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ranked pvp rewards are a huge slap in the face


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This is what's wrong with America. They give out achievement stickers to these kids for doing nothing. "Teacher I went poopy all over the floor!!!" Thats wonderful little TImmy, your special, heres a sticker. Or the high school kids who all get 4.5 gpas in high school and think they're geniuses, but fail to realize that 4.0 is perfect and that its supposed

to be based on a curved percentile rank. Same thing is in play here, everyone is awesome until they face off against real competition then they cry foul. I'm starting a petition on Whitehouse.org asking for the removal of the stickers to these kids, and for states to stop handing out 4.5 gpas to every imbecile who shows up to class. They go through life in a delusional and entitled state. This is why standardized exams for undergrad and grad school are so telling and relied on so heavily by national universities.

To Op we told you how to get your rewards. Most people can get it done if they are motivated. You apparantly cannot. I'm curious what was your gpa in high school?


I bet yu or really smart and goud at this gaem here have a stiker it has nice ascetics

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This guy is a masterful fisherman.



He isn't even using great bait but he caught all of you lol.


I am just saying things the way they are. I am not trying to trick or manipulate people in any way. Though, I kind of take it as a compliment that you think I'm that smart.

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This is what's wrong with America. They give out achievement stickers to these kids for doing nothing. "Teacher I went poopy all over the floor!!!" Thats wonderful little TImmy, your special, heres a sticker. Or the high school kids who all get 4.5 gpas in high school and think they're geniuses, but fail to realize that 4.0 is perfect and that its supposed

to be based on a curved percentile rank. Same thing is in play here, everyone is awesome until they face off against real competition then they cry foul. I'm starting a petition on Whitehouse.org asking for the removal of the stickers to these kids, and for states to stop handing out 4.5 gpas to every imbecile who shows up to class. They go through life in a delusional and entitled state. This is why standardized exams for undergrad and grad school are so telling and relied on so heavily by national universities.

To Op we told you how to get your rewards. Most people can get it done if they are motivated. You apparantly cannot. I'm curious what was your gpa in high school?


My gpa in high school was 3.8 and my gpa in college is 3.5.

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I am very motivated, the problem is no one will do it. Not even if I ask in general chat. Since almost no one ever queues up I don't have the opportunity to do it. The only possible way I can think of is to buy 8 computers and make 8 different accounts, then level a toon to level 50 on each account. That would be way too time consumer and expansive.


If someone could tell me how to meet these people or hook me up that would be great. Otherwise I don't know how it is that you people consider yourself helping me. Or if theres some magic word that makes people want to participate in this, let me know lol. This is very frustrating. For those of you who think I am trolling: Why would I be trolling? I have plenty of other things I could be doing. And its sad how people are always accusing me of trolling. Its sad what the swtor forums have become. It really feels like most people on the forums are employees hired by Bioware.

Edited by watermelonfan
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I gotta side with the people that think troll. Grouping ranked grouped and ranked solo together and not understanding the difference is beyond simple. Even idiots know this part of the game.


Outside that, obtaining the rank of pvp(specialist) means nothing. As a guild tag for you, esp on a pve server, it really means nothing. Nothing at all. The implication, by your own words, that you are fantastic, yet don't know the difference between ranked solo and ranked group, also implies that you know next to nothing about pvp, and therefore terrible, or the other option is troll.


And since I don't think anyone is really this cosmically stupid, I'm going to side with the troll option.

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I gotta side with the people that think troll. Grouping ranked grouped and ranked solo together and not understanding the difference is beyond simple. Even idiots know this part of the game.


Outside that, obtaining the rank of pvp(specialist) means nothing. As a guild tag for you, esp on a pve server, it really means nothing. Nothing at all. The implication, by your own words, that you are fantastic, yet don't know the difference between ranked solo and ranked group, also implies that you know next to nothing about pvp, and therefore terrible, or the other option is troll.


And since I don't think anyone is really this cosmically stupid, I'm going to side with the troll option.


I don't think ranked solo and ranked group are the same thing. Before I was saying they don't have their own queue which is true because there are ways around it to get your whole team in a solo queue. It is totally exploitable. Of course they are both separate queues, but like I said it can easily be exploited.


Earlier, I did not literally mean that ranked solo and ranked group are the same thing. What I really meant was that they are so exploitable that it is as if it they are combined. Your the one that's not understanding the difference.

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Obviously not, premades do have their own queue.


You are outclassed by them because they are simply better than you.


if you are queueing on imp side for solo ranked, let's say 8 people in queue

and 4 guys of same guild who play together are the only ones queueing on rep side, you will face a premade in solo ranked

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I am A DPS. Proctection is a tank's job. I have left tanking to other players because I would not do well with that role.


There are these abilities called taunts. They are off the global cooldown and have no resource cost, they give protection points.


Use them.

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There are these abilities called taunts. They are off the global cooldown and have no resource cost, they give protection points.


Use them.


^ This, please, for the love of the Force.


So many DPS with taunts and 0-Crap Protection. There is no excuse or rationale unless brand new to the game.

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Ranked pvp rewards are for the most part unobtainable. When I queue up for ranked, I wait for an hour or more and it never pops up. Its much worst then it was in season 1(didn't think it could get any worst). Making the season shorter has also made things worst because now I have less opportunity to queue up. On one of the ultra rare occasions that I can get a it to pop up, I am put with a team that is far inferior to the other team due to premades. Premades should get their own queue because this is extremely unbalanced. And before you say Its because I am terrible, My guild rank is pvp(specialist). This title is not given lightly. You actually have to prove that you are truly amazing. I am a fantastic player. The problem Is the way this is set up. It is extremely unbalanced because of premades. Between premades and its unpopularity the rewards are nearly impossible to get. Bioware either make ranked pvp more popular or remove it. Putting pictures of these pretty much unobtainable rewards on your site is a huge tease. Maybe you should listen to your customers and make ranked queues cross servers. And please give premades their own queues. It is only fair.


so you're saying I misinterpreted this? Sure sounds to me like you thought they were in the same queue, yet know since you've learned, you are backpedaling on it.


Also again pointing out that a guild tag of "pvp specialist" means nothing, esp on a pve server. Nothing, zip, zero, nada. Just because you are a better pvper than the people in your guild does not make you good. Add that since you seem to be misinterpreting and don't even know how to word what you're saying, I'm gonna basically just say you're not good at pvp as others have said. Even in the last post, if you have a taunt and no one is attacking you, you are hurting your team. A taunt does nothing but good things. Keeps the other team from attacking at full strength at minimum. Helps keep you team alive. Just the simple that you didn't understand that further proves my point.

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so you're saying I misinterpreted this? Sure sounds to me like you thought they were in the same queue, yet know since you've learned, you are backpedaling on it.


Also again pointing out that a guild tag of "pvp specialist" means nothing, esp on a pve server. Nothing, zip, zero, nada. Just because you are a better pvper than the people in your guild does not make you good. Add that since you seem to be misinterpreting and don't even know how to word what you're saying, I'm gonna basically just say you're not good at pvp as others have said. Even in the last post, if you have a taunt and no one is attacking you, you are hurting your team. A taunt does nothing but good things. Keeps the other team from attacking at full strength at minimum. Helps keep you team alive. Just the simple that you didn't understand that further proves my point.


yes, you misunderstand because I didn't mean it literally. I don't blame you for misunderstanding. I should have elaborated a little bit. And that pvp guild rank does matter because if I wasn't really good, then my guild wouldn't have given it to me. it doesn't matter that it is on a pve server because I am only facing other players on my server, not players from a pvp server. Plus as the scoreboards show I am a better DPS than majority of players. I also get more metals than the majority.

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So you hate people who don't want to do other people's responsibilities? If that is the case then you should really consider joining the Democratic Party.


You really don't get it. DPS Guardians, Powertechs, and Assassins are supposed to use their taunts in PvP. Taunts are free and off the GCD, so the only reason to not use them is sheer laziness.

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You really don't get it. DPS Guardians, Powertechs, and Assassins are supposed to use their taunts in PvP. Taunts are free and off the GCD, so the only reason to not use them is sheer laziness.


or lack of knowledge. But I thought this ability made the enemy attack you in PVE, which would make it useless in PVP.

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Aight, first off: 8/10 to OP for trolling, you started strong then got weak. Or you're really just not ready for Ranked and need to practice up with some people who can coach you and help you get to the next step.


Second, just to point out how the troll you are portraying is playing the game wrong:


1. You're clicking. That's going to give you an automatic handicap in Ranked Arenas, because the other team is going to kill you while you try to do anything. Some pros might be able to do it- but they're not going to be on here complaining about how they can't win.


2. You're Focus specialization. Good players might be able to succeed with it right now, if they're using it for a specific purpose that contributes to their team. Evidently, you should probably be using Vigilance- it's a little bit easier to not suck with. And it's a little bit stronger currently.


3. Looking at the screenshots you cherry-picked and linked. Your damage is mediocre, at best, and you're dying- a lot. That's completely worthless to your team in Ranked matches. Your job is to stay alive, keep your teammates alive, and kill the other team. It's worth noting here that you had 0 killing blows in both of the Arena images you linked. That's Failing with a capital F. Guaranteed loss when you can't land a killing blow.


4. You're not using Taunts. At all. This is a fundamental component of the class, and one of the very basic things that makes it superior to other options. To not use Taunts is like driving a car but staying in 1st gear. You can do it- but you might as well ride a horse instead. Maybe you should be playing a Sentinel. Taunts reduce enemy damage done to targets other than yourself by 30% for 6 seconds. THAT'S MASSIVE.


5. You're not popping Focused Defense in the Arenas. It's one of the best defensive cooldowns in the game right now. If you die in an arena match without popping it, you've failed at doing your job. The lack of healing in the two matches you linked indicate that you're not using it. Maybe you are normally and just didn't in the 2/2 arena pictures you linked. For some reason, I rather doubt it.


6. It looks like you're not paying any attention to your teammates and going what is affectionately called "realz". Here's a guide for WoW that you might want to look at from ArenaJunkies on melee positioning in arenas.


These things, in total, lead to one of two conclusions.


Either A, you're playing the game terribly and don't belong in the Ranked Queue yet- which makes me wonder if the skilled people on Jedi Covenant have noticed that you're terrible and won't queue when you're in the queue. I've always heard it has decent queue pops.


Or B, you're a troll.


I suggest you embrace being a troll, because the other option? That's being such a bad player, your entire server has blacklisted you. If you're trying to win and people are queue dodging you? That's just... ouch.


To be fair, if I knew specific people like you queued on my server, I would level a character on the opposite faction up just to farm rating off of them. Kind of like win trading- but it's win taking instead.

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or lack of knowledge. But I thought this ability made the enemy attack you in PVE, which would make it useless in PVP.


Not sure you'll be able to find said tooltip, so here you go. Pay special attention to the players doing 30% less damage to allies.


Taunts the target, forcing it to attack the Warrior for 6 seconds. Player targets deal 30% less damage when attacking anyone other than you. Lasts 6 seconds. This effect cannot be resisted.
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I actually do have skill and really am complaining because other players suck.


Here are some screenshots of the scoreboard to prove it:

Please note that My toon is mastersarah in all of these images.


zero protection = you dont have skill

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Aight, first off: 8/10 to OP for trolling, you started strong then got weak. Or you're really just not ready for Ranked and need to practice up with some people who can coach you and help you get to the next step.


Second, just to point out how the troll you are portraying is playing the game wrong:


1. You're clicking. That's going to give you an automatic handicap in Ranked Arenas, because the other team is going to kill you while you try to do anything. Some pros might be able to do it- but they're not going to be on here complaining about how they can't win.


2. You're Focus specialization. Good players might be able to succeed with it right now, if they're using it for a specific purpose that contributes to their team. Evidently, you should probably be using Vigilance- it's a little bit easier to not suck with. And it's a little bit stronger currently.


3. Looking at the screenshots you cherry-picked and linked. Your damage is mediocre, at best, and you're dying- a lot. That's completely worthless to your team in Ranked matches. Your job is to stay alive, keep your teammates alive, and kill the other team. It's worth noting here that you had 0 killing blows in both of the Arena images you linked. That's Failing with a capital F. Guaranteed loss when you can't land a killing blow.


4. You're not using Taunts. At all. This is a fundamental component of the class, and one of the very basic things that makes it superior to other options. To not use Taunts is like driving a car but staying in 1st gear. You can do it- but you might as well ride a horse instead. Maybe you should be playing a Sentinel. Taunts reduce enemy damage done to targets other than yourself by 30% for 6 seconds. THAT'S MASSIVE.


5. You're not popping Focused Defense in the Arenas. It's one of the best defensive cooldowns in the game right now. If you die in an arena match without popping it, you've failed at doing your job. The lack of healing in the two matches you linked indicate that you're not using it. Maybe you are normally and just didn't in the 2/2 arena pictures you linked. For some reason, I rather doubt it.


6. It looks like you're not paying any attention to your teammates and going what is affectionately called "realz". Here's a guide for WoW that you might want to look at from ArenaJunkies on melee positioning in arenas.


These things, in total, lead to one of two conclusions.


Either A, you're playing the game terribly and don't belong in the Ranked Queue yet- which makes me wonder if the skilled people on Jedi Covenant have noticed that you're terrible and won't queue when you're in the queue. I've always heard it has decent queue pops.


Or B, you're a troll.


I suggest you embrace being a troll, because the other option? That's being such a bad player, your entire server has blacklisted you. If you're trying to win and people are queue dodging you? That's just... ouch.


To be fair, if I knew specific people like you queued on my server, I would level a character on the opposite faction up just to farm rating off of them. Kind of like win trading- but it's win taking instead.


1. First I would like to say thanks for the advice.

2. I was never trolling to begin with.

3. I do click, however I am always ready to click the my next ability before the other one is finished, so I don't think that is a problem.

4. I currently am using focus, which in my opinion is much more simple than using Vigilance.

5. Dying a lot in regular warzones is normal because there aren't always healers to keep you alive. Also its common for more than one player to gang up on you because that's how it goes in pvp.

6. All killing blows mean is that your ability was the last to hit that player to make their health go to zero. You could lower another players helath by 99.9%, but if another player hits them after that they get credit for the killing blow, not you. Therefore, killing blows mean nothing.


7. Taunts probably won't make up for other players skills but I'll use it anyway. I tried playing as Sentinel it does about the same amount of damage as Guardian, but without the enure, saber reflect and focus defense abilities.


8. I use focus defense, saber reflect and enure all the time, when my health is low, if the cooldown is finished. I probably forgot to use it in those arenas shown because I was so disturbed and upset about how terrible my team was. It was absolutely terrible.


9. I always pay attention to my teammates. I always make sure I am near them in ranked so that I don't get ganged up on.

10. The jedi convent server has great queue pops for regular warzones but not for ranked. I don't know where your getting your information from.

11. I assure you players are not queue dodging me. They have no way of knowing when I am queueing up. Besides, I have tried with other toons who have never done ranked, and have this same problem. Its season 2 and this season that have really sucked with queue pops. Season 1 sucked too, but not quite as bad.

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11. I assure you players are not queue dodging me. They have no way of knowing when I am queueing up. Besides, I have tried with other toons who have never done ranked, and have this same problem. Its season 2 and this season that have really sucked with queue pops. Season 1 sucked too, but not quite as bad.


*facepalm* Oh my lordy this poor kid...


They have added you to their friends list so they can tell when you're online. When you are, they don't queue for YOLO, or they go play alts. Your assurance that others are not queue dodging you is meaningless, but it does add to the entertainment value of this thread.


In Season 1, one can imagine, the entire server did not already have you on their friends list so they could queue-dodge you.


As far as writing goes, you're pretty good (with the possible exception of paragraph breaks, but you're working on that I HOPE). But saying a community college professor of English 102 tells you you're a good writer is similar to telling us that your guild thinks you're a good PvPer--it's utterly meaningless (though, again, it does add to the entertainment factor).


Bringing the democrat/republican thing into play pretty much cements you as a troll. Even if you didn't mean to, that's what you've become. Embrace it--love the bridge and the bridge will keep the rain off.

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or lack of knowledge. But I thought this ability made the enemy attack you in PVE, which would make it useless in PVP.


^^ considering yourself a good pvp'er (even on a pve server) and telling us you lack the knowledge of your own class is just sad man

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