect, this is breaking the final fight in the so called "expansion"


This isn't a result of a defect making it through QA, this is no QA even being done.

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I think you are confusing matter of fact statements as support. It is important to avoid hyperbole on both sides of the discussion.


I find it far more important not to back out, when things go apparently bad for you.


It is a fact there are issues.


And you brought up those same issues to quell the standing of someone who felt differently than the OP.


It wasn't the OP who brought it up.


It was you.


I don't think this should have be explained or defended. I am fairly sure you knew what I meant.


I already said what I'm sure you meant.


I think sometimes folks get so absorbed in forum PVP they see ANY comment that doesn't condemn as implicit support...which is just as silly as the OPs hyperbole.


I'm not absorbed into anything. You just deemed necessary -- yet again -- to throw a jab at the game, as you usually do truth be told.


The only thing missing was your endless list of suggestions.

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yeah having 1-2 second ability lag is completely normal


Who said it was normal?


thanks tips...no wait myself and all the people in chat have tried this and the fight is still bugged.


this isnt a minor defect, this is breaking the final fight in the so called "expansion"


It worked for some people apparently. Also, "Reset Local Phase" and "Reset Quest" are NOT one and the same.


This isn't a result of a defect making it through QA, this is no QA even being done.


Unless you were there, I dunno if you're qualified to make that statement.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I'm not absorbed into anything. You just deemed necessary -- yet again -- to throw a jab at the game, as you usually do truth be told.


The only thing missing was your endless list of suggestions.


And you found it necessary to once again set aside logic and go with fighting against any criticism, valid or not. Even a lack of criticism is criticism it seems. But that is fine.


This game is not a religion or political party. It does not require your defense, nor will your defense likely make a difference. How you choose to waste your time is your choice naturally. Even if you waste it making illogical fallacies.


Thankfully my posting style does not require your permission nor approval, nor is my intent defined by you in any and all matters. I am more than capable of defining my own intent here, and as it turns out you are simply mistaken...not an uncommon occurance when it comes to this kind of behavior from you.

Our post histories stand in evidence.

Edited by LordArtemis
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An you found it necessary to once again set aside logic and go with fighting against any criticism, valid or not. Even a lack of criticism is criticism it seems. But that is fine.


I did not set aside logic. Your post speaks for itself:


Well, I would not agree with the OP entirely, but there are known issues Kadin. They were even listed by Bioware.


And that is not even a complete list of the issues that they are working on or investigating.


I can provide more comments if you like, or you can check the dev tracker.


The "Known issues list" posted by Biwoare, as if it lend any semblance of credence or absolute validity to the OP's claims, was especially noteworthy. Same with not a "complete list of issues."


Thankfully my posting style does not require your permission nor approval, nor is my intent defined by you in any and all matters. I am more than capable of defining my own intent here, and as it turns out you are simply mistaken...not an uncommon occurance when it comes to this kind of behavior from you.

Our post histories stand in evidence.


The issue is when you post stuff that requires more than your word, but for some reason, you believe that is enough. The Strongholds reception "being poor to mediocre" was a fine example of such.

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And you found it necessary to once again set aside logic and go with fighting against any criticism, valid or not. Even a lack of criticism is criticism it seems. But that is fine.


This game is not a religion or political party. It does not require your defense, nor will your defense likely make a difference. How you choose to waste your time is your choice naturally. Even if you waste it making illogical fallacies.


Thankfully my posting style does not require your permission nor approval, nor is my intent defined by you in any and all matters. I am more than capable of defining my own intent here, and as it turns out you are simply mistaken...not an uncommon occurance when it comes to this kind of behavior from you.

Our post histories stand in evidence.

Yeah I'm kinda lost here. It seems like everything I read basically showed you were in agreement with most of what has been said in here. Not sure why they seem to be going on and on about this with you.

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I was playing on Begeren Colony yesterday and this morning, started with the Prelude and FA FPs, ran them without any bugs there beyond the occasional Companion Fear of Doors that happened once in Jedi Temple [imperial Faction]. Stuck Jesus Droid back there as a result until I got far enough in that the problem solved itself and Jesus Droid reappeared after mass Mob fights.


Parts II and III went fine for me, I admit I took my sweet time wandering through the places but I had the Almighty Jesus Droid with me and no group, so all was well for me. Big boss in the Manaan one gave me, Torian, and Jesus Droid some trouble, but I still beat the timer for that.


Rakata had no problem for me, and the only problem on Rishi so far (again, taking my sweet time because I can, Jesus Droid!) is the Meat Tree having the insane respawn problem.


And players have forgotten how to look for their class trainers and what stats they would want or need. And why. "What is alacrity? What is surge? What does critical do?" "Where are my class trainers?" "Do I need to do the side quest daily things for exp?"


Have to turn off gen chat from time to time. I haven't had any lag problems, but traveling slow-like is likely why, so at day Two of Expansion Early Access, I'm working on my main's ONE class mission on Rishi. I have no expectation of reaching 60 and finishing SoR until Friday. Or Sunday.


Unplayable? Maybe because everyone and their preordering dog is on right now. Like Nar Shaddaa, DK and Coruscant had lag issues when GSH launched, but a week later and the lag issues for the most part went away, a month later a small spike in lag on those worlds, and then a month after that an even smaller lag spike.


That is all my anecdotal experience of 3.0, so I won't say I'm speaking for anyone else. And I am playing on a brand new laptop, so that might also be a factor.

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None of that equals bug ridden or barely playable. Anyone expecting a game or expansion to launch bug-free is delusional. The OP's post is an extreme exaggeration and serves no purpose.


edit: just read Darth_Wicked's response... I swear this wasn't a copy. :p


there is not just bugs it is poor testing..


I am sure the max levels are OKAY game play wise but they screwed up low level troopers and Jedi guardians by moving passive resists from 15 to 20th level to 36th and 41st level that they now get them on the stupid railroad thing.. (this is trooper to be exact for the last part but my jedi guardian IS no long capable of tanking either as they have suddenly MISSED something in the damage mitigation ... you might get it later on BUT the older stuff some people are leveling through can no longer be completed because some egghead forgot that moving skills and abilities to later levels have detrimental effects on lower levels unless you are going to redo the old world stuff and down grade it..)


I have already again voted with my pocket book and IF I don't see fixes I will uninstall again and I will not be back this time..


Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.. YOU nor EA games will ever see another dime of my money after a 2nd fiasco of this level

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I did not set aside logic. Your post speaks for itself:


Yes it does. However I expect it speaks to you differently, which is not surprising.


The "Known issues list" posted by Biwoare, as if it lend any semblance of credence or absolute validity to the OP's claims, was especially noteworthy. Same with not a "complete list of issues."


Noteworthy to you, as it would need to be since you decided it's intent and had to support that intent.


The issue is when you post stuff that requires more than your word, but for some reason, you believe that is enough. The Strongholds reception "being poor to mediocre" was a fine example of such.


Nothing requires more than my word. Posters are welcome to accept or reject my posts as they will. So it is not that I believe it is enough...It is that I believe judgements as to its validity, from folks such as yourself is and always will be insignificant.


Again, our post histories stand in evidence DW. How you choose to interpret my posts, their intentions and meaning is completely up to you obviously...however you are not allowed to define them. Only I can do that.


Your attempts to do so demonstrate YOUR intent to me IMO.

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Yeah I'm kinda lost here. It seems like everything I read basically showed you were in agreement with most of what has been said in here. Not sure why they seem to be going on and on about this with you.


It is a common thing between DW and I...just a bit of friendly disagreement between us. I appreciate his posts and his opinion, I just do not appreciate it when anyone defines the meaning of my posts. And in this case him and I have concerns about our individual intents with certain types of posts we make, and question each other on them when we seem them.


DW is a vital member of the community and I enjoy reading his posts.


Him and I have had this discussion before. And I of course appreciate the discourse.

Edited by LordArtemis
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It is a common thing between DW and I...just a bit of friendly disagreement between us. I appreciate his posts and his opinion, I just do not appreciate it when anyone defines the meaning of my posts. And in this case him and I have concerns about our individual intents with certain types of posts we make, and question each other on them when we seem them.


DW is a vital member of the community and I enjoy reading his posts.


Him and I have had this discussion before. And I of course appreciate the discourse.

Ah okay, that makes sense I guess. I'm trying to follow along and sometimes I just have to scratch my head as I get lost in all this stuff. I'll let you guys continue... :D

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Yes it does. However I expect it speaks to you differently, which is not surprising.


That's not an argument.


Noteworthy to you, as it would need to be since you decided it's intent and had to support that intent.


I had no intent. I merely pointed it out.


The intention was all yours.


Nothing requires more than my word. Posters are welcome to accept or reject my posts as they will. So it is not that I believe it is enough...It is that I believe judgements as to its validity, from folks such as yourself is and always will be insignificant.


When you speak in the plural, it does require more than your words. You do not speak for others I believe.


If you do, you might as well prove it.


Again, our post histories stand in evidence DW. How you choose to interpret my posts, their intentions and meaning is completely up to you obviously...however you are not allowed to define them. Only I can do that.




Well, I would not agree with the OP entirely, but there are known issues Kadin. They were even listed by Bioware.


And that is not even a complete list of the issues that they are working on or investigating.


I can provide more comments if you like, or you can check the dev tracker.




Your attempts to do so demonstrate YOUR intent to me IMO.


As you say, your post history speaks for itself. As does your intent. More often than not.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Was invited to closed Beta - chose not to participate.




Because it has been my experience, from being in WoW's Beta and ESO Beta I-III that my opinion was not listened to and I was attacked (esp in the latter) for pointing out the huge and obvious flaws.


Vote with your wallet is all I will say.

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