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Can it run SWTOR?


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Hoping I can get help on something from players since CS cant seem to suggest what system I should buy...

The computer that I plat SWTOR on , well...its motherboard fried. So I am looking to replace the entire system since the failure spread the other components.

So the PC I got met all requirements online, but when it arrived, CS informed me that It had below req for graphics.

And before I spend more, I want to be sure I get one that will run this. I know CS wont tell me, but I am hoping another player can tell me.

here are 2 low end options ( I am not posting my mid level options because I know they will work...custom builds)





I know they are cheap-o computers...but I just need something small til tax time and I can blow 400+ on a good PC like my old one..

I want to spend 200-300 this time around so If either of these work or someone can link a better option...

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I actually do not expect CS to reply. This question was geared more to the community... and as for links.. best I can do..Seems link wont work cuz of the path I took to find it...meh

DELL Optiplex 755 Tower

CPU Type

Intel Core 2 Duo

CPU Speed




ATI Radeon HD 5450


Memory Capacity


Hard Drive


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No its very old PC...dont get it.


The ram is ddr2, so its about 8-10year old cpu..! Also the GPU is old...


Maybe you should tell us, how much you offer, so we can help you decide the parts. Also tell us what you allready have... For example (tv monitor/flat with HDMI out, keyboard, hdd, etc).


I will try experiment into something cheap from new egg that runs swtor.


CPU http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819117369

INTEL 4790K 4 cores and 8 therads

Motherboard http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128708


ram http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231666


HDD http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822236339


PC case : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811854004


PSU http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817151119


overal 809 dollars.


Now add the price for the gpu, I give you 3 solutions one cheap 199 bucks and the other 2, are top of the line.

Gpu solution 1 : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202049 (+199)

Gpu solution 2 : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814500362 (+329)

Gpu solution 3 : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127773 (+349)


this is the cheapest I could make at this point. Its personal opinion, so others could tell you as well.

Edited by Oyranos
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Oh I just need a tower. Have everything else.And like I said, looking to blow around 200-300 this time around til tax time lol. I was not sure. It seemed to reach min specs that cs listed, but I dont want to waste money unless I know for sure. It said it can run WoW so I was not sure. But ya was looking on newegg and a few other sites. I know if I want a good system I am looking to spend ~500 but at the moment I need a 'good enough' PC that has no issue running on low settings.
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I added all the products above, look my message.


You need a cpu that can play swtor for the next 4-5 years... This is it....The top of the line cpu at this momment is 4790k and the new intel 5820k... I gave you the older (last year technology) so you earn more bucks in the motherboard and ram...


You need a gold certificate the least, for you PSU and I gave you a 550w I believe its more than enough.


I also added 8 gigs of ddr3 ram at 2400, its very fast and cheap at the momment, because the new technology came out so they selling out!

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No its very old PC...dont get it.


The ram is ddr2, so its about 8-10year old cpu..! Also the GPU is old...


Maybe you should tell us, how much you offer, so we can help you decide the parts. Also tell us what you allready have... For example (tv monitor/flat with HDMI out, keyboard, hdd, etc).


I will try experiment into something cheap from new egg that runs swtor.


CPU http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819117369

INTEL 4790K 4 cores and 8 therads

Motherboard http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128708


ram http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231666


HDD http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822236339


PC case : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811854004


PSU http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817151119


overal 809 dollars.


Now add the price for the gpu, I give you 3 solutions one cheap 199 bucks and the other 2, are top of the line.

Gpu solution 1 : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202049 (+199)

Gpu solution 2 : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814500362 (+329)

Gpu solution 3 : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127773 (+349)


this is the cheapest I could make at this point. Its personal opinion, so others could tell you as well.


Ya, I am saving my build for taxes...just looking for a pre-built for now...just something cheap...

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Also , according to a CS post ( cant find it atm...think it was under one of those error 7 threads) the core 2 duo and the GPU I posted can run SWTOR... I will need to double check for it...but at face it fills the minimum requirements.
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So you looking about a 250-300 dollars?


Why dont you get one of the upgrade kits... MOBO+CPU+RAM for 300 and you will have a good combo.


The problem with newegg, when it comes to pre-built... they are a bit of a scam... They give with intels the faulty motherboards TYPE A... the good ones are TYPE B.


Without giving you lots of promises... This one




AMD is not that good though, but compared with the duo core you showed us, its better... It also contains a descent mid range gpu R9 270X with 2 gigs of ddr5.

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So you looking about a 250-300 dollars?


Why dont you get one of the upgrade kits... MOBO+CPU+RAM for 300 and you will have a good combo.


The problem with newegg, when it comes to pre-built... they are a bit of a scam... They give with intels the faulty motherboards TYPE A... the good ones are TYPE B.


good idea...had not even thought about that...

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upgrade kits are much cheaper, you can screw them in your old case, attach your gpu on and ur ready...


Get a modern I5 or i7 quad core, 8 gigs of ram and a z97 B....(if you see A, avoid it) I remember but I am not sure, when they originally came out, all of them where type A z97 mobos and they had problems with the sata controller! So they recall them back and gave a new revision and they baptized it B revision.


A modern i5 or i7 is LGA 1150


here is a combo u could make in your own...


cpu http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116991 ( 200 bucks)

motherboard http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128715 (105 bucks)

ram http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231546 (72 bucks)


overall 377 bucks


There is some cheaper mobos but I dont know... maybe an ashrok one that costs 79-89 bucks...u earn 20-30

there is also some cheaper rams for 40 bucks, so you earn another 30 bucks...overall 60 bucks and you could add a PSU in that price.

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But I found a prebuilt that is slightly better than minimum requirements. But thanks for all the info guys. helped narrow down the junk.


Anything at minimum or "slightly better than minimum requirements" is still junk for gaming. I guess we will see you posting here again in a week asking us why your "new" computer doesn't play the game well and what you can do to make it better. El oh el.

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actually I have an old one that meet minimum system requirements...plays swtor just fine. And this one is worse than the one I posted, and I got it knowing it wont run. And picking a computer better than that, ya It will work...and besides, only needs to last a month or 2. Wont be reposting if it doesnt work because I know the one I found will...just was not sure about the one in the OP...
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you could give us a link to check it out, but if its for a month or 2... even if it slugs, u could turn down most of the graphic thing and it will run... I tryed to give you a solution for a year or 2 and for 4 years + ...


Take this link and check the cpus you find as offers, their performance. So even if something looks better, it may be false flag.. check the charts to comfirm it.


For high end cpus https://www.cpubenchmark.net/high_end_cpus.html

For mid to high end cpus https://www.cpubenchmark.net/mid_range_cpus.html

For low to mid end cpus (avoid it when it comes to gaming) https://www.cpubenchmark.net/midlow_range_cpus.html

its a very nice link, if you find 2-3-4 offers, to check the charts and know, which offer gives you the best performance.

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kk There is this one..DELL Optiplex 760

and ya, I usually run on low settings...hate how even cloth is shiny in med/high settings...freaks me out.

I am planning on buying a custom one in Jan. or Feb.

I will admit, Its a pile...but its good enough for now. Had to call and ask about components just to be sure swtor would run. They checked it and it is compatible...but between you and me I wont be doing any pvp on it.

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so it has this cpu... Intel Core2 Duo E8400


and this cpu is in the second link of charts I gave you (mid to high end cpus)


There is some I3 solutions with dd3 ram and with 370bucks, but its 90 more... but as u said its temporary...its ur call, I hope we helped you...

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so it has this cpu... Intel Core2 Duo E8400


and this cpu is in the second link of charts I gave you (mid to high end cpus)


There is some I3 solutions with dd3 ram and with 370bucks, but its 90 more... but as u said its temporary...its ur call, I hope we helped you...


Yup. those links helped out. If I want to move up to spend 350 I could get an i5...but it is just a temp. Thank you for all the helpful links

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Ya, I am saving my build for taxes...just looking for a pre-built for now...just something cheap...


I'm not one to tell another what to do with their money ... and I realize you are SOL because the present system tanked ... but you are going to buy a subpar system to backfill the kapoot one until you get your tax rebate to buy another new one?


What part fried? Why not see if you can replace that part?

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SWTOR will not benefit from more than 2 cores unless you have something else running in the background (i.e. antivirus).


$300? Ohboy. Here goes...


APU $50. The integrated graphics on that thing are actually not too slow.

Motherboard $75.

RAM $70.

Case + PSU $50.

HD $60. Never messed with SSD caching, but the feature should make your computer go power-on-to-desktop much faster than a plain hard drive.

Windows $100. Not optional-your computer won't run SWTOR without it.

If your optical drive isn't working, add:

DVD burner $20.


... comes out to about $400 (shipping), but should run the game reasonably well.

Obvious shortcomings:

Very little room to upgrade. In a year, there will be better foundations out anyway.

Edited by ALaggyGrunt
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I'm not one to tell another what to do with their money ... and I realize you are SOL because the present system tanked ... but you are going to buy a subpar system to backfill the kapoot one until you get your tax rebate to buy another new one?


What part fried? Why not see if you can replace that part?


And better yet... if you're THAT broke, is this what you should be spending money on?


*puts on flame suit*


Might not be a popular comment, but it is the truth...

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And better yet... if you're THAT broke, is this what you should be spending money on?


*puts on flame suit*


Might not be a popular comment, but it is the truth...


yeah agree with you, my opinion is..i think he should save his 300$ and add it to w/e his tax return will be and buy something future proof

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