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time for a pvp revamp...


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Stuns are stuns. I stun/mezz/root as much as I get stunned/mezzed/rooted back. I kill, I get killed. If I do not have stuns/mezzes on my character, I won't be able to fight a Mara on a ranged. Unless you get an endless supply of energy, and then you have to strafe, which in this game is not exactly easy b/c you have to use facing and shoot with the same hand. Sure, I want a survivability of a Guardian, added to a Shadow's damages, Smuggler's mezz, and if possible topped with Scoundrel's heals. And, if I can ad stealth to that...


@LA - I'd try it. It doesn't sound too bad. i dunno, if it would be a major draw though.

Only thing though is too ofthen you get chain stunned and are dead by the time the resolve bar is up.


That's why I advocated for having either one stun or 2 roots to fill in the resolve bar for some time.

Otherwise it's just gank fest, on whatever side of the stun you are.

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