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The Harbinger, Begeren Colony, and The Bastion currently unavailable


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I wonder if this is gonna be like having a ridiculous wait time at Taco Bell and then when you get your bag to leave they say "We apologize for the wait, so we added free cinnamon twists". Not that we need more free stuff, but there's no way they are going to have us wait three plus hours and only get a "sorry guys" in response... right???


This is Bioware, all you're going to get is a "sorry guys" response.

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As usual someone has to try and make it all about themselves and then pretend to be above it all by demeaning another or dismissing the replies and comments as "trolling".

Little boy there are plenty of trolls on here but it seems that you lack the ability to see a real one. ;) You don't discuss you simply make statements that are rather erroneous then when others counter point that rather than forming a cogent response you simply lash back with futile attempts at wit.

Go out in the real world and gain some maturity then we can maybe take you seriously. :cool:


And, of course, name calling is not trolling...... I see.

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Wait where is this extra money coming from? Let's do some napkin math.


Imagine what you're saying is right. 80% of their revenue goes to servers upkeep and 20% goes to development.


Now imagine they lose half of their customer base, and by extension, half of their revenue. They now only need servers half the size (let's even say it would only be half the cost, even though there's no way that is true because of overhead).


Now, Bioware has 40% of their original revenue going to server upkeep and 10% of their original revenue going to development. In reality it would be less. Your logic fails at mathematics.


Let's try this instead


If 80% of revenue goes to server up keep and 20% goes to development and 100% of the whiners and ************ complaining on the forums about how Bioware is screwing them because they didn't send everyone e-mails about an emergency shut down to prevent severe rollbacks of their characters leave the game... how many f**ks does this guy have left to give?


Solve for x.

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Why are there so many posts on this thread? The only things we NEED to know on this subject is information not how angry you are that we aren't getting it and what we should get due to that fact. It is what it is and unless you are a BioWare technician your complaints aren't helping or improving the speed at which the problem is resolved.


Pffft, that's assuming they are reading this thread, which I'm quite certain they are not. Believe me, they care for this thread about as much as they care that we are upset right now. They are taking the time and putting it to use to get things back online...we hope.

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Will subscribers be given a credit of some kind? My game time is limited to certain times of the day and I pay to play when I am available. And, being that this is not a scheduled down time, i think it is reasonable to expect a credit in some fashion. Whether it is a day added to subscription or a cartel market item/coins, i think something should be given to offset the loss of time.
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I enjoy the game as much as anyone else but really...


It is a game folks. The world is not ending, the zombies are not coming...


I find it hilarious people screaming about servers going offline "in the middle of the day." Most people have jobs, or do something other than stare at a computer in the "middle of the day." I'm not judging, do as you will. Perhaps there are other things which can be done "in the middle of the day." Call me crazy...


And yes, I understand the service for a fee bit, paying for a sub, blah blah blah. Let them fix the thing.


Well, aren't you an arrogant *****. To think every person that plays this game around the world, on the affected servers, all work when you do. We orbit the sun, not your giant head.

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Jesus, some of you people are so petty. **** happens. Let them work on fixing it. Oh no, something unforseen happened and the servers went down, giving most of you basement dwellers a perfect excuse to actually go outside, but instead of taking that as the good thing that it could be, you've resigned to ************ and moaning in a forum because you can't get your seemingly 24/7 fix of a computer game. Do you think Bioware LIKES that this happened? Of course not. They're working to fix it. Just chill the hell out and let them do what they need to do to work on it. Then get back on and play your game when they've finished. Demanding "compensation" and complaining endlessly will achieve nothing productive.
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Pffft, that's assuming they are reading this thread, which I'm quite certain they are not. Believe me, they care for this thread about as much as they care that we are upset right now. They are taking the time and putting it to use to get things back online...we hope.


Best they can do for this

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