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TEH PvP Leaderboards


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Oops, I didn't bother reading back pages. Oh well, it still provides a method for determining if someone's healing is legitimate or not.


Besides Turdel's record which is still listed on the leaderboard, is undeniably a acid exploit.


Although I find it amusing that even with straight acid healing they can only come up with 3.3k HPS, considering there are people that have done 3.6k legitimately


Try 4.4k in a ranked match.


Still, arena hps =!= warzone hps.

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I am in the process of restoring the 4v4 DPS category. After further investigation, a record was found in violation due to being submitted with a screenshot from a different server. This is against thread rules, whether stated or implied. If this was a mishap, and the stars aligned where both screenshots had the identical same value for the Damage per Second category, I insist the player responsible resubmit with the proper screenshot.


As for which records qualify:

We are on the verge of 3.0. As a result, this thread will be archived and a new thread will be started for 3.0. These are all great thoughts to think about as we turn into a new expansion pack. We should open a new thread and discuss it.


For the time being, let's keep this simple. When I see an outlier in data, I look the image over. If you are in the acid pit, then I won't count it. But if you are mid when the SS is taken, that takes away ammo for me to say no.


Deep down I do believe that there needs to be more analysis into the submission of threads. I believe this would be a great addition to the 3.0 thread when it comes.





So, great math and everything, and the talk on healing,really enjoyed it, I've never tried healing, so I don't know how it works.






Edited by xMaranathax
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If you want a really simple fix for determining legitimacy I would recommend that you make a rule where submissions cannot be cropped or modified in any way. I did that with the Jung Ma records thread and it worked fine, the only exception I allowed was that people could obscure the chatbox if they wanted to.


Also banning records because they are near the acid trap is a bit much, its not unreasonable that a healer could end up near the trap when the match ends even if they are playing legitimately.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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If you want a really simple fix for determining legitimacy I would recommend that you make a rule where submissions cannot be cropped or modified in any way. I did that with the Jung Ma records thread and it worked fine, the only exception I allowed was that people could obscure the chatbox if they wanted to.


Also banning records because they are near the acid trap is a bit much, its not unreasonable that a healer could end up near the trap when the match ends even if they are playing legitimately.


Yeah, he's right.


Best thing is to just post the whole scoreboard and make it so that we can see as much information as possible. Altering screenshots is the first sign of foul play to me. Neither, I, nor any of my friends have done it in the past when posting records. So, I just don't see the need for it.


In terms of determining legitimacy. It's obvious if a healer has ridiculous heals and the enemy team didn't even put out any damage.... Just got to look at all the variables.

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uhhh no? Unless by murder healers you mean murder tanks with lolelementaldamagecleave. 1 to 1 AP is a non threat to healers except during the SC phase.


Which is exactly when either of them is their most dangerous. AP has better burst than Pyro when both are at their burst peaks, Pyro can just burst more frequently.

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Which is exactly when either of them is their most dangerous. AP has better burst than Pyro when both are at their burst peaks, Pyro can just burst more frequently.


Only if you count the entirety of the Battle Focus window. Pyro can easily take 50% of a target's HP bar in a single global, and take the rest in the next two. Tactics requires 4-5 globals to do the same even if the overall damage during the Explosive Fuel window is greater.


Any good Operative healer ought to be able to heal through a AP PT.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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His buffs are hard to see but I believe he is running in Ion cell and presumably running a hybrid build. Tank stance in void star? My guess is that he was close to the doors and preventing caps.


sorry inside jokes between guildies dont translate well over the internet.. also he was pyro in the first game..

fus.. i am dissapoint my child

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