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Make ALL Mounts Adaptable


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It's doesn't bother me, which is why i said "So what?" Why do you want them to be adaptive? Just because? Well, OK, I guess.


because why not?


basically for the same reason I would love for some of the prototype armors to get a moddable version.


becasue they look great, and becasue I would love to use them, but despite claims to the contrary, I CAN feel the loss of speed, especially when playing with other people, and so I don't.


it doesn't harm the game in any way to do that. referral speeder creates more of an advantage then making variety of vendor speeders adaptive. all it does is give people more options.


its not like I can't live without it, I have plenty of other speeders to use (and that new Walkhar Auspice is pretty awesome looking). its just one of those things that wouldn't be pretty nice without requiring too much to implement.


I don't want all of them to be adaptive for one reason:


Right now, I use one that nobody else does cuz it's slow. If it gets made into a 110% then a lot more people will us it and it won't be special anymore which means I won't be special anymore. I have a very rare speeder that makes it even more rare cuz almost nobody uses it, and I like that.



I don't think I will ever be able to understand this sort of thinking. but then I don't understand how a bunch of pixels (or possessions in general) can make someone special :/ its just things. they don't change who you are as a person.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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See, the thing about that is, when you put that together, it's not broken like the Chevin one, which is intentionally slow because it's half dead.


Ah! You misunderstand what I said. I dug up the Hyrotii Scrapper (The same smoking, sparking, speeder pilot1 clunker from the Chevin event.) It was the special treasure. I didn't dig it up in pieces and take it to the GSI vendor. It was the exact speeder in all it's slow, pitiful glory.

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Ah! You misunderstand what I said. I dug up the Hyrotii Scrapper (The same smoking, sparking, speeder pilot1 clunker from the Chevin event.) It was the special treasure. I didn't dig it up in pieces and take it to the GSI vendor. It was the exact speeder in all it's slow, pitiful glory.


Well in that case, I was just wrong, sorry. Didn't know they added it as a special treasure. Now I'm sad :(

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