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The Harbinger, Begeren Colony, and The Bastion currently unavailable


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everyone crying about compensation for a few hours of downtime need to understand a few hours is not worth a free month or even 500cc for free. 5 hours of downtime = 10 cents. so quit acting like you are entitled to more than you are.

So, how many cartel coins is 10 cents? I want my cartel coins now!

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I was able to log into Jedi Cov server with no problem. I have a full slate of chars there but haven't been playing that one since I started playing on Harb. I had noticed that logging in to the server has been problematic. I'd have to shut the game down and relog to get in, otherwise I'd stand there unable to move with a red x in the connectivity indicator. I hope that is part of this fix. Other than that, tally ho!
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I see a lot of complaining about the servers being down I'm not complaining because this morning I couldn't even check my mail. everyone is so excited for the strongholds and flagships but we all forget how many lines of random code (to most of us) there are in something like this and how hard it is to find something as simple as a 1 placed in the wrong location so we need to lay off the programmer's and let them do their job ;)
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The other issue is that people that pay for the subscription are angry, yes,


I pay for a subscription. I'm not angry.


Know why? Because I know how stuff works. Every. Single. MMORPG. has problems following a major expansion. Every. Single. One.


I don't demand an explanation. Why? Because whether I know the exact technical details or not (even if the average player could even comprehend them) doesn't make the servers come back up any faster.


If you don't like it, cancel your sub.


As Dennis Leary says, "Life sucks, get a *********** helmet."

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it's only horrible because i'm right. whether or not they're related is irrelevant , use is defined as little as a second to up to the entirety of 1 month. .so what you paid for, you've used simply by logging in as a sub. whether it's fair or not is again irrelevant because you agreed to it. AND the fact is 99.9% of the time, you do get what you pay for and the minor inconvenience that this window of downtime has caused, is nothing really. no different then going to bed for the night and not playing swtor. you just want to play now and you can't, big deal, you'll get to play later, and then you'll forget about it, and find something new to be unhappy about. it's natural. everyone does it. the guy who got his entire legacy and toons rolled back to zero, that's very sad, that is a true grievance and that demands some kind of reimbursement. downtime to fix everything, it's normal. and it's going to happen many more times. accepting it and deciding that yeah, it is a part of the mmo experience, is all that's between your unhappiness and your being content. I hope this helps you. thanks.


It's completely different. In one case I'm deciding not to play because I want to sleep. In the other case I'm incapable of using a service I've paid for because the people providing the service screwed up. I don't know what to say if you can't see the difference in those scenarios.

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I would rather Bioware worked on fixing the issues, not coddling the butt hurt 12 year olds.


It takes 2 minutes of their time. My subscription alone should cover their "salary" for 2 minutes.


They log into the game, type /sysmessage Servers will be going down in 2 minutes. Please check the forums for updates. (Or whatever the command entry is for this game's backend)


When you enter a system message in you can tell it how often to repeat the message. They only have to type it ONCE then. I spent more than 2 minutes trying to get back into the game thinking I disconnected.

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It's completely different. In one case I'm deciding not to play because I want to sleep. In the other case I'm incapable of using a service I've paid for because the people providing the service screwed up. I don't know what to say if you can't see the difference in those scenarios.

Agreed^ If I lose service/drop calls I am going to contact my cell phone carrier and demand reimbursement. How is this any different than what is going on with lack of service with EA. No one is saying that a programmers job isn't difficult only that it is their job and we expect them to do it with minimal down time and appropriate notification of down time.

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" Oh freddled gruntbuggly,

Thy micturitions are to me,

As plurdled gabbleblotchits,

On a lurgid bee,

That mordiously hath blurted out,

Its earted jurtles,

Into a rancid festering confectious organ squealer. [drowned out by moaning and screaming]

Now the jurpling slayjid agrocrustles,

Are slurping hagrilly up the axlegrurts,

And living glupules frart and slipulate,

Like jowling meated liverslime,

Groop, I implore thee, my foonting turling dromes,

And hooptiously drangle me,

With crinkly bindlewurdles,

Or else I shall rend thee in the gobberwarts with my blurglecruncheon,

See if I don't."


(dictated not read)

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I pay for a subscription. I'm not angry.


Know why? Because I know how stuff works. Every. Single. MMORPG. has problems following a major expansion. Every. Single. One.


I don't demand an explanation. Why? Because whether I know the exact technical details or not (even if the average player could even comprehend them) doesn't make the servers come back up any faster.


If you don't like it, cancel your sub.


As Dennis Leary says, "Life sucks, get a *********** helmet."



^ amen to that lol.

No sense crying over what you cant control. Let the guys do their jobs and don't stress it will be back before you know it.

I honestly think ************ has become the American Pass time now lol.

**** happens there's no one to blame. As it stands there's a lot of folks working very hard to fix the problem. Until then enjoy a book :p

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