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You're the pitchman for a GSF Kickstarter


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What features would you promise?


I look at a game like Star Citizen that has raised millions in crowdfunding that will basically put you in the seat of the Milennium Falcon circa 1976 and I have no problem understanding the hype.


Maybe I'd promise to offer participation rewards other than ship requisition. In ground PVP you get rewarded with pvp gear, pve gear, crafting materials, mounts, pets and... what else am I leaving out??


Some semblance of a PVE game. Seriously I'm not talking about a fully-voiced extensive campaign that adds 50 hours of gameplay. Just give me something to shoot at while I'm waiting in the Q.


A Death Star vs Death Star scenario. Yep, smaller prototypes of the top secret Death Star program were once in the hands of both sides but they were destroyed by small snub fighters after a catastrophic weakness was discovered in the design. Both sides were forced to fly through a narrow corridor to reach the weak point instead of just flying well above the surface of the star and divebombing the exhaust port.

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I've explained this before in detail, I'll sum up.


GSF was the first game addition designed from the ground up for free to play. The whole point of this mini game is to get you to spend cartel coins to move ship req to fleet req. BioWare will also be very happy if you buy cosmetic crap from the cartel store. This is the only reason this gamemode exists. If it does not get you spending cartel coins then it's not a feature worth having.




Sidenote: You do realize The Old Republic is set more than 3000 years prior to A New Hope? So 3000 years or so before the deathstar? And in the "legends" universe, the deathstar prototype was not destroyed until almost 30 years after A New Hope.

Edited by zaskar
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Why single-player? Why not have co-op GSF PvE content? The networking's already there.


Flashpoints-in space :o


Dang how much I've been hoping for this. Or..something. Anything a bit more ambitious. GSF is best part of SWTOR by far, as far as mechanics are considered.

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PvE could definitely be a thing, but a raid would need a fully different model, and it would also bring the blight of gear with it. That's the fastest way to kill GSF, adding a dumb gear treadmill and for that matter even adding gear. Going from a naked ship to a mastered ship is the equivalent of maybe one tier, and that's only because the VERY first upgrades are so important- comparing a 150k mastered ship to an 8k new ship, the difference is much less than that.



Add a rolling gear treadmill where your ships constantly decay, and I'd certainly bail pretty hard. The model for this game SHOULD be new ships, and possibly new components, but sidegrades, not upgrades. That adds depth, but doesn't suffer from mudflation.

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Generally speaking, there'd be pretty good amount of traffic to TOR if people knew how awesome GSF is.

Up until Elite and SC get released in 2029, GSF is pretty much the only modern " game" of it's genre. One only has to look at obscene amount of money SC has vacuumed to know how well people have come to covet sim-esque arcade shooter.


If you want PC gamers in, tell em GSF is World of Tanks in space.

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Generally speaking, there'd be pretty good amount of traffic to TOR if people knew how awesome GSF is.

Up until Elite and SC get released in 2029, GSF is pretty much the only modern " game" of it's genre. One only has to look at obscene amount of money SC has vacuumed to know how well people have come to covet sim-esque arcade shooter.


If you want PC gamers in, tell em GSF is World of Tanks in space.


Sometimes all it takes is a good youtube channel. Look what Frankie did for DayZ. Something I've noticed is there aren't many channels with GSF vids and the ones that are out there don't have very good content. There's enough ships out there now that it could make for a good series just going over different builds and their strengths/weaknesses.

Edited by arkanone
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Generally speaking, there'd be pretty good amount of traffic to TOR if people knew how awesome GSF is.

Up until Elite and SC get released in 2029, GSF is pretty much the only modern " game" of it's genre. One only has to look at obscene amount of money SC has vacuumed to know how well people have come to covet sim-esque arcade shooter.


If you want PC gamers in, tell em GSF is World of Tanks in space.


WoT has tried a flying version and is about to see how far a ship version can sink when that's finally pushed out.


Not really working for them. The tanks are a solid money spinner people like.

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WoT has tried a flying version and is about to see how far a ship version can sink when that's finally pushed out.


Not really working for them. The tanks are a solid money spinner people like.


Yeah so I hear. I haven't tried World of Planes(is that the name?) myself.

Judging from the negative flak around it, I assume GSF is more functional iteration of WoT in space than WoP is of WoT in air. Heh.


Having said all that, when it comes to game mechanics, I think "WoT-lite in space" is very accurate way to describe GSF.

Edited by _Syntinen
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Easy, here's the pitch:


"Okay, so we're going to throw out GSF as it is. Totally. We're just gonna chuck everything but the art assets in the can. Next, we're going to go buy a now-abandoned piece of software called Moonbreakers. We're going to reskin that with the art assets and use Moonbreakers as the new GSF. Considering that's the game we tried to copy in the first place, I think this will bring everything full-circle and return SWTOR to top-tier MMO status. Then we're going to be adding server hosting so people can play GSF OUTSIDE SWTOR. That's right, if people only like the new GSF, fine, $10 to access all the GSF only you want. It keeps the games full for SWTOR players, it gives us another revenue stream, and then we can sell server hosting to guilds and let people have their own GSF pvp matches.


So. That's it in a nutshell. This update is about getting the players ENGAGED in the game. Giving them something they can play with their friends even if their friends hate MMOs. Giving them Starfighter combat worth a damn, and not this shoddy bungle that's live."



I think that's how I'd do it.

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Frequent map and game mode updates. Balance passes. PvE (including varying difficulty levels). More ship customization options. User-generated content?


GSF is not its own stand-alone game and I'm not sure it should be. My list would have to include much, MUCH, MUCH more integration with the rest of SWTOR, maybe to the point of being completely open like SWG's JtL.

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