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Long-running, Minor Bugs: Can we get these addressed?


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As much as I love SWTOR, there are many - I will admit, non-critical - bugs that have remained in the game literally since launch, and remain unfixed to this date. I elected not to put this thread in the bug reports forum, because I figure by now, Bioware is aware of these smaller, QA issues, and I wanted to create a centralized thread where we could put them all out on the table and just remind devs that we do still notice them.


Here are several of my own:


- During the takeoff cutscene from almost planets (barring Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa), player ships disappear shortly after taking off, regardless of class.

- During takeoff from the Fleets, if the player presses ESC, the ship will continue to rise for a few moments even after the player regains control.

- Upon being summoned either by resurrection, normal summon or dismounting, all companions draw their weapons, regardless of class. I consider this very annoying for lightsaber users.

- After clicking on a destructible item for a quest (a pipe, generator, computer, etc.) players will continue to hold their weapons loosely, with the weapons drawn and active even though the arm animation remains weapon-less. This is fixed by drawing the weapon and then re-sheathing it.

- Twi'leks have ragged hair physics, most notably on elevators, that cause their head tentacles to shudder and shake wildly.

- Textures in cutscenes will occasionally flicker, flash or otherwise simply disappear.

- In companion conversations, armor dyes and the 'unify all' option will not work, causing a companion's armor to become mismatched. Occasionally this will also hold true if one hides a companion's helmet, it will still appear in a cutscene.

- Upon removing or replacing a mod inside a piece of armor, if that armor's colour is unified to the chest, it will revert to its original colour. If a mod in a chestpiece is replaced, all equipped armor will revert to its original colour.

- When pressing the spacebar in conversations rapidly enough, characters will continue their animations from the original skipped scene for a few moments. The music will continue as well.

- Occasionally, characters in conversations' heads will remain stuck looking at one fixed position for the remainder of the conversation, as if they are targeting an invisible target and their head animation freezes on them.


Feel free to add your own bugs to the list.


While I recognize these are small, I'd like to try and get the attention of developers and ask them to do some QA on the above issues, issuing some small fixes would go a long way to making this game look more polished, and frankly the existence of such blatant bugs, some of which have remained unaddressed for near three years, is baffling.

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- In companion conversations, armor dyes and the 'unify all' option will not work, causing a companion's armor to become mismatched. Occasionally this will also hold true if one hides a companion's helmet, it will still appear in a cutscene.




not only in companion convos, but in mission conversations as well. I tend to remove the headpieces from them when I'm about to progress the story, but have no workaround to color mismatch in these cutscenes.


My own minor bugs:

- Coruscant taxi often doesn't work, when you try to get back from Jedi Temple area. And the one previous to Jedi Temple I believe

- I once got "trapped" inside a rock when trying to sneak through imperial camp on Tattooine. The one dividing area south of Outlaws Den from the Exchange/Mandalorian area of Tats. This still gives me cramps, as I was stuck midjump inside a rock and /stuck didn't work (placed me in exactly the same point). Being midjump I couldn't use quicktravel and similar abilities. Took me 3 days to get out of this. (No, CS didn't respond)

- One thranta on Alderaan takes you through a rock/mountain. If I recall it well, this is the one that takes us to the Market area (far east of the map). It is real shame they never fixed that.

- Sometimes, when you quick travel, the companion dies

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