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More 12x xp experiences. Oh the Joy


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You're in a group of random people. If you are so particular about who you play with then maybe you should make some friends and group up with them. That way you don't have to worry about how amazing you are and how terrible everyone else is. Same goes for PvP.
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You're in a group of random people. If you are so particular about who you play with then maybe you should make some friends and group up with them. That way you don't have to worry about how amazing you are and how terrible everyone else is. Same goes for PvP.




Stahp. Let the OP have his alternate reality.

Edited by TheBBP
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As I'd already predicted this would happen (and was promptly trolled for), I'm going to simply say this: "I told you so."


It's easy to say "I told you so" when something was already happening before you said it would. (It's tantamount to saying "it's gonna rain soon" every day and then when it finally rains you go "I told you so! I was right!")


Stupid people have always been stupid.


This stuff has always happened in the game.


The ONLY difference here might be that there are more people playing the game, so there are MORE stupid people in total.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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You should earn enough from levelling to buy the level 53, 148 blue mods once you're 55. You should then be able to do oricon and get 156 gear. That is by far the easiest way to get to an acceptable gear level.


True...you would think that you would earn enough money to get the gear or inserts that you need for you moddable gear. However, the only problem that I and others that I know have been having with 12x XP is that it only works part of the time. I have turned in a couple of tickets to notify them of a recurring issue, the 12x XP seems to skip class/story missions where you only get 5 or 6 xp for a class/story mission that has stages. I get told that my character has exceeded the level cap for the planet. This is an odd thing to say since it does not happen all the time. Example; I get to Dromund Kaas at level 17 (with 12x XP activated) and get 12x XP throughout DK and be level 22 by the time that I get to Balmorra. Then on Nar Shaddaa start and finish the planet at level 22, because I am only receiving 5 or 6 xp for class/story missions. Then on the next planet I get the same thing, only enough xp to level up to level 23. By the time I get to the end of Alderaan (with 12x XP activated) I am ONLY level 25, because during the different stages of the class/story quests/missions I am only getting 5 or 6 XP, only receiving 12x XP at the END of the planet. Now, My greatest issue is that if we are supposed to reach level 55 only doing class/story quests/missions, why am I getting sporatic xp and creds, because the credits that are given range from 50 to 250 during the times that I am only getting the 5 or 6 XP for class/story quests/missions. I am wondering if this is a bug that people haven't noticed or is being ignored?

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the 12x XP seems to skip class/story missions where you only get 5 or 6 xp for a class/story mission that has stages. I get told that my character has exceeded the level cap for the planet.


If you're 7+ levels above the level of quest (I think the first quest on DK is level 11) you only get minimum amount of XP. Working as intended.

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12x is just another excuse for people to be lazy.


To wit: Had a tank show up for CZ HM. Ready?


23k health. No augments. Weapon had ZERO barrel / enh et al ABOVE 100. What he did have was blue.


Now hold on Sparky. Even if you use planetary comms, at level * 50 * (you know, like a couple of hours ago I presume in your race to the top) you'd have better gear.


He didn't guard anyone (even his guildy), so yeah. Lazy.

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12x is just another excuse for people to be lazy.


To wit: Had a tank show up for CZ HM. Ready?


23k health. No augments. Weapon had ZERO barrel / enh et al ABOVE 100. What he did have was blue.


Now hold on Sparky. Even if you use planetary comms, at level * 50 * (you know, like a couple of hours ago I presume in your race to the top) you'd have better gear.


He didn't guard anyone (even his guildy), so yeah. Lazy.


Yeah, because that's never happened before 12x xp. :confused::eek:

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As we did not have idiots before 12X. This kind of post crapped out on forums when we got quick leveling through KDY too. When will you realize that this game genuinely attract more idiots than other mmorpg? And the reason is also quite simple : it is a Star Wars game, every idiot's long cherished dream to be a sith or a jedi or a storm-trooper or a space pirate come true here. We have to deal with it with our ignore list. Edited by BrintoSFJ
spelling mistake
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The issue isn't 12x ... sorry, but it really isn't. The issue, is, and always has been, lazy players that desire to be carried.


To any "NEW" player that used 12x to get to 55, a few simple things will help you a ton if you jump into the 55 content unprepared.


1.) When you get there, let the group know, its your first time ... 90% of the time, the group wont have a problem with it, and will even explain things.


2.) if you are unsure of what to do, or where to be, ASK QUESTIONS.


3.) Before doing the content, inspect a few lvl 55's, get an idea of what gear you should be in before you do the content, if you don't know where to find it, ask around.


Those 3 little items will save you alot of hedache in the long run.


Ok back to ghosting the forums.


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12x is just another excuse for people to be lazy.


To wit: Had a tank show up for CZ HM. Ready?


23k health. No augments. Weapon had ZERO barrel / enh et al ABOVE 100. What he did have was blue.


Now hold on Sparky. Even if you use planetary comms, at level * 50 * (you know, like a couple of hours ago I presume in your race to the top) you'd have better gear.


He didn't guard anyone (even his guildy), so yeah. Lazy.


^ This... I've seen this exact situation multiple times in the past few weeks.


Did HM Hammer Station the other day, I was the healer, the two DPS were fine, we were all about 30k health (which actually is a bit overkill for that). The Tank? 18k health... almost none of his gear was even level 50, a lot of 37 and 41 gear. For a 55 HM Flashpoint!




And to top it off, almost none of it was "tank gear", his shield and absorption were non-existent, it would have been very hard to keep him alive.

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I saw plenty of this before 12XP. People simply used KDY and the normal XP boosts to level quick.


They are getting there faster, but there is not an increase in the AMOUNT of inexperienced or undergeared players IMO.


I saw it a lot before 12x too.


The problem is people now get to whine about other people being inexperienced without realising it makes them look foolish.

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I saw it a lot before 12x too.


The problem is people now get to whine about other people being inexperienced without realising it makes them look foolish.


Inexperience is one thing, and something which can be dealt with if the inexperienced player speaks up.


It is something else entirely to be inexperienced AND woefully under geared (below the levels posted on GF), queue up for a HM FP, and expect other players with experience and gear to carry you.


At this point, I look at the HP of players whenever a GF queue pops.


If more than one (or the tank / healer) are clearly under-geared, I drop group.


I've found it a colossal waste of my time to zone with a terribly geared group just to wipe at the first difficult trash pull or boss simply because the others were too lazy to go to Oricon for free gear before queuing up.

Edited by DawnAskham
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If you ever need proof that there were people around before 12x XP who could certainly use some hand-holding, just peek at the "GTN Scam" threads. For a long time people have not been able to sort and/or tell a comma from a decimal and folks want to claim that suddenly 12x XP brought in all of the blockheads.



Edited by TheBBP
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I saw it a lot before 12x too.


The problem is people now get to whine about other people being inexperienced without realising it makes them look foolish.


It does make folks look pretty silly certainly.


No different than any complaints about the type of players you are "forced" to group with when joining into a random group forming system.


I wonder when folks will realize that "Pick Up Group" means exactly that. It is potluck.

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Inexperience is one thing, and something which can be dealt with if the inexperienced player speaks up.


It is something else entirely to be inexperienced AND woefully under geared (below the levels posted on GF), queue up for a HM FP, and expect other players with experience and gear to carry you.


At this point, I look at the HP of players whenever a GF queue pops.


If more than one (or the tank / healer) are clearly under-geared, I drop group.


I've found it a colossal waste of my time to zone with a terribly geared group just to wipe at the first difficult trash pull or boss simply because the others were too lazy to go to Oricon for free gear before queuing up.


And all that happened long before 12x XP came along.

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Inexperience is one thing, and something which can be dealt with if the inexperienced player speaks up.


It is something else entirely to be inexperienced AND woefully under geared (below the levels posted on GF), queue up for a HM FP, and expect other players with experience and gear to carry you.


At this point, I look at the HP of players whenever a GF queue pops.


If more than one (or the tank / healer) are clearly under-geared, I drop group.


I've found it a colossal waste of my time to zone with a terribly geared group just to wipe at the first difficult trash pull or boss simply because the others were too lazy to go to Oricon for free gear before queuing up.


You want to know a real funny? When I see the Founder title, I immediately drop group. Why? Because, based solely on my experience, they don't have a clue how to play. I'd blame that on 12x xp too, but frankly, I just can't see my way to doing so. It's like they all bought their accounts on ebay or something, from what I've seen.

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Issue really isn't the 12x exp since I geared the classes I liked playing as in full 156 gear in this 12x exp by soloing Oricon and asking for help with the heroic then buying whatever I'm missing with the credits I saved up because of the no training cost.

Issue is the lazy players.

Edited by NecroMayre
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You want to know a real funny? When I see the Founder title, I immediately drop group. Why? Because, based solely on my experience, they don't have a clue how to play. I'd blame that on 12x xp too, but frankly, I just can't see my way to doing so. It's like they all bought their accounts on ebay or something, from what I've seen.


This one made me laugh out loud. I can't even count the number of times I have seen folks with the founder title that couldn't play worth a spit lol.


Note: that is not to say that I can play worth a spit either.

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You want to know a real funny? When I see the Founder title, I immediately drop group. Why? Because, based solely on my experience, they don't have a clue how to play. I'd blame that on 12x xp too, but frankly, I just can't see my way to doing so. It's like they all bought their accounts on ebay or something, from what I've seen.


Heh. I have the title but I don't use it as it seems a bit pretentious / egotistical: "Look at me! I was here before YOU!"


I do know how to play, however.


Only 16 55s out of 22, with only one of those levelled during the 12x xp, while doing side missions / heroics as well, just like I'd normally level, in order to properly play my class.

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Heh. I have the title but I don't use it as it seems a bit pretentious / egotistical: "Look at me! I was here before YOU!"


I do know how to play, however.


Only 16 55s out of 22, with only one of those levelled during the 12x xp, while doing side missions / heroics as well, just like I'd normally level, in order to properly play my class.


That was, by no means, intended to be all inclusive, but simply anecdotal to my personal experiences. By Friday, I'll be working at gearing up the last of the 55s from this event, 16/16. The last two are 43 and 53, but I already know how to play 'em from leveling their mirror classes w/out the bonus xp. It'd be sooner, but I keep working on my dailies, and running out of mats to craft armors and mods, so I have to spend half the day rotating crafters in and out to get the mats together. I am eternally grateful for them implementing the Legacy storage before this event... :eek: That's a lot of mail to send around if not.

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