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why we need ignore account


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So 2 days ago as my 55 sgae healer I had a HORRIBLE experience with a certain (wish I could say name to for warn people of this idiot) republic player that entire group voted to kick him after only 5 minutes into flashpoint.


I put name on my ignore list, we all got a good chuckle about how much of an idiot he really was, got a replacement DPS and proceeded to have a great run with no drama or death.


So today I load up for a tactical with my commando and lookie who is apart of my group.


I could go into great detail about how big an #^$@ he made of himself yet again but why bother.


Point is if we had a ignore account option I would have gladly used on this kid the first time around and would never of had to put up with his %#%!!!! a second time.


I shouldnt have to type his name on all my characters ignore lists and honestly I have no desire to ever play with any of his other characters.


Id bet real money that I have mulpiple characters of his on ignore with out even knowing they the same person.


PLEASE put /ignoreaccount *name* into game because incidents like this are the ones that drive people to just leave game.


Personally I think the mass majority of players are good people to be around but its the genres refusal to allow us to eliminate the minority bad players from the equation that ultimately gives online gaming a bad reputation for bad communities.


I guarentee the kid Im speaking of today is on no less then 20 ignore lists (probably much much more) and f you offered a /ignore account option, he would be eliminated from most groups queue.


Making their experience over all much better and more enjoyable


Stop rewarding the idiots for bad behavior

Give the good players who dont want to be in the drama and nonsense the required tools to eliminate the problems themselves.

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just add account friend to this while you at it.


Slippery slope there. Perfect World games do this, you can see your friends on whatever toon they are on, whatever -GAME- they are plaing that's linked to the account. While pros are friends can message you at will, cons however...


Sometimes you just feel antisocial and want an alt no one knows to vegetate on. Not possible with account wide friends.


Or you let a relative or friend make a character on your account to try it out without Free to play restrictions, do they want people they dont know messaging them? Also then you get the butthurt that want to friend you, but you don't want them knowing all your info do you decline the request. And that's the -only- way that can be allowed to be implemented, they send you a friend request you can accept or deny, because no one has the right to anonymously add you as a friend and then have access to see you on every toon you have on your account...

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Slippery slope there. Perfect World games do this, you can see your friends on whatever toon they are on, whatever -GAME- they are plaing that's linked to the account. While pros are friends can message you at will, cons however...


Sometimes you just feel antisocial and want an alt no one knows to vegetate on. Not possible with account wide friends.



Very true Xian, sometime you do feel anti social and just wanna go it alone.


but rather then limit social abilities wouldnt being allowed to go anonymous solve the issue you speaking of?


Gotta admit Ive never understood why SW:TOR doesnt allow the standard anonymous setting in game.

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Oh, they let you list characters as anonymous, but the system is rather borked, as soon as the account logs in, it flashes a system message to anyone who is your "friend" saying "@username has come online" (pwe games do the account name as @names, so you would be on your character named bob, it would show you as "bob@username" then if you switched to an alt named joe, you would be listed as "joe@username")


Digresion explained here, so you could be anon, so you don't show up online, BUT the system still says your @name just logged in, so all they have to do us send a tell to "@name" and it will go to you on that "hidden" alt.


One hilarious benefit of @names is they generally are "turned off" in chat, but you can turn them on in chat options. So when they talk, rp, they see "Candy publucly does erp activity you really don't need to see with Tiffany" if you turn them on, -you- see "Candy@joeloveshistruck publicly erps with Tiffany@jimlikeshunting" (go ahead and deny most of you guys play/"RP" female toons to try to score "lesbian erp" all you want, the item listed above shows that as a big fat lie :p )

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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ok, I see the point, but either or both being able to go invisible and having to accept friend request would work for me.


I was just thinking of all the times when I was friending a fellow altoholic and all the lists of characters we'd send to each other. its a bit of a drag.


I would definitely love accountwide ignore list. I think they said something about it being difficult to implement at the moment?

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I absolutely agree to "ignore this one character on all my characters". That would be nifty.


I don't agree to "ignore/friend all alts automatically", though, because we should never be able to know which alts anyone has. It's not Diablo 3, we've got anonymity and a chance to be antisocial, do our own thing, log in on an alt nobody knows about.


As for ignoring alts... well... if that sage creates an alt and continues to behave horribly in HM flashpoints, I bet everyone will mass-ignore that alt very fast, too.

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I support account-wide ignore and friend for the ignorer or friender only. I do not want people being able to see all of my alts, and I'd rather not have to deal with friend requests (there's a reason I don't have a facebook). I would, however, like the option when friending to choose between "friend on this character" and "friend on account." Would make it a lot easier when someone gets a new alt. Likewise, when I log onto fleet and ignore a spammer, I'd like at least the option to go ahead and ignore him on all my toons, so I don't have to redo it every time I log on. I don't like the idea of ignoring someone's entire account, though. Sometimes a terrible tank is a great healer, and sometimes an annoying, ninja-looting, stupid kid will wise up and realize that nobody wants to play with him. I like to think he could make a new toon and try to start over as a mature player without making a new account. I don't know how often that happens, but I think people deserve a chance, at least. And if he does keep being the same annoying kid on all his alts, they'll soon get ignored, as well. :p
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It'd be great to have a tool that would put a specific problematic character onto your /ignore lists for all of YOUR OWN characters. It's the same as if you logged into all your characters one-by-one to put the twit on /ignore on each of your own characters... but just saves you all the effort.


However, being able to put all of the offending player's characters on /ignore is inappropriate. The predictable thing that would happen is that same twit will lie to the group about a person and get a bunch of people to /ignoreAccount the person to ignore all of the person's characters. BAM! oppressive tools of ultimate victimization just like what The Grinch would love to have. It can't be allowed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
How about we not worry about friends atm. the ignore list is the problem. Lets just be able to ignore a account. i could give a derp less about seeing all my friends toons. Its the idiots i wanna get rid of that bothers me. having 22 toons myself and adding the same person to each toon is a nightmare. and i run out of ignore space.
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/ignore being global to the ingorer's legacy, great idea. /ignore automatically adding all the ignoree's characters to the ignorer's list, bad idea.


Same with /friend. I don't want you to be able to /friend all my offline characters without me knowing about it (obviously the way the system currently works I can't stop someone from "friending" my currently logged in character, but that's the way it is).

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Bw already stated that while this is good in theory, there are number of Privacy Protection issues (you basically knowing every alt of that person, etc)


Maybe instead of every alt, the ignore list would just show the legacy name and the name of the initial ignored person.


Ex. Bob, Smith Legacy


John, Trivolta Legacy

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How about we not worry about friends atm. the ignore list is the problem. Lets just be able to ignore a account. i could give a derp less about seeing all my friends toons. Its the idiots i wanna get rid of that bothers me. having 22 toons myself and adding the same person to each toon is a nightmare. and i run out of ignore space.




Having had to ignore the names of 2 players just the other day on 10 Imp side characters just other day Im retracting my support for account wide friend list


I just want account ignore options where I can ignore all characters on that account and it updates all of my own characters so I dont have to retype same name over and over and over and over and ...


And honestly no privecy issues as I could care less if it lists each character name (Id prefer it didnt so as not to fill up ignore list quickly). I dont need to see each name, just so long as I dont see anything or get grouped with and of those characters.


Since GSH launch and seeing a revitalization in game (which is great) Ive also seen a huge upswing of trolls and morons in the PUG Flashpoints I run daily.




Other day I get Tython in GF on Imp side

me (DPS) (180 gear), 2 healers (one with 25k health and one with 38k health), tank (28k health)

We get to first bridge (after tank and 25k health healer drag not 1 but 2 sets of adds prior to reaching bridge, which I gotta say is really special as that 2nd group is completely out of path line to bridge. 1st group happens occasionally and no big deal, 2nd group takes a real special type of idiocy to grab)


Clear bridge


now normally groups jump rail to water, run along shore to next bridge avoiding combat

And thats what 1 healer and I did


Other healer(25k health) runs to end of bridge and just starts attacking (and dies and rage quits cause no one followed him/her)


Tank runs up road the OPPOSITE DIRECTION into a fight and dies there (and says he/she leaving to, but didnt instantly leave group)


Other healer and I standing half way up the water line together wondering exactly what the bleep these two doing.


Then I get a tell from rage quilter screaming that she has 22 level 55s and knows these fights better then anyone else in group and we all should have followed her as she was self appointed group leader (remember she was 2nd healer with 25k health so wouldn't be default o leader in any case).


I laugh my arse off at whisper and told person to stop crying and put on ignore (need account ignore cause if she does have 22 level 55s, I don't wanna group with ANY OF THEM EVER AGAIN)


So I tell remaining group about tell I just got and Tank goes off in group chat screaming that she not a rage quitter and we are suppose to follow her irregardless of where she goes and what she does.


And she quits group


So after sharing "***" moment with other remaining healer just added that "special little one" to ignore as well (fine with this one being character only, no need for account on this one and doubt this player has another 55 anyways as was clearly fresh and inexperienced to flash points. Probably did the KDY level thing and doesn't understand character anyways. But that's a different issue for a different time)


We get 2 replacements, clear Tython in short order with no deaths

Then get same healer I was just with (the good one, not the first psycho one) in Meltdown HM pop and we cleared Meltdown with no drama or issues


So if that player really does have 22 level 55 characters as she boosted and claimed (I highly doubt it) I dont wanna group with any of them on any of my characters. She was a extremely bad player with a horrible attitude who challenged madam Copperfield in humility and unearned ego.


NEED Account ignore and need it to be applied to ALL OF MY CHARACTERS so NONE OF THEM get grouped with these mental midgets again.

Edited by Kalfear
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And honestly no privecy issues as I could care less if it lists each character name (Id prefer it didnt so as not to fill up ignore list quickly). I dont need to see each name, just so long as I dont see anything or get grouped with and of those characters.


I understand why you want it, BioWare understands why we want it, but they simply cannot do it because of some Legal stuff (I do believe you could have some success with suing against Privacy Violation), so they have to figure out some way around it. Because even if you did not see the persons name, you could possibly deduce it if say, the person was engaged in a dialog with someone in a public area.

Chatter1: blah blah blah, Destiny will kill this game, blah

Chatter2: *something you do not see because of ignore*

Chatter1: You are wrong, Chatter2, blah blah blah

Suddenly, you know the name of Chatter2, and you know it is alt of someone you are ignoring, which presents potential legal problem (if I understand what BW said about this issue, I could be totally wrong in my interpretation).


Account-wide lists are something they would like to make, but no current plans for public release.

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[quote name= LyraineAlei

Maybe instead of every alt, the ignore list would just show the legacy name and the name of the initial ignored person.


Ex. Bob, Smith Legacy


John, Trivolta Legacy


Originally Posted by Aries_cz]Wouldn't really help with Legacy names not being unique anymore


False. it would still only apply to the one legacy. if u see the same legacy name running around and their chat ect. ... then u know its a different person altogether. Problem solved.

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Also how is this a legal issue when it is available in other games.

A. we wont know their alts names because they will ban a legacy name to their account... that legacy name might be used by several people which hides their true idenity of that person further.


B. Last time i checked a legacy name can be posted on their toon and all of their toons. Its not like bioware makes anyone hide their identities of there legacy to begin with.


C. How is bioware protecting them from us? When we are the ones seeking protection from them and their ignornace/spam/childish games ect? give the legal mumbo jumbo a break. What people are then saying is the person doing the bad stuff are more entitled to protection then the rest of us trying to simply play the game in peace? Bioware needs to fire all their lawyers and start over. REROLL bioware and get a grip on reality!

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Suddenly, you know the name of Chatter2, and you know it is alt of someone you are ignoring, which presents potential legal problem (if I understand what BW said about this issue, I could be totally wrong in my interpretation).


Account-wide lists are something they would like to make, but no current plans for public release.


Ignored players do not get queued with you in group finder missions


So you will never run into your example through GF ops and flashpoints (which is 99% of where this stuff happens)


Now you will still get grouped in Warzones (I think thats stupid and should work on same mechanic as flashpoints/ops imo) but if you dont see the chat you cant respond, which eliminates most of the drama in warzones anyways.


Which would leave general chat on planets and fleet

And again, if you dont see the comments

you dont respond to comments

and that means there no issue


As for knowing name through ommission

I dont see it personally but then again you assume someone puts more effort into figuring these things out then I ever will.


But I guess ultimately Ill say this

Players do NOT have a right to act like morons and *******es and idiots in game with out consequence

If your account is ignored because of your own actions

Thats on those players causeing the problem


I could see a issue happening if you added 1 name and 10 other names are suddenly veiwable on ignore list associated to that one name I guess


but on flip side person is still ignored because of their own behavior


But I strongly believe in "You do the crime, you do the time"


THEY caused the ignore to happen and thus deserve no protection on that account (not that character but that account)


Honestly I dont buy the privacy issue anymore then I buy the no Paazzak because of T rating for game.

Its a excuse to NOT fix a problem

rather then a legitimate reason to address a growing issue.


PS: Besides most people have more then 1 name on ignore list so even if you know its from an ignored account. You still wouldn't know exactly what account or what single player name associated.


As I said, I dont need to see a list of names ignored

I dont make a practice of unignoring those I place on ignore

They go on list and are forgotten about in short order

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I just want account ignore options where I can ignore all characters on that account

This, bad. Already been stated many times why.


and it updates all of my own characters so I dont have to retype same name over and over and over and over

This, good (and is done this way in other games).


I could see a issue happening if you added 1 name and 10 other names are suddenly veiwable on ignore list associated to that one name I guess

You guess.



Edited by branmakmuffin
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Would be really nice to have this option. As someone who has 21 character, adding someone to ignore list is a pain and does not eliminate the problem completely, since ignored person can have numerous alts as well.


As for privacy issue, it can be coded something like 'You added Username and all their alts to your ignore list'. And ignore list would show not the names of alts but something like Username's alt1, Username's Alt2 and so on.


Account-wide friend-list would be nice as well, BUT there should be an option to hide alts from global friending, a checkbox 'Allow account-wide friending' in settings, and it should be off by default, since many people do not check setting options.

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I'd suggest just a compromise for friends. You can add a single toon to your friends list account wide (not all so we can still have anonymity if needed) but can ignore an account. It's reasonable to assume you're ignoring the player, not the character so ignore account is fine. Edited by ChroniKill
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