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PvP Class/Spec Mentor(s)


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Not to be a troll but some of the people on these lists could use some help themselves never mind helping other people. Just saying.


It's posts like this that remind me how the majority of people are. They would rather take the time to write critical, non-constructive posts about what others can't or won't do instead of either being quiet or writing something that might add some constructiveness to the thread.


Even if someone may not play as well as say, you. That doesn't mean they can't provide some tips or info to a new player that could be found to be helpful to someone else. Before condescending people, wait for them to offer their tips and info. If there are flaws in it, well, feel free to blast them and explain why their tips are bad. Just my opinion of course.


I just feel dismayed with negative attitudes sometimes. In the game, and even on the forums. Yeah I know, it's the interwebs. But, really. When good intentions are meant, and fun is being had, why do so many people feel the need to show their superiority? Please, can we just put the e-peens away? Measure them in the warzones if you want to talk **** to others.


People take things so seriously, and become so condescending to others, this is what made me totally stop posting on these forums because, people just take things way too seriously and the urge to whip out the e-peens becomes too strong to control. The trousers split, and POW there is the e-peen. Just put it away. Thanks.

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Sorry for the delay, I've been paying little attention to the forums the last few days. Anyway I checked the thread and added all of the new entries (including you Chasso, sorry I missed your post the first time).


Keep 'em coming!




All specs







Conc and Leth


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Name: Talyc'jatne

Class: Power Tech

Spec/Discipline: Shield Tech


Name: Stahli

Class: Vanguard

Spec/Discipline: Shield


(*note: I am rollin with the imps these days due to more consistent pvp, Stahli collects a lot of dust.)

Edited by xMaranathax
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Is this still a thing after 3.0? I'm apparently doing terrible with specs that are regarded as OP, and would really benefit from a one-on-one mentoring to see the things I'm doing wrong.


What class are you playing? If you see me on Eradicate (Imp) or Expløit (Pub) message and I can give you some tips, regardless of class.

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What class are you playing? If you see me on Eradicate (Imp) or Expløit (Pub) message and I can give you some tips, regardless of class.

Hatred sin and Concealment op mainly. Sin in particular because I've played full Madness before the expansion but don't remember being -that- bad at it. I hardly break 400k damage and die way too easily even with all the self heals.


Always start with the class forums and look for up to date class guides. Most have a pretty decent start.


Most classes are a priority based setup now, so just look for whatever is flashing and hit that...

I check the class forums and pvp forums regularly. And I've read some 3.0 guides on the specs, though a lot of them are pve oriented and have stat allocation priorities and some rotation orders that I don't feel are optimal (not to mention the math and parsing when it's mentioned, which goes way over my head). I just wanted to know what people on the server were doing personally to see how/if I could make it work.

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Hatred sin and Concealment op mainly. Sin in particular because I've played full Madness before the expansion but don't remember being -that- bad at it. I hardly break 400k damage and die way too easily even with all the self heals.



I check the class forums and pvp forums regularly. And I've read some 3.0 guides on the specs, though a lot of them are pve oriented and have stat allocation priorities and some rotation orders that I don't feel are optimal (not to mention the math and parsing when it's mentioned, which goes way over my head). I just wanted to know what people on the server were doing personally to see how/if I could make it work.


Hatred is super easy... discharge->creeping darkness->deathfield (try to get them grouped up for this for the dot spread).


Then your priorities are

1. make sure your target has discharge and creeping darkness up at all times

2. priorities = assassinate (proc) > Demolish (crushing darkness) (proc only) > leaching strike > Deathfield


If you do a good job keeping your discharge and creeping darkness up on multiple targets by using your deathfield, you will be getting plenty of healing incoming and will be putting out disgusting damage numbers. Use leaching strike and assassinate to proc demolish.

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Hatred is super easy... discharge->creeping darkness->deathfield (try to get them grouped up for this for the dot spread).


Then your priorities are

1. make sure your target has discharge and creeping darkness up at all times

2. priorities = assassinate (proc) > Demolish (crushing darkness) (proc only) > leaching strike > Deathfield


If you do a good job keeping your discharge and creeping darkness up on multiple targets by using your deathfield, you will be getting plenty of healing incoming and will be putting out disgusting damage numbers. Use leaching strike and assassinate to proc demolish.


My sin a Canook just hit 60. I have been playing hatred since 55. Lots of fun but I'm just learning as well. Bibi has it summed up for you well. As indicated watch the guides as they are mostly for PVE. I have seen demolish as an opener in those and you NEVER will want to hard cast it in PVP.


I see lots of sins cranking out death field even against single target. It does not hit hard. It's greatest asset is the spreading of your dots to all affected targets. If you are dying too easily, you may rethink your elective ability choices. Some improve survivability, some will give you a good depth of stubs and roots and some assist your ability to escape. Im playing with different combos now to see what works well together.

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Hatred is super easy... discharge->creeping darkness->deathfield (try to get them grouped up for this for the dot spread).


Then your priorities are

1. make sure your target has discharge and creeping darkness up at all times

2. priorities = assassinate (proc) > Demolish (crushing darkness) (proc only) > leaching strike > Deathfield


If you do a good job keeping your discharge and creeping darkness up on multiple targets by using your deathfield, you will be getting plenty of healing incoming and will be putting out disgusting damage numbers. Use leaching strike and assassinate to proc demolish.


You should only us leaching strike as part of a burst rotation if you can score a kill, otherwise try not to use it unless you a: not worried about your hp or b: not at full health.


Self heals from dots are decent, but leaching is your go-to for self healing so if you use when you have 95% hp and then get switched to you're really going to wish you had held it for a few gcds; that being said if you are in the mix you should try to keep LS on cd.


Another thing to think about when using LS is that you want it to hit as hard as possible, so even if you are focusing the guardian who just popped enure (it gives them 15% damage reduction) you would actually want to swap to another target (say that squishy sage, or even better another squishy shadow since they have even less DR than a sage) for LS, then switch back to your focus target.


Oddly enough the best way to effectively play hatred/serenity is to play like a derp number farmer (albeit, smart target selection and knowing when to focus a priority target down is a must) since your survivialbility is directly tied to your damage output; this is in regs, in solo ranked you'll often find that tanking your dps a bit for increased CC is a good trade off.

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You should only us leaching strike as part of a burst rotation if you can score a kill, otherwise try not to use it unless you a: not worried about your hp or b: not at full health.


Self heals from dots are decent, but leaching is your go-to for self healing so if you use when you have 95% hp and then get switched to you're really going to wish you had held it for a few gcds; that being said if you are in the mix you should try to keep LS on cd.


Another thing to think about when using LS is that you want it to hit as hard as possible, so even if you are focusing the guardian who just popped enure (it gives them 15% damage reduction) you would actually want to swap to another target (say that squishy sage, or even better another squishy shadow since they have even less DR than a sage) for LS, then switch back to your focus target.


Oddly enough the best way to effectively play hatred/serenity is to play like a derp number farmer (albeit, smart target selection and knowing when to focus a priority target down is a must) since your survivialbility is directly tied to your damage output; this is in regs, in solo ranked you'll often find that tanking your dps a bit for increased CC is a good trade off.

I was trying to keep it a little more simple than that... but great info...


My only caveat would be that LS can crit for 10k, on a 12s CD, only 25 force, and it procs Demolish.... I consider it a better use of force than Maul or even Thrash in most scenario's


Also, don't forget mass mind control as a 30% damage reduction plus the taunt

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Iv played shadow from the start of time itself and have recently started a new shadow and guild on this server with the intention of teaching people how to play there class with a bit of rp mixed for Jedi only, and I can't list my name because I will most likely mis spell so as far as the guild goes council of First Knowledge, is the guild name. Sapitina is the legacy name. I'll post more info later. I can help almost any shadow and guardian. Thanks will update name soon
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Iv played shadow from the start of time itself and have recently started a new shadow and guild on this server with the intention of teaching people how to play there class with a bit of rp mixed for Jedi only, and I can't list my name because I will most likely mis spell so as far as the guild goes council of First Knowledge, is the guild name. Sapitina is the legacy name. I'll post more info later. I can help almost any shadow and guardian. Thanks will update name soon

and I can't list my name because I will most likely mis spell



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