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The Confirmed 3.0 Changes thread


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Making this because we're getting a bunch of changes, so I thought i'd put them all here as well.


LIVE STREAM - Im watching it and taking notes. Powertech terms are up, Im now looking for confirmation of the VG terms on the stream.



FIRST THING TO NOTE: Vanguards now have an ammo counter! :D


(You can see it when he's showing of VG abilities)


First off:


Many Trooper abilities have had their resource costs and damage values slightly adjusted to make Energy Cell resources more manageable. Usually, this means the cost of an ability was slightly reduced along with its damage or healing, but for some abilities, the opposite may be true. For example, many abilities that formerly required 16 Energy Cells now require only 15 and damage or heal for slightly less, but many abilities that formerly required 8 Energy Cells now require 10 and damage or heal for slightly more. The 3.0 changes to channeled abilities have also aided Troopers with their Energy Cell management. Since channels now charge resources with each tick of damage or healing, that means Troopers can begin using channeled abilities at lower Energy Cell levels without slowing their resource regeneration rate.


All Vanguards are getting two additional passive abilities in the 3.0 update:


Focused Impact: High Impact Bolt ignores 60% of the target's armor and Stockstrike or Shockstrike deals 10% more damage.


Blaster Augs: Increases the effect of your cells while they are active:

Plasma Cell: Increases the damage and critical hit chance of elemental attacks by 3%.

Ion Cell: Increases the damage dealt by Ion Cell by 10%.

High Energy Cell: Further increases all energy and kinetic damage dealt by 2%.


Diversion has been removed from the Vanguard ability kit. Sonic Round will now reduce threat for Vanguards that do not have Ion Cell active, but continue to be an area taunt for Vanguards that do. Ion Cell also now increases accuracy by 10%, but it causes the Vanguard to do 10% less damage as well. Neural Jolt and Sonic Round can now miss, but the accuracy granted by Ion Cell offsets this for tanks, while damage dealers will need to continue to gear for some accuracy to keep all of their abilities from missing.


High Energy Cell now increases energy and kinetic damage instead of elemental and internal damage. This change makes more sense when viewed with the changes to the Tactics discipline.



The Shield Specialist discipline will be rather familiar to Vanguard tanks. No drastic changes have been made to Vanguard tanking, but there is a new ability:


Ion Storm: Sprays waves of ionizing energy in a 10-meter cone, depleting 28 energy cells and dealing elemental damage to up to 8 enemy targets over the duration. Affected targets are impaired for 45 seconds, reducing the Force and tech damage they deal by 5%. Shares a cooldown with Pulse Cannon.


PLASMATECH (Formally Assault Specialist)

The Plasmatech (formerly Assault Specialist) discipline has undergone significant changes. Assault Plastique has been traded for Fire Pulse, and many other passive skills have followed suit – being traded for elemental skills that were formerly in the Tactics skill tree – with the end result being that the Plasmatech now feels like the pyromaniac’s dream discipline. The Plasmatech also has two new abilities:


Plasmatize: Drenches the target with a blast of plasma, melting them for elemental damage over 30 seconds. Plasmatize also makes the target Susceptible for 45 seconds, increasing the damage the target takes from tech attacks by 5%. When a target affected by Plasmatize dies, Plasmatize will jump to the closest enemy target within 10 meters that is not already affected by your Plasmatize.


Costs 15 energy


Shockstrike: Strikes the target with an overcharged rifle butt, dealing kinetic damage and releasing a powerful discharge that deals elemental damage. Shares a cooldown with Stockstrike.


Costs 15 energy



The Tactics discipline still has Gut, but now has Assault Plastique instead of Fire Pulse. The periodic burning damage caused by Assault Plastique has been removed, while the damage of the initial kinetic blast has been increased to compensate for this change. Additionally, this discipline has two new active abilities:


Tactical Surge: Fires a concentrated surge of energy at an enemy target, dealing energy damage. This ability has no cooldown and effectively replaces Ion Pulse for this discipline.


Costs 15 energy


Cell Burst: Unleashes your High Energy Cell's stored energy to decimate the target, dealing energy damage. This damage increases based on your current number of Energy Lodes. While High Energy Cell is active, Energy Lodes build when High Impact Bolt is used, and up to 4 charges may be stored at once.


Costs 20 energy


On the whole, the new Tactics discipline can be summarized as having a play style similar to the old Assault Specialist without all of the burning, while the new Plasmatech can be summarized as having a play style similar to the old Tactics with a lot more burning.




The Vanguard has many utility choices that will be familiar to players from the old skill trees, along with quite a few new utility choices. Here are a few of the new choices:


Sonic Rebounder: Sonic Round protects all friendly targets in its area of impact, excluding you, granting Sonic Rebounder, which reflects the next direct, single-target attack back at the attacker.


Charge the Line: Hold the Line increases movement speed by an additional 45% while active.


Re-energizers: When Reserve Powercell is activated, it recharges 10 energy cells over the next 5 seconds and immediately increases threat towards all current enemies by a small amount if Ion Cell is active, or reduces threat towards all current enemies if Ion Cell is not active.




Many Bounty Hunter abilities have had their resource costs and damage values slightly adjusted to make Heat resources more manageable. Usually, this means the cost of an ability was slightly reduced along with its damage or healing, but for some abilities, the opposite may be true. For example, many abilities that formerly required 16 Heat now require only 15 and damage or heal for slightly less, but many abilities that formerly required 8 Heat now require 10 and damage or heal for slightly more. The 3.0 changes to channeled abilities have also aided Bounty Hunters with their Heat management. Since channels now charge resources with each tick of damage or healing, that means Bounty Hunters can begin using channeled abilities at higher Heat levels without slowing their resource regeneration rate.


All Powertechs are getting two additional passive abilities in the 3.0 update:


Puncture: Rail Shot ignores 60% of the target's armor and Rocket Punch or Flaming Fist deals 10% more damage.


Prototype Cylinders: Increases the effect of your gas cylinders while they are active:

Combustible Gas Cylinder: Increases the damage and critical hit chance of elemental attacks by 3%.

Ion Gas Cylinder: Increases the damage dealt by Ion Gas Cylinder by 10%.

High Energy Gas Cylinder: Further increases all energy and kinetic damage dealt by 2%.


Chaff Flare has been removed from the Powertech ability kit. Sonic Missile will now reduce threat for Powertechs that do not have Ion Gas Cylinder active, but continue to be an area taunt for Powertechs that do. Ion Gas Cylinder also now increases accuracy by 10%, but it causes the Powertech to do 10% less damage as well. Neural Dart and Sonic Missile can now miss, but the accuracy granted by Ion Gas Cylinder offsets this for tanks, while damage dealers will need to continue to gear for some accuracy to keep all of their abilities from missing.


High Energy Gas Cylinder now increases energy and kinetic damage instead of elemental and internal damage. This change makes more sense when viewed with the changes to the Advanced Prototype discipline.




The Shield Tech discipline will be rather familiar to Powertech tanks. No drastic changes have been made to Powertech tanking, but there is a new ability:


Firestorm: Incinerates everything in a 10-meter cone, generating 28 heat and dealing elemental damage to up to 8 enemy targets over the duration. Affected targets are impaired for 45 seconds, reducing the Force and tech damage they deal by 5%. Shares a cooldown with Flame Thrower.




The Pyrotech discipline has undergone significant changes. Thermal Detonator has been traded for Immolate, and many other passive skills have followed suit – being traded for elemental skills that were formerly in the Advanced Prototype skill tree – with the end result being that the Pyrotech now feels like the pyromaniac’s dream discipline. The Pyrotech also has two new abilities:


Scorch: Ignites the target with a blast of fire, burning them for elemental damage over 30 seconds. Scorch also makes the target Susceptible for 45 seconds, increasing the damage the target takes from tech attacks by 5%. When a target affected by Scorch dies, Scorch will jump to the closest enemy target within 10 meters that is not already affected by your Scorch.


Costs 15 energy


Flaming Fist: Engages the jetpack and ignites your gauntlet, allowing you to strike the target with a flaming fist that deals kinetic damage and elemental damage. Shares a cooldown with Rocket Punch.


Costs 15 energy




The Advanced Prototype discipline still has Retractable Blade, but now has Thermal Detonator instead of Immolate. The periodic burning damage caused by Thermal Detonator has been removed, while the damage of the initial kinetic blast has been increased to compensate for this change. Additionally, this discipline has two new active abilities:


Magnetic Blast: Fires a blast of electromagnetized energy at the target, dealing energy damage. This ability has no cooldown and effectively replaces Flame Burst for this discipline.


Costs 15 energy


Energy Burst: Unleashes your High Energy Gas Cylinder's stored energy to decimate the target, dealing energy damage. This damage increases based on your current number of Energy Lodes. While High Energy Gas Cylinder is active, Energy Lodes build when Rail Shot is used, and up to 4 charges may be stored at once.


Costs 20 energy


On the whole, the new Advanced Prototype discipline can be summarized as having a play style similar to the old Pyrotech without all of the burning, while the new Pyrotech can be summarized as having a play style similar to the old Advanced Prototype with a lot more burning.




The Powertech has many utility choices that will be familiar to players from the old skill trees, along with quite a few new utility choices. Here are a few of the new choices:


Sonic Rebounder: Sonic Missile protects all friendly targets in its area of impact, excluding you, granting Sonic Rebounder, which reflects the next direct, single-target attack back at the attacker.


Overdrive: Hydraulic Overrides increases movement speed by an additional 45% while active.


Liquid Cooling: When Thermal Sensor Override is activated, it vents 10 heat over the next 5 seconds and immediately increases threat towards all current enemies by a small amount if Ion Gas Cylinder is active, or reduces threat towards all current enemies if Ion Gas Cylinder is not active.










Gyroscopic Allignment Jets (10 heat vent, up from 8)

Pneumatic Boots (Stance requirement removed)

Reflective Armor - New Passive. Close And Personal also will now do extra damage to the attacker, should the attacker be within 10 meters.

Supressive Tools - Flame Burst, Mag Blast and Flame Sweep slow the target by 50% for 6 seconds.

Bracer Propellant - Flame Burst + Mag Blast now have 5 meters more range, and the Area of Effect of Flame Sweep is increased by 2 meters.

Engulfing Flames - Flame Sweep does 25% more damage

Iron Will - Reduce the cooldown on Determination by 30 seconds, and Hydraulic Overrides by 5 seconds




No Escape - Grapple + Stealth Scan immobilize their targets for 3 seconds. Also reduces the cooldown on Stealth Scan by 5 seconds

Pyro Shield

Torque Boosters - Hydraulic Ovverides lasts 4 seconds longer

Accelerated Reel - Reduces the cooldown of Grapple by 15 seconds

Sonic Rebounder - See dev blog

Prototype Electro Surge - Reduces the cooldown of Electro Dart by 10 seconds

Hitman - Reduces the cooldown of Quell by 2 seconds




Shield Cannon - No longer grants bonus damage or threat.

Enhanced Paralytics - The stuns from Electro Dart + Carbonize last 1 second longer.

Automated Suit - Kolto Overload purges any PvP-based stuns (but not sleeps) when activated, and can be activated while stunned.

Liquid Cooling - Thermal Sensor Override vents 10 heat over thee next 5 seconds when activated. It also causes a threat drop when not in IGC, and a threat jump when in IGC.

Fuel Additives - When in tank stance, Explosive fuel grants +5% damage. When not in tank stance, Explosive fuel grants +5% damage reduction while active. Effect is dispelled upon swapping stance.

Overdrive - +45% move speed from Hydraulic Overrides (Gotta go fast!)

Efficient Suit - Grapple + Shoulder Cannon have 10 more range, Electro Dart + Carbonize no longer generate heat




10 - Jet Charge. Jet speed is now passive.

12 - Ion Overload. Rocket Punch triggers IGS, Rail Shot AoE Triggers IGS (7 extra targets), IGS now has a DoT effect.

16 - Combust. Only affects melee/Ranged, but now also inflicts trauma.

20 - Flame Engine

24 - Heat Screens

26 - Heat Blast

28 - Shield Vents. Now vents 1 heat/1.5 seconds instead of 4 heat/6 seconds.

32 - Hydraulic Shield. Crit Chance increase from 8% to 10%

36 - Power Armor. +15% armor. In addition, your damage reduction is increased by 15% of what it currently is (so if it was 20% it would now be 23%)

40 - Flame Surge. In addition to its current effects, flame sweep does 15% more damage, and the proc also allows Flame Burst to be free with it as well.

41 - Oil Slick.

44 - Ion Screen

48 - Coolant

52 - Deflective Plating

56 - Ablative Upgrades

57 - Firestorm (28 energy, 18 second cooldown)

59 - Shield Enhancers (New ability).

Rocket Punch and Rail Shot grant Shield Enhancers when activated, increasing shield chance by 1% for 15 seconds. Stacks 3 times.




10 - Flaming Fist. Its rocket punch, with an added bunch of elemental damage (15 energy, 9 second cooldown, 4m range)

12 - Volatile Igniter. Flaming Fist, Flame Sweep and Flame Burst trigger CGC if active, on all affected targets.

16 - Heated Tools. Flamethrower's cooldown is reduced, and Flaming Fist causes a 2 second root.

20 - Superheated Gas - CGC has a 10% higher chance to activate and does 30% more damage

24 - Flame Suit - You take 15% less periodic damage

26 - Incendiary Round. Now lasts 15 seconds and has 30m range. 15 energy

28 - Heat Flow Recycler - You vent 2 heat every 1.5 seconds when in CGC

32 - Insulated Mats - Increases Elemental and Internal damage reduction by 2%, and reduces the cooldown on Sonic Missile by 10 seconds.

36 - Charged Gauntlets. Now runs off flaming fist and requires CGC

40 - Superheated Flamethrower (formally Prototype Flamethrower). No longer reduces cost, and only gives +15% damage. Now requires CGC.

41 - Immolate. 12 energy, 10m range, 15 seconds cooldown

44 - Rain of Fire. Cut down to Rail Shot + Flaming Fist, damage boost is now 10%

48 - Firebug - Flamethrower, Flaming Fist + Immolate get +30% surge

52 - Automated Defenses

56 - Flame Barrage. Using Rail Shot or Immolate makes your next Flame Burst or Flame Sweep free. Flamethrower now overwhelms the target, making it take +10% AoE damage.

57 - Scorch. 15 energy, no cooldown.

59 - Burnout. Instead of DoTs, ALL elemental damage is increased by 10% under 30% health. No more crit boost.


Advanced Prototype


10 - Retractable Blade. Now lasts 18 seconds, 15 energy, no cooldown

12 - Prototype Missile Silos. DFA has a 15 second shorter cooldown, and does 10% more damage.

Explosive dart has a 6 second shorter cooldown, does 50% more damage, and refreshes the duration of Retractable Blade's bleed if present.

16 - Serrated Blades. Increases RB's bleed damage by 15%. In additon, Rocket Punch sunders the targets armor, reducing it by 20% for 45 seconds.

20 - Prototype Rail. While HEGC is active, Rail Shot no longer has any requirements. In addition, Rail Shot ignores 30% of the targets armor, and if it hits a bleeding target it vents 5 heat. If the bleed is your own, it is also refreshed.

24 - Stabilized Armor

26 - Mag Blast. Replaces Flame Burst. Deals Energy Damage. 15 energy, no cooldown

28 - Power Bracer. Rocket Punch, Rail Shot, Mag Blast, Flame Sweep, RB, Thermal Detonator and Energy Burst deal 5% more damage.

32 - Prototype Particle Accelerator. PRoc rate increased to 100%, Explosive Dart + Flame Sweep also work on it now.

36 - Blood Tracker

40 - Sonic Defense. Degauss, increased to 30%, and works off Sonic Missile instead of Chaff Flare

41 - Thermal Detonator. No more burn, more initial damage and has 30m range. 15 energy, 15 second cooldown

44 - Infrared Sensors. +3% defense chance, +3 stealth detection level

48 - Prototype Weapon Systems. +30% surge on all relevant single target abilities (excludes shoulder cannon). Additionally, when Thermal Detonator damages a target, it becomes succeptible increasing the damage it takes from tech attacks by 5% for 45 seconds.

52 - Energy Rebounder

56 - Power Loaders. Also increases Thermal Detonator Crit chance. Stockstrike + TD crit chance is 5% instead of 6% boost.

57 - Energy Burst. Explained in dev blog. 20 energy, no cooldown

59 - +2% ranged/Tech crit chance, -30 seconds TSO + Vent heat cooldowns, out-of-combat recharge skills build up energy lodes while HEGC is active.

Edited by TACeMossie
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Sounds like they gutted Pyrotech :(

I loved that spec so much.


Actually upon further reading, it sounds like they switched Pyro and AP around.

So would Pyro now have Protype Flame Thrower, and AP be the old Pyro style with railshot and thermal detonator?


Honestly I dont really like the sound of these changes, we'll see in practice but there probably will be quite a bit of readjustment to do.

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As a TL;DR


Shield Specialist/Shield Tech is basically the same, only it gets a stronger Pulse Cannon/Flamethrower as a new ability. The New Pulse Cannon/Flamethrower gives a force/tech damage debuff to the target.


Offensively, Tactics/Advanced Prototype is now Assault/Pyro without the DoTs (except gut/retractable blade)


Tactics/Advanced Prototype is now Kinetic/Energy damage focused instead of internal/elemental. It gave Fire Pulse/Immolate to Assault Specialist (Now Plasmatech)/Pyrotech, and in exchange it got the pre-2.0 Assault Plastique/Thermal Detonator. It also stole Ionic Accelerator/Prototype Particle Accelerator off Assault Specialist/Pyro in exchange for its own offensive based talents (Increased passive resource regen, buffed Pulse Cannon/Flamethrower, auto-crit High Impact Bolt/Rail Shot


Replacement ability for Tactics/Advanced Prototype is a much stronger version of Ion Pulse that does Kinetic damage

New ability for Tactics/Advanced Prototype works similarly to an infiltration shadow's/deception assassin's Force Breach/Discharge, only the stacks are built off High Impact Bolt/Rail Shot instead of stance-based damage.


Plasmatech (formally Assault Specialist)/Pyrotech is now just full of elemental damage.

Its new Rocket Punch adds elemental damage to it.

Assault Plastique was swapped out for Fire Pulse.

Its new ability is an elemental DoT that likes to jump around between targets should they die.

And it gets Pulse Generator/Prototype Flamethrower (Name subject to change, as it implies advanced prototype spec) and an auto-crit for High Impact Bolt/Rail Shot.


Finally, the only utility anyone cares about is CHARGE THE LINE/OVERDRIVE, which makes you not even care you dont have jet charge, because you'll be zipping around the battlefield so fast that you will wonder how you lived without it.

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Ok so its not that big a change, they are merely switching Pyro and AP around basically.


Immolate always did feel like it belonged more as Pyrotech ability.


Scorch Im not to sure about. 30s dot is awfully long, so it probably won't do much damage per tick, and I dont't thik such a long dot with low damage per tick would be of much use in arenas specifically, even if does transfer over upon a targets death.

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Hope The actual Discipline tree release soon, want to see what you get when (not that that is an issue, my Vanguard and PT are both 55).


As for the switch up in spec play styles, I love current Assault Spec/Pyro, so it seem I'll be probably playing Tactics/AP in 3.0. The new Plamsatech/Pyro sounds interesting as well. Overall, much better changes then to the Mando/Merc to me (at least haven't heard anyone complain yet). Seems the Devs understand what VGs/PTs what to play.


The Hold the Line/Override utility pick is awesome. Hope Tactics/AP retains its longer active time for it.

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TACMossie, thank you for posting and I can’t wait to get my hands on that guide you are writing for Dulfy! That’s the best piece of news I have thread-surfed so far for 3.0, and there has been a lot of good news. Thank you in advance!


Yeah, that buff to speed sounds like it’s made for playing Huttball.


It looks like the other changes to tanks are minor, but I am wondering if 10% loss of damage on the tanks will be offset by the 10% gain in Accuracy?


My limited understanding is that it’s done so the DPS version doesn’t spam taunts, and the tanking taunts won’t miss, fair enough. But will a tank be able to apply any hurtz, given damage goes down across the board, and then 10% on top of it? Will we end up heavily depending on the DPS companions/other players to get through the content on the higher levels?


If we are going to depend on a DPS companion, will Yuun’s abilities incorrectly tied to Willpower instead of Aim be fixed so he is more efficient?


I know people normally do not worry about the levelling content, but I am a noob, and that's what noobs do! Sorry to sound like a worry-wart!


I guess I just need to hear “It’s going to be Okay…:)

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Most of these questions should be answered in the live stream, or already have been answered. Ill look around for the specifics.


As for levelling in tank spec, they mentioned all mobs from 1-50 are going to become squishier, so any frustrations there due to damage loss should be neglegible.


51-55 can be done solely with Makeb, and Bolster there is a huge advantage.


And for Info from the live stream, my net is terrible right now so Ill have to wait for a transcript, Though if someone wants to put all the important info in here as they say it so I dont spend 3 hours loading 1 hour, that would be great

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Why why why why why are the tank specs using a taunt for a threat drop!?! I thought maybe this was just a quick fix for the juggernaut problem way back when and then a legitimate threat drop would be introduced in 3.0. Does the taunt affect all enemies in combat, or just the ones within the radius of the taunt? Keeping these changes is the most baffling thing I've read about the upcoming expansion.
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I was actually considering making a thread like this once I saw the dev blog but scrapped it considering it most likely would be redundant but anyways...:D



Im glad to see 90% armor pen on railshot back and 50% slow on flameburst/mag blast

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Lets not forget that HO/HTL also can get a reduced cooldown and all specs get access to the 10 seconds :cool:


Combine that with 40m grapple,15m flame burst, universal slows, and longer stuns and I think we can expect loads of tears in the pvp forums.


Also stacking PT dps in raids for sonic rebounder :confused:



So nice to be able to talk about stuff


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Lets not forget that HO/HTL also can get a reduced cooldown and all specs get access to the 10 seconds :cool:


Combine that with 40m grapple,15m flame burst, universal slows, and longer stuns and I think we can expect loads of tears in the pvp forums.


Also stacking PT dps in raids for sonic rebounder :confused:



So nice to be able to talk about stuff


I'm still waiting for "NERF PT NAUW" threads. The longer stuns will help double PT in 4v4. This will allow us to make easier hard switches imo.

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I'm still waiting for "NERF PT NAUW" threads. The longer stuns will help double PT in 4v4. This will allow us to make easier hard switches imo.


The new AP will have great hard swap capabilities since you don't need dots on people to use railshot,and TD is only up front damage

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The new AP will have great hard swap capabilities since you don't need dots on people to use railshot,and TD is only up front damage


TD will do roughly the same damage it did before 2.0 thats when super burst PTs did exist.

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Hrmmmm I'm a fresh 55 and have been loving Shield Tech for pvp. But AP sounds like it may be amazing come 3.0


Someone have any thoughts on how ST will hold up in pvp post 3.0?


Since the NDA on pvp in 3.0 has not been lifted and its only speculation at this point it could be anything. However, being a "Hardcore" ranked player and looking at the skills shown in the stream I will speculate that PT tanks will be excellent in Hutball with all those speed boosts, CC, and utilities. But since they mentioned that the tank classes did not get extra DCDs it sounds like Jugs will be to the go to class in 4v4 ranked. I'm not saying its impossible but there are better choices. Again I am coming from a 4v4 point of view.

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Since the NDA on pvp in 3.0 has not been lifted and its only speculation at this point it could be anything. However, being a "Hardcore" ranked player and looking at the skills shown in the stream I will speculate that PT tanks will be excellent in Hutball with all those speed boosts, CC, and utilities. But since they mentioned that the tank classes did not get extra DCDs it sounds like Jugs will be to the go to class in 4v4 ranked. I'm not saying its impossible but there are better choices. Again I am coming from a 4v4 point of view.


Another thing to note is health is going up, damage is coming down a little, and a few tank-killers are being redone (e.g. Tactics is going to be what assault used to be, and a ton of Assault's damage came from Elemental damage, which ignores mitigation. Tactics is going to have to deal with Shield + Armor Rating on pretty much everything, so, its a worse tank killer now), so mitigation might start being worth it in PvP, and if not, tanks will at least be a lot better off because the gap between Tank DPS and DPS DPS wont be so big anymore.

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Since the NDA on pvp in 3.0 has not been lifted and its only speculation at this point it could be anything. However, being a "Hardcore" ranked player and looking at the skills shown in the stream I will speculate that PT tanks will be excellent in Hutball with all those speed boosts, CC, and utilities. But since they mentioned that the tank classes did not get extra DCDs it sounds like Jugs will be to the go to class in 4v4 ranked. I'm not saying its impossible but there are better choices. Again I am coming from a 4v4 point of view.


That's a good point. I suppose it will also depend how Jugs change in 3.0. Maybe I should start practicing Pyro now though just in case.

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Another thing to note is health is going up, damage is coming down a little, and a few tank-killers are being redone (e.g. Tactics is going to be what assault used to be, and a ton of Assault's damage came from Elemental damage, which ignores mitigation. Tactics is going to have to deal with Shield + Armor Rating on pretty much everything, so, its a worse tank killer now), so mitigation might start being worth it in PvP, and if not, tanks will at least be a lot better off because the gap between Tank DPS and DPS DPS wont be so big anymore.


That is true. However, tank tunnel teams stun the tank making it so the tanks defense chance is ignored and allowing all the damage to go in ignored mostly. Ever since 2.0 the PVP tanks I knew have been stacking endurance augments and if I am correct 2.0 tanks have been able to shield tech/force attacks. Armor rating is the only real thing that stands in the way of tank tunnel right now.


Personally it wont make much of difference to me since I don't believe in tank tunnel.:D I am all about hard swaps and with the Utility to increase the duration for hard stuns, Hard swaps will be easier for PTs. They are no longer a hindrance to a ranked team with Carbonize. Carbonize is still a good skill for ranked but I would prefer Awe over it any day.

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The shoulder missile healing looks decent. With advanced prototype you can heal yourself up to 35% by shooting all your missiles.


It used to be 80% :p


(but we dont talk about game breaking bugs like SC missiles loading 4 at a time instead of 1 now do we)


That is true. However, tank tunnel teams stun the tank making it so the tanks defense chance is ignored and allowing all the damage to go in ignored mostly. Ever since 2.0 the PVP tanks I knew have been stacking endurance augments and if I am correct 2.0 tanks have been able to shield tech/force attacks. Armor rating is the only real thing that stands in the way of tank tunnel right now.


Personally it wont make much of difference to me since I don't believe in tank tunnel.:D I am all about hard swaps and with the Utility to increase the duration for hard stuns, Hard swaps will be easier for PTs. They are no longer a hindrance to a ranked team with Carbonize. Carbonize is still a good skill for ranked but I would prefer Awe over it any day.


It was changed from Melee/Ranged to Kinetic/Energy - Internal/Elemental still ignores all mitigation damage.


As for the worry about tank tunnels, theres always Cleanse to remove the stun, or that Heroic utility to cleanse hard stuns when you activate Adrenaline Rush/Kolto Overload :D


Anyway, I have my notes. They're in Powertech terms, so sorry guys (I know the VG names but I need to be certain I can put them up). I'll translate them later (maybe). Put in the OP.

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It was changed from Melee/Ranged to Kinetic/Energy - Internal/Elemental still ignores all mitigation damage.


As for the worry about tank tunnels, theres always Cleanse to remove the stun, or that Heroic utility to cleanse hard stuns when you activate Adrenaline Rush/Kolto Overload :D


Anyway, I have my notes. They're in Powertech terms, so sorry guys (I know the VG names but I need to be certain I can put them up). I'll translate them later (maybe). Put in the OP.


We'll have to wait to see what the other two tanks gets in terms of help for pvp.


I know they did not go through all the VG skills one by one because I'm sure it was just an interest of time. Might have to wait for a dev post to clear this up.

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We'll have to wait to see what the other two tanks gets in terms of help for pvp.


I know they did not go through all the VG skills one by one because I'm sure it was just an interest of time. Might have to wait for a dev post to clear this up.


I'll keep playing ST until I get more info. I love both Pyro and ST and want to practice with one before the changes hit. But I guess it's a moot point atm.

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