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Rich Yield: Rank x Companion Gifts


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I thought they where going to adjust the mission list generation so we don't see rank after rank of nothing but companion gifts and the chances of a rich anything besides comp gifts brought up?


With all of the crafting for this conquest challenges I'm starting to get really sick of zoning to get a new list filled with the same worthless missions.


Or am I remembering wrong, and it was really a "hey we know you don't need all these metals and fabic, here have some gifts!"


Is this what everyone else sees or is my RNG just that unlucky?

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They "fixed" this issue in 2.0 with the removal of gift missions in grade 9 mission lists. But they did not go back and change the existing grades 1-6.


I just have to say, that I am amazed by the volume of these types of threads. With grades 2-6&9 all generating viable materials at all levels now, and only (a max of) five companions per character to send on missions, and at least two materials crew skills to choose from (three if one foregoes crafting on a character), I would have thought that anyone could find five missions worth running during any given login. I know I leave missions un-run because I do not have enough companions per character...maybe I'm just impossibly lucky.


I guess...


  • ...I am the exception in that I am OK not getting a particular mission in a particular grade in a particular pass of missions.
  • ...I am the only one who is OK running a Rich grade 3 fabrics mission when I would have liked a grade 2 rich metals mission.
  • ...I am the only one who realizes that ALL materials are desired and will eventually get used so there is no reason not to run a mission for materials I do not need right now, because I know I will need them eventually.

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I guess...


  • ...I am the exception in that I am OK not getting a particular mission in a particular grade in a particular pass of missions.
  • ...I am the only one who is OK running a Rich grade 3 fabrics mission when I would have liked a grade 2 rich metals mission.
  • ...I am the only one who realizes that ALL materials are desired and will eventually get used so there is no reason not to run a mission for materials I do not need right now, because I know I will need them eventually.


I'm "pretty sure" you're not the only one :)

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I'd love to have your problem. All I've got the last three or four days is one maybe two viable (above moderate) missions between rank two and rank six.


I would not care if I had a choice beyond companion gifts or moderate rank two whatever, but I don't. I end up zoning five or six times to get my crew busy doing something. It's a huge waste of time when the devs know we'll just zone to reset the list. Give a balanced list in the first place, its all i'm asking. Balanced not all rich missions.

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I guess...


  • ...I am the exception in that I am OK not getting a particular mission in a particular grade in a particular pass of missions.
  • ...I am the only one who is OK running a Rich grade 3 fabrics mission when I would have liked a grade 2 rich metals mission.
  • ...I am the only one who realizes that ALL materials are desired and will eventually get used so there is no reason not to run a mission for materials I do not need right now, because I know I will need them eventually.


I guess....


  • ...nobody ever runs low on a specific metal because it refuses to queue up in the list.


All materials are desired? Someone hasn't tried to unload Frasium lately.

Edited by Koozebane
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I guess....


  • ...nobody ever runs low on a specific metal because it refuses to queue up in the list.

As I said, I do not have that problem because if one metal refuses to queue there are many other missions worth running. Therefore most of the time I always have at least just enough to get by of every material. And worst case is I stock up on stuff I do not really need, sell it to someone who does (via the GTN), and then use the proceeds to buy what I do need. Furthermore, it never ceases to amaze me: I am running low on a particular material, so I buy some on the GTN (before I completely run out), then suddenly I have missions to get that very material coming out of my ears. And in the case of purple materials, all of a sudden I cannot not crit :D


All materials are desired? Someone hasn't tried to unload Frasium lately.


No I've been using it. ;) Grade 28 blue quality armoring and mods have rebounded :D


I'd love to have your problem. All I've got the last three or four days is one maybe two viable (above moderate) missions between rank two and rank six.


I would not care if I had a choice beyond companion gifts or moderate rank two whatever, but I don't. I end up zoning five or six times to get my crew busy doing something. It's a huge waste of time when the devs know we'll just zone to reset the list. Give a balanced list in the first place, its all i'm asking. Balanced not all rich missions.


Do you only have one crew skill? Being that you can post to these forums, I am assuming you are a sub. Meaning that you should have three crew skills per character. Since only one of those three can be a crafting skill, that means two of them have to be materials skills. Do you have two mission skills (TH, UWT, Invest, Dip; slicing does not have gifts)? Even so, I find it very hard to believe that in all those grades of five missions each there are not five worth running.


But again, maybe it is just me. You see prior to 2.9 I ran gift missions all the time, because I always have a low level alt that is getting companions and therefore needs gifts to raise affection. Maybe I am being rewarded for using the system as intended; accepting the missions I get and running the best available even though they may not always be optimal and/or exactly what I want in a given moment in time.


Something to consider is a "pattern" I noticed a long time ago. Long story short, there was a point when I needed gifts, so I ran nothing but gift missions in grade 6 and 5 UWT, then one pass there were no gift missions at all. Of course I took advantage of the situation :) and gift missions returned on the next pass. From that point on, I always tried to balance what missions I ran. And from that point on, it has been exceedingly rare that I cannot find five missions worth running.


Since 2.9 I have not run a single gift mission, and that might bite me in the butt sooner or later. But I will then run some gift missions :)


Something else to consider is that certain grades of certain mission skills are more limited depending on which faction you are on: i.e. on my Republic Diplomacy character she only gets moderate or (rarely) abundant grade 3 medical supplies missions. This is a function of the system as it has been this way since day one. Maybe it is a bug that's never been fixed. Maybe it is working as intended. Would I prefer that my Republic Diplomacy character have access to grade 3 bountiful and rich missions? Yes. Do I understand why players are upset about these situations? Yes. Do I rail against EA/BW for doing such things? A little. BUT, I also accept the system as is and work within it.


Lastly, remember that the purple mats limits to bountiful and rich missions only applies to grade 9. If you are looking for purple materials in any of the lower grades, moderate and abundant missions will generate purple mats. And more expensive purple mats is preferable to no purple mats at all.

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I can't believe you actually think I'm going to read a huge puddle of word barf.


My guess is, NO you haven't tried to sell Frasium. And NO, I don't care why.

Just for you :D


No I've been using it. ;) Grade 28 blue quality armoring and mods have rebounded :D


And fine TL;DR version...


Don't focus on one thing you feel you need, there are plenty of good worthwhile missions to run. YOU may not need/want the materials but someone else does; sell what you do not need and buy what you do.

Edited by psandak
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I can't believe you actually think I'm going to read a huge puddle of word barf.


My guess is, NO you haven't tried to sell Frasium. And NO, I don't care why.

Why are you focusing on Frasium? Are you just nitpicking psandak's use of the word "all"?


The point was, if you don't find the missions you want, switch to another grade. Surely this makes sense to you, right?

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"Yes, the system doesn't work, so why don't you just shut up and learn to jump though hoops and enjoy it?"


"Nobody really meant ALL materials when they said ALL materials. They just pulled that factoid straight from their backside. Why dispute the faux wisdom?"

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"Yes, the system doesn't work, so why don't you just shut up and learn to jump though hoops and enjoy it?"


"Nobody really meant ALL materials when they said ALL materials. They just pulled that factoid straight from their backside. Why dispute the faux wisdom?"

Ah. So you're just here to whine and moan. Fair enough. That is your prerogative and right.


I'll be over here making millions of credits.


If you ever get bored of complaining, let me know and I'll give you some tips and advice.

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"Yes, the system doesn't work, so why don't you just shut up and learn to jump though hoops and enjoy it?"


"Nobody really meant ALL materials when they said ALL materials. They just pulled that factoid straight from their backside. Why dispute the faux wisdom?"


Never said the system doesn't work. I said the system has its flaws. You see those flaws as terrible problems that cannot be overcome. I see those flaws as challenges to be overcome.


Yes, I said all materials from grade 2-9 are desired and I meant it. What I am gathering is that you read, "all materials are equally desired." I never said, or even implied that. Sorry for the confusion.

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I craft vital equipment for low to mid level characters that literally nobody else on the entire server makes because they're too busy touching themselves to gawd-like purple artifacts.


I sell them fairly priced for f2p folks and low level joe's who don't have tons of dough. They sell like hotcakes.


I make a pretty penny because I have **zero** competition from pompous goobers who think L19's can afford to pay 50K for uber purple crap they'll end up pitching after a few hours of game play.


So, it doesn't surprise me in the least to see know-it-all mega dork gasbags line up in here to tell me how I'm doing it all wrong.

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So, it doesn't surprise me in the least to see know-it-all mega dork gasbags line up in here to tell me how I'm doing it all wrong.

The only thing you're doing wrong is whining like a little boy that didn't get taken to Disneyland.


But hey, I guess if it worked out for you as a child, I can see why you'd want to keep doing it.

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The only thing you're doing wrong is whining like a little boy that didn't get taken to Disneyland.


But hey, I guess if it worked out for you as a child, I can see why you'd want to keep doing it.


We have ourselves a winner. :D


Kooze, consider me corrected. You are providing a good service to your fellow gamer and I applaud for it.


That being said, you are only hurting your case by resorting to name calling.


Khevar and I are trying to show you that the challenges you face are not insurmountable. I acknowledge the issues you are having. I have in fact experienced them myself. But that does not mean the system is broken or bad...the system just is the way it is. You have made your feelings known, but do not get your hopes up for any sort of change. That last statement above all else is why Khevar and I advocate what we do. You call what we do "jumping through hoops". We call it "making lemonade" ;).

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The only thing you're doing wrong is whining like a little boy that didn't get taken to Disneyland.


But hey, I guess if it worked out for you as a child, I can see why you'd want to keep doing it.


Don't look now, but I'm not the one getting spanked in this thread, goob.


Please, continue with your peen wagging.

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Khevar and I are trying to show you that the challenges you face are not insurmountable.


No, you're wading into a discussion and attempting to nullify a point of view with long, windy posts of supreme authority that nobody really wants to read.

Edited by Koozebane
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If you can't be with the one you love, honey, love the one you're with.

Steven Stills would make a great Jedi Consular, imo ;)


Just as an update to this thread -- I recently ran out of Beryllius. I wanted this for crafting Industrial Prefabs (and Universal Prefabs) for the Conquest event.


And, (as Kooz has complained about incessantly), Frasium doesn't sell very well, and the Grade 9 mission list often don't have the right ones to run.


But, taking pdandak's (and my own) advice, I ran a number of metals missions between grade 2-4 while I was in a couple of raids over the weekend. The crew missions I ran were quick, didn't cost very much, and both the blue and purple mats for this range are in high demand on the GTN.


I ended up with a decent amout of Alusteel and Krayt, which made up the lion's share of the profit I made. The Mullinine also sold well, but the Xonolite and Titanium sold for surprisingly big bucks.


I took the profits, bought the Beryllius I needed, and crafted the prefabs.


And all without relogging, without running any gift missions, all while playing the game doing non-crafting activities.


Of course, Koozebane won't be interested in this story, as it doesn't fit his worldview of how terrible the crafting system is. But perhaps someone else who visits this thread will get a better idea of how to take advantage of the existing system.



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