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Collection Unlock : Legacy Bound Gear


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I am suggesting a second unlock to current gear in Collections.


First: You would have to get the full set of gear to unlock in Collections as you normally do.


Second: An option would be available to that gear set once you unlocked it, for a fee of course, to have that set be Legacy Bound.


I have spoken with Guild members and we think this would get Bioware past the hurdle of how the gear is set up in drops/vendors. This would essentially convert the set you unlocked on Collections to be used as Legacy Bound gear as well.


Let's face it. 90% of the Legacy Gear in this game is not worth wearing. Ugly. With this unlock you could look how you want and still have the gear be Legacy Bound so that both your Marauder and Sentinel (for example) can wear it, as you can do with current Legacy gear. I hear from people constantly that they wish the gear they liked could be Legacy Bound, this would let people have that, finally.


Thanx. :D

Edited by DarthVengeant
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YES! I welcome that.


Furthermore, If I buy for a piece of stuff with CCs I expect that I get it - for free - on all my toons. (I buy something with an Account-wide Currency, so I expect to get it for the account, not for the toon.)

Take Color Crystals for example, I pay for them with 650 CC and have to pay additional 300 to unlock it for the second toon? - hell no.


The same with gear. - All gear should be legacy bound, except Set items.

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YES! I welcome that.


Furthermore, If I buy for a piece of stuff with CCs I expect that I get it - for free - on all my toons. (I buy something with an Account-wide Currency, so I expect to get it for the account, not for the toon.)

Take Color Crystals for example, I pay for them with 650 CC and have to pay additional 300 to unlock it for the second toon? - hell no.


The same with gear. - All gear should be legacy bound, except Set items.


Actually paying that extra 300cc is a good deal since it unlocks it for all future characters in that account.

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Though it is something to do yourselves, rather the game masters does that by converting the items, I like this idea too.

It should give you some +1% bonus to presence (or something like it) if you can't move it around to other toons though... - essentially a tradeoff ;)

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Agreed. I would prefer to go the way of augment kits, and have crafters craft an item that changes the bind type to bind on legacy.


Bioware has stated that wont work. When you get armor in a drop it is formed a certain way, when you buy Legacy Bound armor it is formed a certain way. Your way would involve completely changing the way the armor is set-up that you already have (which has been "dropped") and Bioware has stated that would be too much work. Changing an armor piece to another type just involves too much work and problems.


My way would avoid that problem, making the gear "drop" from Collections in the Legacy form, if you choose to unlock that option. Problem solved.


And yes, it can happen. I have been told by many people this is a great idea. I see no reason why Bioware wouldn't at least look into it. It would benefit them with the fee, and benefit players by looking how we want still wearing Legacy Bound armor.


It is a win/win for both sides.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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The way I thought it could work, would be to change the Collection system so that it is account-wide, and not per character, or even per Legacy. Even if it was just for Subscribers, or something, it could give you the unlock, and then you don't have to go spending the money again.


Also, I dispute the claim that the lower cost of the full unlock is a great deal. The idea is that it shouldn't cost extra to begin with. It's like charging me for something I already have, but allowing me more access to it, without a substantial reason for it. There are way better things to spend Cartel Coins on, besides items you already have.


I've spent plenty of money on Cartel Coins, and have bought my share of packs and other unlocks, but I'm not buying an armor set twice.

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I'm going to play the other side of the fence here for a bit and see what kinds of responses I can reveal here.


I personally think that the system is fine as it is now. Considering that anything and everything that is available on the CM can also be made available with credits via the GTN, why would BioWare ever consider dropping CC's on unlocking CM items account-wide? What this basically means is that I can acquire different items from the CM, and have them automatically unlocked for my entire account....without spending a single penny in-game (not including Sub fee, though in essence, F2P and preferred could do this too without spending money).


Sorry but this idea doesn't fly with me. BioWare needs to continue to generate revenue streams to continue to pay their employees and keep the lights on. Maybe reduce the costs of unlocks a bit (I'd say cap it off at 150-200CC at the absolute most for the super-rare sets. Keeping in mind that this is a permanent, account-wide unlock that you can use as many times as you want. As many times as you want. AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT.


Example: I have Thexan's set unlocked. So overall, about 1700 CC's for getting it and unlocking it. I can now dress all 8 of my toons and all of their companions (non-KOTFE of course) with the set. That's 47 additional sets (not including the original character that got it. So 1400ish per set x 47 sets = 65,800 CC's worth of armor. Now I get that's probably exaggerating a little in terms of how many sets I'd pull out of collections, but it goes to show, by paying for the unlock, you're paying for a convenience of being able to retrieve it on any character on any server, without having to spend any credits or CC's getting it for those additional characters. It's also an optional convenience as well. You don't have to get it if you don't want to, or you don't feel that it's worth it in your eyes. Maybe you only want 2 sets, and you'd rather just get two sets from the GTN for credits. Totally your option.

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With outfit designer and legacy gear combined, Bioware actually has already done this. Equip your legacy gear with the armorings, enhancements, mods, and augments, and use costume designer to get the look you want. Unlocking the "look" in collections will allow your marauder to have the exact same look as your sentinel and you can mail the legacy gear back and forth. I don't see how this could be improved further really. The costume designer is one of the only changes I've liked since before 3.0, and another nice thing about it is, you can buy the extra costume slots for credits. The same applies to the armor you want for aesthetics...all the armor from cartel packs can be found on the gtn. With a few days of grinding, most will have more than enough I afford practically anything they want. Plus, bioware gives us 4 sets of free legacy gear per toon. So really, the only thing that costs cartel coins is the collections unlock. I do agree though that the recent hikes in collection unlocks needs to be lowered by about half...400 CC per set is ridiculous.
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The way I thought it could work, would be to change the Collection system so that it is account-wide, and not per character, or even per Legacy. Even if it was just for Subscribers, or something, it could give you the unlock, and then you don't have to go spending the money again.

Um, the Collections *are* account-wide, once you pay the unlock fee, for items that are unlockable.

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