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How to make the Guild Ship feel Real.


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I played this game at launch full-time for about 7 or so months. Since then, I stop by for a quick Star Wars fix here and there. The game had a great launch but there were many disappointments for me at least. They've been well documented but that's not what this thread is about. I will say that every time I come back I see improvement and the game gets better and better.


This last patch has been great fun. The Guild ship and the Conquest competition have really brought out the best in the Guild. It's so active. The guild is passionate about the game and so am I.


With that said, I want to discuss the feel of the Guild Capital Ship. For those that were here before the game launched, you know of the countless threads wanting certain things in the game. Guild Capital Ships were one of the popular features. Well, we got them and.........well....it's cool and all but there is so much room for improvement. And maybe those improvements are on the way! For me, I want the Ship to feel more real!


One idea I have is allow Space flight around the ship. Have a hangar where players can go and depart into space and fly around their magnificent Guild Juggernaut. Basically a self-contained Starfighter Battleground for the guild. It wouldn't be Open Space, but it would help with the Real factor. Have whatever planet the guild is invading in the background. Allow Guildies to duel each other. Just being able to fly circles around the ship would make it feel more real and substantial. Maybe it opens the door for exterior design. It may be lead us closer to Guild Battleship duels!


Do you guys have any ideas on how to make the Guild Capital Ship feel more real?

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