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Can we get a cross guard lightsaber please?


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It's just as practical as any lightsaber, considering without a cross guard the user is likely to lose fingers if not their hand in an actual melee.

But then again, I always laugh at people who will accept all the other light weapons that exist in star wars, including the rather stupid lightwhip, but now a cross guard is going too far and they try to claim it will injure the user first? Like the use of a lightsaber by itself wouldn't cause bodily harm to begin with? I am just shocked that sword design 101 was considered for this new lightsaber.


no..it's not.


it's a stupid design for "coolness" factor....


look at it...a flick of the wrist when those things are used to block a saber from cutting off your hand will destroy the hilt itself. The design on that thing is really dumb and won't help much of anything. It''ll be even easier to destroy the blockers saber entirely.

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When I saw it in the trailer I knew that people will ask for that in SWTOR, and even though I am fine without it, I wouldn't mind BioWare adding that. I would be more interested in getting one of those ball locomotion driods or one of those speeders the girl uses in the trailer.
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In my opinion it looks stupid, why couldn't it just be a normal lightsaber? :t_frown:


because Abrahms/Disney wanted "wowness" factor like Mauls saber had when the prequels came out.


That thing is even more impractical than the saberstaff...those two smaller side "blades" look stupid. They look like fire...not saber blades...not to mention what I said in last post about even the use of them in the first place.


completely stupid.

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We already have Lightsaber hilts with crossguards on them...






Just to name a few.


Erm no. I think the point just flew straight over your head. If you actually bothered to read what the OP said he clearly asked about cross guards similar to the one in the trailer.

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Yes, I'm fully aware that this thread is a discussion regarding the metal portion of the lightsaber hilt that has a metal crossguard similar to the two lightsabers I linked.


You are the only person in this entire thread who thinks we're talking about the metal part of the lightsaber. LOL.

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because Abrahms/Disney wanted "wowness" factor like Mauls saber had when the prequels came out.


That thing is even more impractical than the saberstaff...those two smaller side "blades" look stupid. They look like fire...not saber blades...not to mention what I said in last post about even the use of them in the first place.


completely stupid.


Is a Movie!!, talking about ¨impractical¨ saber have no sense, There is a symbolism behind that lightsaber, in the cross guard, color, beam etc, tbh, the shot is full of symbolism. You should ask ¨why that sith is using a lighsaber like that? and not. ¨it looks stupid¨, everything in a good movie have a reason, even more if the Director know how do to his work and J.J is a great Director.


If he want a Sith with a Cross-guard saber, is because it have a reason and not just because it looks pretty.

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Is a Movie!!, talking about ¨impractical¨ saber have no sense, There is a symbolism behind that lightsaber, in the cross guard, color, beam etc, tbh, the shot is full of symbolism. You should ask ¨why that sith is using a lighsaber like that? and not. ¨it looks stupid¨, everything in a good movie have a reason, even more if the Director know how do to his work and J.J is a great Director.


If he want a Sith with a Cross-guard saber, is because it have a reason and not just because it looks pretty.


^^ This^^

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Is a Movie!!, talking about ¨impractical¨ saber have no sense, There is a symbolism behind that lightsaber, in the cross guard, color, beam etc, tbh, the shot is full of symbolism. You should ask ¨why that sith is using a lighsaber like that? and not. ¨it looks stupid¨, everything in a good movie have a reason, even more if the Director know how do to his work and J.J is a great Director.


If he want a Sith with a Cross-guard saber, is because it have a reason and not just because it looks pretty.


This is JJ "Lensflare" Abrams, it's exactly because of "pretty".


I don't give a damn about symbolism, especially when it's at the expense of verisimilitude.


I don't care why the character is using that lightsaber in the sense of "why" that you're talking about, I only care about whether it makes actual sense, both within the setting and within the "rules" that the fictional world in question shares with our world. A humanoid person wielding a weapon in a world that is clearly an analog of our world in most ways, would encounter the same issues as a person wielding that same weapon in our world, and there are very good reasons that cross-guards on real-world swords were almost never bladed in this way.




And for the saber-staff fans out there...

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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It would be exciting to see any sort of content which is either featured in or references the new Star Wars films (of course within reason of the time period which swtor is set in).


The cross guard lightsaber I think would be great to see in the game. Hopefully not just as a cartel market item but also from acquiring through crafting or a mission.

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It's just as practical as any lightsaber, considering without a cross guard the user is likely to lose fingers if not their hand in an actual melee.


But then again, I always laugh at people who will accept all the other light weapons that exist in star wars, including the rather stupid lightwhip, but now a cross guard is going too far and they try to claim it will injure the user first? Like the use of a lightsaber by itself wouldn't cause bodily harm to begin with? I am just shocked that sword design 101 was considered for this new lightsaber.


The lightwhip was always dumb, I agree.

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Erm no. I think the point just flew straight over your head. If you actually bothered to read what the OP said he clearly asked about cross guards similar to the one in the trailer.


Are you blind? No we do not. Fact.


You are the only person in this entire thread who thinks we're talking about the metal part of the lightsaber. LOL.


You should probally look into what a joke is, cause even Darth Wicked figured it out by the third post.

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I admit I was immediately thrown off by it, but would not lsoe any sleep if they added it. I would never get it since I do not participate in the Cartel Market or use anything others sell. The only exception is the series 512 set as I always wanted a playable "droid". So back then I just grabbed a set off the GTN...beyond that I hate having the cartel market logo on everything so do not bother.


I suppose my greatest worry for this game is that when VII comes out that they turn this game into "Star Wars Universe" and start selling items from ~4000 year in the future {unless the villan in VII is a resurrected Revan lol...or some crazy **** like that}. I want this game to stay in its own time and sort of make sense. They chose this era for the game...leave it here.


Not sure how many here also like Trek, but that was what killed STO for me when it came out. It was set 40 years after the TNG, yet players could play ships that were from any era {even Vulcan ships from before they were in Starfleet}, uniforms from any era...etc and so on...that game was just "Star Trek Universe" and made zero sense. Thankfully it went F2P and was bought out {at that time at least...not sure who owns them now} by the Chinese. I cancelled my sub before that all went down and shortly there after joined the closed beta for this game.


Please do not turn this game into a mix of eras just because this is currently the only SW MMORPG.

Edited by Urantia
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It's just as practical as any lightsaber, considering without a cross guard the user is likely to lose fingers if not their hand in an actual melee.


But then again, I always laugh at people who will accept all the other light weapons that exist in star wars, including the rather stupid lightwhip, but now a cross guard is going too far and they try to claim it will injure the user first? Like the use of a lightsaber by itself wouldn't cause bodily harm to begin with? I am just shocked that sword design 101 was considered for this new lightsaber.


How do you figure all that out? Be made of iron, steel, lazers or magic, the basic premise is still the same, you keep the blade away from touching part of your body. The cross guard wasnt bladed for a reason and the clue is in the name, Im sure the movie will have the one specific and outlandishly surreal occasion where you will "need" an offensive cross guard but it still seems silly.


Fantasy is great but the crux is maintaining a line that keeps it grounded in reality which is why we dont have exploding ewok throwers. That said given Lucas went too far over the other way and tried to convert the force into space herpes Im sure we would have them in episode 7 if he still had a hand in it......

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lets say lightsabres are bound to its master, a kind of a dna bound, so it cant harm u...its force sensitive stuff.


whats the message disney wants to pass with the cross lightsabre. Nothing its coincidental in the movies. And cross is an archaic symbol from my country. Its the symbol of Zeus.


Maybe they wanted to make syths as a Knight modern crusader....of a fairy tale, not of a starwars... who knows.

Edited by Oyranos
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I think its horrible, theres a reason why the cross guard wasnt bladed, the only person likely to be injured by the "new bits" is the wielder themselves.


Considering everything else we suspend our disbelief for in Star Wars, I'd call this the least of all sins. For everything else I embrace a Jedi, Sith or what have you doing, I can fully buy that they're Force-savvy enough not to poke themselves with their own sabers, whatever the design. :cool:

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Ah, the cross-guard saber. Why is that a thing? Who looked at that and thought "Yup. That's s sensible. If there's any one thing that makes sense, it's this.". Maybe the guy who made it rolled a natural 1 on his crafting check.


"I'm gonna make the best lightsaber ever!"


"...aaaaaand it's got three blades."

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... there's a reason why the cross guard wasn't bladed, the only person likely to be injured by the "new bits" is the wielder themselves.

That would depend upon whether or not the cross bits are "blades". More likely they are "shields" - which only makes sense.


Anyway, as soon as I saw the trailer, I laughed out loud at the "cross" lightsaber. I figured it would be the next "must have" and I also figured there would be a thread like this in the forums, immediately.


It could be hard to justify having this in SWTOR though. We've never seen one in the Star Wars universe up to, and including episodes 1-6 of the movies. So, it could be assumed that the "cross" is a new thing that appears only post-episode 6.

However, the opportunity to sell another gazillion Cartel Coins, probably can't be over-looked, if licensing allows.

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