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The Harbinger, Begeren Colony, and The Bastion currently unavailable


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I do love how everyone is pissed at the lack of compensation.


Granted I don't believe any of us are entitled to an sort of compensation, yet Bioware is still trying to fix the problem.


Don't you think they are trying to do that and get the servers back us as quickly as possible instead of trying to find you some lube?

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This is my first swtor forum post ever:


I think SWTOR should offer 3 free Character transfer off this server to paying customers.


Let me guess. You have 3 characters on an affected server?


Way to think about anyone other than yourself. American through and though you make me proud :rolleyes:

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People who are angry here have a right to be. And if you actually take the tme to read some of the posts instead of just skimming and then slapping people, you would see that what they are complaining about is NOT the servers going down, but the lack of notice when Bio took the other two servers down. They gave no notice in-game.


The other issue is that people that pay for the subscription are angry, yes, but not that the server went down. They are angry at the lack of updating on the situation and the lack ofcommunication from Bio. When you pay good, hard earned money for something like this and it isn't working, you have every right to know why.


So stop harassing and insulting people for being angry.

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Well, BioWare is in good company - both Facebook and eBay are having server problems too.


I haven't seen that myself -- not that I'm checking -- but if other big internet properties are having issues, perhaps it is Bioware's service provider? Where do they host? Their own datacenter? Or someplace like Amazon?

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I do love how everyone is pissed at the lack of compensation.


I demand that they not give us compensation (well, except for the fried pony dinner)> Not only that but I want all the devs pulled off the problem so they can personally answer to me exactly what is happening.

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I do love how everyone is pissed at the lack of compensation.


Granted I don't believe any of us are entitled to an sort of compensation, yet Bioware is still trying to fix the problem.


Don't you think they are trying to do that and get the servers back us as quickly as possible instead of trying to find you some lube?



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Do I have any legitimate reason to be angry at what is transpiring right now... Lets see...

last time this happened was last week and my character was not only rolled back, it was deleted from existence and my Legacy was also rolled back to the beginning. After a week of trying to get my character back, or compensation all I got was generic responses saying they are sorry for the inconvenience, pointed to the user agreements, and suggested starting over.

I had to start over. Today was day 3 of that. 5 minutes after I logged in the server went down.

Do I have a legitimate claim at anger and compensation...? Abso-friggin-lutely!!!:mad:


Being rolled back is one thing, I can come back from that, but having the character deleted completely with no compensation? That's a stretch.

I can honestly say that if my character gets deleted and there is zero effort to help or compensate for the loss, that it will be the very last minute I spent playing said game.

The simple fact is that beyond the time invested in creating and leveling a character you have any equipment or perks you have bought in the cartel market that you lose as well. If that is not compensated for then I would say anger is very justified.

This goes beyond TOS and EULA, rather this is a matter of respect and courtesy to their customers.

I had a similar situation with FFXI back when, they refused to aid so I simply stopped playing and cancelled my sub.

The point is that the records do exist, your transaction record is clear enough, so there shouldn't be a problem with either reinstating cc on characters that are lost or simply giving a system credit to regain what was lost or near enough. Even if it's something simple like a restart pack that helps boost you back to your lvl would be appreciated.


But as I said if that didn't happen oh well. But it would be the very last cent I spent on the game and likely the last time I played.

There's a big difference between being self entitled and whining for compensation for down time, we all deal with it it's the nature of the beast so grow up, and losing hard earned characters and equipment not to mention stuff you paid real money for.

Just my opinion, take it for what it is.

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People who are angry here have a right to be. And if you actually take the tme to read some of the posts instead of just skimming and then slapping people, you would see that what they are complaining about is NOT the servers going down, but the lack of notice when Bio took the other two servers down. They gave no notice in-game.


The other issue is that people that pay for the subscription are angry, yes, but not that the server went down. They are angry at the lack of updating on the situation and the lack ofcommunication from Bio. When you pay good, hard earned money for something like this and it isn't working, you have every right to know why.


So stop harassing and insulting people for being angry.


Indeed, and when your money is limited because you only have a small amount and have chosen to spend it on SWTOR you want the full worth of that and would appreciate some notice.

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I could offer you your chances of survival, but you won't like it.


Curiously enough, the only thing that went through the mind of the bowl of petunias as it fell was Oh no, not again. Many people have speculated that if we knew exactly why the bowl of petunias had thought that we would know a lot more about the nature of the Universe than we do now.

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People who are angry here have a right to be. And if you actually take the tme to read some of the posts instead of just skimming and then slapping people, you would see that what they are complaining about is NOT the servers going down, but the lack of notice when Bio took the other two servers down. They gave no notice in-game.


For the record, Eric explained why they did that in a different thread that I, frankly, can't be arsed to track down the link for.

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People who are angry here have a right to be. And if you actually take the tme to read some of the posts instead of just skimming and then slapping people, you would see that what they are complaining about is NOT the servers going down, but the lack of notice when Bio took the other two servers down. They gave no notice in-game.


The other issue is that people that pay for the subscription are angry, yes, but not that the server went down. They are angry at the lack of updating on the situation and the lack ofcommunication from Bio. When you pay good, hard earned money for something like this and it isn't working, you have every right to know why.


So stop harassing and insulting people for being angry.


I would rather Bioware worked on fixing the issues, not coddling the butt hurt 12 year olds.

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That is a horrible analogy. I choose to sleep. In this case, the person I pay for a service has screwed up. Its customers have every right to air their grievances.

it's only horrible because i'm right. whether or not they're related is irrelevant , use is defined as little as a second to up to the entirety of 1 month. .so what you paid for, you've used simply by logging in as a sub. whether it's fair or not is again irrelevant because you agreed to it. AND the fact is 99.9% of the time, you do get what you pay for and the minor inconvenience that this window of downtime has caused, is nothing really. no different then going to bed for the night and not playing swtor. you just want to play now and you can't, big deal, you'll get to play later, and then you'll forget about it, and find something new to be unhappy about. it's natural. everyone does it. the guy who got his entire legacy and toons rolled back to zero, that's very sad, that is a true grievance and that demands some kind of reimbursement. downtime to fix everything, it's normal. and it's going to happen many more times. accepting it and deciding that yeah, it is a part of the mmo experience, is all that's between your unhappiness and your being content. I hope this helps you. thanks.

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Curiously enough, the only thing that went through the mind of the bowl of petunias as it fell was Oh no, not again. Many people have speculated that if we knew exactly why the bowl of petunias had thought that we would know a lot more about the nature of the Universe than we do now.


Forty Two

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