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I only want a developer/admin to reply to this thread. NOBODY ELSE. (Housing)


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I am new to the entire MMO scene, so Sir Copperfield is a new name to me.


But boy, was it entertaining reading his legacy!! For someone to carve out such a name for himself in the MMO community is really something. He said he was a legend. After a few minutes on the net, I believe him! :cool:

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I am new to the entire MMO scene, so Sir Copperfield is a new name to me.


But boy, was it entertaining reading his legacy!! For someone to carve out such a name for himself in the MMO community is really something. He said he was a legend. After a few minutes on the net, I believe him! :cool:

See, THIS is how you treat a gaming legend.


DigiBanks, new player, new to the forums...reads a little about the Legendary Sir Copperfield and his amazing deeds. Obviously Sir Copperfield's numerous deeds sound exaggerated to someone who hasn't heard of him before...so, rather than posting the usual "you serious bro?", Digi takes a moment of his own time to investigate Sir Copperfield to get the validity and confirmation of his Legendary Gamer status. Digi didn't waste Sir Copperfield's valuable time, he wasted his own far less important time.


THIS is how you reply kids!!!

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I just wanted to tell a little story:


So the other night I was in a Warzone. Unfortunately, some RL business came up in the middle of the warzone and my resultant poor play cost our team the warzone. Now, the perception of anyone on my team, not knowing what was really behind the poor play, was that I am completely inept.

Copperfield was on my team, and at the end of the warzone (not in the middle of it), asked me to join him on the fleet so that we could talk about the match, the purpose being to fix my mistakes for next time. He talked very politely and respectfully; he wasn't angry, cursing, or condescending.

I explained to him what had happened, and apologized for costing our team the victory. He was nothing but polite and sincere during the brief conversation, and his initial desire to make me a better player was genuine and respectful.


The moral of the story is that you people can keep calling him names, but if we had more people like him and less cyber-bullies like you, this would be a much happier place.

LIES! Sir Copperfield doesn't lose WZs. My team was once down 450-20 in Civil War, a few players left as we guarded our last pylon, so it was 5 vs 8...Sir Copperfield came in as a back fill player...he was able to cap mid and snow solo and we won the match 0-10.

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LIES! Sir Copperfield doesn't lose WZs. My team was once down 450-20 in Civil War, a few players left as we guarded our last pylon, so it was 5 vs 8...Sir Copperfield came in as a back fill player...he was able to cap mid and snow solo and we won the match 0-10.


Maybe he was being gracious to the other side and allowed them to win, just so they could have the honor of facing against him, and know that he could tromp them if he really wanted to.


I don't know if I respect him as much as he deserves, but I do appreciate his levity at this point so many were busy raging at.

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His greatness in gaming is even overshadowed by his real life deeds.


I am unable to conceive children. Tragic accident involving a weed eater, a live chicken and an Eskimo but I digress. I prayed to SirCopperfield to assist. 4 months later my wife gave birth to identical triplets!


They are 14 months old now, and beat me in PVP on a consistent basis. And they just recently three manned NiM DF. They must truly be from his loins. Praise be SirCopperfield!

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His greatness in gaming is even overshadowed by his real life deeds.


I am unable to conceive children. Tragic accident involving a weed eater, a live chicken and an Eskimo but I digress. I prayed to SirCopperfield to assist. 4 months later my wife gave birth to identical triplets!


They are 14 months old now, and beat me in PVP on a consistent basis. And they just recently three manned NiM DF. They must truly be from his loins. Praise be SirCopperfield!


Great. Now I spilled tea on my chair. :D

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His greatness in gaming is even overshadowed by his real life deeds.


I am unable to conceive children. Tragic accident involving a weed eater, a live chicken and an Eskimo but I digress. I prayed to SirCopperfield to assist. 4 months later my wife gave birth to identical triplets!


They are 14 months old now, and beat me in PVP on a consistent basis. And they just recently three manned NiM DF. They must truly be from his loins. Praise be SirCopperfield!


I hope you had a pre-nup. lol

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His greatness in gaming is even overshadowed by his real life deeds.


I am unable to conceive children. Tragic accident involving a weed eater, a live chicken and an Eskimo but I digress. I prayed to SirCopperfield to assist. 4 months later my wife gave birth to identical triplets!


They are 14 months old now, and beat me in PVP on a consistent basis. And they just recently three manned NiM DF. They must truly be from his loins. Praise be SirCopperfield!

A truly amazing story. If you hadn't included the part about the children beating you in PvP, I'd have been skeptical, but that right there is a sure sign they're his.

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I want to publicly thank the Bioware employee who called me a few days ago, to discuss my issues regarding the housing decoration cap.


I was expecting a reply to this thread, but the phone call was a pleasant surprise.


Let this thread die my friends. I got the answers I needed.

Edited by SirCopperfield
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I want to publicly thank the Bioware employee who called me a few days ago, to discuss my issues regarding the housing decoration cap.


I was expecting a reply to this thread, but the phone call was a pleasant surprise.


Let this thread die my friends. I got the answers I needed.


Legends never die, they just aren't canon.

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Good morning Eric and other esteemed members of the Old Republic crew. I'm sure you already know who I am, but if not please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sir Copperfield. I'm your most famous, important and well liked subscriber. Now that the introductions are over, let's get onto business.


I need a direct explanation on why you're capping my Stronghold at 500 decorations? This is unacceptable to me. There is so much more I want to do. I had plans for an outdoor casino. I had plans for a different theme in every room., etc etc.


When you have the reputation in gaming that Sir Copperfield has, you need to show off a little. I thought this was the perfect opportunity to do so. Finally, I had a place to take my female groupies, instead of some dark corner of the Fleet. Finally I had a place to throw a nice party after dominating another Warzone. Finally I had a place to relax with my fellow players after carrying them through a tough Operation...


I'm embarrassed because my place feels like it's half done and when you're a Gaming Legend, that just doesn't sit right. I need to know when this ridiculous cap on decorations will be lifted.



-Sir Copperfield.

I love the after carrying them through the op part. I a, fairly sure I have seem this op posts before and all reach the same lvl of lol/ ridiculousness .
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