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The Confirmed 3.0 Changes thread


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Does overdrive make HO make you move at 175% or 145% moovementspeed?

description first made me think it would add the 45% to the baseline 30% but in the stream there was barely any difference in speed visible over sprint. so it looked more like it's 45% instead of 30%.


Besides PT Tanks seem to play exactly the same, with 2 differences:

you can no longer chain 2 flamethrowers(firestorms) as the reset cooldown is now lower than the base cooldown,

and you can spam your heart of flame bursts in your opener, as you get 2 for free now, saving you 1 heat cooldown for later usage

Edited by meisterjedi
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Does overdrive make HO make you move at 175% or 145% moovementspeed?

description first made me think it would add the 45% to the baseline 30% but in the stream there was barely any difference in speed visible over sprint. so it looked more like it's 45% instead of 30%.


Besides PT Tanks seem to play exactly the same, with 2 differences:

you can no longer chain 2 flamethrowers(firestorms) as the reset cooldown is now lower than the base cooldown,

and you can spam your heart of flame bursts in your opener, as you get 2 for free now, saving you 1 heat cooldown for later usage


Its a full 75%. The issue is you saw it from sprint to hold the line, instead of in-combat to hold the line. With the talent, you leave sorcs and sins in the dust as you go speeding off at the speed of light.


Im tempted to make a Chiss Vanguard Tank with a mohawk, blue hair, and call him Sonic.

Gotta go fast!


Oh and because they moused over Flamethrower/Pulse Cannon, I can bring up the other change I forgot to mention before.


Flamethrower/Pulse Cannon is now 8 targets, up from 5, and the tooltip now mentions the amount of targets it can hit. It now consumes 28 energy/heat over its channel (7 energy/heat for each tick)

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VG got an Ammo Counter! Life's good!


TAC, thank you for the notes, looking forward to the Notes in Pub :)


I am torn between levelling my VG to 55 now, and leaving him in his 40'ies, and learning slower after the 3.0 hits. Aww, decisions, decisions....

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VG got an Ammo Counter! Life's good!


TAC, thank you for the notes, looking forward to the Notes in Pub :)


I am torn between levelling my VG to 55 now, and leaving him in his 40'ies, and learning slower after the 3.0 hits. Aww, decisions, decisions....


Do what I did! Roll a powertech as well! :p


note: I rolled my powertech due to a series of republic-specific bugs plaguing the PTS that were solved more recently. As a side effect, I have a level 20 powertech waiting for 3.0 to level the slow way and see how much its changed.

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I have a Pyro PT at L22. But she is a paired character, who will not level any fast, but at least I can PvP her at a glacial speed if I wanted to. I have a Commando in the same situation. And a Shield Tech PT on L30 on another server; unfortunately, it's EU and I can't move him over to the old Binger to finish my collection. :) Erm, I think I might have the class covered. Somewhat.
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I have a Pyro PT at L22. But she is a paired character, who will not level any fast, but at least I can PvP her at a glacial speed if I wanted to. I have a Commando in the same situation. And a Shield Tech PT on L30 on another server; unfortunately, it's EU and I can't move him over to the old Binger to finish my collection. :) Erm, I think I might have the class covered. Somewhat.


Well theres the answer. MOAR VANGUARDS!


Will sonic missile need an active target if you use it as a detaunt? If so, it could be a pretty big disadvantage in certain fights/situations compared to other detaunts.


From what I saw, I couldn't see Sonic Missile on the quickbar at any point. Meaning, while I know the answer, Im not sure if Im allowed to give it.


If you watch the stream and can see the sonic missile ability on his quickbar, the easy solution is 2-part.


1. Check to see if David is in tank stance

2. If not in tank stance, check if sonic missile is highlighted or not.


Im pretty sure it still needs a target, but the only downside I can think of is you can no longer preemptively get the defense boost should a team of sins decide to stealth out - but doing that is stupid anyway.

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If I'm reading this right, Assault Spec no longer has a proc for HiB? Doesn't this screw up our whole rotation?


You're not reading this right, because Assault no longer exists :p


The proc for High Impact Bolt will be in tactics/ap, while all the current offensive procs from Tactics/AP are moved to pyro/plasmatech

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Did I miss something or does only the Merc get a new raid buff ( supercharged celerity)? PT may get sonic rebounder, but it would be pretty stupid if one AC needs to spend a discipline point for a raid buff and the other gets it for free.:mad: Edited by Sotty
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Did I miss something or does only the Merc get a new raid buff ( supercharged celerity)? PT may get sonic rebounder, but it would be pretty stupid if one AC needs to spend a discipline point for a raid buff and the other gets it for free.:mad:

I am under the impression that they consider Powertech/Vanguard raid utility being the debuff they constantly put on target, a.k.a Overwhelm (+ AoE damage, Plasma) or Susceptible (+ Tech/Force damage, High Energy)


(I hope I get the names right)

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You're not reading this right, because Assault no longer exists :p


The proc for High Impact Bolt will be in tactics/ap, while all the current offensive procs from Tactics/AP are moved to pyro/plasmatech


What's the point of that?

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I am under the impression that they consider Powertech/Vanguard raid utility being the debuff they constantly put on target, a.k.a Overwhelm (+ AoE damage, Plasma) or Susceptible (+ Tech/Force damage, High Energy)


(I hope I get the names right)


Part of it.. Other part being Sonic Rebounder.

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I guess I just don't understand why they took a highly mobile spec and gated it behind a crappy cone aoe that requires you to be standing still to cast.


Because they didn't. What they did was took a highly mobile spec, and renamed it, and then put more emphasis on its burst.


The thing that made Pyro/Assault mobile wasn't the DoTs. It was the fact it could do 97% of its damage from range, and never have to stand still. Now sure, its not that much of it is done from range anymore, but instead you now have access to AoE in the rotation if you want it, you can stand at 15 meters and still do a ton of its damage, and you even have enough moves to do passable damage at 30 meters now! (Full auto being pushback resistant, proc reset on sticky grenade, 30m range on sticky grenade/TD, DFA having a 30m range, and so on)


Then they took a spec that had a bunch of set up time anyway, and added DoTs to it to fix up its sustained damage, then renamed it to suit how it works better.

Edited by TACeMossie
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hehe crap changes for DPS. no survivability for the burst spec now ... or so it seems?


All the subtle changes to the names of the moves are just smoke and mirrors. Actually haven't done anything. AP will still get trained as it has no sustained survivability like pyro will continue to have regardless of burst potential. #glasscannon

Edited by Kooziejr
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hehe crap changes for DPS. no survivability for the burst spec now ... or so it seems?


All the subtle changes to the names of the moves are just smoke and mirrors. Actually haven't done anything. AP will still get trained as it has no sustained survivability like pyro will continue to have regardless of burst potential. #glasscannon


I'm satisfied, they moved a lot of the skills around giving each of the specs a balanced amount of DCDs. In a trade for less DCDs, more damage has been added for AP(Railshot reset). AP will be the dominate PVP spec for the class no matter what. Pyro doesn't have all its damage up front as AP does.

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Because they didn't. What they did was took a highly mobile spec, and renamed it, and then put more emphasis on its burst.


The thing that made Pyro/Assault mobile wasn't the DoTs. It was the fact it could do 97% of its damage from range, and never have to stand still. Now sure, its not that much of it is done from range anymore, but instead you now have access to AoE in the rotation if you want it, you can stand at 15 meters and still do a ton of its damage, and you even have enough moves to do passable damage at 30 meters now! (Full auto being pushback resistant, proc reset on sticky grenade, 30m range on sticky grenade/TD, DFA having a 30m range, and so on)


Then they took a spec that had a bunch of set up time anyway, and added DoTs to it to fix up its sustained damage, then renamed it to suit how it works better.


Well, i won't pass judgment until I try it, but it seems to me like they took away the usefulness of ion pulse and stuck us with pulse cannon. I play Assault mainly for the DoTs and for the mobility. From what I can see just by looking at the changes, I don't like it. I've seen you mention this in other threads, that people playing Tactics are now playing Plasmatech....aren't the dots still in Plasmatech? Assault Plastique was moved to Tactics and the dot component removed...I don't like Tactics, don't want to play Tactics. Not sure why they're intermingling the two trees now and changing the name.

Edited by Vember
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hehe crap changes for DPS. no survivability for the burst spec now ... or so it seems?


All the subtle changes to the names of the moves are just smoke and mirrors. Actually haven't done anything. AP will still get trained as it has no sustained survivability like pyro will continue to have regardless of burst potential. #glasscannon


I'm satisfied, they moved a lot of the skills around giving each of the specs a balanced amount of DCDs. In a trade for less DCDs, more damage has been added for AP(Railshot reset). AP will be the dominate PVP spec for the class no matter what. Pyro doesn't have all its damage up front as AP does.

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hehe crap changes for DPS. no survivability for the burst spec now ... or so it seems?


All the subtle changes to the names of the moves are just smoke and mirrors. Actually haven't done anything. AP will still get trained as it has no sustained survivability like pyro will continue to have regardless of burst potential. #glasscannon


For me old Pyro / assault specialist is the "burst" spec called now the tactics / adv prototype

And this spec get a huge buff in survivability.

Let us count what is new and what is removed:

1) Added (swapped): -30% damage from area effects and while stunned / Removed (swapped): -15% damage reduction from dot type = new is overall better

2) Added (swapped): lower cd if attacked for reactive shield + low amount damage absorber @ 10sec / Removed:

lower cd if attacked for adrenaline rush - during active 30% damage reduction = disputable

3) 5% higher chance to defense with sonic round + 1% higher defense for melee and range damage = just small buff

4) taking damage from area effects we get 2.5% heal every 3 sec + 3 sec longer reactive shield

= just buff

5) 3 more shoulder cannon missiles = just buff

Selectable without scarifice important old skills:

6) 15% higher movment speed + 50% lower movement speed for affected targets (old 40%) + 5m higher range (then 15m) for ion pulse/ tactical surge and 2m radius for explosive surge = just buff

7) 4 sec higher duration of "hold the line" = just buff

You can slect 2 of these (all are just buffs)

A) 1 sec longer duration of both hardstuns = 7,5 sec !

B) 5% healing with missile of shoulder cannon = up to 35% healing in 7 sec !

C) adrenaline rush can be activated while stunned and purge the stun (second stunbreaker) !

D) Hold the line with additional 45% speed over up to 10 sec!


So for me it's a huge buff for old pyro, only one change that is disputable, but many new buffs from small to huge.

And now compare this with mercomando arsenal / gunnery who gets healing nerfed, pushback back (til level 38 no pushback reduction at all - happy leveling^^) and to compensate this, one instant tracer missile / grav round every 18sec and immunity against interrupts to blazing bolts / boltstorm if interrupted before every 8 sec. And thats all

Edited by DomBah
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Well, i won't pass judgment until I try it, but it seems to me like they took away the usefulness of ion pulse and stuck us with pulse cannon. I play Assault mainly for the DoTs and for the mobility. From what I can see just by looking at the changes, I don't like it. I've seen you mention this in other threads, that people playing Tactics are now playing Plasmatech....aren't the dots still in Plasmatech? Assault Plastique was moved to Tactics and the dot component removed...I don't like Tactics, don't want to play Tactics. Not sure why they're intermingling the two trees now and changing the name.


The difference is that the only DoT left with Tactics (pretending it is coming from assault) is the Gut bleed pretending to be Plasma Cell. If it makes you feel better, you can pretend that Assault Plastique still has a DoT component, just all 4 ticks of the DoT happen as it explodes instead of over 12 seconds. After that, pretend that Cell Burst (the new ability) is Incendiary Round, just lasting slightly longer. And by lasting slightly longer I mean does all of its damage and more up front.


The running around all over the place from assault, proccing a High Impact Bolt reset, and juggling some conflicting cooldowns while keeping an eye on your resource management, that all stays. What is going is the delay from a lot of your damage due to it being DoT based.


As for Tactics becoming Plasmatech. The issue with Tactics was it was too bursty and AoE focused to receive a proper sustained buff without becoming overpowered. As such, they moved a bunch of DoTs into it (making it work similarly to the old hybrid spec, with 1-2 differences such as automatic resource generation, no free stockstrike proc, and the free high impact bolt being replaced with free ion pulses. And an auto-crit for high impact bolt), toned down the AoE (and then gave it right back by making Explosive Surge interchangable with Ion Pulse :p), and moved a bit of the burst (3x shoulder cannon missiles) out of it. The end result is the spec is weaker in burst + AoE, but is now a very powerful sustained spec, and when you aren't going to need to be constantly moving it will be incredibly powerful.


Heres some examples from the Dread Operations:




Nefra will go either way. Both options should spec into the damage reflect on electro shield, and the damage reflect from Into the Fray, that way the DoT will really hurt nefra for trying to hurt you.

Plasmatech SHOULD be able to do more damage in the fight (especially by timing OCDs to fire off during the execute, where it receives an ~8% damage boost), while Tactics would compete rather well due to the short length favouring its burst damage.

I'd probably use plasmatech here.




Draxus is very AoE focused, but both specs can do that now. There aren't any real cases I can think of that would stop a pulse cannon (after all, I run tactics on this fight currently anyway), though I might run tactics come 3.0 for it, because that way I can more easily facetank a guardian.


Though Plasmatech does get that sweet reduced cooldown on sonic round, allowing Sonic Rebounder to happen more often.




Due to magnet mechanic, go Tactics. If your tanks prevent any bouncing whatsoever, you can run Plasmatech here.




Plasmatech would probably work best here. Its still the superior AoE spec when you dont have to run around, and the way a lot of people do it is make the adds come to you instead of the other way around. Sonic Rebounder is another reason I'd pick Plasmatech here as well




Tactics. Because AoE damage reduction, damage reduction while stunned, and the amount of running around in that last phase is going to be really painful for a spec based on a positional based channel attack.




Plasmatech. The multi-dotting capabilities are just that much better for this fight. Its also a DPS check and It looks like they are intending on Plasmatech being the best sustained spec of the 2 anyway.




Tactics. You gotta move a lot anyway, so go with that spec here.




Tactics, due to the burst requirements




Im running tactics here right now because the enrage damage is a joke even with 2 failed DPS challenges, but thats for the extra move speed. I'd probably go Plasmatech in here because failing the DPS challenge is fine, but Sonic Rebounder has a 35 second cooldown in Plasmatech vs 45 seconds in Tactics - so you can reflect Force Executes back into Raptus's face




Plasmatech. Its phase 2 DPS capabilities would be a lot better for beating the DPS check, because its slightly more AoE focused, and it can multi-dot to get even more out. If they force me to kite Raptus though I might go back on that and go Tactics, though both specs will be able to outrun him anyway, and Plasmatech can just DoT him up and spam fire pulse/ion pulse/high impact bolt, and shockstrike him when he tries to send me flying.


Overall 50/50 split on dread ops between the 2 specs.

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