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I think I know why there's no Pazaak


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After talking to a friend about how gambling rings were formed in another mmo using the minigames, I think I have a handle on why there's no Pazaak. There isn't much in the game as it stands that could be bet on or used to create gambling. Pazaak would be different. We've seen how difficult it can be to control what people do with what they're given, incidents of exploits and even outright cheating. While they could probably find a way to make Pazaak function in a relatively non risky way against the house, people would want to be able to play each other, given that this is an mmo, and that could be wildly problematic.
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After talking to a friend about how gambling rings were formed in another mmo using the minigames, I think I have a handle on why there's no Pazaak. There isn't much in the game as it stands that could be bet on or used to create gambling. Pazaak would be different. We've seen how difficult it can be to control what people do with what they're given, incidents of exploits and even outright cheating. While they could probably find a way to make Pazaak function in a relatively non risky way against the house, people would want to be able to play each other, given that this is an mmo, and that could be wildly problematic.


Or they are afraid of getting PG 18+ for having gambling (like they already don't have).

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Isn't still technically gambling on KOTOR as well? I always thought it would be a nice mini-game which you could right-click on another player similar to dueling, it would be useful while waiting for the group finder que when someone leaves mid FP.


I suppose a bit of gambling would be okay, if they had a cap of say, 10k? Isn't the Nar Shadaa Casino technically considered gambling? I know dudes who blew millions of credits just trying to get lucky with a Rancor mount.

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Or they are afraid of getting PG 18+ for having gambling (like they already don't have).


I admit I have no idea how the law sees this, but would it already constitute gambling in the legal sense if you can only bet ingame money? It would be IMO if credits could ONLY be obtained by converting real money.

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Because they can't make money off of it. They wouldn't be able to add CC to pazaak with out all sorts of legal/rating crap to deal with so it would have to be done with credits. At this point if it can't be tied into the CM it's highly unlikely to be seen as worth the time/money to develop.


It might be possible that it could be in an expansion like 3.0 (i doubt it will be but if it's coming that's when it it will come) since the expansion will be a paid expansion.

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I think it is for the same reason the Game Corner from the Pokemon games were remade/removed.


The stupid Moral Guardians of Society don't want gambling in kids games. *eyeroll* Because we all know how video games are for kids. Anyway, a **** load of parents and guardians will call/threaten legal action/actually sue/make a big **** storm over it in the media.


And BW would likely not want that plastered over them.


That being said, it would be nice to have Pazaak back.

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Good point. As long as the actual betting doesn't include CC's I think it would be fine.

I'd go one step further, don't even tie any kind of reward or achievement or whatever to winning a game. Just let it be an activity to pass time and not a way to earn credits....or add it as a conquest objective :) win 10 games in a row on an invaded planet and get 1000 points.

Edited by LeJarC
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I'd go one step further, don't even tie any kind of reward or achievement or whatever to winning a game. Just let it be an activity to pass time and not a way to earn credits....or add it as a conquest objective :) win 10 games in a row on an invaded planet and get 1000 points.


*le gasp* Did you just suggest something PVE'ers could farm for conquest points? We can't have that now! The other threads said so!



Edit: Intended to be funny.

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There's no pazaak because it isn't worth the cost/benefit of putting it into the game. They'd never be able to legally put any kind of gambling into the game with actual money. If it's just credits, it's not "gambling" under the law. You'd have to be able to win something of tangible value outside of the game to be gambling.
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This - SWTOR cannot have proper gambling for credits because this game is pushing its age rating as it is.


Yeah, i remember how Pazaak made Kotor 18+. Oh wait. Make Pazaak played against AI players only and there's no issue. They just don't want to take the time to code it, but considering how complicated Space, GSF, etc. are, Pazaak and swoop racing should be a breeze, and you have credit sinks like buying new cards too. Just have AI players at each cantina that get harder the higher level planet you go, higher payouts but higher losses. Keep away from pvp pazaak and you'll be fine. Since it's game credits, it is not gambling under US law, especially with AI.


And unlike with Kotor, we can't reload after a loss, so Pazaak will be much spendier in SWTOR than in kotor XD

Edited by Zyrious
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There's no pazaak because it isn't worth the cost/benefit of putting it into the game. They'd never be able to legally put any kind of gambling into the game with actual money. If it's just credits, it's not "gambling" under the law. You'd have to be able to win something of tangible value outside of the game to be gambling.

It's always worth it as long as you please your players and it doesn't cost a fortune to make :rak_01: Seriouesly, how expensive a minigame can be?

I would be satisfied with either PVE or PVP Pazaak. It's a better alternative than no Pazaak at all. Although making AI that work in that minigame could take them more time than creating Pazaak that is only focused on player vs player.

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I'd go one step further, don't even tie any kind of reward or achievement or whatever to winning a game. Just let it be an activity to pass time and not a way to earn credits....or add it as a conquest objective :) win 10 games in a row on an invaded planet and get 1000 points.


I can just imagine how much people would bit©h and moan how unfair that was if they did add it to conquest, there are already people out there tryinng to get conquest crafting removed/nerfed.


If it something that could potentially benefit others, but they don't want to expend any time/effort do it themselves, its OP/unfair/et cetera.


Lazy entitled whiners, why we can't have nice things.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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There's no pazaak because it isn't worth the cost/benefit of putting it into the game. They'd never be able to legally put any kind of gambling into the game with actual money. If it's just credits, it's not "gambling" under the law. You'd have to be able to win something of tangible value outside of the game to be gambling.


*cough* cartel packs *cough*


*cough* nar shadaa gambling event *cough*

Edited by Raansu
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to ppl about age ratings:


they are not an issue at all







Pazaak can be sold as a dlc for few dollars, like Makeb, with its own age rating.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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In theory they could add Cartel Coins as well, as they have no actual cash value. That's *kind of* why you can buy online "Cash Shop" currency rather than directly buying the items. That way, if you complain you didn't, say, get an item you wanted from a Pack, BioWare can legally say you got the Cartel Coins you ordered, and were never entailed to so and so item.


But anyway:


I do also want to see Pazaak, Dejarik, or Sabaac in the game. If that meant going by Republic Senate Rules (free games), so be it! It's a worthy sacrifice.

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In theory they could add Cartel Coins as well, as they have no actual cash value. That's *kind of* why you can buy online "Cash Shop" currency rather than directly buying the items. That way, if you complain you didn't, say, get an item you wanted from a Pack, BioWare can legally say you got the Cartel Coins you ordered, and were never entailed to so and so item.


But anyway:


I do also want to see Pazaak, Dejarik, or Sabaac in the game. If that meant going by Republic Senate Rules (free games), so be it! It's a worthy sacrifice.


I wouldn't be a fan of it, but CC packs really wouldn't be any different than card packs in say hearthstone. I'd rather pazaak have nothing to do with the CM though. Just let it be a damn mini card game just like how it was in kotor.

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And unlike with Kotor, we can't reload after a loss, so Pazaak will be much spendier in SWTOR than in kotor XD


Lol I always felt so dirty doing that but sometimes the AI would get luck that seemed to exceed the realm of possibility. Three natural 20s in a row for his hand is a little suspicious.

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Lol I always felt so dirty doing that but sometimes the AI would get luck that seemed to exceed the realm of possibility. Three natural 20s in a row for his hand is a little suspicious.

Don't think of it as "reloading" -- instead imagine you're meditating through the force to see a possible future.


:D :D


I'd make a terrible Jedi -- first thing I'd do is go to Vegas.

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