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Legacy of the Rakata achievement fix and NS Nighlife event achievements


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So today's patch fixed the 25 run achievement but it wasn't retroactive. All progress already made is irrelevant and we have to run the FP 25 times even if we already did. Exactly like NiM achievements for the old ops when achievements were implemented (you would need to kill again some of the bosses).


Suddenly I am worried about the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife achievements that were reset to 0 not long ago. I had 295/295 including all mounts and the secret achievement for blowing up a machine. Are you telling me that we will have to gain these again? You are going to have one very angry customer if that's the case. And probably more than one.

Edited by demotivator
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Suddenly I am worried about the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife achievements that were reset to 0 not long ago. I had 295/295 including all mounts and the secret achievement for blowing up a machine. Are you telling me that we will have to gain these again? You are going to have one very angry customer if that's the case. And probably more than one.


Yeah, I really would love to see those fixed. Heck, spent quite a few credits to get my rancors and that vectron mount.

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Wow. I normally do not care about achievements...especially since I was already "ancient" by the time 2.0 dropped and basically everything I did previous to 2.0 never counted. But seeing this thread now has me pissed off. Had I not seen this thread I would never have known that my 100% completion of the nightlife event is now pretty much erased.


I literally did everything possible in that event and now seeing this I looked and now it is almost all gone...***!? Clearly this has been known for a bit based on your tone....what was the cause or reason for this aside from the usual incompetence we are all becoming accustom to?


Like I said I was never a accolade hunter in this game {all I ever cared about was if something had a function like datacrons and companions affection [which I just saw a report about that not working right with this past patch] etc}, but if I did the damn thing I do care if it is erased. I did not invest much with the Nightlife event {compared to some}...and unlocked it all.


My Nightsister wannabe has her Rancor....my slinger has her Vectron Opus. I have all the items that needed to be bought for the tick...even had a machine explode a few times...all of it. Hell I only got one rancor, but won like 5 Magnus. What the hell happened? Reminds me of what they did give retro with 2.0....I have a toon with the Rancor, but odd now I have no achievement for having won that. Have all the items {some multiples of} you needed to buy with certs....yet oddly I now never won one lol. Unreal. "Bee Dubya" at its finest.

Edited by Urantia
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Almost forgot...as to the Legacy of Rakata that sucks also {sorry zoomed in on the Nightlife event as I know I did all that}...I admit I only did the Forged Alliance I-III literally the other day {with 1 toon doing the part I when it dropped}....mainly as I never PvE anymore, so finally got off my *** and ran it just to say I did it.


I am sure most of us agree the Nightlife erasure is a bit more of a slap in the face though as the FAs were not as "ridiculous" to finish. But for those that ran them more than one time for an accolade...that sucks {I was not even aware there was one for it lol}.


Color me pissed. I am already sick of this team and the decisions they make...now they are taking things away from people that already had them. Which to me is akin to not being able to trust putting things into a cargo hold etc and it remaining there....general integrity issues.

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SWTOR cannot into backtracking, learned that the hard way long ago ...


As did anyone that played the game to death pre-2.0 can attest. But this, however, is not acceptable practice. If they have a valid reason for nonsensically removing certain components then fine, but lol. For example, like many here they might have theirs now saying they never won a Rancor, yet have a toon with one. They might now be showing they never bought a Vectron Opus, but have a toon with one. They might be showing that they never played the kingpin machine, yet have won a Rancor and a Magnus. So on and so forth...totally ridiculous.


While I was disappointed when 2.0 landed and most of what I did was not remembered...I accepted that they were not tracking everything in the transition {even when they were tied to class quests which were all completed already lol}. This is not the case here. I could not care less for achievements, but if I did earn them fair and square...they have no cause to take them away {let alone in a fashion that makes zero sense}. Sadly were it not for this thread I might never have noticed lol.

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I'll start doing it so to send them the photos that I already DONE them via Tickets.

Last hope to keep me playing.


I already have videos with all my speeders / mounts / heal things separately.

I'll start doing it and with my pets now and achievements.

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I'll start doing it so to send them the photos that I already DONE them via Tickets.

Last hope to keep me playing.


I already have videos with all my speeders / mounts / heal things separately.

I'll start doing it and with my pets now and achievements.


I doubt that will matter sadly {they will probably claim you faked the images lol}. Is it safe to assume this impacted everyone? My agitation, like many things, is not what happened but why it happened. My issue with this is that I cannot trust their integrity anymore. What will be next? What other new event will they give us only to glitch/erase all or part of it after players put a lot of time in on it? Hell what have I lost and not even noticed yet since I do not stare at my achievements on a daily basis.


When, and if, they "fix" this....will the time stamps make any sense? Probably not. For example, mine currently shows I won a Vectron Magnus, but also currently shows I never played a kingpin machine lol. Personally I never wanted achievements in this game to begin with, but they gave them to us....and now they cannot even track and remember them correctly. For me it is not even about the achievements, but about principle. It is about trust...how can we trust this will not keep happening.


What is next...the removal on my 100% Bounty event completion, the removal a reputation pool, items from my cargo etc going missing and so on? I mean what the heck happened...did I make the mistake of doing the Nightlife event too early in its life lol? Your guess is as good as mine.

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Upon further inspection it is not safe to assume it affected everyone equally. I never inspect others, but this prompted me to look a few people....seems not all had their Nightlife achievements glitched. So just a lucky few lol...RNG all around lol.
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