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Group Disbandment Upon Warzone Entry


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Chances are there's at least one other thread like this floating around, but I couldn't find it.


Regardless, if you enter a warzone with a group of players, shouldn't we be placed back in the same group after exiting the warzone? It's pretty annoying to reform a group after every warzone.

Edited by keedo
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I have to agree. Seems relatively pointless that you queue up together as group mates or guild mates and select the option to Queue for a warzone as a group, only to be disbanded from that group at the end of the warzone and have to go through the process of regrouping.


Only a very minor issue of course but once that I'd think was relatively simple to fix and will have a good impact.

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It's extremely annoying. However, it happens upon entry into the war zone. Each player leaves the group to join into the new PvP Ops group. When you leave the war zone you leave that group and are back solo. But yes. It needs to be fixed. Just Bioware EA being super lazy in their coding.
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