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Please introduce dual spec ASAP


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I know people like it, but it damages the game imo. It elminates the need to roll an alt, and diminishes the role of someone who only likes to play a certain role.


Not to mention I detest people switching roles mid instance. Also it creates gearing issues, whereas you might have 1 person rolling on an item now you could have 4.


Dual spes, macros, lfg these are all things that came from the current I need to lvl to 50 in 2days and have all my gear and be able to one shot everything generation, you guys ruining games, then leaving 6 months into it, leaving the rest of us with a messed up pos game.


This ^^



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I know people like it, but it damages the game imo. It elminates the need to roll an alt, and diminishes the role of someone who only likes to play a certain role.


Not to mention I detest people switching roles mid instance. Also it creates gearing issues, whereas you migjt have 1 person rolling on an item now you could have 4.


Dual spes, macros, lfg these are all things that came from the current I need to lvl to 50 in 2days and have all my gear and be able to one shot everything generation, you guys ruining games, then leaving 6 months into it, leaving the rest of us with a messed up pos game.


I really dont think it damages the game. There also seemed to be plenty of people rolling alts in WoW and Rift. Tanks and healers were still so rare in WoW that they had to add extra incentives for them to do dungeons, alot of people, the majority I dare say just DONT like to play a healer or tank.


Most people I've grouped with in WoW or Rift never switched roles mid instance, not unless the healer or tank quit the group.


Gear is similar enough at the moment people will roll if its an upgrade, not to mention for companions, or for when they want to respec later, these are the jerks. People did this LONG before dual spec was ever conceived. The vast majority of dungeon runs I did had people asking or waiting until the tank/healer passed before rolling for offspec, maybe your battlegroup was different. But there will ALWAYS be ninjas, and dual spec or not having it will make it neither worse nor better.


Also you need to realize that companies dont just look at forums and go, ZOMG they said we should do it or they quit! we need to do it!! They have in game statistics and metrics to analyze situations.

Edited by Basiliscus
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I really dont think it damages the game. There also seemed to be plenty of people rolling alts in WoW and Rift. Tanks and healers were still so rare in WoW that they had to add extra incentives for them to do dungeons, alot of people, the majority I dare say just DONT like to play a healer or tank.


Most people I've grouped with in WoW or Rift never switched roles mid instance, not unless the healer or tank quit the group.


Gear is similar enough at the moment people will roll if its an upgrade, not to mention for companions, or when they want to respec, these are the jerks. People did this LONG before dual spec was ever conceived. The vast majority of dungeon runs I did had people asking or waiting until the tank/healer passed before rolling for offspec, maybe your battlegroup was different.


Also you need to realize that companies dont just look at forums and go, ZOMG they said we should do it or they quit! we need to do it!! They have in game statistics and metrics to analyze situations.


THere is always that *** who was in my group while I was tanking who needed the damn +Def trinket. So you know what I did? I left.


Dual spec screws me big time. "I'm building a tank set." WELL THEN GO TANK THE INSTANCE AND GET THE GEAR!



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THere is always that *** who was in my group while I was tanking who needed the damn +Def trinket. So you know what I did? I left.


Dual spec screws me big time. "I'm building a tank set." WELL THEN GO TANK THE INSTANCE AND GET THE GEAR!




Some how I remember that happening to me in vanilla WoW. :rolleyes:


Ya know what, it was the individual, not the system. Ya know why, because we didnt have dual spec back then

Edited by Basiliscus
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I really dont think it damages the game. There also seemed to be plenty of people rolling alts in WoW and Rift. Tanks and healers were still so rare in WoW that they had to add extra incentives for them to do dungeons, alot of people, the majority I dare say just DONT like to play a healer or tank.


Most people I've grouped with in WoW or Rift never switched roles mid instance, not unless the healer or tank quit the group.


Gear is similar enough at the moment people will roll if its an upgrade, not to mention for companions, or for when they want to respec later, these are the jerks. People did this LONG before dual spec was ever conceived. The vast majority of dungeon runs I did had people asking or waiting until the tank/healer passed before rolling for offspec, maybe your battlegroup was different.


Also you need to realize that companies dont just look at forums and go, ZOMG they said we should do it or they quit! we need to do it!! They have in game statistics and metrics to analyze situations.



Exactly, who are these people switching specs mid instance? MAYBE if the healer has to go, a DPS can switch to heals and fill in while they grab another DPS.


That would be horrible though. Much better to spend an hour looking for a dedicated healer while the group falls apart 2 bosses from the end.

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THere is always that *** who was in my group while I was tanking who needed the damn +Def trinket. So you know what I did? I left.


Dual spec screws me big time. "I'm building a tank set." WELL THEN GO TANK THE INSTANCE AND GET THE GEAR!




You need to roll to a psychodoctor if this pisses you off so much.

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THere is always that *** who was in my group while I was tanking who needed the damn +Def trinket. So you know what I did? I left.


Dual spec screws me big time. "I'm building a tank set." WELL THEN GO TANK THE INSTANCE AND GET THE GEAR!




You can still build a tank spec without Dual Spec.


Getting a handle on loot is your responsibility. With companions basically everyone can use every bit of loot in one way or another at 50. Do not put important bosses on need for greed. You need to have that loot distributed by someone trustworthy and competent.

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Exactly, who are these people switching specs mid instance? MAYBE if the healer has to go, a DPS can switch to heals and fill in while they grab another DPS.


That would be horrible though. Much better to spend an hour looking for a dedicated healer while the group falls apart 2 bosses from the end.


Then you should be in a guild or find good healers in your travels and befriend them.


MMO's are SOCIAL games. You should use the SOCIAL aspect of the interface and TALK with people, you know SOCIALIZE.

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Some how I remember that happening to me in vanilla WoW. :rolleyes:


Ya know what, it was the individual, not the system. Ya know why, because we didnt have dual spec back then


I think that is why we anti-dual spec side are against it, not because of the players who use it correctly, but those that abuse it.

if there was a compromise, indeed if a decent tank item came up on a raid and rather than roll for it, the team allocated it ( being sensible team, by vote ) then I maybe happier. but I just see dual spec for most of the lame players as a fast-mode to 50 and not used skillfully to provide anything to the game.

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Exactly, who are these people switching specs mid instance? MAYBE if the healer has to go, a DPS can switch to heals and fill in while they grab another DPS.


That would be horrible though. Much better to spend an hour looking for a dedicated healer while the group falls apart 2 bosses from the end.


Or better yet, grab another healer and you dont need to "switch" anyone to anything.


You see, there is no reason to have dual spec in order to acheive what you describe...


If you are struggilng to find another healer I would suggest


a) Join a guild

b) Try talking to people and making friends

c) Roll on a more populated server


Either way, the scenario you describe is a piss poor excuse for having dual spec imo.



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Then you should be in a guild or find good healers in your travels and befriend them.


MMO's are SOCIAL games. You should use the SOCIAL aspect of the interface and TALK with people, you know SOCIALIZE.


They would be good healers. What the hell is with all this binary thinking? If you had another healer that wanted to replace the one who left, yes bring him in, and let the DPS stay DPS. What are you crazy?


The problem is when it's perhaps the middle of the night and you can't find a healer. Or a tank for that matter. Can switch specs and GET THE JOB DONE. Just find another DPS, they're more plentiful than healers or tanks. All that matters is filling the roles so that you can down the boss.

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You need to roll to a psychodoctor if this pisses you off so much.


Wrong. While I am totally on board with dual spec snatching gear for your off spec is not acceptable.


EDIT: Unless, of course, your group agrees ahead of time.

Edited by AlpsStranger
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I think that is why we anti-dual spec side are against it, not because of the players who use it correctly, but those that abuse it.

if there was a compromise, indeed if a decent tank item came up on a raid and rather than roll for it, the team allocated it ( being sensible team, by vote ) then I maybe happier. but I just see dual spec for most of the lame players as a fast-mode to 50 and not used skillfully to provide anything to the game.


well thats what a good guild is for imo. My guild does, master loot, and main spec first (the role you came to the raid/signed up as) off specs then, if no main specs needed it. This is for raids at least.


Pug raid leaders all have their own quirks for loot rules, but alot tend to follow those lines. I would never go into a free roll raid unless it was just for fun, dont want to waste the lockout if I could go with my guild instead.


Pug 4 man groups are a different beast, especially with companions to gear up thrown into the mix. But generally Ive found people fairly good about needing or greeding.

Edited by Basiliscus
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Then you should be in a guild or find good healers in your travels and befriend them.


MMO's are SOCIAL games. You should use the SOCIAL aspect of the interface and TALK with people, you know SOCIALIZE.


That sounds like an awesome solution and one that would not be impacted at all by the introduction of a dual spec system. You should definitely do that. And dual spec goes live, people who like to diversify can do so as well. Win/win, no? I'm not sure how social/non-social fits into your argument - seems like a non sequitur. But regardless, you can continue to think of those who advocate dual spec as mouth breathing, basement dwelling, abhorrently asocial losebags if that gets you through the day.


I've yet to see anything even approximating a valid argument against dual spec.

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i am against dual speccing. would it make life easier? yes


What your supposed to do if you want a DPS role and a heal role, and a pvp role.. is roll 3 characters.


"Hey guys ill heal that , let me switch to my healer"


the game is fairly flexible already, if your just talking flashpoints then a 3 man group and companion healer is just fine.


i also dont get people ************ about leveling tanks/healers. there is a companion system people. you can level with your own pocket healer , or DPS, or TANK.


SHEESH. how much easier do you need it.

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i am against dual speccing. would it make life easier? yes


What your supposed to do if you want a DPS role and a heal role, and a pvp role.. is roll 3 characters.


"Hey guys ill heal that , let me switch to my healer"


the game is fairly flexible already, if your just talking flashpoints then a 3 man group and companion healer is just fine.


i also dont get people ************ about leveling tanks/healers. there is a companion system people. you can level with your own pocket healer , or DPS, or TANK.


SHEESH. how much easier do you need it.


This right here. I have leveled to level 33 as a combat medic and I have loved it. I sent my dps guy in there and I heal him. Leveling as a healer is really easy. :)

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To be honest the dual spec thing has only come about becuase of the limitation of characters, in older games like AO there were 4 breeds of charachter who could all have one of 14 different classes and you could choose which of 3 sides to be on. There were so many changeable statistiscs that you could tweek and twink till your head exploded.


The complexity was just too much for the younger generation and more modern games reduced the complexity and by doing so did not give you the diversity the game needed, so dual spec was invented to fit the blanks.


If we simplify the game enough we can all have the ability to do anything and everything and look the same, there would no queues for dungeons and no need to greed on loot as you will all need it.

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i am against dual speccing. would it make life easier? yes


What your supposed to do if you want a DPS role and a heal role, and a pvp role.. is roll 3 characters.


"Hey guys ill heal that , let me switch to my healer"


the game is fairly flexible already, if your just talking flashpoints then a 3 man group and companion healer is just fine.


i also dont get people ************ about leveling tanks/healers. there is a companion system people. you can level with your own pocket healer , or DPS, or TANK.


SHEESH. how much easier do you need it.


My point entirely.


In reality they want the tank / healer / dps but become outraged when you suggest they level 3 toons...


Apparently its far too much effort.



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This right here. I have leveled to level 33 as a combat medic and I have loved it. I sent my dps guy in there and I heal him. Leveling as a healer is really easy. :)


dont think anyone is saying its not easy, especially with how fast you can out level content before you even get to it.


I'm a 35 combat medic midway through alderan, i actually just tank with my face and use my reusable med packs and shield cooldown to heal myself while jorgen and I dps em down. But more options dont hurt.


(Just got the taral V assault cannon last night, Yay me!)

Edited by Basiliscus
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Guys I know this OUTRAGOUS but.... I currently have a healer who is level 33. He's always going to be a healer. That is the path I've picked for him. Guess what....



I might want to roll a DPS, maybe a Jedi, maybe a Smuggler. I'M GOING TO MAKE A NEW CHARACTER TO FILL THE ROLE!


*Dies from madness*


(Also I get to enjoy a whole new story with a Twilek, Yay me!!!)

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