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Server Emergency. We Need More Imps!


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I feel a need to address this dire situation. I began playing pub side when it was obvious that pubs were the losing team, and thoroughly outmanned.


As an imp, I found myself and fellow imps fighting each other. This was fun at times, because I got to kill some of those annoying ******s on my own team that I always wished were pubs...


This can also breed dissent amongst your own team as some people get really serious about losing and start hating you because you beat them too badly. I can attest to that as I got many hate tells from people angry that I killed them. As if they were not trying to kill me! But I digress...


So, I began playing pub side with a cool fellow, I had grown tired of constant facerolling pubs and fighting wargames of imp vs imps.


Me and this cool guy then created a guild which most of you are very aware of named <Anima> and we began hitting the larger, stronger team of imps head-on!


It was not long before we recruited other accomplished pvpers, and then we began dominating warzones whenever we entered them. It became apparent that after the creation of said guild <Anima> the number of imps to fight lessened, and oddly instead of fighting harder the players on imp side decided to just quit and play their pubs. We can call this the <Anima> effect, if you will.


My point in this post is to draw attention to a beginning problem on TEH server. I came from Bastion, and trust me, it actually does suck when one team is 5 times larger than the other, and one team is drastically worse than the other.


When fights are never competitive, that gets old fast. I see TEH server heading this way though, and so, I bring this to our communities attention in hopes that some of you ex-imp players go back to being Imps, and leave the pub team now.


I realize that <Anima> isn't the only one that is dominating Imps non-stop. But, we definitely have had a big impact on the culture of pub pvp strengthening it when it needed some support. Now it appears that TEH imps are heading in a direction where they need some support. Who is going to step up and help them?

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I feel a need to address this dire situation. I began playing pub side when it was obvious that pubs were the losing team, and thoroughly outmanned.


As an imp, I found myself and fellow imps fighting each other. This was fun at times, because I got to kill some of those annoying ******s on my own team that I always wished were pubs...


This can also breed dissent amongst your own team as some people get really serious about losing and start hating you because you beat them too badly. I can attest to that as I got many hate tells from people angry that I killed them. As if they were not trying to kill me! But I digress...


So, I began playing pub side with a cool fellow, I had grown tired of constant facerolling pubs and fighting wargames of imp vs imps.


Me and this cool guy then created a guild which most of you are very aware of named <Anima> and we began hitting the larger, stronger team of imps head-on!


It was not long before we recruited other accomplished pvpers, and then we began dominating warzones whenever we entered them. It became apparent that after the creation of said guild <Anima> the number of imps to fight lessened, and oddly instead of fighting harder the players on imp side decided to just quit and play their pubs. We can call this the <Anima> effect, if you will.


My point in this post is to draw attention to a beginning problem on TEH server. I came from Bastion, and trust me, it actually does suck when one team is 5 times larger than the other, and one team is drastically worse than the other.


When fights are never competitive, that gets old fast. I see TEH server heading this way though, and so, I bring this to our communities attention in hopes that some of you ex-imp players go back to being Imps, and leave the pub team now.


I realize that <Anima> isn't the only one that is dominating Imps non-stop. But, we definitely have had a big impact on the culture of pub pvp strengthening it when it needed some support. Now it appears that TEH imps are heading in a direction where they need some support. Who is going to step up and help them?





Edited by GrizzMeshurik
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LOL ...Played with you guys afew times, got so frustrated logged off and logged into my imp character..Sooo, mission accomplished, I guess.


Do you guys even teamspeak/mumble? Seriously.. :p

Edited by Burrowa
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I feel a need to address this dire situation. I began playing pub side when it was obvious that pubs were the losing team, and thoroughly outmanned.


As an imp, I found myself and fellow imps fighting each other. This was fun at times, because I got to kill some of those annoying ******s on my own team that I always wished were pubs...


This can also breed dissent amongst your own team as some people get really serious about losing and start hating you because you beat them too badly. I can attest to that as I got many hate tells from people angry that I killed them. As if they were not trying to kill me! But I digress...


So, I began playing pub side with a cool fellow, I had grown tired of constant facerolling pubs and fighting wargames of imp vs imps.


Me and this cool guy then created a guild which most of you are very aware of named <Anima> and we began hitting the larger, stronger team of imps head-on!


It was not long before we recruited other accomplished pvpers, and then we began dominating warzones whenever we entered them. It became apparent that after the creation of said guild <Anima> the number of imps to fight lessened, and oddly instead of fighting harder the players on imp side decided to just quit and play their pubs. We can call this the <Anima> effect, if you will.


My point in this post is to draw attention to a beginning problem on TEH server. I came from Bastion, and trust me, it actually does suck when one team is 5 times larger than the other, and one team is drastically worse than the other.


When fights are never competitive, that gets old fast. I see TEH server heading this way though, and so, I bring this to our communities attention in hopes that some of you ex-imp players go back to being Imps, and leave the pub team now.


I realize that <Anima> isn't the only one that is dominating Imps non-stop. But, we definitely have had a big impact on the culture of pub pvp strengthening it when it needed some support. Now it appears that TEH imps are heading in a direction where they need some support. Who is going to step up and help them?


get to 55, we're all waiting for you. :D

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LOL ...Played with you guys afew times, got so frustrated logged off and logged into my imp character..Sooo, mission accomplished, I guess.


Do you guys even teamspeak/mumble? Seriously.. :p


We use common sense and trade tricks to win. Mumble/voice is not necessary, generally imps are so bad nothing else is required.

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Then you seen us. We live in the warzones.


Sorry but little leagues don't count. you want to know why they are not any imps. its is simply <Anima> trolling lowbies and that's not Motivating new players to come back. so you guys don't have anyone else but yourself to blame for that.


0/5 yet another troll thread from <Anima>

Edited by jediharrsion
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I think it's awesome, it's like Soviet propaganda at it's finest.


More like North Korean propaganda.


"Our gloriaaas leader, DA LHANCELOT, will lead us in battle against da filteee imps!"


To be fair Lhance and Kim are probably both dead. Kim hasn't been seen irl in a while and lhance has never been seen in 55 PVP.

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More like North Korean propaganda.


"Our gloriaaas leader, DA LHANCELOT, will lead us in battle against da filteee imps!"


To be fair Lhance and Kim are probably both dead. Kim hasn't been seen irl in a while and lhance has never been seen in 55 PVP.


I wonder why.

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I've watched them in a couple of midbie warzones. I don't think they are bad players. I think they are decent players who lack some of the coordination of a team that has tempered by real competition and who tend to make bad team decisions because they are over confident. I don't think they will "melt" in 55. I just think they talk a lot of **** and haven't seen real competition yet.
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I've watched them in a couple of midbie warzones. I don't think they are bad players. I think they are decent players who lack some of the coordination of a team that has tempered by real competition and who tend to make bad team decisions because they are over confident. I don't think they will "melt" in 55. I just think they talk a lot of **** and haven't seen real competition yet.


Some of this might be accurate, but, one part is wrong. You say "they" talk ****, and that's not true. In fact you won't hear any of us talk **** in a warzone. I don't and neither do my guildies. If you constitute my attempts to create friendly competitive PVP through the forums as talking **** then you probably also are one of the ones proclaiming to teach me how to do "coordinated pvp tempered by real competition" at 55 lvl.


Not one of my guildmates ever even gets on these forums, it's just me. Get that straight. "They" don't talk ****. It's all me and my forum posts where I simply point out the facts of reality. How some of you misconstrue my posts as "talking ****" is beyond me.


Most of you are just angry 55 veterans that get your lowbies and mids stomped by <Anima> so you come here pretending how you are going to wait till 55 then really teach us lessons in pvp. Because it's so serious. :rolleyes:


What I notice is the majority of our detractors are average or plain bad players who have 55s that get all butt hurt that they died in a lowbie match against our guild.


The better pvpers that comment on these forums on our guild admit we are decent and that's enough for me to know that we have have the respect of most good players on TEH that we run across and play with.


The rest of you that do talk **** about us, well, you can suck it. ;)

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Actually, I have heard, repeatedly, Anima members telling the team mates how they will "carry the match for them" and, yes, I do think your forum stuff reflects badly on you and your guild. If you think differently, that is fine. As for teaching you anything, probably not. I have never claimed to be anything other than a competent player. Certainly no star. Just good enough not to embarrass myself too often. Edited by Seyahat
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Actually, I have heard, repeatedly, Anima members telling the team mates how they will "carry the match for them" and, yes, I do think your forum stuff reflects badly on you and your guild. If you think differently, that is fine. As for teaching you anything, probably not. I have never claimed to be anything other than a competent player. Certainly no star. Just good enough not to embarrass myself too often.


What has been said in the forums that reflects poorly on us? I mean really. What has been said that makes us bad people? As for someone saying they were going to carry a group, I never said this openly. I can admit though after a warzone, I definitely have said to my guildies how we or some other good players on our team carried a lot of fails. Who has not done this?


I am sure whoever said they carried the warzone meant it for guild chat because we don't talk **** in warzones. We let our performance speak for itself.


I won't say "oh, we never have spoken angrily in a warzone", because who has not, that competes hard in pvp? I mean really... Who has not said "*** don't cap the node then run off you *******!!!" Anyone that is a hard competitor is bound to type out something like this.


But to say our guild rages and constantly berates the fails on our team is a bold-faced lie. We don't have any ragers in the guild. Not saying all ragers are bad, I am just saying we don't have that type of player in the guild.

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I noticed the same thing about imps on my pub a couple months ago when I was leveling, and then the same thing about pubs while I was leveling an imp. And then I finished leveling and stopped noticing these so called "population" problems. Funny how that works.


This is a huge server, you're gonna win 90% of the lowbie/midbie matches simply by virtue of being paired with free-2-players. People rerolling on The Ebon Hawk to dominate lowbies are a dime a dozen. In a couple months they're gonna hit 55 and either quit the game, get absorbed, or stick around and fade into obscurity. This game does not support players who only PvP. Personally, I haven't faced an <Animus> premade in about 2 weeks (cause, you know, leveling to 55) and if it weren't for these trollbaiting posts, I would have entirely forgotten about them like every other lowbie guild I've seen (and I've seen dozens).

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