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The Harbinger, Begeren Colony, and The Bastion currently unavailable


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That is a horrible analogy. I choose to sleep. In this case, the person I pay for a service has screwed up. Its customers have every right to air their grievances.


It's time for the airing of grievances? Does that mean that Festivus is once again upon us?!? :D


Edit: Damnit I see that HooverGKMMC has already beaten me to this particular punch.

Edited by CmdrShpd
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Do I have any legitimate reason to be angry at what is transpiring right now... Lets see...

last time this happened was last week and my character was not only rolled back, it was deleted from existence and my Legacy was also rolled back to the beginning. After a week of trying to get my character back, or compensation all I got was generic responses saying they are sorry for the inconvenience, pointed to the user agreements, and suggested starting over.

I had to start over. Today was day 3 of that. 5 minutes after I logged in the server went down.

Do I have a legitimate claim at anger and compensation...? Abso-friggin-lutely!!!:mad:


In response to your question, please read the TOS. Thank you, have a nice day.


Oh and sorry for the inconvenience. :o

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it saddens me the seriousness in most of the posts on this forum. Let them fix it and stop asking for things. That's like demanding verizon or att reimburse you for the time you sleep and can't use your phone, cause you're sleeping. you're still using the service you pay for. The amount of time in each day you get to use it isn't guaranteed in any way and says as much in the TOS that you agreed to. read it, it'll give you some insight while you wait for them to repair the servers. And try really hard to act like a mature adult, your behavior embarrasses the rest of us who have the decency to be respectful. This game is a privilege, a luxury, something millions of people don't get, and absolutely not a necessity and you will be okay if it's down for a few hours. seriously breath slowly, listen to the sound of my words, relaxxxxxxxxx.




Amazing idea. Maybe use the time to do... something else. Take a shower, clean, eat, play a different game or even... (shudder) go outside.

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No, it's in the kitchen....


Maybe I got you wrong, and you don't recall that old Dr. Demento bit...




for the life of me i couldn't remember where that was from. i thought i remembered it from an old psx game, nightmare creatures, after you beat it, but it's been *mumblesomethingabouttoomanyyears*. thank you for posting the link! classic!


edit: ah, but it isn't the cg version i've been looking for. close though!


'nother edit: FOUND IT!


Edited by DigitaLucidity
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So my question, since this has been going on for a couple days now, why isn't anything permanent being done about it? Instead of just rebooting the servers and rolling everyone's characters back? This is causing a lot of unrest in the community... I don't normally post on forums, but this is getting a bit out of hand. I'm not looking for any kind of freebies or handouts, I just want to enjoy the game that I have put a LOT of money into. Sure, I could start characters on another server, but the amount of time I have put into my Legacy characters on Harbinger would take a very long time to reproduce.


Most people would say that not being able to access the server you play on isn't a big deal. I disagree. When you have spent years developing 10+ characters on a single server, starting over fresh is akin to a kick in the face. Starting fresh and new on a server where you have a good solid foundation of characters/income makes a world of difference.


I don't ask for much. Stable servers. That's all.


Very good post....I'm with this guy.

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For the people being effected by this, is there anyway to change the server you load into? Otherwise we're getting stuck at loading into the character selection screen which never loads. It also doesn't kick you to the server select screen...
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Ya know guys, this IS an EA game, so you really should expect crap like this to happen, and expect 0 compensation for it. Its EA. Remember the Simcity 5 fiasco? No one could log in, save games, or do anything for almost 2 months and were not able to get refunds or anything. Then there is this Mass Effect issue for computer gamers... to play you need to go into your mass effect files, run masseffect.exe and go through all this nonsense to have the game registered in order to play it. EA is very little to no interest in their consumers, and care even less about their feelings towards them. When you play an EA game, whether a new or old one, you need to expect it to be crap, have crappy servers, and be buggy to hell.
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for the life of me i couldn't remember where that was from. i thought i remembered it from an old psx game, nightmare creatures, after you beat it, but it's been *mumblesomethingabouttoomanyyears*. thank you for posting the link! classic!


edit: ah, but it isn't the cg version i've been looking for. close though!


Sorry, just grabbed the first vid that came up.


I remember that being the ending video for one game, but like you said, can't recall which one....

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That is a horrible analogy. I choose to sleep. In this case, the person I pay for a service has screwed up. Its customers have every right to air their grievances.


Besides, VZN and ATT both reimburse me for protracted downtime -- especially ATT. U-verse internet offline for more than an hour and I get a prorated discount on my bill. Same for U-verse TV.


That said...

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@Makrine.. They didn't take them off. They crashed. If you want to whine and complain about Devs trying to fix a problem - You can take it over to WoW forums where the rest of raging kids are. It happens, just put your bubba back in your mouth and take a time out. The grown ups will have your server back up soon mmmmmmk??
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...Clearly something is seriously wrong for the servers to have been offline for 12+ hours total. I was getting pretty frustrated by how slow Harbinger was behaving, especially when in the Nar Shaddaa SH. Doors took 3-5 seconds to open -- worse when editing hooks. GTN took 5-10 seconds to display results. Mail often displayed no results even though there were unread mail. Even opening the crew mission window took a long time.


I'm glad they are looking into it. And even though 12+ hours of downtime is really annoying I'm glad they finally started to dig in and figure out what's happening.

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