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Pls, No "Level 60"


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Then make an alt. Increasing the level cap is lazy and terribly by design. MMO's need to learn to do horizontal progression and stop with the garbage "reset" by raising the level cap unnecessarily.


FWIW: I hadn't previously heard of the concept of horizontal progression, but have seen it mentioned in the forums a few times (specifically in response to the level cap increase).


For those (like me), who are not familiar with the concept; I found this Massively article that explains it pretty well (as well as vertical progression) .


After reading the article, it outlines perfectly my concers regarding a blind level cap increase, without corresponding content... count me in on the Horizontal Progression bandwagon.

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FWIW: I hadn't previously heard of the concept of horizontal progression, but have seen it mentioned in the forums a few times (specifically in response to the level cap increase).


For those (like me), who are not familiar with the concept; I found this Massively article that explains it pretty well (as well as vertical progression) .


After reading the article, it outlines perfectly my concers regarding a blind level cap increase, without corresponding content... count me in on the Horizontal Progression bandwagon.


Horizontal is the same as vertical, you still are increasing in power, it's just not adding levels to your character. Instead it's just a fancy term for leveling your gear.

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Horizontal is the same as vertical, you still are increasing in power, it's just not adding levels to your character. Instead it's just a fancy term for leveling your gear.


That's not really true. Horizontal progression is more about providing more options or configurations to you character instead of boosting their raw "power level".

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You could always just PvP up to the new cap. If you don't like PvE, why bother? Or, as I like to do, just level up and walk through that stuff. :cool:


Yes, so I did then it Makeb. Were about 100 PVP games per toon. This time is longer because MORE and MORE and MORE. Quantity over quality. And what the heck? In order then to stand on the same level as before again.


PVP must be excluded from the Progress GSF as it is already. Guiid Wars 1 + 2 show since 2004 how.

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Yes, so I did then it Makeb. Were about 100 PVP games per toon. This time is longer because MORE and MORE and MORE. Quantity over quality. And what the heck? In order then to stand on the same level as before again.


PVP must be excluded from the Progress GSF as it is already. Guiid Wars 1 + 2 show since 2004 how.


I absolutely cannot agree with this. I don't want to be excluded from anything just because I prefer PvP. Separating it out would basically make it its own game, which it is not.

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I don't want a level 60, but not because I don't want to level, but because of the huge upheaval that a level increases brings to the meta and to class balance. Right now the balance is better than it has been at any other point in the game's history, having it all thrown away for the sake of 5 extra skill points seems wasteful.


Horizontal progression > Vertical progression

Edited by Zoom_VI
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I absolutely cannot agree with this. I don't want to be excluded from anything just because I prefer PvP. Separating it out would basically make it its own game, which it is not.


Well, in itself, I believe that the whole Progress waste should be patched from the whole game. It's ok to start with PVP. :D

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I don't want a level 60, but not because I don't want to level, but because of the huge upheaval that a level increases brings to the meta and to class balance. Right now the balance is better than it has been at any other point in the game's history, having it all thrown away for the sake of 5 extra skill points seems wasteful.


Horizontal progression > Vertical progression


Sometimes I really wish there were separate trees for PvP and PvE so we wouldn'the have to worry about balance. Really would be nice to screw around with extra points in additional trees without worrying how it affects playing against each other.

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One thing these guys (Bioware, EA, whatever they're calling themselves these days) did right was GRADUAL "gear-flation". Just look at WoW for how it is NOT done.


I def agree. Its nice that the gear from ilevel to ilevel in this game is not grossly different from gear set to gear set. Someone in a 158 set is not that different than someone in 162 set. Its a nice bump but not grossly different.


The WoW developers had ridiculously large gaps between gear sets. It eventually led to the item squish. Hopefully the developers never have to re-engineer the gear levels to fix the damage numbers being out of hand.

Edited by Arkerus
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Then make an alt. Increasing the level cap is lazy and terribly by design. MMO's need to learn to do horizontal progression and stop with the garbage "reset" by raising the level cap unnecessarily.


star trek online didnt have a level raise for 3 years, no in their new expansion ther are raising it and there is outcry on their forum cause there a dosens of lvl 50 paid ships that will be less effective and people have worked ages on lvl 50 reps that its caused lots of complaints.


I think a healthy level cap is fine i mean i use lvl 50 end game gear to breeze through makeb and also to equip my companions, a level cap also keeps main characters from becoming a old shirt, one you only get out every once in a while and gathers dust during no new content.

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Sometimes I really wish there were separate trees for PvP and PvE so we wouldn'the have to worry about balance. Really would be nice to screw around with extra points in additional trees without worrying how it affects playing against each other.


They would still have to balance the PvP trees against each other, and the PvE trees against each other.


Any game that does not have class monotony is going to have balance issues, regardless of how you set up the skills. However SWTOR currently is easily the single most balanced game right now, I do not want all the balancing thrown out the window for the sake of a new ability.

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I don't want a level 60, but not because I don't want to level, but because of the huge upheaval that a level increases brings to the meta and to class balance. Right now the balance is better than it has been at any other point in the game's history, having it all thrown away for the sake of 5 extra skill points seems wasteful.


Horizontal progression > Vertical progression


Ha... I think the current balance sucks, so I disagree.


This is not a horizontal progression game and it isn't going to become one.

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star trek online didnt have a level raise for 3 years, no in their new expansion ther are raising it and there is outcry on their forum cause there a dosens of lvl 50 paid ships that will be less effective and people have worked ages on lvl 50 reps that its caused lots of complaints.


The problem with STO and a level cap increase, is all the end game gear (which wasnt needed to beat their toughest content), now becomes worthless. The incredible grind it took to unlock their equivalent to the guildship included guild stores that housed the most powerful gear in the game. All of that grind has been tossed aside. The most powerful ships were bought, not earned (you bought directly from the cash shop), as opposed to earning 186 gear here by completing content). Simply put, if you didn't spend real world money, you lost.


Their solution; we'll give you a way to upgrade your existing gear... with more grind.


I completely understand the players outrage there... I left that game (I am a Lifetime Sub there) over this type of gearing strategy. I sign in once in a great while (when there is a new mission)... their new elite content STILL cant stand up against my ship that hasnt been updated in a year. I am by no means a "hardcore" player.


The biggest problem there is power creep... the content (even Elite mode) can be completed with basic gear... but they kept pumping out more powerful gear, and more powerful ships to fight the same old enemies that you could beat with gear from 2 years back.


I would hate, HATE, to see EA/BW adopt that type of direction...

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An unintended consequence of raising the level cap are skill trees. At level 50 you have to be picky about what skills you wanted. With 10 extra points I can now have goodies I couldn't have before.


Doesn't work like that since they will add another row worth 5 points like they did in rothc.


Can't wait to level again!!!

Sooooo yea no 60... but 65 or 70!!!!




I'll probably quite the game if they raise it that high. I'm already annoyed at the thought of having to level my toons AGAIN to reach another silly cap that has absolutely no purpose whatsoever. Raising the level cap is beyond stupid. Like I said. You like leveling? Make a damn alt.

Edited by Raansu
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Doesn't work like that since they will add another row worth 5 points like they did in rothc.




I'll probably quite the game if they raise it that high. I'm already annoyed at the thought of having to level my toons AGAIN to reach another silly cap that has absolutely no purpose whatsoever. Raising the level cap is beyond stupid. Like I said. You like leveling? Make a damn alt.


oh no, not quit the game, noooooooooooooo......



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