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12x Xp for Sub as a pre-order perk is useless.


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It's not useless.


It lets you fill up those 6 slots you still have (you can have 22) for those special builds you wanted to have but never bothered to do.

Or, if your server pop is low, this is an excellent opportunity to transfer and start anew.


Not to mention that there are plenty of subs that don't have 16 lvl 55's.


It sucks that you can't see a silver lining because it doesn't help you specifically (and you're not trying to find one either) but it's not always about you...

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There might be some with 16ac but many more who don't. I have just finished the story with one character and not been playing for some time. This brought me back! Been wanting to be able to play just the story quests for a long time. I love the story but I don't have time to spend 200 hours per character. So this is perfect!
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It's great for many players but not for all of us, including me and you, and a few others.


Infernixx nailed it:



Not going to excite me either.



Yeah, cuz all of the things you listed have gone over so well in the past right? LUCKY 77 Speeder for example...or the lame pets they keep throwing at us...that would've been better right?


For me it would. XP boosts are useless for me (and many others apparently). What would have been really cool was a deep subscriber discount across the whole CM. That would have been something worth waiting for, and pre-ordering for immediately.

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For me it would. XP boosts are useless for me (and many others apparently). What would have been really cool was a deep subscriber discount across the whole CM. That would have been something worth waiting for, and pre-ordering for immediately.


I couldn't care less about CM items, so that wouldn't benefit me at all. There are a lot more players that spend absolutely no money on the CM than there are players who can't use an XP boost.

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I couldn't care less about CM items, so that wouldn't benefit me at all. There are a lot more players that spend absolutely no money on the CM than there are players who can't use an XP boost.


But it would benefit the game - namely the bottom line as there would be droves of people spending, myself included, if the previous flash sales are any indication. Quite frankly, BW should have provided for more choice for this expansion considering it is not a free expansion and we got a heck of a lot more stuff for the previous paid for and free expansions.


Give a range of perks to choose from for subscribers who pre-order and let them decide which ones they want to have "active" on their accounts. Those who want the XP can forgo the CM sales and pick that; others can pick something more suitable. That would have been the epitome of "cool."

Edited by TravelersWay
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But it would benefit the game - namely the bottom line as there would be droves of people spending, myself included, if the previous flash sales are any indication. Quite frankly, BW should have provided for more choice for this expansion considering it is not a free expansion and we got a heck of a lot more stuff for the previous paid for and free expansions.


Do you realize what the QQ would be if BW tried to give a perk that encouraged spending MORE money? The fallout would be ridiculous.

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Do you realize what the QQ would be if BW tried to give a perk that encouraged spending MORE money? The fallout would be ridiculous.


I have enough coins saved to never need to buy coins (but I would as a show of support). That being said, re-read the post you quoted - I added some stuff after further thought after you quoted it.

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I have enough coins saved to never need to buy coins (but I would as a show of support). That being said, re-read the post you quoted - I added some stuff after further thought after you quoted it.


My point still stands. You can't make the perk something that encourages players to spend more money when they are already spending money to get the perk in the first place. They could give a cartel coin grant for purchasing if that would make you happy. Say, 2000 CC instead of the XP. I think most players would spend 2000 CC for 12x XP boosts for 2 months.


EA is already painted as the greediest company on the planet. They would never survive encouraging people to spend more money after they spend $20 to preorder the expansion.

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i get that alot of ppl are happy with the Xp boost- new players, returning players, and some existing players, that's all well and good{ really it is} but for everyone else who have lvl all the alts they can stomach on their main sever or a different server, what are we getting for pre-ordering this xpac...don't we have a right to feel bummed out about not getting an additional perks for pre-ordering SOR...something like beta access on the close server..a new holo statue that sells crew skill items like isotope 5 vial etc..i just feel vets who are done with grinding alts to lvl cap have no reason to pre order the xpac now, until they announce more perks etc..im sure everyone would be happy with beta access to test the content for 3.0, even if its just to test the new discipline skill system.. thats all im saying, im happy that ppl are having fun with the xp boost, but that dont mean the rest of us have to excited about it, since it does nothing for us.
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I have a suspicion that it wouldn't matter what the perks were, someone would complain.



If you have a full array of characters and the XP boost is not going to benefit you, what would you like instead? A unique toy? Something to say, "Hey look at me!!" ?



That's just narcissistic.

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I have a suspicion that it wouldn't matter what the perks were, someone would complain.



If you have a full array of characters and the XP boost is not going to benefit you, what would you like instead? A unique toy? Something to say, "Hey look at me!!" ?



That's just narcissistic.

who wouldn't be happy to test some of the features for 3.0, not story stuff but features.

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Well, while I agree it's a tad useless for me on my main server since I've got 21 of 22 characters already at 55. But my other 1-10 toons on the other servers will find it very useful. Just like I only had two toons who can/could use the GSI buff on Makeb, but my other toons on other servers can use it. So...it could be both useless and useful on how you look at it...I guess.
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who wouldn't be happy to test some of the features for 3.0, not story stuff but features.


They are only doing closed testing. They won't have space for everyone who preorders. Clearly there is something they want to keep quite via NDA or they'd put it on open PTS.

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If you have a full array of characters and the XP boost is not going to benefit you, what would you like instead? A unique toy? Something to say, "Hey look at me!!" ?



That's just narcissistic.


Uh, the point is to keep x12 XP Bonus and add something extra, at least a toy that is not obtainable in the game in any way. So everyone is happy. We wouldn't ask to replace your boost, enjoy it! But we would like to enjoy something too.

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Nope, it's great.


It's not great where the hell is this perk ??? Is it possible to stop to let people search 6000 hours before finding it ?? Why the hell I just paid 17€ for this expansion, and EA is unable to pay someone to create an email that will automatically go in my inbox to explain how to obtain the stuff ?????????????????????????????

Same for the fortress, no info's anywhere ...

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It's not great where the hell is this perk ??? Is it possible to stop to let people search 6000 hours before finding it ?? Why the hell I just paid 17€ for this expansion, and EA is unable to pay someone to create an email that will automatically go in my inbox to explain how to obtain the stuff ?????????????????????????????

Same for the fortress, no info's anywhere ...


If you just look at your mission ("L" menu in game) rewards you'll see it's substantially higher than normal quest xp rewards.

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Uh, the point is to keep x12 XP Bonus and add something extra, at least a toy that is not obtainable in the game in any way. So everyone is happy. We wouldn't ask to replace your boost, enjoy it! But we would like to enjoy something too.


that is basically what i'm saying Xp boost lovers can keep their bonus xp, everyone else not thrilled by the xp bonus would like something else to pass the time..we dont want to sit in silence angry becuz u{xp happy ppl} are having the time of you lives lvling alts..

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What's the point of 12x Xp as a sub if you already got all 16AC at lvl 55, if this is why the announcement was delayed then I'm disappointed, becuz they should've added something else in there for subs not just a Xp buff for leveling alts.. They are hundreds if not thousand of players with all 16ac already.. I'm not gonna preorder the xpac until the last minute for early access. Or until they announce something more substantial for subs other than the Xp buff.. Which only benifit people who have yet to play some of the other classes to lvl cap.


You represent a minority of the player base. Don't like the perk, don't pre-order the expac. Just wait 6 months for it to be free to subscribers. ;)


While it may be useless to a player that has played all 16 ACs to 55, the fact is this is an excellent perk for subscribers (most who have at least one or more ACs they wish to level to 55 in preparation). It helps level the playing field for players in preparation for the release of 3.0. More MMOs should do this for their subscribers in the lead up to an expac IMO. This is an alt friendly MMO for altaholics. So it's a valuable perk to many players, even if not for you personally.


It's essentially no different then WoW (or any other MMO on the market) offering instant levels to subscribers ahead of a new expac.... other then it encourages a player to actually play through the story arcs for a character... and that is a good thing IMO.


FACT: no matter what perk they might give to subscribers.... someone will complain, declare it worthless, and of course declare it a /slap-in-the-face. You have successfully /checked the box here... so life can now move forward in the forums again. :p

Edited by Andryah
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