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As many of you have seen, I've been a social butterfly since I've gotten back to civilization and enjoyed the luxury of interwebz although they are shoddy ew gross nasty interwebz.


The reason I've been so in your face with trollsome love is because I'm super stoked and ready to be back on my uber lovely tower playing SWTOR with all of my nerdy friends (yes, you're all nerds!). :D


Anyways, back to the point of my post. Obvi forum PVP is obvi. And it's l33t, I congratulate you all on your min-maxed forum expertise! That said, I think it's time to kick your energies into overdrive and when you're not at work hitting the refresh button on the forums to cop a feel of the latest and greatest forum goodies, perhaps we can be in-game getting our ranked PvP lolz on?


I've noticed some of the issue is that there's a big bad wolf on the server (and there always is), some scary beast of a PvP force huffing and puffing and blowing our ranked PvP house down. Leaving our lovely desire to do something besides regular war zones so utterly quelled that we don't want to queue up for ranked because it's not fun if you're only going to face the best of the best and get smacked right back to regs again.


This is why, Backrocket Bastards will be 'attempting' to field a ranked team. I say attempting because we may pull a straggler here and there if we don't have enough people online to do that dayum thang. That is if there are any stragglers brave enough to get pummeled with us! *gasp* :eek:


We've talked about it and though we're primarily an RP guild that likes to do some semi-cereal coordinated PvP frequently in the regs scene, we think it would be a good thing if we stepped out there and just went with the queue (so to speak). Mind you, we aren't the best and we'll probably get our butts kicked, but we're willing to show everyone that if you actually take the time to queue for ranked, maybe it won't be so bad if you're facing other teams besides that uber awesome juggernaut of a team that has all the skills to pay the bills.


So, the real point of the post is to reach out to the community. To those of you that want to do some ranked but are wary of the potential for it and how feasible it is on TEH? How long will it last? Will there be smack talk that makes people not want to queue? So on and so forth! (Of course there's always going to be smack talk, that's what people do in PvP! Just can't let it get to you! Hehe!) :p


So yeah, I'm calling all competitors here. The Core, Regulators, Zen, Hex, Guerilla, Nemesis, Republic, Shots Fired, Anime, and so on and so forth! Where y'all at? Why aren't we in queue? What will it take to get the ranked PvP jams booming in our server's speakers in a positive light?


And no, I'm not drinking 'kool aid' or trippin on acid you sorry sons of banthas! I'm just ready to get back and play the game with you sorry lot!


So as usual, you're intergalactic flyboy troll is signing off with a hardy: #getatmebrah!





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Couldn't there have been an easier way to say what you mean? Like, "hey 55s, stop being scared and queue for ranked." That's what you wanted to say, right?


Nah, I think that might be your impression of 55s and why they don't queue for ranked. I don't think people are scared, I just think they aren't enjoying themselves when/if they do queue for ranked.


So IF peeps do want to queue for ranked, then we need to figure out what it is that's making it not fun for them and try to fix it if it's something within our power to fix as players and members of the community.


That's all. The rest of it was just my fingers running rampant with joy at the thought of keyboard turning and moonwalking all over the arenas and war zones!



Edited by Sindol
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Honestly I do not think it's a community problem, why people do not queue for ranked. I think it's the fact that ranked is only 4 vs 4 death matches. This setup alone creates many problems. Also how players are rated could be a reason why ranked is not as popular as it should be.


Me personally, I have not done ranked since quitting when level cap was 50. I will find out soon whether or not I like ranked. My healing sage is 49 now, and I look forward to seeing if ranked PVP is as bad as they say it is for sage healers. Wish me luck!

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Glad to hear that John-boy! /flirt Have I ever told you how sexy you are? :o


As for Lhancelot, you may be right and I agree. I liked 8v8 way better than 4v4, but that doesn't mean 4v4 isn't fun, at least not to me. It's fun PvPing with and against friends, especially when it's a little more exclusive in the ranked environment! You know what you're getting into and you know who you're facing. It's far less random and that can be fun at times.

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Honestly I do not think it's a community problem, why people do not queue for ranked. I think it's the fact that ranked is only 4 vs 4 death matches. This setup alone creates many problems. Also how players are rated could be a reason why ranked is not as popular as it should be.


Me personally, I have not done ranked since quitting when level cap was 50. I will find out soon whether or not I like ranked. My healing sage is 49 now, and I look forward to seeing if ranked PVP is as bad as they say it is for sage healers. Wish me luck!


Regardless of the format, ranked is the only way to have competitive games.


Death-matching may not be the end all be all of pvp, but it is a great way to have fun, compete on a level playing field, and improve your skills as a player.

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Both sides of TEH use /Enemies to advertise for PvP, both ranked and OW. /PVP is instanced, so if you are on the fleet, only players only the fleet will be able to read your invitations.


For people saying that the ranked Que does not pop, I dont know where they are getting this information. Wednesday and Friday evenings starting at 8pm EST, has been the time for server-wide ranked. Its been like this since the start of Season 2, and has been going for months.

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Both sides of TEH use /Enemies to advertise for PvP, both ranked and OW. /PVP is instanced, so if you are on the fleet, only players only the fleet will be able to read your invitations.


For people saying that the ranked Que does not pop, I dont know where they are getting this information. Wednesday and Friday evenings starting at 8pm EST, has been the time for server-wide ranked. Its been like this since the start of Season 2, and has been going for months.


Well if people aren't available on Wednesdays and Fridays, you can see why they might think it doesn't pop. ;)


I think we can get the pops more frequent, people just have to queue up whenever, never know what will happen. That yolo queue, ya heard?

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Glad to hear that John-boy! /flirt Have I ever told you how sexy you are? :o


With a personality like his, its a good thing he is sexy... or {Insert forever alone meme here} :p



I would love to know when these ranked matches are happening, because I just don't have the Play time available to sit in queue for hours without getting matches.


And I'm a FA for team ranked on either side. Just let me know if anyone needs an extra.

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With a personality like his, its a good thing he is sexy... or {Insert forever alone meme here} :p



I would love to know when these ranked matches are happening, because I just don't have the Play time available to sit in queue for hours without getting matches.


And I'm a FA for team ranked on either side. Just let me know if anyone needs an extra.


LOL! I mean, HEY! That's not funny! Take it easy on my boi! He has a personality of the purest gold.


And awwwww... I'll queue with you baby. 2 v 4 good? We can both be Mercs! LOL

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I would love to know when these ranked matches are happening, because I just don't have the Play time available to sit in queue for hours without getting matches.


And I'm a FA for team ranked on either side. Just let me know if anyone needs an extra.


This is what's so crazy about ranked. What BDV says right here is probably exactly everyone's situation. The ranked is so unpopular that its queues are very inconsistent leaving people who want to PVP restless and annoyed waiting for them to pop.


They are not going to waste time waiting for something that might not happen for hours. This is a serious problem. Obviously "ranked" is broken. Seems to me, that it should be changed back to 8 vs 8, or given an overhaul that makes it more attractive so people actually get in queue for ranked.

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Regardless of the format, ranked is the only way to have competitive games.


Death-matching may not be the end all be all of pvp, but it is a great way to have fun, compete on a level playing field, and improve your skills as a player.


Obviously this is your opinion. That's all it is. If this was a fact ranked would be more popular and a higher number of players would be partaking in it.


What I find interesting is, you say ranked "is a great way to have fun, compete on a level playing field, and improve your skills as a player."


How does this not apply to 8 vs 8 matches? Do you not have fun, do you not compete on the same so-called level field (not really true because players skill levels are different even in 4 vs 4 this can lead to a not-so-level playing field), and can you not improve your PVP sills in an 8 vs 8?

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Both sides of TEH use /Enemies to advertise for PvP, both ranked and OW. /PVP is instanced, so if you are on the fleet, only players only the fleet will be able to read your invitations.


For people saying that the ranked Que does not pop, I dont know where they are getting this information. Wednesday and Friday evenings starting at 8pm EST, has been the time for server-wide ranked. Its been like this since the start of Season 2, and has been going for months.

^^^^^ This

Ranked nights are on the community calendar, if anyone wants to use it for reminders. :D



We've been trying to get one or two teams for ranked nights when possible and if there aren't enough people on, then it's been solo queues as DPS/Tank


Not going to lie, this past week we were so overly focused on winning a conquest week that we just did reg PvP all day and all night.





But being Conqueror of the Black Hole for the week . . . totally worth it.


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Obviously this is your opinion. That's all it is. If this was a fact ranked would be more popular and a higher number of players would be partaking in it.


What I find interesting is, you say ranked "is a great way to have fun, compete on a level playing field, and improve your skills as a player."


How does this not apply to 8 vs 8 matches? Do you not have fun, do you not compete on the same so-called level field (not really true because players skill levels are different even in 4 vs 4 this can lead to a not-so-level playing field), and can you not improve your PVP sills in an 8 vs 8?


Meh, it is an undeniable fact that 4 v 4 improves your skills as a player significantly more than 8 v 8.


Easy, big fella, don't blow a gasket. I'm going to explain to you why.


In 4 v 4, it's way more evident if you have a scrub player on your team. You will be at a significant disadvantage because the lacking player will get picked up and exploited much quicker than he or she would in 8 v 8. Furthermore, 4 v 4 is purely about your skill with your class. Your ability to manage your cool downs and optimally execute your rotation and if necessary, deviate from your rotation to help in other areas if necessary. Such as peeling for your healer or CC'ing someone so you can get back to your primary objective.


In 8 v 8, it's easier to get carried for one. So you may not get better at all. There's also potential that you could be the guy that captures the node and guards it and never has anyone pay you a visit. Which means you performed an important role in the match, but you literally got no better for doing it. 8 v 8 is also widely objective based. So you could literally spend an entire Huttball setting up a chain and passing player to player, not really getting better at PvP so to speak. You still might get pawned by the majority of the PvP community.


What John was saying is that if you want something that is challenging, and being challenged is fun to you, then 4 v 4 is much more viable at an individual level when it comes to increasing your individual skill at playing your class and performing your role in a PvP environment.


So yeah, 4 v 4 > 8 v 8 when it comes to improving your PvP skills.

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In 8 v 8, it's easier to get carried for one. So you may not get better at all. There's also potential that you could be the guy that captures the node and guards it and never has anyone pay you a visit. Which means you performed an important role in the match, but you literally got no better for doing it. 8 v 8 is also widely objective based. So you could literally spend an entire Huttball setting up a chain and passing player to player, not really getting better at PvP so to speak. You still might get pawned by the majority of the PvP community.


And this is one of the things that is hurting ranked 4s. New teams often find themselves getting globalled in the first 30 seconds of a match, which is something that discourages them from queuing again. 8s at least have the advantage of the fact that there is a respawn so a new team gets many attempts to figure stuff out instead of getting wiped and spending the rest of the match afk eating a sandwich.


Of course 8s had a whole other host of problems such as #turtle strat and the fact that getting 16 players together at the same time is no mean feat.

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Meh, it is an undeniable fact that 4 v 4 improves your skills as a player significantly more than 8 v 8.


Easy, big fella, don't blow a gasket. I'm going to explain to you why.


In 4 v 4, it's way more evident if you have a scrub player on your team. You will be at a significant disadvantage because the lacking player will get picked up and exploited much quicker than he or she would in 8 v 8. Furthermore, 4 v 4 is purely about your skill with your class. Your ability to manage your cool downs and optimally execute your rotation and if necessary, deviate from your rotation to help in other areas if necessary. Such as peeling for your healer or CC'ing someone so you can get back to your primary objective.


In 8 v 8, it's easier to get carried for one. So you may not get better at all. There's also potential that you could be the guy that captures the node and guards it and never has anyone pay you a visit. Which means you performed an important role in the match, but you literally got no better for doing it. 8 v 8 is also widely objective based. So you could literally spend an entire Huttball setting up a chain and passing player to player, not really getting better at PvP so to speak. You still might get pawned by the majority of the PvP community.


What John was saying is that if you want something that is challenging, and being challenged is fun to you, then 4 v 4 is much more viable at an individual level when it comes to increasing your individual skill at playing your class and performing your role in a PvP environment.


So yeah, 4 v 4 > 8 v 8 when it comes to improving your PvP skills.


This, so much this. 1000% agree.... yes one thousand.

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Meh, it is an undeniable fact that 4 v 4 improves your skills as a player significantly more than 8 v 8.


Easy, big fella, don't blow a gasket. I'm going to explain to you why.


In 4 v 4, it's way more evident if you have a scrub player on your team. You will be at a significant disadvantage because the lacking player will get picked up and exploited much quicker than he or she would in 8 v 8. Furthermore, 4 v 4 is purely about your skill with your class. Your ability to manage your cool downs and optimally execute your rotation and if necessary, deviate from your rotation to help in other areas if necessary. Such as peeling for your healer or CC'ing someone so you can get back to your primary objective.


In 8 v 8, it's easier to get carried for one. So you may not get better at all. There's also potential that you could be the guy that captures the node and guards it and never has anyone pay you a visit. Which means you performed an important role in the match, but you literally got no better for doing it. 8 v 8 is also widely objective based. So you could literally spend an entire Huttball setting up a chain and passing player to player, not really getting better at PvP so to speak. You still might get pawned by the majority of the PvP community.


What John was saying is that if you want something that is challenging, and being challenged is fun to you, then 4 v 4 is much more viable at an individual level when it comes to increasing your individual skill at playing your class and performing your role in a PvP environment.


So yeah, 4 v 4 > 8 v 8 when it comes to improving your PvP skills.


The only problem I have with this... is that there is a skew toward certain classes which prevents people from even competing in ranked unless they play PT/VG, JG/GD, or OP/SC. 3 of the four spots on almost every team will have those three AC's, which leaves one spot for another DPS. You put equal skilled team with a merc healer or a sin tank against one with Op/jug and the Op/Jug team wins 100% just based on class imbalance.


So what happens, everyone rolls one of the FOTM classes to be competitive... in which case you aren't really getting better, you are picking an easier class to play.

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