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Newbie transfer question(s)


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Hi guys!


I'm thinking about transferring one of my Lv55 snipers from the Harbinger to Jedi Covenant. I've read that if I click on a subscribers referral thingy I'd receive a free server transfer, but I'm concerned about some of the specifics. Hopefully someone here can answer some questions for me. (Please!)


1. Over the years I've referred a few people, and receive a monthly cartel coin stipend. Will clicking on someone elses referral link affect that?


2. I have my house on Nar Shadaa, with one stairway unlocked with credits, and the rest of the rooms, balcony, solarium, etc. unlocked with cartel coins. My legacy storage has 5 tabs. (all unlocked with cartel coins) If I transfer, what costs should I expect to incur to get my house back up and running? Will I still have 5 tabs in a house on the new server?


3. I have several lowbie alts on Jedi Covenant, but no established legacy yet. Is it still correct to assume that once transferred, my current Lv50 legacy and associated legacy perks will automatically encompass all of those alts as well?


Thanks in advance for your help!

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1. It didn't for me.


2. You might have to pay the initial cost for Nar Shadaa again, unless you paid cc for the base stronghold (you will lose any decorating done). As for legacy storage, iirc someone just transferred this and lost a few tabs? I'm not entirely sure and I have no idea if they paid with cc or credits.


3. Yes (or at least it's supposed to).

Edited by KTap
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So I took the plunge and transferred my character. My experience so far:


1. Upon logging into the destination server, I was prompted to choose another character name. (I forgot she had the same name as one of my existing lowbies there) Choosing a new name was the most work of the entire process.


2. I spawned on fleet, and was prompted to choose a legacy name. Apparently mine didn't follow me from Harbinger, but no biggie choosing a new one.


3. I went to the housing kiosk, and was able to activate my Nar Shadaa house at no charge. The rooms/stairway/balcony/solarium were all unlocked. 9/9 (Unlocked on original server with cartel coins)


4. My house was bare, but my decorations were all available for placement. I still had my existing 5 tabs of storage and all 5 tabs of legacy storage available. My GTN terminal, mailbox and guild storage were also ready to place. (As soon as I find a good guild)


5. All my old legacy achievements, etc. seem to have followed me without issue, and as far as I can tell, all collections armor sets, weapons, toys, etc. transferred as well.


While I'm still waiting to see if this affects cartel coin bonuses for my existing referrals, I am VERY please with how smoothly the process has run to date.


Thank you all for the information!

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