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who is retiring thier sent/mara in 3.0?


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Master strike does damage to yourself if the opponent gets out of melee range.. HAHAHAHA..

I totally pictured the new light saber from the new Star Wars movie trailer where the light saber hilt cuts off you hand and dropping the light saber, and if duel wielding you get 3x damage to yourself as both sabers bounce around dancingly at your ankles cutting off your feet and causing 1000% movement reduction.

Edited by Rawbee
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my mara was my main.


I have a vengeance and a deception toons at max also.


playing my mara I feel gimped now in comparisson at all I can do with the other classes.


I usually go into some wz with the mara as warm up, keep reflexes sharp etc; then I logg with my assassin, and I just laugh at everything.


Now , that makes me sad, cause I feel marauders are in an unfair place from the competitive point of view; they r still fun.


I have my mara now only for crafting till they rebalance the game. I really miss our sabre throw; REALLY.

And the heavy armor + defence of my juggernaught is INSANE. ***! If they make enraged defence a warrior ability, or swap it to mara in exchange for that stupid easy to nulify undiying rage; it would be fair.


Think about it, we r squishy and have to, in order to survive ONE cc, let go of half health, now, my jugga has heavy armor + that enraged defence...+ roughly the SAME dps; etc..


Man, Mara I loved you so much, but the best mara right now is a vengeance jugga.

It s so good in comparisson, i feel like a freeking traitor for playing it; but yah well...mara to the crafting shelf right now for me.

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