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More 12x xp experiences. Oh the Joy


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Yep...it does. In fact....I haven't finished it myself yet.


Bah, it's a teensy bit hard, but doable. I wouldn't say I'm an amazing player, but I managed to do everything up to but excluding the flashpoint and group missions solo. Then again, I did make sure both myself and my healer companion had IR 140 gear minimum.

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While leveling, you can easily buy cheap green gear. I mean, how do you get to 55 without getting SOME upgrades along the way? At 38-39 I was struggling a bit with default starter treek gear on my mara with only head and hilts up to date on my toon. What'd I do? I spent like 31 comms to get barrels and hilts for us, a couple mods/enh for my sabers, and spent like 50K on all green upgrades across the board with 2 blue implants for treek and myself.


How hard is that?

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So yesterday load into SW:TOR and queue up for tacticals with my 40k hp shadow tank


Group 1

, Mannan (replaceing someone so never a good sign)

Looks like a good group, tank (me, 2 dps, healer)

So I run to them and they in that first long hallway


I pull first set and watch in horror as a DPS runs past me and grabs everything down the hall

We wipe

Healer drops



So I pull the left over trash while we wait for replacement and we almost die again

***??? I think so I look at DPS

DPS Sent, 14000 hps. In a mix of lvl 15-43 gear (not a typo)


I say "seriously lvl 15 gear "name""

Guy replies "Yeah 12x xp makes getting gear hard"


Just had to shake head and say sorry not in mood to carry some stranger through content he cant survive


Seriously how arrogent do you have to be that you think its ok to queue up for a 55 flash point in level 15 gear?


Group 2


So wait out lock out timer and load up for new tactical


I goto first 2 droids and champion and wait

Group arrives and I pull champion

DPS turns around and runs into group behind us pulling them


We kill all and other group member yess at DPS to stay on group we targeting


Move to 2nd and 3rd groups and kill them


Then run to 4th champion bypassing the large group in middle

everyone follows so going great

Pull champ and same DPS turns around and pulls middle group AGAIN!!!!!!




Says hes a new 55 cause of 12x xp and doesnt know flash point

other DPS kicks him and at this stage I gotta agree


I swear 12x xp is going to make me grey before my years!


Your problem is you are trying to "tank" tacticals then when the DPS pulls you are surprised.

Edited by Foambreaker
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While leveling, you can easily buy cheap green gear. I mean, how do you get to 55 without getting SOME upgrades along the way? At 38-39 I was struggling a bit with default starter treek gear on my mara with only head and hilts up to date on my toon. What'd I do? I spent like 31 comms to get barrels and hilts for us, a couple mods/enh for my sabers, and spent like 50K on all green upgrades across the board with 2 blue implants for treek and myself.


How hard is that?


I just whip up some greens on my Cybertecher around level 30 and again at level 40-ish and I'm pretty good with those.

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12x XP is no excuse. All you have to do is run all of Makeb and get almost a full(if not a full) set of level appropriate gear. That would at least get you started. People should also be saving any Commendations they get for their end gear as well.


Still the mentality OP is talking about isn't limited to 12x people at all. There are people that have did the grind to get to 55 that still don't know how to play their character and the blame it on others.

Edited by Sorwen
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Honestly we can toss around words like Experience, confidence, knowledge, and gear regarding these unprepared players but ultimately it comes down to the very same issue that been plaguing this genre since WOW.


Lack of respect for others.

When someone comes in unprepared gear and class knowledge wise they show a complete and utter lack of respect for other players and ultimately a lack of respect for themselves, that they expect so little from themselves they think this is acceptable.

I'd suggest the gearing issue is more a symptom rather than cause.


The lack of respect thing is true, but it's only part of the story. There is disrespect both ways, vet and non-vet. It isn't universal, there are exceptions in both camps.


There are players who so much want to believe they are alpha males they role-play whatever graven image they have picked up of an alpha 'type'. But there are also those who have tried hard to be more than they are and failed, and of those a few accepted reality. But too many want to at least appear to be naturally dominant anyway. Too often it comes out as disrespect.


Nature makes very few natural alpha types, just like she only makes so many genius-class brains and only so many drop-dead gorgeous people. There just aren't many exceptional members of any bell curve, and though everyone wants to be the best, few ever really are.


Whatever mommy and daddy told them, wishing doesn't make it so. It is wishful, for example, when someone argues one opinion is as good as any other. The fact is, opinions are informed by fact, not dreams or aspirations. A person's honest opinion represents the best image they have been able to build of the case, or truth. The more facts an opinion shares with the truth it is trying to represent, the better the opinion is. Opinions are only as equal as people are.

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I think its group finder Tacticals that bolster, at least pre 55. Also, Oricon eats casual players. Quite a few casuals I know hadn't even finished Makeb before the bolster, and perhaps do one or two of the dailies on Oricon in 148 gear.


I often tell them to group up on Ori...plenty of groups forming all the time on the planet, but you know how some folks hate to group.


Yep, only done the first quest on Ori myself then abandoned it.


I know it's my own fault. First character I took there was amazingly undergeared but therein lies my issue with Ori.....


The only reason i'd do Ori is for the gear rewards. Why, oh why, would I struggle on to get that gear when I can get basic comms for less effort. It makes no sense whatsoever.

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Yep, only done the first quest on Ori myself then abandoned it.


I know it's my own fault. First character I took there was amazingly undergeared but therein lies my issue with Ori.....


The only reason i'd do Ori is for the gear rewards. Why, oh why, would I struggle on to get that gear when I can get basic comms for less effort. It makes no sense whatsoever.


I'm kind of the opposite. I never bother to do dailies and actually don't earn many in the content that I do, so I find it much harder to gear up with basics. But the first thing that I'll do with my undergeared character is go to Oricon and either ask a guildie if they want to do a quick run through or see if I can get a group in chat. There's plenty of people looking, and within an hour I'll have a decent set that greatly outperforms the leveling crap I got there with.

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I'm kind of the opposite. I never bother to do dailies and actually don't earn many in the content that I do, so I find it much harder to gear up with basics. But the first thing that I'll do with my undergeared character is go to Oricon and either ask a guildie if they want to do a quick run through or see if I can get a group in chat. There's plenty of people looking, and within an hour I'll have a decent set that greatly outperforms the leveling crap I got there with.


Problem is, I did try to get a group and was met with the usual "solo it noob" crap that was the reason I turned chat off in the first place 3 years ago.


So Oricon is an absolute waste of time for me.


If I wanted to do it, it would only be for the gear which i'm too undergeared to finish the first boss for. If I spend time getting gear before going to Oricon then I have no need to go there anyway because i'd already be geared.


Oricon is just completely pointless for me.

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I'm kind of the opposite. I never bother to do dailies and actually don't earn many in the content that I do, so I find it much harder to gear up with basics. But the first thing that I'll do with my undergeared character is go to Oricon and either ask a guildie if they want to do a quick run through or see if I can get a group in chat. There's plenty of people looking, and within an hour I'll have a decent set that greatly outperforms the leveling crap I got there with.


The GTN isn't a bad option at this point either.


I had a Marauder in mostly level 35-40 greens when I hit 55 on him. I knew I was going to get owned all over Oricon in that set of gear, so I went to the GTN and bought everything I needed to put a 156 item in every slot except the 5 slots awarded by the Oricon missions. Its a bit wasteful with credits, but I had them to spare. I spent about 800k on all the gear I bought for that Marauder, but I was able to breeze through the Oricon missions after that and I even made half the money I spent back over the next two days farming comms for further upgrades.

Edited by Orizuru
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Kal, I have to agree and disagree with you. I'm a returning player. Makeb was about to be released when I stopped playing. Played straight closed beta over 6months to then and just got burned out. Anyway, as someone that's sort of new in the "new" FPs I hope you give me a break if we ever que up together. Its my first or maybe second time through. Honestly man, you gotta let people learn somewhere. Tacticals are for learning, hard mode is where you want the real game. That doesn't excuse stupidity on random LEEROY pulls though. With you all the way there, but that stuff has been here since before launch.


The gearing thing though, yeah, that's harsh. Lvl 15? Lol. I tank a lot and I often wonder if my 156 gear just isn't enough, or do I have the worst healer in the world. Then I heal in my 156 gear, sometimes keeping "tanks" (that aren't even in tank stance and are wearing greens) up just fine and wonder how ungodly idiotic those other healers must have been......./sigh.


My advice? Take a step back and a deep breath. The noobs will learn. Sooner or later.


Thats kinda what annoys me the most tho


See I left just before Makeb hit as well and was gone for over a year


I came back and was level 50 (in good 50 gear which massively over geared me compared to guy I wrote about) with out ever stepping forth on the new content.


So I started to play,

Went to 55 on 2 characters

did Makeb (pre nerf, I literally fall asleep there now its so boring and easy) storyline and geared up

Ran weeklies and geared up

Eventually hit Oricon (I was in mostly blue 148 to 156 gear now) and soloed the solo stuff and grouped for the H2

and Only then did I start to add in tactical flash points (NOT hard modes)


Eventually through dailies, weeklies, and tactical s I got into 162-168 gear


Then I added in HMs

Now my top 4 characters in full 180, my next 3 in 168 gear (with some 180 or 162), and I have a host of crafter only characters that allow me to pump out 1-2 million conquest points a week.


So I also have been recently in the situation of learning, doing, mastering the content and new levels


Its not that hard


Makeb is now mindlessly easy and fully soloable so there can be no excuses of needing groups. Between the bolster and nerfing I seen character in level 30 gear breezing through the new Makeb. So right there any and all excuses for having lower then 156 is eliminated as doing the storyline, dailies, and weekly for 1-2 weeks will pretty much outfit you fully in 156 gear.


CZ dailies will add to that


Black Hole weekly and section X weekly will add to that (Basic coms )


And with the exception of CTS (for none stealth classes) and Long shots its all solo content


IMO and my personal experience this is where you learn


But lets be clear here, as Ive said before, if someone says they new or unfamiliar in a flash point, I am one of the rare regulars that will actually take time to teach people flash points, if they willing to learn.


I have even gone so far as to kick members who tried to kick players for being new in a flash point


But they gotta be willing to learn and willing to listen and have some understanding of their character abilities.


I hate to admit it but Ive lost count explaining to people what their class interupt is and how to use it. And we get our class interupts at what? Level 20 I think it is.


But yeah, I think Im going to step back from tacticals until the 12x xp over and possibly until Im lvl 60 after expansion. I think the lvl 60 will weed out many of the problem players who didnt appear until 12x xp boosted them to 55. Maybe just run Hard Modes exclussively unless I have a 4 man guild group or a friends group running.


PS: To those whining about not finding groups. The groups are out there if you take steps to find them. There is a billion guilds advertising everyday.

Now yes, guilds that spam over chat seldom worth anything but its a easy way to make a few acquaintances and friends anyways and then you build from there.


If you refuse to guild up or want to run your own 1 person guild (with out understanding the limitations you place on yourself doing that) then your grouping issue is completely on you.


Cant find a group on Oricon? Ask guildies for a hand. You be amazed how much help is there with a simple request.


Also for those complaining about Oricon, Here are some hints and tips:



1 ) I find allot of people spam the general LFG over and over and over with no result and they end up getting ignored because they spamming. When I had to group for Oricon (I solo now and honestly its faster solo I find most of time) I would ask 1-2 times only and then watch chat for someone else asking.


Soon as someone else asked I messaged them and we instantly did the group content (IE you dont make them wait for you to do your solo missions, you drop what your doing and do the heroic 2 area and then go back to your solo missions).


If you expect (as so many seem to do) strangers to wait on you, you are ALWAYS going to be disappointed.


2) Tower boss:

Use interupt on Parting of Ways and Ravage attacks

Use stun and knockback if interupt down

use heroic moment if you having trouble

use stim and relic boosts

It is a fast high damage fight, not a slow heal and damage fight


3) cave with terminal behind boss (top right corner)

again big damage

boss susceptible to stuns (it will tell you when he is)

Heavy damage fight that you can out heal (if you good healer)


4) Cave (top left corner)

INTERRUPT EXTRACT (mandatory, unsoloable if you do not interrupt extract)

Kill spawn tentical

for range characters stand at 29.9 meters from boss (that's outside his Obliterate effect)

Easy fight if you interupt Extract


Congrats you now know how to solo Oricon except for the Heroic 2 area



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Can't people just go straight into bolstered story mode group Finder operations? I haven't tried but if I were to continue the characters I 12xp leveled I'd do that and assume you could do them nude. Edited by bdatt
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Trying to figure out how to break this down as much as possible...


This game is F2P and that means that there are going to be a lot of new people playing it. Not just the game, but an MMO in general. When you have someone new who decides to actually sign up for the game and gets the 12x experience boost, it's not just the gear they're blowing past but how to actually play their class. You gain a lot of experience in how FP's and groups work while leveling along with the mechanics of how to play your character. The issue isn't their gear, although bad pulls would be partially negated by it.


That being said, I've seen in General Chat when someone asks any type of question that could be considered "noobish" or stupid by someone who's been playing the game for a long time: they get slammed to the point that I wouldn't expect them to ever say anything again. This leads to players queueing up for FP's they haven't done before and are afraid to ask questions or how fights work.


What I'd say is just take a step back and learn to deal with it (please don't misconstrue that, not being rude). I'm not saying go out of your way if you don't want to, but help explain fights or mechanics. If someone is struggling, give them a hand. If you don't want to deal with it, leave and find a different group.


The problem really has been around for a while, it's just severely exacerbated by the 12x. I've been playing the game for a long time and would have pulled all my hair out by now if I let stuff like this stress me out :)

Edited by ACGOG
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I'm not sure why people think it's ok to try and gear in flashpoints only. Why are there dailies providing comms to gear to the appropriate level then? If they can't do that then they should absolutely not be doing flashpoints.


It's a progression......if I saw someone with 14k health I would just drop out of the group. I'm all for helping people but showing up with level 15 gear, come on. That's like asking for handouts, may as well hang a sign begging for credits.

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The GTN isn't a bad option at this point either.


I had a Marauder in mostly level 35-40 greens when I hit 55 on him. I knew I was going to get owned all over Oricon in that set of gear, so I went to the GTN and bought everything I needed to put a 156 item in every slot except the 5 slots awarded by the Oricon missions. Its a bit wasteful with credits, but I had them to spare. I spent about 800k on all the gear I bought for that Marauder, but I was able to breeze through the Oricon missions after that and I even made half the money I spent back over the next two days farming comms for further upgrades.



My 55 marauder is in the same boat

The key, that is made in your post, is the engine for a level 55 gets started once you get that oricon/equivalent gear for every slot

At the end of the day- I make more credits and enjoy the game most when I can participate in at least some of the endgame and one of the main "checks" is gearing effeciently


This level gear gets you up to par for entry level pvp/pve end game- for a month- hehe

Cranking out the oricon daily/weekly also serves as a practice area for getting your toon down especially since they bolstered makeb


I still have to use my heroic moment for the champions for a couple of them; and still have to micro and swap aggro with comp; use interrupts wisely; use cool downs wisely- basically playing a solid grounded "endgame"- oricon is a great way to measure your new or rarely played55's


Essentially, learning how to make credits and sufficiently gear for entry level endgame content probably one of the most important skills in any mmo

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Wait. Are you honestly complaining about gear in a tactical flashpoint?


I'd complain about people in level 15 gear in a level 40 FP, let alone any level 55, especially if they are pulling on their own with no survivability. Tactical doesn't mean wear useless shells and play like an idiot.

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