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time for a pvp revamp...


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On the other hand, is there a compelling argument against the game just simply calculating your rank in the background once you reached Valor 80 and are in the top bracket or something, while keeping everything else the same, i.e you keep playing a selection 4x4 and 8x8 of zones, and just removing the whole drama of entering the ranked queue all-together?


Maybe add some points in rank for being god-awesome even when ye team was face-rolled, then the guys with low rating will still get the participatory rewards and can gear up in peace, and the guys whose ratings skyrocketed get the fancy-shmancy stuff... and if you want no part of ranking at all, you just stop playing on the alt, no?


Bar the groups from solo queue to minimize the "farm the pug" movement... Happy? Or unhappy?

Edited by DomiSotto
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I agree with the deserter debuff... You leave 3 times in 12 hours and you get banned for 2 or something like that... I'd also like to see the cybertech grenades removed from PvP... It's more sad than anything when people use them in regs, like I literally feel bad for the people that use them... What a crutch...


on my cybertech chars it's just another cooldown...

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Some of my very old ideas to improve PVP....


What comes to mind is BF2 once again. After looking at the GSF GUI, I started to get the idea that there might be a way to drastically alter the way that PVP is played in this game.


Let's say the following changes were made...


1) The mechanic for PVP is completely replaced. You get a new simplified GUI that has a single bar with 5 or 6 abilities on a single bar at the bottom and simple controls.


2) Your stats are completely based on Expertise, which is effected by level and performance in PVP (ranking), and can rise and fall depending on that performance. Your gear no longer determines your stats.


3) Models for your toon are simplified, polys removed, much more basic models used to promote the ability for larger amounts of folks to PVP together.


4) Particles and effects would be dialed back dramatically.


The idea, by doing this would be to allow balance changes to PVP which do not effect PVE in any way, allow a much more approachable and intuitive PVP system for instanced PVP, allow large groups of players to engage each other without slowdown problems and performance issues and directly tie your performance to your stat boosts through rankings.


Essentially, instanced PVP would be very similar to PVP in BF2.


This would naturally be a pretty dramatic change, especially removing gears effect on your stats and performance. Instanced PVP would become a brand new animal.



I have a few other ideas as well. First I would like to cover a common request it seems...player bounties.

Player bounties (PVP server only)


Players would be able to go to a bounty box, submit a player's name and pay credits as a payout to whomever collects on the bounty. Player bounties can not be collected in sanctuary or non-combat areas. One bounty can be placed on a player every seven days. A seeker droid is required to learn of the location, and you must be on the planet where the bounty is located to detect it. Players are allowed to opt out of the bounty system, opt out has a 7 day cooldown. Opt-in gives a 10 percent XP bonus with PVP.


Bounties (PVE server)


Players would be able to go to an NPC bounty terminal and choose a daily bounty. This bounty would cause an NPC to spawn at the bounty coordinates when the player reaches the bounty location. A seeker droid is required to learn of the location, and you must be on the planet where the bounty is located to detect it.





Next up would be Galactic War rankings, PVE and PVP (and hybrid)



Galactic War ranking system - Single player open ranking system


This is a title and ranking board system. I have no idea what the rewards should be if any, but Ill continue.


PVP servers - Ranks


Corporal - 100 Player kills, 1000 flagged NPC kills that grant XP.

Sergeant - 250 Player kills, 2500 flagged NPC kills that grant XP.


Officer ranks, 2 percent health/energy buff


Lieutenant - 500 Player kills, 5000 flagged NPC kills that grant XP.

Captain - 1000 Player kills, 10000 flagged NPC kills that grant XP.


Elite Command ranks, 5 percent health/energy buff


Commander - 2500 Player kills, 25000 flagged NPC kills that grant XP.

General - 5000 Player kills, 50000 flagged NPC kills that grant XP.


Death by player causes a loss in count of kills, 1/10/100 for every rank teir back to beginning of rank count max...so say you were at Commander and you had 3000 players under your belt. You were killed three times. You would lose 300 kills and now be at 2700.


Total ranking, all accumulated kills minus loss adjustments would determine overall standing in ranking boards. Boards would be set per server, and the top three would receive special rewards.



PVE servers - Ranks


Ranks would be the same, but no health/energy boost would be rewarded for ranks.


Killing flagged NPCs would not count toward your PVP rank, nor would it effect your PVP rank if a flagged NPC kills you. Instead, an achievement system is used below and has a separate ranking board.


Otherwise it is the same.



GW rankings - Achievements - PVE server


This system would provide titles using the achievement system. Here the flagged NPC accumulated kills would count for the full amount, and non-flagged NPCs would count for half as long as they are factional to either Republic or Empire.


The ranking system would be the same as on a PVP server but you would not receive any buffs for rank increases.


A separate GW ranking board for PVE would be provided with total kills. Deaths against factional NPCs would also be counted against your score.


Hybrid Arena - Nar Shadaa


Both PVE and PVP players can compete. You can choose either to face real players or NPCs. NPC bouts lock out PVP flagged players from competing.


This is a small open battle arena. Players are ranked based on the following criteria...


Most healing done during the battle

Most damage dealt

Most damage received without dying

Most attacks avoided or parried

Most CC abilities used successfully (based on incapacitation time)


4 opponents, either 8 players or 4 players and 4 NPC bosses of increasing difficulty. Players get to choose which bosses to face, and leader boards keep track of which bosses or players you face and your results.


This option is balance locked to avoid Arena implementation pitfalls...any balance issues that exist are ignored. Players are required to learn how to adapt to imbalance on their own. There are no direct rewards for participation, other than perhaps reputation. Death causes no decay, nor do you "win" or "lose" the battle if you die or kill opponents.

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I'd like there to be a continuous ranking system. Based solely on wins and losses. Said system follows you and is viewable when somebody inspects (ala achievements).


Now, here's the kicker. If you "rage quit" and your team loses - you still get the loss.


At 55 you'd be placed in a bracket with similar folks ranking wise. And much like English soccer, you get moved up or down depending on your wins and losses.


Rewards, however, that say obtained at the top bracket, would not be available in lower brackets (so you couldn't get to 2400 ranked then purposely lose to farm bads).

Edited by Lotharofxev
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LordArtemis, I usually love your opinions and ideas, but I have to say that I am completely, totally, vehemently against what you are suggesting.


The most valuable part of the PvP for me is learning what my character is capable off and learning my abilities and other classes’ abilities! I do not want a mini-game with separate rules!!! I want PvP more integrated rather than less!!!


I want to play my character.


PvP absolutely made me a better player. I have learned virtually nothing in levelling, and more complicated PvE content is FAR too gated (queue and time to get through, disconnects, kick-outs, random group comp) and punishing (cost of death, no rewards if unfinished through disconnect or kick) to L2P through it.


Lowbie PvP is an absolute heaven for a newb, the only venue really to experiment while gearing up and not draining your credit pool.


Please, no matter what, do not mess with that side of it! I will seriously… go preferred! :D

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LordArtemis, I usually love your opinions and ideas, but I have to say that I am completely, totally, vehemently against what you are suggesting.


The most valuable part of the PvP for me is learning what my character is capable off and learning my abilities and other classes’ abilities! I do not want a mini-game with separate rules!!! I want PvP more integrated rather than less!!!


I want to play my character.


PvP absolutely made me a better player. I have learned virtually nothing in levelling, and more complicated PvE content is FAR too gated (queue and time to get through, disconnects, kick-outs, random group comp) and punishing (cost of death, no rewards if unfinished through disconnect or kick) to L2P through it.


Lowbie PvP is an absolute heaven for a newb, the only venue really to experiment while gearing up and not draining your credit pool.


Please, no matter what, do not mess with that side of it! I will seriously… go preferred! :D


Fair enough. How about the idea of actual open world ranks?

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since all the warzone pvp has degraded into these days is just a chase damage and kills, and forget all about the objective, i think what bioware should do a few things.


1. remove ALL current objective based pvp maps, and replace them with arenas.

2. ban all free to play people from pvp, you want to pvp sub and then you can pvp, i am sick and tired of babysitting them and have them just doing their own thing instead. they are not supporting this game so therefore they are deadweight and should be removed.

3. Remove all MVP votes, they are pointless and usually go to whoever has the most kills and dmg

4. Create a pvp tutorial on HOW to for pvp

5. tone down the chains stuns and CCs

6. get rid of all of those cyber-tech grenades from pvp especially those seismic ones

7. revamp expertise and tone it down

8. add a deserter debuff for the rage quitters for 30 mins


my 2 cents i know i am know i am going to get alot of hate from people about my views. Well i love pvp its my thing, and i have gotten really sick and tried trying to explain what an objective is in this game to people that are totally clueless. People don't go after the ball, run orbs and defend nodes anymore and its gotten way worse then what it was before this game went free to play.


if they want to just do that they should have just created death-match maps and never bothered to make any objective based maps if no one is even going to follow them


I read this as "how to kill SWTOR pvp" yeah, MVP votes are pointless, I will give you that one. the rest, no.


for example if all the maps were the 4 man arena's I would stop pvping. I hate those maps. its one of the reasons I rarely do ranked.

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since all the warzone pvp has degraded into these days is just a chase damage and kills, and forget all about the objective, i think what bioware should do a few things.


1. remove ALL current objective based pvp maps, and replace them with arenas.

2. ban all free to play people from pvp, you want to pvp sub and then you can pvp, i am sick and tired of babysitting them and have them just doing their own thing instead. they are not supporting this game so therefore they are deadweight and should be removed.

3. Remove all MVP votes, they are pointless and usually go to whoever has the most kills and dmg

4. Create a pvp tutorial on HOW to for pvp

5. tone down the chains stuns and CCs

6. get rid of all of those cyber-tech grenades from pvp especially those seismic ones

7. revamp expertise and tone it down

8. add a deserter debuff for the rage quitters for 30 mins


my 2 cents i know i am know i am going to get alot of hate from people about my views. Well i love pvp its my thing, and i have gotten really sick and tried trying to explain what an objective is in this game to people that are totally clueless. People don't go after the ball, run orbs and defend nodes anymore and its gotten way worse then what it was before this game went free to play.


if they want to just do that they should have just created death-match maps and never bothered to make any objective based maps if no one is even going to follow them


1: No, go the other way: make ranked PvP have objectives-based maps so the unranked queues aren't swarming with preganks.

2: Doesn't matter to me one way or another. If you want the F2P types to play, you could try not being condescending and insulting to them and/or their family members.

3: What server are you from? I almost always MVP the healer, and they usually get quite a lot of MVP votes.

4: Yes please. None of this click-through-pages-of-stupid-basic-text like the GSF tutorial, or it's going to mean exactly nil. Or go to the bolsterizer on fleet (I think it's on the ship with all the operations somewhere), bolster yourself and whoever you're trying to train, and.. you know, train technique with duels or the like.

5: I'm guessing you're not the only one whose tank got stunlocked down to half health by a lone operative.

6: Find a cybertecher and make your own?

7: Tone it down how far? What result are you looking for? I'd be looking for something where top PvP and PvE gear perform about the same.

8: Ignore feature is your friend. If you don't want a ragequitter in your group, scroll through your chatbox after the match and see who ragequit. Assuming it works.

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Fair enough. How about the idea of actual open world ranks?


I'd be down with something like that - but only if Expertise was negated in the open world.


Let's face it, open world is where the majority of PvE leveling happens. We are given gear rewards in the open world for PvE. Expertise should only come into play for PvP maps. Warzone players get an inordinate open world advantage that frankly just isn't fair. Plus - there is bolster IN warzones to smooth out the differential - a similar effect should be in place in Open World, except it should negate any expertise advantage, since the vast majority of players in the Open World are doing PvE leveling content. If anything, they should get the advantage.


I know Warzone players will scream without their significant advantage, but shouldn't the fact that they mostly prey upon players 15 - 20 levels below them ("it's not ganking, it's PvP!") be advantage enough?


If they want to make Open World PvP a real thing, then they need to have Open World PvP "rules" - and not let Warzone players get an overwhelming advantage that they no longer even get in Warzones.

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I'd be down with something like that - but only if Expertise was negated in the open world.


So my full PvP geared sin can get farmed by 186 geared raiders? No thank you. If you remove expertise the top raid gear suddenly becomes the best gear for PvP, that's not how it should work. If someone wants to be competitive in PvP they should get some f'ing PvP gear. I can't go into a HM/NiM raid without high end PvE gear and be competitive and neither should PvE'ers get to go into PvP (instanced OR open world) without PvP gear and be competitive. You don't get to have it one way for PvP and the other for PvE.

Edited by Hei_Atzfel
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So my full PvP geared sin can get farmed by 186 geared raiders? No thank you. If you remove expertise the top raid gear suddenly becomes the best gear for PvP, that's not how it should work. If someone wants to be competitive in PvP they should get some f'ing PvP gear. I can't go into a HM/NiM raid without high end PvE gear and be competitive and neither should PvE'ers get to go into PvP (instanced OR open world) without PvP gear and be competitive. You don't get to have it one way for PvP and the other for PvE.


Not in Open World. Your PvP gear should only be good in Warzones. I shouldn't have to play in Warzones (which I don't prefer to do) to farm get gear to wear in the Open World which isn't meant for the vast majority of what happens in the Open World (PvE). That makes ZERO sense, especially since in Warzones there is Bolster. Maybe we need bolster in the Open World, then, because Warzone players should NOT get such an incredible advantage over Open World players that they don't even get in Warzones.


Needs to change.

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LordA, I wish I could answer your question, but I simply cannot. I have never experienced OW PvP, save for being griefed a couple of times, just like ye average newb. One day I will know enough to be dangerous, but not today.


From my very limited experience perspective, I agree though that anything PvP related should stick with the Expertise.


However, seeing how a low level player is basically food, I would prefer to see a Bolster activate as soon as the flag does in the OW for a player who is doesn't have an access to Tier I gear due to level restriction. So, you know, you could at least leave a scratch on that Tier II armor before you die.


I’ve read a post recently where someone uses the ‘feign death’ animation to trap-flag folks who are doing dailies. While I understand that all’s fair in love and war, I just don’t understand the appeal of griefing. I would feel happy holding out against a superior opponent in an honest combat and losing, and I resent the idea of ambushing a target I can one-shot in the OW. Guess my MMO inexperience is showing, eh?

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LordA, I wish I could answer your question, but I simply cannot. I have never experienced OW PvP, save for being griefed a couple of times, just like ye average newb. One day I will know enough to be dangerous, but not today.


From my very limited experience perspective, I agree though that anything PvP related should stick with the Expertise.


However, seeing how a low level player is basically food, I would prefer to see a Bolster activate as soon as the flag does in the OW for a player who is doesn't have an access to Tier I gear due to level restriction. So, you know, you could at least leave a scratch on that Tier II armor before you die.


I’ve read a post recently where someone uses the ‘feign death’ animation to trap-flag folks who are doing dailies. While I understand that all’s fair in love and war, I just don’t understand the appeal of griefing. I would feel happy holding out against a superior opponent in an honest combat and losing, and I resent the idea of ambushing a target I can one-shot in the OW. Guess my MMO inexperience is showing, eh?


Adding a separate rank structure for OW PVP can promote this activity, which I feel gets more folks involved.


For instance, though attacking individuals, or griefing them to get them to PVP is not favored, raiding cities is often a fun and engaging activity. It gets folks involved and interested in PVP that would not normally be interested. People jump in to defend the city, and folks travel to that city to give a hand.


Though this game has a city raid once in a while, it normally only happens on PVP servers.


The ranks provide incentive to bring the battle to the open world occasionally. This is players creating their own event, so to speak.

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My way to fix pvp would be as follows, I would be take the focus off of better gear stats as a reward and instead focus on exclusive armors and weapon skins, mounts and titles, all gear should be bolstered to the exact same level, and this will encourage far more pvp participation, and skill based match balances, add legacy wide valor, that could be used to "balance teams" along with class and spec, legacy valor should also be the gateway for ranked pvp, say tier 60.


All in all, pvp needs fast ques, similar geared players and balanced opposing teams.

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For instance, though attacking individuals, or griefing them to get them to PVP is not favored, raiding cities is often a fun and engaging activity. It gets folks involved and interested in PVP that would not normally be interested. People jump in to defend the city, and folks travel to that city to give a hand.


I am not sure. I don't even understand what the term 'raid' means in relation to a MMO, because it is applied to Ops, FPs, and PvP by different people, so I can't seem to grasp what people mean by 'raid'.


Putting yourself forward on an activity like this is a bit over my comfort threshold. I think there is a big faction of players who are similar to myself - they have the zone flag on while questing in the big boring worlds, like Hoth, and appreciate a quick transport to and from the PvP to go on with the questing after they got their adrenalin and comms fix.


Going somewhere for a purpose of PvP (with the travel time taking a lot of valuable game time & a HUGE chance that by the time you get there through the spawns and map navigation, it will all be over already), relying on other people being there, and in a quantity sufficient to not be facerolled, particularly with the current faction imbalance where Imperial players dominate heavily, easily 4:1, if not more, I just...


I can't see the appeal?


all gear should be bolstered to the exact same level


For me, getting gear was always a huge incentive. I simply do not have a lifestyle or social skill to do PvE content to gear up through the HM FPs, Ops and the like. I find it interminably stressful and boring.


But PvP... oh, yes. I feel like I can achieve something there while having fun!


I prefer useful rewards, rather than a mount or a title. I have a perfectly good speeder. I never display any titles the game gives me, because I remember having the "Master" added to my toon ('cause I was very proud of getting it on my Sage, lol), then sucking really badly, and... well, I'd rather not repeat the experience. So, all my toons just have their name. My titles are nobody's business. The only shells I really want are BoLs....


All and all, I feel that the rewards that PvP provides attracts far more people than the level playing field would. Gearing up is so fast, that the field becomes level gear wise within a few short weeks. If it was there from the start... no point.

Edited by DomiSotto
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PVP needs more general population participation, and the way to do that is to introduce OW PVP ranks and rank boards as well as sanctioned city raids.


Would be nice to see a raid event every once in a while where PVP folks get to raid the Fleet.


Sanctioned PVP city raids would place quest NPCs off limits, and would require hard choices to participate, in other words you would have a forced OFF pvp flag in the area and be required to flag yourself directly to participate.


This would allow those that do not wish to participate, or simply spectate to still enjoy the event.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Was playing quite a lot of WZ lately, and well STUNS stinks.


I mean on whatever side of the stun you are it's boring. Either you have your keyboard and mouse being taken away from yourself or you beat the crap out of someone who is double tied with duck tape on his whole body.


Resolve should be made that either after 2 roots or one stun it's filled for at least 1 min and doesn't empty when you are in the waiting area.



Then for gear, PVP is fun until 55 then it's gank fest and so bad game design.

I can not see anyone having fun being ganked by others more geared players until they eventually get on par gear. That''s the main reason FPS PVP > for most MMO.

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I am sorry, but if I want to play PvP, and I can't win gear through PvP, I will still be ganked. 156 against 186 is not going to work well (or 180 vs 200).


So, now to play PvP, I have to go and try to find time to grind hard content on PvE first, taking every bit of the abuse the old boys throw the newb's way, memorizing ~ 100 fights, 4 or 5 14-points rotations per character, praying for the non-popping PvE queues, enduring the kicks and death costs, before I can go and play end-game PvP a few months down the road?


So, you going to gate PvP now based on the completion of the PvE content, WHY? Honestly, I get it that people are understandably proud of the BiS Ops gear, and stuff, but some of us can't wait an hour for a pop to do an hour or two uninterrupted run without even a certainty of any reward being won; and do so a day after day after day.... Please, mercy!




I think what you are suggesting is a lure for those who have done it all and are getting tired. Me, I am new and stuff, so I haven’t had a chance yet to try out the stuff others are tired of. :)


The participatory problems with the PvP seem to relate only to the ranked, tbh. The Arenas are unforgiving and brutal and drive the player divide between the old boys and newbs ever wider. I understand that BioWARE wants ranked to be as fast and efficient as possible to avoid the stalemates and rotation of the same tactics. I get it.

But as a newb I do not see myself entering, because: I don’t want to aggravate other people; I cannot train for arenas properly in order to have the slimmest chance against the old boys; the rewards on weekly/daily are for winning only (which is totally logical, but unappealing); the classes I play do badly in the arenas even on the great players.


For me, solutions for those issues would be great.


How is it going to be different in the OW PvP you think are going to be a huge success?


What will attract a newb (like, say, me, and thousands others?) I play a less favored faction, and my skill is not high. Basically, why should I make an effort to get insta-focused and slaughtered? Why should I go boost someone else’s kill count? What will I be getting out of it as a newb?


Say, it’s for learning to fight on the character a bit better. I can get behind that.


If so, can people just press a button and be teleported to the OW location of choice at any time?


Can it be faction-neutral, and everyone for him/herself? At least so I theoretically have a hope to hit upon another lonely newb? Can there be solo objectives hidden around that OW area that you can get?


Can stealth be disabled in those area when not in combat?

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What will attract a newb (like, say, me, and thousands others?) I play a less favored faction, and my skill is not high. Basically, why should I make an effort to get insta-focused and slaughtered? Why should I go boost someone else’s kill count? What will I be getting out of it as a newb?

But stuns it's main issue with PvP in this game right now.


Unless you are willing to bend over for quite some time while being abused, there are no way you're going to make it.


Not a nice concept of FUN. Add to that you can't either queue to the content you like: mandatory WZ being pushed in your throat.

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I am sorry, but if I want to play PvP, and I can't win gear through PvP, I will still be ganked. 156 against 186 is not going to work well (or 180 vs 200).


So, now to play PvP, I have to go and try to find time to grind hard content on PvE first, taking every bit of the abuse the old boys throw the newb's way, memorizing ~ 100 fights, 4 or 5 14-points rotations per character, praying for the non-popping PvE queues, enduring the kicks and death costs, before I can go and play end-game PvP a few months down the road?


So, you going to gate PvP now based on the completion of the PvE content, WHY? Honestly, I get it that people are understandably proud of the BiS Ops gear, and stuff, but some of us can't wait an hour for a pop to do an hour or two uninterrupted run without even a certainty of any reward being won; and do so a day after day after day.... Please, mercy!




I think what you are suggesting is a lure for those who have done it all and are getting tired. Me, I am new and stuff, so I haven’t had a chance yet to try out the stuff others are tired of. :)


The participatory problems with the PvP seem to relate only to the ranked, tbh. The Arenas are unforgiving and brutal and drive the player divide between the old boys and newbs ever wider. I understand that BioWARE wants ranked to be as fast and efficient as possible to avoid the stalemates and rotation of the same tactics. I get it.

But as a newb I do not see myself entering, because: I don’t want to aggravate other people; I cannot train for arenas properly in order to have the slimmest chance against the old boys; the rewards on weekly/daily are for winning only (which is totally logical, but unappealing); the classes I play do badly in the arenas even on the great players.


For me, solutions for those issues would be great.


How is it going to be different in the OW PvP you think are going to be a huge success?


What will attract a newb (like, say, me, and thousands others?) I play a less favored faction, and my skill is not high. Basically, why should I make an effort to get insta-focused and slaughtered? Why should I go boost someone else’s kill count? What will I be getting out of it as a newb?


Say, it’s for learning to fight on the character a bit better. I can get behind that.


If so, can people just press a button and be teleported to the OW location of choice at any time?


Can it be faction-neutral, and everyone for him/herself? At least so I theoretically have a hope to hit upon another lonely newb? Can there be solo objectives hidden around that OW area that you can get?


Can stealth be disabled in those area when not in combat?


If I were to set up a city raid as an event, this is how I design it....


1) Announced event galaxy wide. Players have to travel to the area themselves.

2) Attack begins with NPCs attacking city NPCs. Mission and vendor NPCs are not involved in the fight.

3) Treated like an area quest. When you enter, you are given the opportunity to participate. You can fight only the NPCs, or you can flag and also fight players as well.

4) When you choose to participate in the quest, you are boosted to top level gear specs, and if you flag you are also boosted with Expertise and you are given a heal (much like the Makeb boost).


This would allow non-pvp players to participate in an open PVP event without being forced to participate if they do not wish to do so. They can also choose to only participate in the PVE side if they wish.


The rewards you receive for the event are set based on your type of participation. If you do not flag, your rewards are much lower.

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But stuns it's main issue with PvP in this game right now.


Stuns are stuns. I stun/mezz/root as much as I get stunned/mezzed/rooted back. I kill, I get killed. If I do not have stuns/mezzes on my character, I won't be able to fight a Mara on a ranged. Unless you get an endless supply of energy, and then you have to strafe, which in this game is not exactly easy b/c you have to use facing and shoot with the same hand. Sure, I want a survivability of a Guardian, added to a Shadow's damages, Smuggler's mezz, and if possible topped with Scoundrel's heals. And, if I can ad stealth to that...


@LA - I'd try it. It doesn't sound too bad. i dunno, if it would be a major draw though.

Edited by DomiSotto
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@LA - I'd try it. It doesn't sound too bad. i dunno, if it would be a major draw though.


Fair enough. The idea would be to add a bit of upheaval in the world without it being too intrusive, and give players a taste of PVP.


With the high gear bolster, expertise buff AND the healing buff they should pose a reasonable challenge to other players, though skill will likely still win out.

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