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Something that needs to be said


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That's funny... I have to look UP to see mine... You must be getting old.




Why'd you have to go and remind me?


As for the OP, don't worry about scrubs chirpin. Most of the time that's all they do anyway. Just laugh at it. Because in reality, it's probably some lame sauce shrimp talking shmack on the other side of your compooper screen!


It makes me laugh every time when people talk **** for no reason.

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Why'd you have to go and remind me?


As for the OP, don't worry about scrubs chirpin. Most of the time that's all they do anyway. Just laugh at it. Because in reality, it's probably some lame sauce shrimp talking shmack on the other side of your compooper screen!


It makes me laugh every time when people talk **** for no reason.


It's alright bro.. You're a little blue pill away from being 18 again... Premature ***********s ftw!


speaking of premature ***********s... Saeari, in all seriousness, with the anonymity of the internet, you should just assume that everyone is just trolling and laugh with them.

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speaking of premature ***********s... Saeari, in all seriousness, with the anonymity of the internet, you should just assume that everyone is just trolling and laugh with them.


I just usually assume that I've somewhere along the line done something to piss off the person who's being pissy with me, because it's usually true.

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Which is why you make an awesome troll target. You're a trolls dream.


Well I've started just playing the "I love you" act. It seems to work (and admittedly it makes me chuckle reading back my posts from how silly I sound). Rather than getting upset at it.

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Well, between Tequila yelling at me in the shout out thread and someone attempting (and failing, since I didn't end up getting upset) to troll me in Tatooine chat this afternoon, it seems like I have a nack for upsetting people without even saying/doing anything to them. And I don't even understand what I did this time.




Well, I sat back and watched this thread for a bit. I think I have some pertinent tips for you, Saya.


The whole self-pity thing needs to go. Stop behaving like a victim. Instead of wondering "Why is that person reacting so poorly to me!" Look inward, and try to make sense of what YOU do, and what YOU maybe doing that triggers people to respond to you in a negative fashion.


In all reality, it's not so much as what they do as it is what you do. A side note to this could be maybe the frequent "trolling" by others will die down once you make a pattern of not reacting to their shots. It takes time for people to forget and forgive, and treat you according to the "new" Saya.


As for people hating Saya, honestly I never seen anyone say in any of the recent threads they hate Saya. In fact the only person saying such negative stuff is Saya himself. Just stop typing negative things, not just about others but about yourself too.


Taking responsibility is OK. The more important thing is to actually live differently and make actual changes in behavior. To proclaim "I am obnoxious and narcissistic!" sounds nice, but until that kind of behavior ends, really, it means very little.


I guess some feel this is a great step, "admitting" and "owning up to" how poorly you have treated players in the community. To others though, it is just a pity thread designed for more attention. Only time will tell.


I hope you find the inner harmony you need to help you like yourself as well as others, and to change for the better, and not the worst.


It's ok to be competitive, but don't take the ingame pvp personal. Instead, look at other players who challenge you as just that, challenges in the game.

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Yeah, I made that post you quoted, and it was stupid to do so. The point of this thread is exactly what the title says, something that I needed to say because people deserved to hear it. Nothing else, nothing more. You're, at least from my understanding, new here, or somewhat new. So I doubt you have any clue what most of my OP was talking about. But believe me, what I said in that OP, people deserved to have said. This isn't about whining or "sucking up" or attention whoring, etc etc etc. It's about putting an apology out there because it's the right thing to do.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love how you make this huge post about ./wrists

and still **** talk people.


talking smack in PVP isn't the end of the world, unless of course, he was being expressly derogatory.


oh, also, talking smack to your own team in PVP is also not so cool... that said, I wouldn't single this young man out for it. he did say that he was "working on getting better"...


nobody is perfect?



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talking smack in PVP isn't the end of the world, unless of course, he was being expressly derogatory.


oh, also, talking smack to your own team in PVP is also not so cool... that said, I wouldn't single this young man out for it. he did say that he was "working on getting better"...


nobody is perfect?




Maybe I'm strange but I've never had a particular problem with Sae. PVPers seem to love the occasional /laugh, /grin, etc. I don't mind it, heck I do it myself sometimes :p


TLDR I think this is all in good fun.

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What did I miss? I thought Saya had reformed! In fact, I was hoping to become better acqainted with him through the forums seeing I never see him in the game. I have to give him a gold star for his behavior on the forums, he has been so well-behaved that, well, I haven't even noticed him here. That's kind of sad. Come back Saya! :)
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talking smack in PVP isn't the end of the world, unless of course, he was being expressly derogatory.


That's the whole point. When you start throwing around racist/homophobic insults, that's crossing the line. Hopefully he's at least stopped saying those.

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That's the whole point. When you start throwing around racist/homophobic insults, that's crossing the line. Hopefully he's at least stopped saying those.




I hope so too... That ain't cool. :mad:


That said, racist and homophobic are widely subject to what is deemed acceptable by mainstream media and society. Someone can say something that you think is derogatory and not mean it that way.


But if he's calling people out and bashing them with derogatory words, then yeah, that's what we'd call a "personal attack" in the internet realm. And like I said, that's not cool! :mad:

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See, Saeri-ari (of the defiler legacy) (if this is you, if not my apologies ignore this) allow me to explain to you why approximately half of our server dislikes you. Actually, allow me to rephrase that, allow me to explain why you have caused the majority of the PvP community in the Ebon Hawk to dislike you.


1. Insecurity

You are so insecure about a VIDEO GAME. I don't think I have ever seen you in a match, with or against, where you didn't verbally attack, put down, or rage at someone who may have killed you, out dpsed you, or just simply won the game. NOBODY CARES. It's a reg warzone. It's a game. For you to take this personally is beyond my ability to comprehend. I don't know what you're trying to compensate for, but it's one of the reasons people can't stand you.


2. Put your money where your mouth is

If you're really going to resort to essentially ego measuring over a game. Queue ranked. Grouped ranked. Where you can have a healer, a tank, and co DPS. ALL OF YOUR CHOOSING. So that you can eliminate your petty excuses like "it's all my healers fault, or it's because my tank sucks". Maybe it isn't them. Maybe it's you. If your that good, I'd gladly accept your challenge, and i'll stream it. This way, you can go on and tell people that you won, they can see it themselves.


3. You lack common sense.

Lastly, I feel that no matter how many chances people give you, how many times people swallow the insults you throw at them, just to start fresh. It takes you less than a GCD for you to erupt over something stupid. A compliment given to you, you take as an insult. People are naturally nice. When they said "oh! that was so close, almost got me there". It's not meant negatively. Just today (if once again, this is you) i said "dang! stop with the focus! lol". Only to be met with "Your a trash piece of **** smashmonkey, l2p". As to that i just wanna say: 1. It's my baby sentinel, not even fully 2018 yet. 0 aguments. 2. I'm sorry that i'm playing smash? and that in your mindset, somehow Smash is superior in 1v1 to carnage (LOL). and 3.


http://www.swtor.com/leaderboards/sentinel-marauder #31


In conclusion, treat people the way you want to be treated. And if you find you can't. Sunday 8 pm EST. I'll be streaming. Get in the ring.

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Hal made a good point to me, some dude once said in a book, if you want to be a cruel king, its better to be nice in small doses over a long period of time, and then do something really awful once and be forgiven for it, than to be kind of mean over a long period of time, and expect one great deed to completely make up for it. People will forget the 1 big thing (whether its good or bad) but they'll remember how you are the majority of the time.
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See, Saeri-ari (of the defiler legacy) (if this is you, if not my apologies ignore this) allow me to explain to you why approximately half of our server dislikes you. Actually, allow me to rephrase that, allow me to explain why you have caused the majority of the PvP community in the Ebon Hawk to dislike you.


1. Insecurity

You are so insecure about a VIDEO GAME. I don't think I have ever seen you in a match, with or against, where you didn't verbally attack, put down, or rage at someone who may have killed you, out dpsed you, or just simply won the game. NOBODY CARES. It's a reg warzone. It's a game. For you to take this personally is beyond my ability to comprehend. I don't know what you're trying to compensate for, but it's one of the reasons people can't stand you.


2. Put your money where your mouth is

If you're really going to resort to essentially ego measuring over a game. Queue ranked. Grouped ranked. Where you can have a healer, a tank, and co DPS. ALL OF YOUR CHOOSING. So that you can eliminate your petty excuses like "it's all my healers fault, or it's because my tank sucks". Maybe it isn't them. Maybe it's you. If your that good, I'd gladly accept your challenge, and i'll stream it. This way, you can go on and tell people that you won, they can see it themselves.


3. You lack common sense.

Lastly, I feel that no matter how many chances people give you, how many times people swallow the insults you throw at them, just to start fresh. It takes you less than a GCD for you to erupt over something stupid. A compliment given to you, you take as an insult. People are naturally nice. When they said "oh! that was so close, almost got me there". It's not meant negatively. Just today (if once again, this is you) i said "dang! stop with the focus! lol". Only to be met with "Your a trash piece of **** smashmonkey, l2p". As to that i just wanna say: 1. It's my baby sentinel, not even fully 2018 yet. 0 aguments. 2. I'm sorry that i'm playing smash? and that in your mindset, somehow Smash is superior in 1v1 to carnage (LOL). and 3.


http://www.swtor.com/leaderboards/sentinel-marauder #31


In conclusion, treat people the way you want to be treated. And if you find you can't. Sunday 8 pm EST. I'll be streaming. Get in the ring.


I think you're confusing Sarrai for Saeari.

Edited by GrizzMeshurik
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I think you're confusing Sarrai for Saeari.


If I'm confusing you Sarrai, for Saeri. I am very dearly sorry. The Seari i am referring to claimed ownership of an apology thread on the ebon hawk forums, so I assumed to be this one. If this isn't you, my dearest apology. If this is Saeri, then I said what i meant, and meant what I said.

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If I'm confusing you Sarrai, for Saeri. I am very dearly sorry. The Seari i am referring to claimed ownership of an apology thread on the ebon hawk forums, so I assumed to be this one. If this isn't you, my dearest apology. If this is Saeri, then I said what i meant, and meant what I said.


Since you are possibly addressing the wrong Sarrai-ari, I suggest creating a single thread to the correct Sarrai-ari, and re-challenging them to a dual that will be streamed for all to watch!


You did the right thing by apologizing so vehemently to this Saeri. But, I might add the two players share similar qualities in the warzones, with all the raging and nasty comments they tend to make to their teammates. No wonder you mixed them up!


Also, if the "Sarrai-ari" person claimed an apology thread on TEH forums, it probably IS the same player and you don't owe any apology at all.


Hopefully someone cracks this case so we all learn if this is indeed the same Saeri/Sarrai-ari/Sory/Sorry/Shari or whatever their name is, and then you can stream this epic battle between yourself and them on stream! Looking forward to it...

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If I'm confusing you Sarrai, for Saeri. I am very dearly sorry. The Seari i am referring to claimed ownership of an apology thread on the ebon hawk forums, so I assumed to be this one. If this isn't you, my dearest apology. If this is Saeri, then I said what i meant, and meant what I said.


I'd imagine the guy is trying to make you think he's me with that thread comment, because our names are quite similar. However no, I am not him. My name is simply Saeari (see my signature), I don't have any "-ari" after my name. You're talking about Sarrai-ari who is indeed a completely different person from me (ironically enough I have his mara on my ignore list). I do have both a Shadow and a Marauder, but my Shadow is only level 36 and her name is Xevi, whereas my Marauder is named Efari, and my legacy name is Atzfel as well. So yes, two completely different people.

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I'd imagine the guy is trying to make you think he's me with that thread comment, because our names are quite similar. However no, I am not him. My name is simply Saeari (see my signature), I don't have any "-ari" after my name. You're talking about Sarrai-ari who is indeed a completely different person from me (ironically enough I have his mara on my ignore list). I do have both a Shadow and a Marauder, but my Shadow is only level 36 and her name is Xevi, whereas my Marauder is named Efari, and my legacy name is Atzfel as well. So yes, two completely different people.


Well. There you have it, two separate people. Good to hear that and see you are doing well Saya. Do you play 55s I never see you, or if I do maybe I am not familiar with your alts. I finally seen Tequila and he had a great imp team, was a good fight close battle in Civil War. Hope to see you soon too!

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